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God’s Work

If we do not become saints, it’s a wasted life. Please start calling Mary, ma or mama. That is
a good start to become a saint. Your mama is a sign of predestination, my friends. I want to
see you with me in heaven around our mama. Do not disappoint me, say it every day; Mama
I love you. She will say this to Jesus her son who used to call her mama and still does. Marietta
Goretti, Thérèse of Lisieux and many saints used to call Mary, mama. So we join them. They
decided to become saints.

If there is anything that touches the heart of God, is our capacity to love. To love, God and his
mother primarily. To love is divine! For God is love. To love the poor, your enemies, those
who hurt you, is an act of love which brings blessings upon you and peace in your heart. Love
for Jesus’s sake – like Thérèse of Lisieux. It is a preparation for heaven where there is only

For those who inflicted on me so much pain, help me God to love them, for by myself I will
not succeed because it hurts so much!

Helpers dear, for the reason that you are pro-life and love life the devil and his army hate you.
No wonder that you have enemies. However, forgive them and move on. You see the
innocent Maria Goretti forgave her killer.

By the grace of God I started an orphanage in Peru. Monsignor De Piro would be so happy that
one of his sons, following his example, was an instrument to start an orphanage for the
poorest of the poor in Peru. The devil came out against me to destroy me and the orphanage.
He almost succeeded if it weren’t for the grace of God. The orphanage in Peru went through
serious attempts of destruction. However, when something is the work of God it survives and
moves on.

Helpers your apostolate to save lives is certainly the work of God. Whatever you pass through,
you will survive. So do not be afraid of persecution for God will lead you to victory. Oh how I
love to be with you, pray with you and suffer with you. My consolation is to be with you in
eternity. Remember this when you do the work of God, in spite of serious persecution you
will succeed and last.

What about reading psalm 91? There are so many encouraging verses. Like verse 10; ‘no evil
will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.’ So consoling! Helpers I frequently
recite this verse because trouble is always around. Psalm 23, … The Lord is my shepherd … is
also refreshing.

How can Mary not love you! You are her daughter/son. In you she sees her son Jesus. Do not
doubt this.

So let us be grateful to God and Mary for all they give us. Be grateful and happy for the lives
you are saving with your prayers and on the streets, particularly near the abortion clinics.
You, friends and benefactors of the orphanage in Peru, be also grateful and happy for saving
their lives. For all of you who saved babies and children from death, and for all the children
you saved at the orphanage they will surround you in heaven and you will see their happy
faces and they will thank you. This is no doubt forever joy.

Orphanage news:
Please pray for Mary Luz Barreda the orphanage co-founder with me. When I acquired the
land for the orphanage, she brought in the first children on the 8th of December 1988. She
has recently undergone a serious of operations and has had health challenges.

Since she was a teenager, Mary Luz dedicated her life for the disabled children. She never
married but instead gave her life to save such children from being disposed of. She sold her
belongings including her jewellery for the orphanage. She suffered persecution and serious
attacks to support me and the children. Who says that there are no modern hero saints in our

jesus/1873617639331125/ - Come along with me with Jesus – God is so good!

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