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1. Yes, I have used 2 types of Model Framework when encountering problems.

a. During my university days, I served as head treasurer in an organization whereas I must

ensure that the organization's financial health is managed effectively, and treasurer must
be able to aid support towards every event the organization’s plan to hold. Therefore,
we identify our department’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. After
that, we make strategic options based on SWOT using TOWS (Strength-Opportunity,
Strength-Threat, Weakness-Opportunity, and Weakness-Threat) and implement some of
the strategies.
b. During my time working in Sales & Marketing departments of healthcare clinic, when
COVID-19 occurred, there are high demand from company to provide PCR test at their
company. Therefore, my director asks our department to create the business model
canvas to identify all shareholders, the value, cost structure, the revenue, and all things
that will be important.
2. Model-Based Management is a framework of how you see an organization running in ideal
condition. A system can be called ideal when all components exist, however we have to
understand what component should exist in order to ensure the organization runs smoothly.
Therefore, model-based management is how you see something having an ideal condition with
the surrounding components that build a system. Model-Based Management refers to the
activity of managing and making informed decisions regarding the future direction of a business,
process, or system(s) based on information gleaned and understood from models that document
the current state by analyzing the gap between future directions and current state.
3. Iterative multi-dimension involves considering multiple aspects of a problem or system by
examining it from its levels, perspectives, and times. It allows us to recognize that a problem or
system is not one-dimensional, we need to see from multiple angles and dimensions. The
process of solving it is never linear, it is iterative.
a. Multi-level: There are two levels of iterative analysis which is we must understand the
system itself and its dynamic based on the obstruction that makes the system cannot
fulfilled its purpose. We can analyze it in 4F.
b. Multi-Perspective: there are 5 dimensions which is Economics, Scientifics, Aesthetics,
Ethics, and Politics
c. Multi-Time: Systems are dynamic and evolve over time, we must see from Past to
recognize and predict the future.
4. Interesting:
a. Model-based Management can identify an issue because it is looking at the gap of future
directions and current state. Therefore, it is useful to mitigate the risks of every decision
we make.
b. Marketing Mix 4Ps, Project Prioritization, SWOT/TOWS, Porter 5 Forces, McKinsey 7S
Model, Business Model Canvas, and P3C are Model Framework widely used when
encountering problem.
c. In system thinking, problem solving is iterative. There are 4 F in iterative analysis of
system which is Form (Structure), Function, Flow of Work (Process), and Figure out the
5. Questions:
a. What role does feedback play in a dynamic SWOT/TOWS?
b. How can Systems Thinking help organizations prepare for uncertainties?

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