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Name: Meshelle O.

Program: BSED 4
Course: Field Study 2
Instructor: Mr. Marlon M. Matais



-holds that "human beings possess the power or potentiality of solving their
own problems, through reliance primarily upon reason and scientific method applied
with courage and vision"
-a paradigm philosophy approach that believes learning is viewed as a
personal act to fulfill one’s potential.
The self or the individual is important - (Carl Rogers)

As I observe myself, I can conclude that I am a humanistic teacher who

believe that knowledge and feelings work hand-in-hand in the learning process.
Wherein cognitive and affective learning are both important to humanistic learning.
Lessons and activities should focus on the whole student and their intellect and
feelings, not one or the other so it will bring out what’s best from them
holistically. Duchesne & McMaugh (2016) state that, humanist theorists “consider
the broad needs of children, including not just cognitive but also social and emotional
needs. And Crain (2015) supported that, the focus of humanist psychology is helping
people (humans!) to achieve their personal best.


As a humanist teacher I will teach learning skills for helping them develop
their learning skills specially on their choices to address a certain problem on their
studies in short, foster students' desire to learn and teach them how to learn. They
should become motivated to learn a subject if it's something they need and want to
know by working with them hand in hand.
Educate them that grades are irrelevant and that only self-evaluation is
meaningful because grading encourages students just to work for a grade and not
for personal satisfaction. Let them know that sufficient educational feedback by
presenting and manifesting what they learned to the teacher and that is the true
essence of grading by that, they will bring out what’s best from them.

Provide students with a nonthreatening environment so that they will feel

secure to learn. Once students feel secure, learning becomes easier and more
meaningful, by this scenario these things will be applied; (1) the student will take
responsibility in initiating learning; (2) the student will value learning, (3) learners
actively choose experiences for learning, through critical self-reflection, (4) discover
their gap between one's real and ideal self, (5) they become truthful about one's own
values, attitudes and emotions, and accept their value and worth,(6) improve one's
interpersonal communication skill, (7) become empathetic for the values, concerns
and needs of others, (8) value the opinions of other members of the group, even
when they are oppositional, (9) discover how to fit one's values and beliefs into a
societal role, (10) be open to differing viewpoints.


As a humanist teacher, always student centered is the focus and there are many
ways on how to manifest what is being stated above on what to teach; (1) Instruction
should be intrinsic rather than extrinsic; instructional design should be student
centered. (2) Students should learn about their cultural heritage as part of self-
discovery and self-esteem. (3) Curriculum should promote experimentation and
discovery; open-ended activities.

(4) Curriculum should be designed to solicit students' personal knowledge and

experience. This shows they are valuable contributors to a nonthreatening and
participatory educational environment. (5) Learned knowledge should be applicable
and appropriate to the student's immediate needs, goals, and values. (6) Students
should be part of the evaluation process in determining learning's worth to their self-

(7) Instructional design should facilitate learning by discovery. (8) Objectives

should be designed so students have to assign value to learned ideals, mores, and
concepts. (9) Take into account individual learning styles, needs and interests by
designing many optional learning/discoveries experiences. (10) Students should
have the freedom to select appropriate learning from many available options in the
curriculum. (11) Allow students input in instructional objectives. (12) Instruction
should facilitate personal growth.


As a humanist teacher, I want to develop students holistically into becoming

effective and productive in the community and see themselves as unique individuals
that has the power to create a simple change yet consistent that will lead to
empowerment. That they themselves will be the light, a light who lights the dark to
give hope for the things that no one valued.

And as a future teacher these are the things that I should do to manifest what
I want to my future learners; (1) Be a facilitator and a participating member of the
group. (2) Accept and value students as viable members of society. (3) Accept their
values and beliefs. (4) Make learning student centered. (5) Guide the student in
discovering the gap between the real and the ideal self, facilitate the student in
bridging this gap. (6) Maximize individualized instruction. (7) To facilitate
independent learning, give students the opportunity to learn on their own ~ promote
open-ended learning and discovery. (8) Promote creativity, insight and initiative.


Crain, W. (2015). Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications:
Concepts and Applications. London: Routledge.

Duchesne, S. & McMaugh, A. (2016). Educational Psychology for Learning and

Teaching. Melbourne: Cengage Learning.
Name: Meshelle O. Mabayamban
Program: BSED 4
Course: Field Study 2
Instructor: Mr. Marlon M. Matais


The showcase portfolio reflects the inclusive academic development of an

individual in specific period of the lessons. Wherein it shows our artistic, creative
thinking that leads to creativity of words, innovative, comprehensive and conceptual
growth, that represents our systematic efforts to achieve the excellent points. By that
scenario, it will help us to evaluate ourselves if we really meet the standard
objectives of the portfolio so we can easily adjust on the things we are not excellent

As a future teacher it is very important to apply this kind of authentic

assessment, because portfolio is one of the best tools to ensure quality learning.
Affiliated by self-evaluation of the teacher and student, to measure how far their
effort for imparting learnings (teachers) and acquiring learnings (students). It also
serves as an evidence for learners’ profile to the concerned guardian/parent that
want to discuss with teachers, so they will develop strong bond and partnership of
the parents and teachers to maximize learning outcomes of the students.

This showcase portfolio is intended for students, a portfolio that reflects their
hard work, effort, so they can feel the essence of his/her work for creating such a
wonderful collection. Students can be active participant of preparing own profile or
signature that leads to their uniqueness because of their portfolio and by that, they
will work hard for performing better in all other learning activities.

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