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Rene` Level & Company

1 Cumberland Drive
St. Catherine

Mary State
Apartment 20B
Jupiter Lagoon
Jamaica, W.I.

Dear Ms. State,

Re: Breach of Clause 23 (1) of Lease Agreement for Apartment 20B, Jupiter Lagoon

I act on behalf of Mr. Jay Bale in light of the abovementioned matter.

I am advised by my client that you are the lessee of the abovementioned apartment pursuant to
the Lease agreement entered into between you and my client in 2021. Please note that once you
signed, you are bound by the terms and conditions of the lease and you must adhere to your
obligations under same. You are also reminded that under Clause 23(1) of the Lease Agreement,
you are obliged to provide my client or his authorized agents access to inspect the premises once
you are given proper notice. Failure to provide my client with such access constitutes a breach of
Clause 23 (1) of the Lease.

My instructions from Mr. Bale are that on multiple occasions he attempted to inspect the
premises, and on all occasions you failed to grant him access to the property despite being
notified by him weeks in advance of his intention to visit the premises with workmen. My client
further advised that no explanation has been given by you for your failure to grant him and his
workmen access to the premises nor has there been any alternative dates offered.

In light of the above, if you do not take necessary steps to rectify the breach by Saturday,
November 26, 2023, my client will invoke his right under clause 25 to terminate your tenancy by
serving you an Eviction Notice.

I trust that you will grant my client access to the premises upon his next arrival and that this
matter can come to an amicable conclusion.

With regards
R. Level
Dr. Rene` Level - Attorney - At- Law

Cc: Jay Bale


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