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Write an account of the annual pilgrimage to Makka, the hajj, describing the main observances

made by the pilgrims. [10]

Crossing Ihram in State of Ihraam
Intention of Haj / Umrah
Reciting Talbiyah
Tawaf e Qudum
On the 8th of Dhul Hajj the pilgrims go to Mina in state of Ihraam. They reach there before midday.
They spend time here till sunrise of 9 th of Dhul Hajj. We just offer regular prayers and recite
maximum Talbiyah.
After offering the Fajr prayer on 9th, pilgrims leave for the plain of Arafat. Stay in Arafat is the most
important part of Hajj. If a person fails to be there, his Hajj will be void and he will offer the Hajj
again. The Holy Prophet said, “Hajj is halting at Arafat.” The time of this stay is from midday of 9th
till the day break of 10th Dhul Hajj. Pilgrims reach there before midday and offer Zuhr and Asr
prayers together in the time of Zuhr. Imam delivers khutbah of Hajj in the mosque of Namrah. Allah
reveals his countless blessings on this day in this plain. We should spend this time in reciting Talbiya,
Istighfar and prayers.
We leave the plain of Arafat after sunset without offering the Maghrib prayers. After leaving the
plain of Arafat, pilgrims move towards Muzdalifah. Stay in Muzdalifah is Wajib. The Holy Quran
says, “Then when you pour down from Arafat celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred
Monument.” [2:198] here we spend the whole night in the open sky. We first offer Maghrib and Isha
prayers together in the time of Isha and then we do other forms of worship.
We offer Fajr of 10th Dhul Hajj. Then we collect 49/70 pebbles for Rami of Jamarat. It refers to
throwing pebbles to the symbolic pillars of Satan. There are three pillars known as Jamarat. We
throw seven pebbles one after the other on the biggest pillar (Jamarat-ulKubra) only on the 10th and
seven pebbles to all of them starting from the smallest on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul Hajj.
Other pillars are Jamarat ul Wusta middle one and Jamarat ul Sughra. Rami is a Wajib ritual of Hajj
but on 13th it is optional. The Holy Quran says, “And remember Allah during the appointed Days. But
whosoever hastens to leave in two days, there is no sin on him and whosoever stays on, there is no
sin on him.” [2:203]
After Rami pilgrims do sacrifice. It is Wajib only on those pilgrims who do Qiran or Tamattu. It is
done to pay thanks to Allah who gave the opportunity to perform Hajj and Umra in the same
journey. It must be done in the boundaries of Haram. If a person is unable to sacrifice, he can keep
fasts for ten days, three before Hajj and seven after the Hajj. The Holy Quran says, “Then if you are in
safety and whosoever performs the Umrah in the months of Hajj, before the Hajj, he must slaughter
a Hady such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford it, he should observe fasts three days during the
Hajj and seven days after his return, making ten days in all.” [2:196].Our intentions must be pure in
sacrifice and in all forms of worship, “Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what
reaches Him is piety from you.” [22:37]
After sacrifice we cut the hair. There are two ways of cutting of Hair for men. They can shave their
hair which is known as Halaq. They can also get their hair cut short which is known as Qasr. Both are
mentioned in the following verse, “Certainly, you shall enter Al-Masjid-alHaram; if Allah wills, secure,
(some) having your heads shaved, and some having your head hair cut short, having no fear.”
[48:27]. The Holy Prophet did Halaq and prayed three times for those who did Halaq and fourth time
he prayed for those who did Qasr. Women cut only a lock of their hair. By cutting hair a person
comes out of the restriction of Ihram. Shaving or cutting of Hair is Wajib, and in the case of omission
this Wajib one has to give the dum.
Tawaf e Ziyarat is an obligatory part of Hajj. Without this tawaf Hajj is incomplete it can be done
from the daybreak of 10th Dhul Hajj till the sunset of 12th Dhul Hajj. Sayi is done after tawaf e
ziyarat if it was not done after Tawaf-e-Qudoom. Tawaf e Wada is wajib. It is done before the
departure from Makkah, so it has no fixed date or time.

What acts do pilgrims perform on the 10th of Dhul Hijja and how does the rest of Muslim
community celebrate this day? [10]
Only acts of 10th of Dhul Hijjah will be mentioned + How Muslim celeberate Eed Ul Adha (Details in
Eed Prayer lesson)

In what way are the prophet Ibrahim and his family important the annual pilgrimage? [4]
First of all it was he who settled his son Ismail in Makkah. He left his wife Hajra and his infant son
Ismail in a deserted place when Ismail wept for thirst, Hazrat Hajra ran between Safa and Marwa in
the search of water. In the remembrance of this event we also run and do Sayi. Hazrat Ismail rubbed
his heels on the ground and Zamzam gushed out there. Pilgrims are encouraged to drink it in large
quantity as it has in it physical and spiritual benefits. When Ismail grew older Allah commanded
Ibrahim in dream to slaughter Ismail. In the remembrance of this sacrifice we also perform sacrifice
in hajj. When Hazrat Ibrahim was going to slaughter his son Satan tried to misguide him but he
rejected him thrice. We do Rami in Mina on exactly on these three places where now the three
symbolic pillars are erected. Hazrat Ibrahim rebuilt Kaba with Hazrat Ismail. The Holy Quran says,
“And remember when Ibrahim and his Ismael were raising the foundations of the House, saying,
‘Our Lord! Accept this service from us. Verily! You are the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.”[2:127] Hazrat
Ibrahim stood on stone during the building of Ka’ba. It increased and decreased its height according
to the need of Ibrahim. Muslims offer two rakaats near the station of Ibrahim after Tawaf. The Holy
Quran says, “And take you the Maqam of Ibrahim as a place of prayer.”

How does the Hajj develop the sense of equality among Muslims? [4]
Hajj is obligatory on every Muslim who can afford the journey regardless of his positions. Like even a
king or a president is not spared from this obligation. During Hajj everyone has to wear Ihram, the
two white sheets. It also develops the sense of equality among Muslims. All Muslims pray together
behind one Imam which reminds them that they all belong to the same faith and that faith teaches
them equality of mankind in the eyes of Allah. All Muslims stand together in Salat without even
knowing each other, regardless of their worldly positions and possessions. They perform all rituals
like tawaf and sayi together. There is no any special treatment for anyone.

What in your opinion are Muslim reminding themselves of when they celebrate Eidul-Adha? [4]
The animal sacrifice performed on Eid-ul-Adha is a symbolic gesture. By performing it Muslims are
reminding themselves of the great sacrifice that Ibrahim was prepared to make for the Almighty
when he was ready to sacrifice his son for God’s sake. They remind themselves that nothing is of
greater importance than obeying the command of God. It teaches us that if we really want to get
closer to Allah and to be successful in the next world we need to be submissive like Hazrat Ibrahim.
By distributing the meat of the sacrificed animal Muslims again remind themselves that charity and
care are integral components of Islam and need to be practiced in everyday life.

What beliefs and practices are involved in: [10]

i. Stoning the Jamarat
ii. Performing Sa’yi
iii. Assembling the Arafat.
It really means to throw. It refers to throwing pebbles to the symbolic pillars of Satan. It is done in
remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim, who rejected Satan when he was going to slaughter his son. Satan
tried to misguide him but he rejected him thrice. We do Rami in Mina on exactly on these three
places where now the three symbolic pillars are erected. There are three pillars known as Jamarat.
We throw seven pebbles one after the other on the biggest pillar (Jamarat-ul-Kubra) only on the
10th and seven pebbles to all of them starting from the smallest on the 11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul
Hajj. Other pillars are Jamarat ul Wusta middle one and Jamarat ul Sughra. Rami is a Wajib ritual of
Hajj but on 13th it is optional. The Holy Quran says, “And remember Allah during the appointed
Days. But whosoever hastens to leave in two days, there is no sin on him and whosoever stays on,
there is no sin on him.” [2:203]
After performing Tawaf pilgrims perform Sayi, Sayi literally means running. In the chapter of Hajj sayi
refers to running between the two hill, Safa and Marwa. It is wajib as the Holy Quran says, “Behold!
Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the season or at
other times should compass them round, it is no sin in them.” [2:158] it is done in the remembrance
of Hazrat Hajra who ran between the hills in the search of water. First we come to mount Safa and
do the intention of Sayi. Then we start walking towards Marwa. On the way there are two green
lights. We have to run between them. At Marwa, one round is complete. In this manner we have to
complete seven rounds.
Stay at Arafat:
After offering the Fajr prayer on 9th, pilgrims leave for the plain of Arafat. Stay in Arafat is the most
important part of Hajj. If a person fails to be there, his Hajj will be void and he will offer the Hajj
again. The Holy Prophet said, “Hajj is halting at Arafat.” The time of this stay is from midday of 9th
till the day break of 10th Dhul Hajj. Pilgrims reach there before midday and offer Zuhr and Asr
prayers together in the time of Zuhr. Imam delivers khutba of Hajj in the mosque of Namrah. Allah
reveals his countless blessings on this day in this plain. The Holy Prophet said, “When the day of
Arafah comes Allah descends to the lowest heavens, and praise them to the angels, saying, Look at
my servants who have come to me dishevelled, dirty and crying from every deep valley, I call you to
witness that I have forgiven them. We should spend this time in reciting Talbiya, Istighfar and
prayers. We leave the plain of Arafat after sunset without offering the Maghrib prayers.

Explain the main difference between Hajj and umrah. [4]

Hajj is obligatory on those who can afford it but Umrah is Sunnah even if a person is wealthy. Hajj is
performed in prescribed dates (8th-13th Dhulhaj) and Umra can be done any time in the year except
for the days of hajj. In Hajj there is stay in Monuments of Arafat and Muzdalifa but not in Umra. In
Hajj, sacrifice is wajib but no sacrifice in Umra. In Hajj we do Rami but it is not done in Umra. Hajj is
done in a number of days but Umra is done within a few hours. The reward of Hajj is much more
than Umra as there is more effort in Hajj.

‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey’ (Al
Imran 3:97) i. For who is the annual hajj compulsory, and which Muslims are exempt from it? ii.
What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram? [10]
Hajj is obligatory on a person who fulfils the following conditions: Muslim, Adult, Sane, Healthy
enough for performing Hajj, Wealthy enough to bear the expenses of the journey, Availability of a
peaceful journey, Availability of Mehram in the case of a woman. If a person fulfils all this conditions
then Hajj will be obligatory.
Some people are exempted from this obligation. Non-Muslims, Children, Insane, Who are not
healthy enough to perform Hajj, Who are not wealthy enough to bear the expenses of Hajj, If the
route for Hajj is not safe or there are some restrictions from governments to travel there, If a
woman doesn’t find any Mehram relative to join her in the journey.
(ii) Ihram is an obligatory part of Hajj and Umrah. Ihram refers to the restrictions observed by a
pilgrim during the process of pilgrimage. It is obligatory for men to wear unstitched clothes. So they
wear two unsown sheets preferably white. They can’t cover their heads or wear the closed shoes.
Women can’t touch any piece of cloth with faces constantly. They can’t use perfumes or perfumed
items even. They can’t cut their hairs or nails. In case of violation of these restrictions they have to
pay Dum i.e. sacrifice a goat in the premises of Haram.
During Ihram they must avoid quarrelling and foul language. They constantly recite Talbiyah i.e.
Labbayk. Ihram creates equality among the Muslims as everyone whether he is rich or poor, wears
two simple sheets of clothes. It also gives us the lesson of simplicity. In the state of Ihram we
express that we have forgotten even our own selves in the love of Allah.

Some Muslims are exempt from performing the annual pilgrimage (hajj). Why do you think this is
so? [4]
Non-Muslims are exempted as Hajj is a pillar of Islam so obviously a Muslim is supposed to perform
Hajj. Children are not mature enough to carry out the religious obligations, so they are not
supposed to perform Hajj. If they have done Hajj in their childhood, they need to perform it again
after attaining puberty. Insane people are exempted from performing religious obligations due to
their disability. If a person is not healthy then it will be too difficult for him to perform Hajj as it is the
most demanding pillar of Islam in which we have to walk a lot and perform rituals in extremely
crowded areas. A sick person can’t manage it. If a person is poor so obviously it is impossible for him
to perform hajj as a handsome amount of money is required for it which a poor can’t afford. The
Holy Quran says, “Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope.” [2:286]

How do Muslim individuals and the Muslim community benefit from the annual pilgrimage? [10]
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is the only pillar which involves all types of hardships. We
have to give the sacrifice of time, money and energy. That is why it is made obligatory only once in
the lifetime. It is obligatory on every Muslim, adult, sane and who have sufficient money to pay for
their return journey to Makkah. The Holy Quran says, “Pilgrimage there to be a duty man owe to
Allah, those who can afford the journey.”[3:97]
The Holy Prophet laid stress on its importance. He said, “He, who is not prevented from performing
the pilgrimage by an obvious necessity, a tyrannical ruler, or a disease which confines him at home,
and dies without having performed the pilgrimage, may die if he wishes a Jew or Christian.” He also
said, “One who performs Hajj for the sake of Allah and therein abstains from obscene act and words,
wickedness and sin, he returns so purified from sins as he was at the time when his mother gave him
birth.” About rewards the Holy Prophet said, “From one Umrah to another is an expiation for the
sins that came in between them, and Hajj Mabrur (an accepted Hajj) brings no less a reward than
It is good for our physical health as we have to walk a lot during the process of Hajj. It makes us
punctual in our religious duties as we spend usually forty days practicing all religious duties. It also
makes us patient as during Ihram we have to remain away from quarrelling and abusive language. A
person learns a lot about the Islamic world as he interacts with the Muslims of every corner of the
world. It teaches us to be organized and disciplined as all rituals are performed in prescribed time.

A person feels closeness to Allah as he witnesses His House and other historical places of Islam. We
suffer hardships of journey for the pleasure of Allah which strengthens our relations with Allah.
During Ihram we constantly recite Talbiyah, which is an expression of love and devotion. By going
around the Holy Ka’ba we express that is the center of our beliefs and all actions of life. It is also an
expression of love towards Allah. We move from one place to other just to follow Allah’s commands
to negate our intellect in front of Him.
By throwing pebbles towards Satan we express hatred towards Satan and promise to obey Allah
like Ibrahim. Sacrifice in also an expression of complete devotion and submission to God. “Verily, my
Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the God” [6:162]
Hajj is a sign of Muslims unity as it the largest gathering of mankind in one place. Muslims assemble
around Ka’ba forgetting all of their divisions and sects. It teaches them brotherhood as they respect
and help other pilgrims though they do not know them. They got an opportunity to discuss the
problems of Islamic world and find out the solutions. They share their experiences and give good
advice to others. People from all occupation come for the pilgrimage where they can discuss their
economic problems.

How does the Talbiyah sum up the relationship between the pilgrim and God? 4marks
During Ihram we constantly recite Talbiyah as it is a sign of submission and devotion. In Talbiyah first
we confirm our faith in Tawhid by declaring that there is no god but Allah. This is first requirement
for a start of true relationship with Allah. Shirk is poison for our relationship with Allah so we negate
it in Talbiyah. By saying ‘Labbayk’ repeatedly we show that we are always there to obey Allah and to
serve Him to earn in pleasure and nothing is more important than Him for us. In Talbiyah we also
thank Allah for His countless bounties for us. We also adhere that Allah is the supreme authority,
and no one can challenge Him. We feel very close to God when we go to Ka’ba reciting Talbiyah in
Ihram. We must know the meaning of Talbiyah for this spiritual experience.

Explain how the outward action performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner spirituality. [4]
The different observances of Umrah helps a pilgrim to develop their inner spirituality in a number of
ways. It could be said that upon donning the Ihram a pilgrim is reminded of the equality of all men
before God and this makes him/her feel humbled. The recitation of Talbiyah focuses the mind of
pilgrims on the fact that they have come in response to the call of their creator, That they are
obedient to him and acknowledge that no one is worthy of worship besides God. With the tawaf,
each pilgrim is glorifying God, praising him, seeking forgiveness and acknowledging his greatness and
superiority. Just to look upon the Ka’ba is a spiritual experience of immense magnitude for every
Muslim. The two rakah at the station of Ibrahim reminds him Ibrahim’s life and encourage to be
obedient of Allah like him. The say’i reminds him the sacrifice of Hajra for the pleasure of Allah and
gives him spiritual boost. The shaving/cutting of hair at the end of the umrah improve the inner
spirituality of pilgrim.

Write about the rituals that take place on the first three days of the annual pilgrimage (hajj). 10
Actions performed on 8th, 9th and 10th of Dhul Hijjah will be discussed only

What acts do pilgrims (hajjis) perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja and how does the rest of the
Muslim community (umma) celebrate this day? [10]
The focus of this answer has to be events that take place on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja for pilgrims
(hajjis) performing hajj and the rest of the Muslim community celebrating Eid al- Adha. Candidates
could say that the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja is known as Yawm-al-Nahr (The Day of Sacrifice), as it is on
this day that Muslims all over the world offer an animal sacrifice to remember the great sacrifice
Ibrahim was willing to make for the almighty and celebrate the festival of Eid al-Adha.
Some candidates could go on to give details about how Muslims not on hajj start their day with Eid
prayers and then go on to describe how the day is spent in making the sacrifice, distributing the
meat and could give proportions that it is distributed in between the needy and the poor and family
and friends etc.
Details of how the day is spent in meeting family and friends and hosting parties etc. could also be
given. This day also marks the completion of hajj. Those on pilgrimage will on this day firstly perform
rammi. Having spent the previous night in Muzdalifa they reach Mina on the 10th and go to Jamara
tul Aqaba and throw seven pebbles at it. The throwing of the stones is symbolic and is done to show
rejection of the devil and obedience to God.
Here the candidates can write about how Ibrahim stoned the devil three times when he tried to
misguide him and remained steadfast in his decision. Immediately after rammi the talbiya is
stopped. The pilgrims then offer sacrifice and then go on to shaving/cutting their hair after which
they can come out of ihram.The pilgrims then go on to Makka to perform Tawaf al-Ifada (Tawaf
Ziara). After the tawaf they perform two rakkah at the station of Ibrahim, and then run between Safa
and Marwa hills. Tawaf Ifada is an indispensible part of hajj and though it is best to perform it on
10th Dhu al-Hijja it is permissible to perform it later during the next three days.

‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey.’ (Al
‘Imran 3:97) (i) For who is the annual pilgrimage (hajj) compulsory and which Muslims are exempt
from it? (ii) What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram? [10]
Candidates could well begin their answer by saying that the pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime is
the religious duty of every Muslim. It is obligatory on every adult, sane, free Muslim who can afford
to bear the expenses of this journey.
Candidates could develop their answer by saying that hajj is compulsory for all those Muslims who
can meet the travel expenses and their expenses whilst at hajj and also have enough funds to leave
behind for their dependents and household till the pilgrims return. One also needs to be physically
fit to undertake this journey; danger to life owing to war in certain areas in or around the Holy land
or in one’s own country may free a person from the obligation of performing hajj. Also a woman is
not allowed to proceed to pilgrimage without a mahram male and if she can’t find a mahram it is not
obligatory for her to perform pilgrimage.
For the second part candidates need to say what things are forbidden in ihram and these could
include amongst others: • To shave, trim hair or nails • To use abusive or foul language • To indulge
in marital relations • To hunt or kill an animal; however, harmful or dangerous animals can be killed
• To wear sewn clothes, but women are exempted from this • To use perfumes or oils • To cover the
face • To cut a plant or tree.

Cambridge Questions on Hajj / Umrah

2022 May/Jun 22
(a) Give an account of the significance of the following:
• Day of ‘Arafah
• Eid-ul Adha. [10]
(b)The Prophet (pbuh) performed pilgrimage (hajj) only once in his lifetime. What do you think
this tells Muslims today? [4]
2016 May/Jun 22
(a) ‘And complete the hajj or umra in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What observances
does a pilgrim complete in the performance of umra and how is umra different to hajj? [10]
(b) Explain how the outward actions performed during umra improve a pilgrim’s inner
spirituality. [4]
2015 May/Jun 21
(a) What acts do pilgrims (hajjis) perform on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijja and how does the rest of
the Muslim community (umma) celebrate this day? [10]
(b) What in your opinion are Muslims reminding themselves of when they celebrate Eid al-
Adha? [4]
2014 May/June 22
(a) How do Muslim individuals and the Muslim community benefit from the annual pilgrimage
(hajj )? [10]
(b) How does the talbiya sum up the relationship between the pilgrim (hajji ) and God? [4]

2013 May/June 42
(a) Outline the main observances of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj ). [10]
(b) How does Hajj encourage a sense of equality amongst Muslims? [4]
2020 Oct/Nov 21
(a) Write about the rituals that take place on the first three days of the annual pilgrimage (hajj). [10]
(b) In your opinion should hajj be performed as many times as possible in a Muslim’s life? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
2019 Oct/Nov 21
Describe any three of the following elements of pilgrimage (hajj):
(a) • ihram (garment worn)
(b) • sa’i (running between the hills of Safa and Marwa)
(c) • rami (stoning the Jamarat), and
(d) • qurbani (sacrifice). [10]
(b) Why do you think pilgrims strive so hard to touch the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad)? [4]
2018 Oct/Nov 22
(a) Write a detailed account of the following: • ihram; • tawaf; and • sa’i [10] (b) What is the
significance of the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad ) to Muslims? [4]
2017 Oct/Nov 21
(a) Outline the various kinds of circumambulations (tawaf) around the Ka’ba required during the
annual pilgrimage (hajj) and describe the conditions of performing them. [10]
(b) Why in your opinion is it desirable that the pilgrims should visit Madina after the performance of
hajj or umra? [4]
2014 Oct/Nov 22
(a) ‘Pilgrimage to the House is a duty people owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey.’
(Al ‘Imran 3:97)
(i) For who is the annual pilgrimage (hajj ) compulsory, and which Muslims are exempt
from it?
(ii) What things are forbidden to pilgrims while in the state of ihram? [10]
(b) Some Muslims are exempt from performing the annual pilgrimage (hajj). Why do you think
this is so? [4]

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