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5 Properties from System:

a. Openness/Boundaries: System always interacts with its environment, whether internal
or external and can have impact on the system. System can interact with external
environment through its interface boundaries. These boundaries can help understanding
what is included in the system and what is external to it. The boundaries are flexible
because the system itself is dynamic.
b. Purposeful: System often designed or organized to achieve some specific goals or
objective. It is dynamic, which means it could be morally wrong or correct, it could be
hidden from others, or it could be clear as a day, or it could be change and different for
each entity. What can we say is, system exist for a reason and have a function to fulfill.
c. Interrelationship: System has a pattern of feedback/cause-effect relationships between
components. It emphasizes that components within a system are connected and interact
with each other, therefore finding the right components could give optimum results and
optimum leverage.
d. Emergent Properties: Emergent properties have a characteristic or function that arise
from the interactions of the components within a system. These properties help us
understand how systems are different than their individual parts. This characteristic is
often used as a basis to find the gap between present conditions and the ideal
e. Multidimensionality: Multidimensionality means that systems can be complex and have
multiple aspects or dimensions. This property acknowledges that systems often have
various components, processes, and variables that need to be considered when
analyzing or understanding them. Finding the most dominant dimension in certain time
and condition is important.

2. 4 Dimension in System Thinking:

a. Multi-Scale: This dimension shows that systems operate at various levels or scales, from
product, workplace, process, production, plant, producers, to multi producers or as we
see it based on supply chain. This dimension allows us to understand that there are
multiple scale acts in the system, and it often interacts with each other and will affect
each other if there are any changes or problems.
b. Multi-Factors/Function: This dimension involves identifying and analyzing the various
factors such as 5M (Man, Machine, Method, Material, Money) that impact the system.
Understanding each factor is crucial for system dynamics.
c. Multi-Time: Systems evolve and change over time, and this dimension focuses on
understanding the temporal dynamics of a system. It involves considering historical
trends, current states, and future projections. This means that we need to consider that
present problems might be caused by the past and if they will affect the future.
d. Multi-Actors: Systems often involve multiple stakeholders or actors with different roles,
interests, and decision-making abilities. In the business world, it often involves 3C
(Company, Consumers, and Competitor), however there are also multiple actors that
usually calls as Penta Helix (Government, Society, Media, Academy, Industry/Business,
Suppliers, Producers, Distributors, Sellers, and Consumers). Analyzing the interactions
and behaviors of these actors within the system is needed because it will shape the
system's outcomes.

3. 3 Perspective on System Thinking:

a. Dichotomy Perspective
i. Do or Do-Not: This perspective might imply if individuals or organizations
actively apply Systems Thinking principles in practices ("Do") or do not using it
into their problem-solving or decision-making processes ("Do-Not").
ii. With or Without: "With or Without" may relate to whether a particular problem-
solving or decision-making process using Systems Thinking ("With") or not using
it ("Without").
b. Combination of Thinking Patterns: This perspective suggests that Systems Thinking
cannot stand by itself. It should be seen as a combination or integration of various
thinking patterns. Systems Thinking often involves combining diverse perspectives and
mental models to gain a comprehensive understanding of complex issues.
c. Question-Based on Systems Definition: In this perspective, the focus is on asking critical
questions related to the problem to us to find the characteristics of the system. Finding
these characteristics will help us find the solution to the problem we face on.

4. P3C thinking:
a. Process: Process refers to the series of actions, method, or activities that occur within a
system. Understanding the processes within a system is essential to analyze input,
transformation, output, and the feedback of the process. By questioning the processes
and how it works from the input to the output and feedback allows us to identify the
cause-and-effect relationships and the flow of information or resources.
b. Components: Components are the individual parts that create a system. Identifying and
understanding each component, along with their characteristics and functions, is crucial
for investigating the system's structure. A systematic thinker considers what roles each
component possesses and how the performance of each component allows them to
have more understanding towards the problem.
c. Connections: Connections refer to the relationships and interactions between the
components within a system. Recognizing and analyzing these connections is a core
aspect of Systems Thinking because it allows us to have more understanding which
component have more leverage in the system and have clearer visualizations of the
connection for each component.
d. Context: Context encompasses the external factors and conditions that surround and
influence a system. Examining the context in which a system operates is vital for
understanding if the process is on the right track toward the goals or if are there
incorrect boundaries, or if the system behaves correctly in each context.

These components will guide us to think systematically. By considering these four components
(Process, Components, Connections, and Context), we can systematically approach the analysis
of complex systems. Systems Thinking involves examining the interrelationship of each
component and how changes in one component can affect another component that might
change the outcome. By using this component into our thinking, it will help us gain a holistic
understanding of the system and its dynamics and make us have more capabilities to address
complex problems and make the best decisions.

5. 3 Important Materials
a. A group is not the same as a system. There are 5 important properties to call a structure
as a system structure which are openness/boundaries, purposeful, Interrelationship,
Emergent Properties, and Multidimensionality.
b. There are 4 important dimensions in system thinking and we must consider those four
dimensions to our problem-solving or decision-making process. Those dimensions are
multi-scales, multi-functions, multi-actors, and multi-time. We must understand that all
dimensions interact with each other, and it may impact one another if there are changes
during problem-solving or decision-making processes.
c. Usually, in system thinking, there are 3C (Component, Connections, and Context).
However, we should note that problems are based on process and therefore process is
an important element in system thinking.

6. 2 Questions:
a. In your presentation, you state that emergent properties are a basis to find the gap
between ideal conditions and present conditions. Could you please elaborate and give
an example out of real conditions?
b. How can I effectively identify and analyze the key processes within a complex system for
me to ask the questions? Are there any specific tools or methods that we can use to
generate those questions?

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