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Knight Endgames PDF

Dear Champion, I am very happy that you opened this file, as it means on
top of learning the course you also want to refresh or strengthen your
knowledge and it speaks about a big commitment to your chess growth!

You will find the brief summary of the course in 3 sections below.
Let’s go!

Sec. 1. Pawn on the 7th rank

The pawn on the 7th rank is a winning position.

Idea - distract the defender Knight.

Be aware of sudden drawish tricks.
Sec. 2. Pawn on the 6th rank

The pawn on the 6th rank is less dangerous. On the board, the pawns
marked with green are drawish, and the ones marked with red are winning.

The drawish technique

Block pawn advancement to the 7th rank with the Knight or trade it with a
The winning Rook pawn

The Rook pawn is winning as Knight doesn’t have enough space to give a

The winning idea is the same - distract the Knight and push the pawn.
Sec. 3. Knight pawn vs Knight pawn
Rule to remember: The more pawns there are - the better it is for the
attacking side.

2 vs 1
That's why 2 vs 1 is a draw.

The defending side should avoid trading the Knights.

3 vs 2

The engine would easily defend these positions - but practically they are
not easy at all.

In this game Black played too passive and is lost as White has too many
threats and is very active.

In the position below, after White gave a check they are lost because of the
Black’s King ultimate activity.
4 vs 3

As I’ve previously mentioned, more pawns are better for the attacking side
as sometimes they can even trade and still have enough resources to win.


I’ll be so happy if you win or save a very important game with this Knight
endgame knowledge 😊

Send me an ice-cream whenever that happens 😜😜😜

Good luck!

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