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QUIJANO, Lovely Joy M.

Reflection on Making a Business Plan
Creating a business plan turned into a reflective adventure that illuminated the difficulties
of my entrepreneurial venture. Exploring into market analysis compelled me to understand the
industry landscape, figuring out opportunities and potential challenges. This process of self-
discovery laid the foundation for a strategic roadmap. Making the plan required a deep dive into
market research, forcing me to understand industry trends, customer needs, and potential
competitors. Clearly outlining the objectives helped crystallize the direction of the business,
fostering a sense of purpose. Defining clear objectives provided a sense of purpose and direction,
aligning each factor of the plan with the overarching goals. It underscored the importance of
setting measurable and achievable milestones, fostering a structured approach to business

There are some challenges that we encountered on doing the business plan. Like how we
communicate to other members of the group, no sleep due to cramming and how we will pass it
on time. Despite those challenges, the process of overcoming them provided valuable insights. It
underscored the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a realistic perspective in the
entrepreneurial journey. Each difficulty encountered in crafting the business plan became an
opportunity for growth and a lesson in the dynamic nature of business planning. As a dynamic
document, the business plan served not only as a blueprint for the future but also as a tool for
continuous evaluation and adaptation. Regularly revisiting and updating the plan have become a
habit, reinforcing the need for flexibility in response to changing market dynamics. In essence,
creating a business plan was not just about documentation, it was a reflective process that
deepened my knowledge of the business landscape, honed strategic thinking, and instilled a
proactive and adaptable mindset for the entrepreneurial journey ahead.

Parent Feedback
Great job on your business plan! Keep up the excellent work, their business plan is not
only a testament to their academic prowess but also a glimpse into their potential as a future
entrepreneur. Their hard work on creating this business plan truly shine through. Keep up the
outstanding work, and know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.



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