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Annotated reference

According to the author, nanotechnology can be used for a variety of purposes. One which falls into the
agricultural sector. The author examines both the posi�ve and nega�ve impacts of nanotechnology in
this sector, all the while shedding more light on the term “Nanotechnology”. On reading the ar�cle, the
author wastes no �me in explaining why and how the posi�ve impacts of nanotechnology in this field
outweighs the nega�ve impact. One might presume that nanotechnology would be wasted in the
agricultural sector as fer�lizers can be used as an alterna�ve to produce the same results we hope to get
with nanotechnology. But they could not be more wrong. The author goes on to explain that tradi�onal
fer�lizers contain hazardous materials which makes them carcinogenic and cytotoxic in nature. Using
these substances to grow crops would be harmful to both, we humans and the ecosystem. Luckily,
nanosensor devices like pla�num NPs have been developed for a cost effec�ve and easier method of
detec�ng these hazardous materials. Albeit, due to the huge poten�al in several sectors and its various
applica�ons in the medical field, cosme�c and food industries, unrestricted development and marke�ng
of nanotechnology have been sited in mul�ple countries across the globe. Consequently, this has led to
an enormous use of nanopar�cles (NPs). Nevertheless, extensive research on how the nega�ve effects
can be curbed is being done, as the posi�ve effects and huge poten�al of nanotechnology cannot be
overlooked [1].


[1] A. Kumar, K. Gupta, S. Dixit, K. Mishra and S. Srivastava, "A review on posi�ve and nega�ve impacts
of nanotechnology in agriculture," International journal of environmental science and technology
(Tehran), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 2175-2184, 2019.

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