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Personality adjectives

 Bad-tempered: a bad tempered person becomes angry and annoyed easily.

 Bossy (informal): fond of giving people orders.
 Cautious: careful to avoid potential problems or gangers.
 Considerate: careful not to harm or inconvenience the others.
 Cruel: willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.
 Eccentric: unconventional and slightly strange.
 Gullible: easily persuaded to believe something, credulous.
 Industrious: diligent and hard working.
 Insecure: uncertain or anxious about oneself, not confident.
 Judgemental: having or displaying an overly critical point of view. (too quick to criticize
 Outgoing: friendly and socially confident.
 Passionate: having or showing strong feelings or beliefs.
 Selfless: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own,
 Self-satisfied: excessively satisfied with oneself or one’s achievements.
 Shrewd: having or showing sharp powers of judgments.
 Spontaneous: acting in accordance with or resulting from a natural feeling.
 Stingy (informal): mean, ungenerous.
 Stubborn: a person who is determined to do what he/she wants and refuses to do
anything else.
 Sympathetic: someone who shows, by the way they say, that they understand and care
about someone else’s suffering.
 Untrustworthy: not able to be trusted.
 Vain: too interested in your appearance or achievements.

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