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Royal Rife
and the

Invention, innovation, and the simillimum

by Jerome Whitney

For 85 years the road carved out by inno-

vative pioneers such as Royal Rife and
Jacques Benveniste has been blocked by
multinational interests benefiting from the
Jerome became involved in homeopathy
as a student of Dr Thomas Maughan.
profits derived from chemical and drug-
He remains continuously active in the based medical treatments. Rife’s approach
promotion and education of homeopathy.
His teaching and writings focus on the to electromagnetic detection and treatment
healing principles from which it has
evolved, their expression in the present, of disease as well as the implications of
and ways to bring scientific and practice
advances into being for the future. He is
Benveniste’s application of the memory
also on the editorial team of Homeopathy of water to serial dilution of medicines
in Practice where many of his articles
have been published. have been repeatedly mocked and trivi-
As well as being an on-going participant
in meditative provings, Jerome is also alised by the ‘scientific’ community. This,
currently creating and leading a home
schooling course titled ‘Explorations in
despite tangible results produced by both
conceptual thinking’. His enjoyment for
hiking and biking continues when the
during their tireless research extending
sun shines. over many years.

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© Adrea |

Rife’s became the road not travelled

Now, however, there is hope: Luc Meanwhile let us step back and
Montagnier, Nobel prize winning explore the contributions of Royal
scientist and co-discoverer of the Rife, as well as the opposition that
Aids virus, has taken forward re-
search on the memory of water. In
so doing he has not only validated
Those who rejected closed the road he had opened.
Had Royal Raymond Rife (1888
– 1971) limited himself to the
the Benveniste findings but is also
travelling on a route regarding the Rife’s observations had invention of the most powerful
optical microscope ever construct-
electromagnetic properties of blood ed, he would have gone down in
plasma similar to Rife’s electro-
magnetic discoveries. In so doing microscopes of only history as:
• A genius in the manipulation
the road not travelled is once again of optics
being thrust open by a determined
pioneer who is fully aware of
2500 power magnification • The inventor-designer of an
optical-based microscope of
the worldwide opposition from 60,000 magnifications, a micro
the ‘church’ of modern science
and vested interests that are now
and thus were unable dissector, and a micro manipu-
attempting to trivialise him. To • The first to observe living can-
learn more of the contemporary
work of Montagnier please refer to
to see what Rife had cerous bacteria under a micro-
the Summer / Autumn 2014 issue of
Homeopathy in Practice, pp 16-27. witnessed • The proponent of cancerous
cells as having ‘pleomorphic’

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properties i.e. the ability to peer-reviewed journals from

change shape or form publishing any mention of the
• The discovery that under Rife accomplishments.
ultra high magnification living
disease cells are observed to
• Even a number of the doctors
who appeared in photographs
radiate a unique colour; this with Rife denied knowing him.
phenomenon occurs when sub-
jected to refracted light, with-
• There is no mention of the Rife
microscope in any history of

out them having been stained. the evolution of optical micro-
Royal Raymond
It results in an emission of radi- scopes.
ation unique to those particular An extended discussion of the
cells of a specific frequency deliberate dismantling of Rife’s
of the electromagnetic spec- reputation and the near success in
trum. (Listen to Rife in his turning him into a non-person may
own words in the last quarter be readily found elsewhere on the
of the following youtube page: web or read in the time line sum- mary on: http://educateyourself.
?v=AysfKyl8O9k&list=PL95CF org/cn/rifetimelinemay1998.shtml. fantasy by the mainstream. How-
2B080271A994&index=2) ever, with the evolution of electron-
• NB: this phenomenon could not
be observed with the electron
ic scanning systems it has become
accepted as conventional wisdom
microscope that came into use since 1950, yet no credit is given
in 1939, as its samples were to Rife.
held in a vacuum and bombard- Upon removal of living diseased
ed with electrons killing the cells from laboratory animals Rife,
specimen sample. using ultra high magnification,
However, he did not stop there but observed that these microorganisms
went on to: evolved and mutated during the
• Utilise pulsed radiation modu-
lated by radio frequencies,
progress of an illness. Rife was able
to watch, in real time, viruses as
rather than chemicals, to target
and bombard disease cells to
a level of energy that overstim-
Homeopaths over the they altered form, accommodating
to surrounding biochemical changes
and replicating rapidly in response

ulated them to annihilation.
The above was accomplished past 200 years have to carcinogens, transforming normal
cells into tumour cells. Needing a
by matching the natural output descriptive name for this previously
frequency of the cell with an
overpowering high voltage observed the same undiscovered phenomenon, he creat-
ed the label: ‘pleomorphism’. Those
pulse of the same frequency. who rejected his observations had
• This resulted in a targeted
approach that did not affect
response microscopes of only 2500 power
magnification and thus were unable
surrounding healthy cells. to see what Rife had witnessed.
• By 1932 Rife had destroyed
the typhus bacteria, poliovirus, Coordinated resonance: Applying
herpes virus, cancer virus and the simillimum
other viruses in cultures and Rife also observed that each type
experimental animals. and stage of diseased cells emitted
• In 1934, in conjunction with
a prestigious group of national-
its own characteristic colour; that
is, specific electromagnetic frequen-
ly famous doctors, 16 terminal- cy unique to those observed cells.
ly ill people were treated. 14 He coined the term ‘coordinated
experienced remission in three resonance’ for his method of tar-
months and the remaining The congruency of aspects of geting destruction of cells with
two in six months. Rife’s research with homeopathy intense pulses of the identical
Yet by 1938: Rather than dwell on the sustained frequency pattern.
• A lab supporting Rife’s research
was burnt to the ground.
and concerted effort by the AMA
to destroy Rife, it is far more fruit-
In homeopathy ‘pleomorphism’
and ‘coordinated resonance’ are
• The American Medical Associa-
tion (AMA) brings Rife to trial.
ful to explore his findings and
their congruency with homeopathic
acknowledged by the fact that dif-
ferent remedies are required as an
• Doctors who continue to use
the Rife frequency generating
principles, practice and experience: illness or disease proceeds through
the changing symptom phases of
instruments and technique lose Pleomorphism: Evolution of its cycle.
their licences to practise. disease microorganisms
Subsequently over the years: During 1932, Rife proposed that Toxic reaction: The homeopathic
Rife equipment was impounded the cancerous cells he was observ- aggravation
and destroyed. ing exhibited ‘pleomorphism’. This Despite only stimulating diseased
• The AMA actively prevented observation was later repudiated as laboratory animals or human

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patients with a one-millisecond and frequency rate charts are cur-

simillimum frequency pulse, exces- rently being sold and utilised in
sive aggravation became an issue naturopathic clinical practice as an
for Rife. To prevent the overload- adjunct to flower remedy therapy,
ing of the body with the dead acupuncture, homeopathy and
debris from tumour and pathogens, other complementary therapies.
he found that by spacing the timing These are akin to providing the
to one pulse every three days, the equivalent of ‘homeopathic simi-
body was more readily able to lars’ of varying degrees rather than
process and excrete the toxic load the precise ‘simillimum’ treatments.

without serious aggravation. This means there is a wide range of

Homeopaths over the past response to treatment with them.
200 years have observed the same At the same time, it should be kept
response when the body engages in mind that many rigorous indi-
in toxic discharge. This means that investigation, Rife carried out tens Rife’s universal viduals are attempting to precisely
potency and frequency of medica- of thousands of experimental pro- microscope replicate the instrumentation and
tion are an important consideration cedures. Finding the colour emitted effects achieved by Rife.
when prescribing. by the pathogen provided him with Thus one may divide those with
only an approximate correspon- medical interest in the legacy of
Allopathic homeopathy: The simil- ding frequency with which to zap Rife into two main groups – those
limum for the pathogen! it, for there are an infinite number few who truly wish to replicate his
Despite Rife’s validating several of gradations along the electromag- achievements and those that choose
homeopathic principles and find- netic spectrum, depending on the to utilise pulsed electro-magnetic
ings, he also remains the ultimate sensitivity of the instrumentation. stimulation as complementary to
allopath in that he focused on the To deal with this, he observed the other forms of treatment. The chal-
outer manifestation of disease, effect of a trial zap of that frequen- lenge for those who are attempting
namely pathogens. However, his cy on the specimen and noted the
approach would have guided response. Then, by tedious trial
medicine in a direction away from and error, raising and lowering the
chemicals toward energy. Had his frequency by infinitesimal incre-
non-suppressive electromagnetic ments from that reference point
methodology become mainstream, and observing each response, he
allopathy would, today, be many located the simillimum frequency
steps closer to recognising that that produced the most rapid reso-
treatment of illness needs to be nant destructive result.
approached with regard to inner
cause rather than mere removal of The challenge to reproduce Rife
its bugs and external symptoms.
How many billions of pounds and
quality results today
Today, many would like to utilise the Rife’s approach would
dollars would Rife’s frequency- frequencies established by Rife dur-
based treatment have saved through-
out the world over the past 80 years?
ing the 1930s. However, as patho-
gens evolve and mutate, their DNA
have guided medicine
However, most importantly, how electro-magnetic frequency emission
much suffering from radiation,
chemotherapy, and drug poison-
evolves as well. New frequencies
need to be established, but a frequen-
in a direction away
ing would have been prevented cy instrument of Rife’s original simil-
or minimised?
In order to find the precise simil-
limum transmission quality has yet
to come into production.
from chemicals toward
limum required to target and anni-
hilate the various pathogens under
Instead, in the USA and else-
where, pulsed frequency devices energy
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to consistently replicate Rife’s high power optical prismatic

achievement is to reproduce the
complex base frequency emission
microscope remains intact. There
are even some voice recordings
Had the principles of
from an electrified helium plasma
tube while, at the same time, mod-
ulating (that is, manipulating) the
of Rife along with notes, records,
photographs and newspaper
Rife’s contributions been
resulting emission by several inter-
active radio frequency patterns.
You can draw an analogy to this
However, in the annals of scien-
tific journals and other academic
records, there is no mention of Rife
integrated into Western
interactive ‘electronic soup’ with
the mixing of paint. Suppose you
or his many masterful accomplish-
ments. If one focuses away from medicine, the medical
wish to mix your own paint. One the sordid sad story of Rife’s treat-
begins with a base colour and then
modifies it by adding small quanti-
ment and life after 1938 in the way
he was treated by the AMA, the history of the last half
ties of other tints to achieve the medical fraternity and the govern-
desired resultant colour. Now, sup-
pose you keep no record of the
ment, there is an unacknowledged
elephant in the room. That elephant
of the 20th century
quantity of base colour or even a is the aversion of the medical-
note of the quantity of all the tints
that have been added. This circum-
scientific drug industry to even sniff
a suggestive whiff or hint of homeo-
would read very
stance will place you in the posi- pathic type practice, even if the ‘H’
tion of the technical wizards who
are genuinely attempting to create
word is never even articulated.
Over the years there has been
frequencies that will match the serious investigation of the emis-
same quality and consistent results sion of light frequencies from cells
achieved by Rife. To merely repro- and DNA. A summary and history
duce a frequency with a simple of this ongoing effort can be found
frequency generator is not ade- in: Biophotons – The Light in Our
quate. Although not visible to the Cells by Marco Bischof, published
eye, electromagnetic signals have in 1995 and available only in of light and frequencies on the
‘shape’ and it is essential to pro- German, though now in its 9th electromagnetic spectrum as an
duce a signal shape that will, under edition. A summary of its contents ongoing property of living cells,
intense pressure (that is, voltage), appears on the website listed in the mainstream science prefers to
shatter the pathogen. Rife likened references below. Despite evidence adhere to a chemical explanation.
the process to that of an opera to demonstrate the quantum-like In this model, the bioluminescence
singer shattering a crystal goblet coordinated and coherent emission of cells is explained away merely
with a resonant high note. as the random product of energy
The question has been raised: releases by excitation occurring in
Why are we not all free of disease, the chemical function of cells.
as the environment around us is Even today the medical industry
filled with sound, radio waves, tel- remains embedded in the chemical
evision frequencies, WiFi, micro orientation of the 19th century. It
waves, radar frequencies, mobile has yet to seriously take on board
phone frequencies and so on? the quantum-based physics of the
The response has been that unless 20th century. Biophotonic and bio-
the unique electromagnetic shape magnetic medical treatment would
is produced, healing from such significantly affect and reduce the
cures will only be a random effect. worldwide sales by drug cartels.
This is similar to the proposition
humorously made by homeopaths
and non-homeopaths alike: Why
In the annals of There are far more profits to be
made from patenting and prescrib-
ing drugs, many of which are toxic
not make a universal remedy by
mixing all the remedies listed in scientific journals and iatrogenic. As such the inno-
vation by an ardent researcher-
the materia medica together and innovator of disease treatment with
prescribing it any time someone
falls ill? After all, one of them and other academic an instrument that, when assem-
bled and made operative, would
should be the simillimum? treat hundreds if not thousands

The legacy of Royal Raymond Rife

records, there is no of patients without replacement is
a non-starter. If that device also
Fortunately, not quite all of the demonstrates homeopathic princi-
records, data and instrumentation
of the Rife era were confiscated,
mention of Rife or ples in operation, even on an allo-
pathic basis, the threat is sensed as
destroyed, stolen or incinerated. keenly as if it were blood at two
Much of the now saved materials
were carefully preserved by one of
his many masterful miles distance by a killer shark.
The shark does not think or artic-
Rife’s assistants of the latter years
of his life. As a result, one ultra accomplishments ulate about what it has sensed;
rather, it devours it.

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© Paulbanton72 |

The medical industry remains differently. Instead, they became

The medical
industry is like the road not travelled!
a shark

embedded in the chemical REFERENCES

Kimball-Brooke H (2014)
‘Rediscovering the memory of

orientation of the 19th century water’ Homeopathy In Practice

Summer/Autumn 2014
Lynes B (1987) The Cancer Cure That
Worked: 50 Years of Suppression.
Biomedical Publishing Group
You can draw another analogy pattern to the experiences of AysfKyl8O9k&list=PL95CF2B080
for this unarticulated group action Nicholas Tesla, Royal Rife, 271A994&index=2
by the medical industry. When a Wilhelm Reich, Jacques Benveniste,
substitute teacher is assigned to and now Luc Montagnier: they a_2_Qap3G1s Luc Montagnier
take over a class of high school were all passionate pioneers who La Memoire de l’eau
students, without any overt verbal received recognition for innovation
communication between them the in the early days of their research
class members will many times act but then were faced with repudia- KB52eZUoXyk
in unison, seeking to disrupt the tion at the end. Had the principles
substitute teacher’s attempts to of Rife’s contributions been inte- englisch/webbookeng.htm
carry on a learning dynamic. grated into Western medicine, the
We have then a repetitive saga medical history of the last half of Jerome Whitney can be contacted
of circumstances that are similar in the 20th century would read very at

Homeopathy in practice Autumn/Winter 2014 49

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