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Disclaimer: Any parent who has an obligation in doing any of

the following activties with your child. Kindly don’t do them.

We respect your decision. These activities are thought through
and developed in the interest of childs overall development.
ACTIVITY 1: Ask the child to speak infront of the mirror
atleast a minute how he/she feels when you were not allowed to
see the television FOR LONGER HOURS.
Activity 2 : Child has to speak infront of the mirror why the
parent is restricting on television timings.
Activity 3: Ask the child to pretend like a parent and ask him to
speak how would he/ she convince his/her children about the
mobile usage .
Activty 4: Let the child speak loudly and confidently what are
the different things that he/ she watch on television.Ask him/ her
to justify why he/ she likes the program so much.
Note: If he cannot speak anything on his/ her own, atleast ask
him to read the book infornt of the mirror.
Activty 1: Ask the child to draw or paint something. After the
drawing let the child write the list of things needed for drawing.
Who provided those things and how he/ she arranged them.
Write 2 lines about his/her drawing. Ignore the spelling
Activity 2: Diary writing – Tear some blank papers from the old
notebooks- Make a book let and cover that booklet with some
colour paper and title it as my( childs name) diary. Let the child
write atleast 2 to 3 lines about the day. Give complete freedom
to the child to write. Suggest the child not to write daily routine.
He/ she should mention what was the special thing that he/ she
liked that day.
Activity 3: Write any three words from dictionary in abook and
learn the meanings of those words.
Activity 4: Ask your parents to buy any English n ews paper
and open the sports page. Write the headline or cut the headlines
and paste them in your notebook.
Activity 1: Choose any five people( adults). It could be your
parent’s friends or neighbours. Take their appointment for
atleast 5 to 10 min conversation. Interveiw them as follows
1. Tell any 5 applications that you use dailyon your mobile.
2. How does each application helps them.
3. Are they child friendly or not.
4. What are the educational apps that they are using?
5. After the 5 interviews list out the most 2 common
application used by all the 5 people that the child has
Choose you favourite dish and try to cook with your parents
Do this atleast one dish a week.
Child can choose any of the following activities and do by
Track the time each activity:( in minutes )
1. Brooming the childs room:
2. Moping the hall:
3. Cleaning the utensils:
4. Setting the childs own wardrobe:
5. Setting the cleaned utensils back in its place.
6. Washing childs own dress:
7. Making a lemonade:
8. Drawing their favourite cartoon charecter:
Preparing math activities:
Take a white paper and can write the multiples of each table in
the following way:
Write multiples of any 2 numbers and circle the common
Choose any 3 things from the living room, bedroom and Add
the cost of all the things in the living room, bedroom etc. Check
your parents for the cost.


Let the child choose any story book.
Help the child to find some tongue twisters and ask the child to
repeat it will be fun.

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