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Philosophy Paper

Logan Fredstrup-Adkins

Chandler Gilbert-Community College

EDU221: Intro to Education

Dr. Burris

Nov. 21, 2023


Philosophy Paper

As a future educator, I have the power to make an ever-lasting impact on future students.

With this kind of influence it is extremely important to incorporate a pedagogy that practices a

method that revolves around benefiting the students future. Following this belief, educational

philosophies that correspond with this idea include behaviorism, progressivism and

existentialism. With these three beliefs implemented in my future classroom, I believe I can

instill characteristics that will benefit them for a lifetime.

The first philosophy: behaviorism, according to the National University, is a learning

theory that focuses on how students learn through their interactions with the environment

(Behaviorism in Education: What Is Behavioral Learning Theory?, 2023). Basing it off the idea

that behaviors are acquired through reinforcement and punishment. In my classroom, positive

reinforcement will be used in small gestures along with big ones. Such things like consistently

turning in homework, little to no absences, and keeping on task are just a few examples that will

be rewarded with treats, points, or even verbal praise. Though when setting up classroom

management, it is also important to set up punishment that is suitable to their actions. Setting up

punishment comes with the idea of knowing every individual is unique. Leading into the next

philosophy: existentialism, is knowing how students function, and best catering to their

individual differences (Suwarno, 2020). Knowing how children best learn can give me an

opportunity to help them. Setting up lessons that accommodate a student or group's needs is

something I’d be more than happy to do for them. Leading into my student centered learning:

progressivism, is an idea that teachings should be tested with experimentation, and learning

comes from asking questions (Ganley, 2012). This is important as it inspires critical thinking and

allows the students to work for themselves. I will give them the resources and information and

my goal is for the students to take that and build/learn from it. Rather than lecturing the class for

60 minutes, I want the students to actively participate and be curious about what they are

learning about. Enjoying most, if not all the days that they spend inside my class.

To conclude, I would like to re-establish the effect that a teacher has on his or her

students. They have the power to change a person's life so it is extremely important for me and

others to model positive behavior so we can positively shape that student's future. With the

educational philosophies regarding behaviorism, existentialism, and progressivism, I believe I

will have this impact on my future students.



Behaviorism in Education: What Is Behavioral Learning Theory?. (2023, November 22).

National University.

Ganley, Sarah. (2012). Educational Philosophies in the Classroom.


Binus University.



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