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1934 - 1945

. '
Y.>\. ~ =- " c.c.r ·_ ta..u .:cuc•·ou:.
to ..,u. .U -'-' ,jvU r ctleea. t-v" C ~4 r .. y ~ow. t h O
o~\lr,.. ~-' 1.-.r. Yorj( ~t<:.~.t.u ~.t·a I uo uo t
,;nott alow . ~.> ..uo~,.... att!J.1 t! awLK yua.. t'or
J C LH' c.l:. .\...Ht:J~ . f, o h"-vo, L t.:•1wti
6t'GIJ~ i...l..i.J ,L~ .. t<.H ' \.. ~ t <tu. MO!oltttl Jl
t~tG u!'l':..dr ~ Of tit__O .,OV!J,·tUQOu t 1 'ooth
~ t ". t.e ... ,,"" h- tio~, d.l..U .:o \.I OJ. o ul s -
tr~ sovd ~1. tl •t. t...out::ilt ul Jl:..V.IJiia: to
lei. t...h . Ol'l!: .1.~ ._, •'"'rtlcw.~rl:t ~ t
tL l~ t L..u •

.i i tt• •••>J v -r .a. u y th...t..ts, 1 au

Vt..~'/ corui~y )'o~•·~ ,

1>: 0
Kr. Bernar~ :«. l:laruch
120 Broadway
New York -
_. . . -. ~r.r ~->7 H..:ii:
Carlton Hotel

-\ 4...... 7k.__, ~-
<"' .1.4c.., ~ .Y ~
~ 2!;~~ ~. ·
,~~-~~- ~-
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!.a'. JJ~;~ruur u furuch

l055 Fl ..: th AVU•lUe J uue 5, 1934
How Yo r k.
U. Y.

'llo l e :. vo ll : 02 i>. ,u. Oh 6U1. ku ther loJl" cJ.ay vi~it1ng

Tjl$1.1rtu V..u.rq <.. tu he eu:>v1 J..l.o l'ot urd ing \'iusr.i.Hgt on
ev o.i.u.s ~Ji" . 7tlt. Lo llo.,e: J UU c:.n cOllle . l'lec.s e let we IWOW.
".le~wul' ltoo sovel t

. 0
Mr • li.Ut J.Hol'H .iJ.t~l,U.Ch
.l055 1-'J..S:Wl ,.V\mUe
•h~" Yor1: l• Y

.I.J<JJ..l 0 u t.•. u w m. ve yo•: : :i t.h v.~ . Tr ••.Ln ves

il:utJ illr.,;ht. wuc..e yo-.u· l'e:lervc. t.I.Ol l.
June 1 3 1 1 934. !)0
Dear \Cr. Jl&ruch l

1 t he c:op)' of f(YIJZ DOte to 111.. Jon. . tbil morn-

l.Dg. I had alread, y writte n h•r u ho.d Waaor. I
can DOt tell )'OU how delit',b ted I am to ban th11
work made pouib le and t hAt b one th1nr. off f1f¥

I baT : b:l.t\ a 11 ttl• diffiou l ~ becaua e Niee Clapp

wae out of tonn i n ~ - ttin« the ~·! t foT' the aobool
ln det ail a. I wonted it, but t1nall7 I am enclod w,
n. Tou can l ee t.ha cap ital outla,y for th11 y ar
11 for the interio r fW n,o:e and for the extra build-
lor.• whi ch would DOt go ordina rl17 lnto a I"'U'al
c - i t y but wh loh wo fe tl wlll " e a grea t detiOn-
ltratlo n of what can be dono aDd ebould lte done lll
rural COIII:IUDit.l ul. 'Ow ~ l:lpeDI II for th11
r ear aro le18 be 1 111 tlold.a« O&T'e of Mlla
Clapp' • ealarr . Jlext 711ar &lld the r • r alter the7
wlll ha'fe t o be lllc luded. 'l'bA! other 1t1a11 r:J'e t.ha
i t - whloh the o~ate 11 DOt prepar ed t o 0&1'1'7• Ill
t he end 1t the whol e l e t up p!'O'fll ilte 'f&l'le1 t h e
7earl7 expe neae 'lflll be carrie d b7 tuoe OD the
p•Jople .

l'e are DOw 1tuq flf;Qril l« out, ae we deolde d that i t

wu better to drop t.he effort of pu.ttlll « tbroa(; h a
poet oftloe factoq for fear of ba'flnc a ~t deal
ot •bot-a ir• ln Co~ui and aaothe r at\ack OD
Reedr fllh wrUtiD into the I"'Oord , what aball be
the lndu1t1 7 doWD there. The impo!'t ant tblD« fi'OID
Dr. lfllloD '• nnd rq polnt of 'flew 11 that a t~l7
aball have a lufflo lmt lae. .nof ll'fllho od ud
the UIUI'aD CI Of an Mi1lt7 to [lq tbeir lxp&DI II
ooY~Jri.QI; a etnnd1r d wblob "" ~ to eltN1 bb u
•-\blJ!s to lboo\ at 1n all rval iDdut rlal c_..
IIWlltl.. , Aa IOOD U
' .
thll becOIII.. OODO!'ete at all
I IIIII CO~ to aak 1011 t o gin us the benefit of 10111'

4eopnt thaDice to you tor your 1ntenet. You

CAD DOt ~1n~ -~~t a ~leawure 1t 11 to feel ~ -.,
count upon you tor advice and. cooperation.


blOPO MO 78 8:16p.m.
New York, N. Y. Oat . ll, 1934
Mrs . Eleanor Roosevelt,
The White House.
Dee11lY regret unable go this -time with you. Will you ' please
leave the figures on Reedsville at the Carlton Hotel Friday night
or send wire there where I can obtain them. Uany happy returns
of the day and may you be spared for many many years to aontinue
the ueetul and inspiring work you have been doing for suah a long
time. I am happy in the confidence and friendship you have always
given me. ~
~ 11. Baruch •

lllnrln S~lar.-, ~r~
lo~w 22, 19~

De:ll' ~IJ'. _)laruch'

1 'lftderatnnd \ha t ;:om c.r~ t\;lll a~k11'1f: for

~e-t.hla h tho! be.. t 1 hnYO be~tn able to

~t out of tbmn. I hope 1t tUl reall,y 8t!.t1dJ'

I wa~~t t il c;o .:town t C~ P.'.<:•'.nllle for a 4a.y

lD J)ecember lf poea~ble ar. I tbll!k rw:)..., 1t -.ill

"be abau.t th·: \nn'.Y-t~n t 1, Wcmld ~ou be able


I n"ha ll be back ln.\on about \he

Jerner4 Jhrneh, 7.sq.,

69? lla4hon .A'te i'U\19,
1 . . York,
In YN'k.
liD It
J '
Q.ASS 00' SnV1CI
'l"1U.l ll t. (\III•Tife-
Telqram Of Cabl&o
p:m unlut lu cJo..
WEST ERN 01,. -

NL -
o... "-""
md dlaractu Ia tn.-
dbced by • 1uh•blc
&lp above Of prcoccL.
lna the addtc;u. UNIO
--'f N
--~CAti.TOM. ,j,C,. W L L - - . - · • C & - - ' f

Tk. 11q u... ,. .....,..,. u.cb~ li:Mo. tun..rue ~ ud~ letwrt. aadt.Mli• ol ,..P' •tdoll!ullaa
1.00 - Oolom4 c:.w.
NlT - CMitNWw t.-.
WLT • 117...... t..n.

' • . , _ • • - - . .. BTA.HD.l.&DT'UI&
Received at
· QN72 20aRC WASH INGTON DC NOV 27 '445PM_._
I 0 () .~-R ,.......,...IM........,..I
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WL.•C!l l: tuvuQ!t .. I)I..J..I.i 6 1vo Jv.. '-' l.1.t t .l.o

S: 0

\ .iU' . Deru~ra
587 .14c.u1l:ion • · .S..ruch
Ne~ Yor!c
Nt!:W YORI<.

December 6 , 1934.

My door ~rs . Roosevelt :

Enclosed is the
letter from . Pynchon which you were
good enough t o send mo . I em waiting
to receive the lo test information f rom him.
Of course whe t we
wont ore houses !'or t hes e people but I
know thot you agreo wi th me that it would
bo very unwioe to .got t he people into them
under conditions thot would no t permit
thorn t o roto1n the houses , ond which woul d
place unbearable burdens upon th em . That
is the r e al reason for gett ing these costs
before we place o now burden upon the home
ovme ra .
I am looking forv1ard
with pleasur11 to aeeing you very soon .

Mrs . F. D. Rooso vo lt ,
The l'ihi to House ,
\/ashlngton, D. c.


/ ..

December 4, 1934 .

Dear ~rs . Roosevel t:

You doubtless rec eived my
teJ,e gram which was sent after a long conversation
wit h Mr . Pynchon who i nformed me the t he 1 s going
to prepa re a letter to you concerning t h e fa cts
as he has t hem, together with t he observations of
\ himsc J f and hi s assistant, whose name just now
escnpes me but who, I t hink, is a tip- top men.
You know you told me to
treat this as· 1f it were my own matter and I
propose to fo llow out your request until you tell
me not to .
IH th r eference to your school
at Reedsville, woul d you like to have some more
money for it th is year or for next year? I think
I coul d mano ge it .

I will not be abl e to eo down

on the 27th of December because I always give the
l ast two weeks of December to my family, in South
Caro l i na where we all tr y to assemble each season.
The President says he wants
to see me the end of t his weelc and if I come down ,
I hope I s hall have the pleasure of seeing you ,
Being peroistent, but ·I
hope not disagreeobly so, when Mr. Pynchon sends
you t ha t letter I hope he will send me a co;.y .
If not, may I see yours?
As always ,
I \. ,
Sincorel.:f yours,

Mrs . F. D. Roosevelt,
The \'/hi ta House ,
Washington, D. c.

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Dtt cembr r 18 , 1934 ,

Uy door Mrs . Ro osevel t:

Of cour:•o you ahall have the
ad<ll tlon nl ~3 , 000 . Ar:. I undor~tand i t, you
hnvo rccci vod ~1 0 , 000 or t ho '~22,000 . and I owe
y llu :;.12, 0 00 . ,.,itich, in add ition to t h e S3 , 000 .
mnl:os ,.15 , 000 . I understand you do not want
t h1:; now , ·:/hen do ;,•ou ·:,ant the other money?
You ::hall hlive it ju:: t oo quickly ao you YIS.n t it .
Now, in reference t o t h e Pynchon
letter, Vlhich I a m r e t urnir:e to you , -the cost of
tl1o or i t·inul e x periment • 111 be ~1 , 59? , 70? . ~0 .
On th o basis of a solen c ontract with each of the
190 homes teaders at $3, 000, each, tho total sale
pr,co wi ll amoung t o $570, 000 . Thi s will mea n a
charge-off of $1, 02?,?07 ,
The crux o f tho whole matte r is
whotl!or t h e r.ome::;teaders can ho se t up in o
communi ty , i n o houoe contins $ 3 , 000 . wh i ch wil l
not load th e m d own wi t h a fi n oncial burden t hey
wlll be unable to carry .
Furth er, I r eceived a letter from
1-"l' . !'ync hon anted December 11th in wh i ch h e in!"orma
me that t h e.y or,. about to l)Ot started on the con-
struction of o small f actory to assembl e electric
vacuum cleaners, v1hlch will 'employ at the star t from
fif ty to sJ xty mon and women , I hod already re-
ceived thl~< lnfo r n:a ti on fr~ r.~r . Gerard Swope, but
!.lr . i'ynchon further state a thot 11dtlr .ln;.; tlte next severn]
months wo will h nve complo tell o g ood po r t1on of tho
C.llcl lt i o nol 140 homesteod" houooo and it i s t;oin{; to
bo all-important to ho ve an ad clitionnl J ndustry
t horq to employ tho balonco or the homostendc ro . "
The q~.<ontion n ow 1o , con we n et
employment fo r t hose extra 140 families, I f we
do not , we s h ould not burden thorn wlth a $3, ooo.
houo o , We h ave now to add.reao ourse lves to this
- 2-

l<r:; , Hoosevelt
December lU, 1934

prnblem whi ch lo tho cr= of the situutton os i t wan

wlth tro or~elnol nine t y homesteade r s .
I may be l n l'ie ohington tho ond of
t l1 is woek , nnd Jf so, wiJl not:l:fy the '.'lhite House
Jn cone you wJch to 30o me . Please olwuyo re~c1~c r
t ro t you do not hevo to spend any time on mo thot you
do not t hin I< will bo helpful to your enterpr1oo .
J know full \1ell how taken up your timo and enoreies
ere ond I om suro wo unde rstand each other onough to
leave It just thnt way .
Sincerely yours ,


~s . Franklin D. Roosevelt,
The l"lhl te l!ouse ,
',\eshln_: ton, 0 . C.


;Tamary 29 , 1 935
Jly dear Mr. Baruch:
Thank JOU "fery much tor
JOUr k1nd letter. I uaed 1t 1n -r
preaa conference on l\onday and t ho
girls thought it wee a per fec tly
n dl.l thing t o have.
There 1s on article 1n
t his mont h 's .A tlanUc !lonthl)' by a
Dr. Broou, a 1.!1n1ater ot MorgODtown,
wbi oh I think 1a worth reading • . It
wi ll not reach the s ene group whi ch
Mr. Rearat•a ar\1clee do, but per-
haps 1t will Hftch thinking people
who will be more syapathetio to the
idea. I always teel that the people
who reed Mr. Hearat•a papers probabl7 '
read the t1rat installment, posa1b1J
• aeoond, but raral7 follow throu~h
SDJth1DS as unintereauas to th•.
Bowe"fer, ~ aa7 be wrong.
I aa hoping that all ot this
baa not upset the •rale ot the people
in Ree4nllle. llano)' Coot went down
there )'aaterda)' and I . . awa1t1ng a
report troa her upon her retUl'D.
Vary oord1all7 yours,

~:r , Bernard 1.1 . Bt~ruch

5111 hltsd1 son ;,venue
liew York , llew York


~4£ ~¥±£ ~5£
78WU.RA . 82- lO:~tnghm
George town,S outh Caroli na, Januar y 28• l9S5
Ure. Eleano r Roose velt.
A.a. was sugges ted attar visit to Reeds ville a breaki ng down ot
figure s on ooste dieolo eed under estima tes but exceee ot coste over
your techni cal advise rs estima tes at Reeds ville not much larger
relativ ely than great many busine ss and engine ering preced ents 1n
other pionee ring. Discre pancy not the import ant thing becaus e the
experi ence tbere in costs and availa ble employment will pay tor 1teelt
in saving s on otber projec ts. You are to be congra tulated on your
ill]llac able insiste nce on ~ourate tigur~ reveal ing the truth
,a, u 'Benaah.:,j

, ;. ........



- April 20 , 1935 .

~ea r -rs . Roosevelt:

Pursuant to your request ! \'lent to see
~ric ~u~~ r's 9refabricated bach-room and had a n ice
visit ·.1ith hin and his ·.~ ifo, durin~ t~h~oh : went
over the subject as tho~ughly and as frankly as I
could .
I received a letter asking me to oo~e to
the ::1eet ! ng in r eference to the Reedsville school.
(;f course you know tbat my interest i n tn1s was due
to my desi re to help you in a situati on which en-
Ga~ ed your rare combination of i ntell igence and great
heart . I am s;;l.ll willing to help you, but I
really do not know enough about the sub ject to do
other than contribute a l i ttle money from time to
time .
I want to be able to stand beside you and
the ?resident as long as I can and so long as you
want =e to do so . or that you can always be assured.
Very cord!all/~ Ju ~

. rs . ? :-a ,Jkl1n D. ~oos ovel t,

:i:e ·.:~ 1te ::ouse,
·.. a::h 1ns tou , :; . c.
- .

I /

._) \_)
" ..'] -~ , 19.3 5

D"-':..r :.: r . J:..r u ch:

"•·" 0 •oi- .r.o
·I ~ ._~ "' ''r
t ...
""' "'

t o ;)tau::·. t on, Vire:! ::., to .:.e e some of

h i a :::ills . ~ d t !:cn I ~m ta~il'lg · r.~ ·::vy
o ver t-J ~eoc.!.svil:.e . I ·.:hot.:2.d be de-
l i.;ilt ~d i1' y ..m c ·::-ulc! r;o rl t.'1 u s. ··. e
l o~.v.~ 7:· L i .1gton :m t :·.a mor nin.: of the
~,~ t .!: of _:;.;.l ~~~~ c~t bc:c:.C on t ::e ..:or !'!.i s.g
of t::.c 3:' t h . I f :• !' ':lOU ~d i>r o.f ··r to
~ e(!t t.:s in ~eedsVille n tr.e cor ::i cg
::>f t .e ::9th t::-:~ t ;1m:ld be gr:.ud 1 .: .s I
101..: l d l i l!:c so mu-c!: t o ?'l~ ve j·ou e t:- r:o w
t:.e:r 'lr r: ~rogressinG•

s 0
Mr . Bernard Baruch
120 Broadway
New York
~~ay .!.S , 1935

I · <1U'te a let ~ er from r.!iss

Cla,:p oe;,gin;; me ~o h~·te yo1.: r e<
r,;;eesvilla on the .29th in ti:~o to see
t ho scho.:>l ro«ll:r in ogo' a t!.:>n, ••ud
;.,s ::Juch as I ·;,o·:ld l1.b:e to h . 7 8 :rou
aotor wi tr. me ::and go to so:Ja :!r. Levy' s
a1ll 1 ! <.a goin~ to suggest t hat you
~:o c.lo·m 'cy trc:~!: on t he n1 g,l1 t of the
.: 3th. tivJ;~eon e ·•ill meet ;rou e nd ~ike
yc~ to brertk! nst a nd t hen over to
A:• t!:ur<!:-tl e . I "Ul tr;,r t ·:> ::>e t!1ere
b;r one or tiJo o', so th · t we can
~-" ve t he " fternoon and evening together.

I hope j"ou 'Hill ?lan to stay

t.'1ut evening , g I am su;:gest.i ng o ge.n eral
bOCleste<:d meeting ••nd I ;>artic::.!.urly W<l."lt
'jOU to see tl"te gr ou? <' 3 I have seen it
and get •·n lden of the spirit tha t is ,
er o•1ng up, :.r<ich I think 13 one of t he
valuable contriwtions t t.a t i s being
:u:.'Je b;r the school and t:~e money wt:icb
_yo~ ~ra t>irlng.

I nlll t a:ting the .;. toerty of ~ello•1ng

$ >1~0 o r ;rour mone y to be ~ut into a
r evolvi..,g fund t:> w:1ich I !1u vo added 31000
'l hioh I rE~ceivcd a s o gitt. '!'his money
will be •.:sed f:Jr cedlc.:ll ,:urr:oses, :;ucb

- 2-

..!!: r emoving tonsils, t:l.~ir.6 c;~rc ot tee th,

e t c. :he:·e is no tree clinic ;.my-rne:-e in
· 'e J t 17i r gir:J.<l . The h:uneste:;do1·~ ..ul k'J ay
b;.,c .c t :.i s co:. ~y 'as· t hey nrv .. bl e to do so,
b~1 t; t;llo .loct vrs atH.l hospi t ..l z ~~~ v 0 to be
;ui~ in ltJ-lP sums .

I ;.:.llo 1cd t h e!!: to use

h .:v~
~4-;o ~v :lciJ to 3400 'Rd c.'l tl :o:r .; :w0d on
s~l ~ r1e~ . ~~s ooney is to be s pent on ~
ec;u i l)l:lont to curr'J throcgh :. S''""'iOr ;>roj e c t
:1hi ch !.!iss Clapp e.xpP.cts ~ d~ . I hope 'JOU
w! ll ~.inK I h~ve been wise.
' :'he J<!·<c;,t1on: 1 Council !teating
1nc.!.udeal., ? r otessor Dewey, ··:r s . Spr a gue
'Ji t chcll ,1 , ncl nr. Bred J. Kelly, cet oo Jday. '!'hey ·.•ere 9no~u sly 1nt':lrested
i n -~~ t is b~ing done.
··~ 1 t r. ma ny t ha:1ks t or ev,1ryth1ng,
I am
V0r ] sincerely yours,

s 0
Kr. Bernard Baruch
New York

!( )
i l;·

Deer Mr. ·Baruoh:

Thank you eo muoh t or your

letter. I ea sorry tbet you oan110t

so down with ua on thie trip. Will
)'OU let - know WbiiD )'OU t ..l )'OU OaD

so ao the t I oen arranse tor you to

look arer eTerytbing tbet I want you
to a"?
Very oordiell)' youra,

Mr. Barnard M. Baruch

~g7 Madison Avenue
New York, New York S:DD
I :
N otw YORK

c /r . (, / ~ .{, j J, ,.... (! '

' .c I
( ( , .. . ,ttl l·t' .'
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·-. ./

,Tt:J !d
r ' • ;; . t .
l. , l. ' b .
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De!lr 'lr. Bu-uch :

I de P 7 a
.... : ·,i - ' i . .l-

.11- y . ~ t ~ n

1 u e at t: J 'I ;•; s ..a_ 1 •. . i:Lj : !' -

..:!I. '
W'll' .! t .. a oe1'j,:.. 'I u "tl..
•• r '· a!·e .
C~ 1· :i .... ~ 1-Y . ,

D-=trn~r. '3·1ruc h., ::.l'! .,

l ~~ Firth l•ea~a
ll~w Y .r~ , s.Y.


t:J-,(_~ <(' -(;_"'--~ ~~ r
7t rG Atrz. •.. ._ . _ ....-t'~ r ~ .t:.~ 1055 ftFTH AvENUE

f V) u ·(. f',) l.r ~~ "rc-, f<-rt . ~cr­

r,8, z-~ "t-t-L<...._"" ? c.:..._.._ < ~ ~~~
-;G._/~_.,.£ .._ ~· ~ £ "'-~rr fC.-t:rz.c.t • ~ <-,.
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F a , c. .-( 7 t(, t7u:: ,.,..... ·d'c.<. a": 1<:_.(! <-t-c.'(!f ~_,_ L-7 tdZ~ ~
~~/-<? n ' >7 -u: z-<--1-z.o ~~., ~( .,9/t-a.--r ·~~ ...{ 7(
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kt.:( J ,£-,- ~ L ~

.!. t ;~. rt, ~'•& lOt.!
At.6 t.S t • , 1 . '!> .

Ce a r Mr. E3r ~cr.:

I IV8 S s . scrry t J r ad .:;t y . ur \1.\ t.;gl;t~r ' s

i llness 1U114 y ... "'-r 1\ .. r c \)';i r ~-;: t.-.. rn t~ r· ~S« ~,.; ~· ~re .
I 1\ UCJ h ., 'lt a n 'i;O,.U:l tr i!. t i: J t IJI\, S L h V ..:
b•J.:n , i.ll·.~ I vnl:; 1. .., e t .: , t oy n<. ' Y'-'- >~ re
fr~'! t' l~ ~·om .. :. r ry .

I r,II V•. h.t t .. r e c ..! e .i,;.. t t'1..l . e .,;., u . !1-.rt::

•nd h.J• •! t . s t ,..~ ·'i l .. b·J t :.y.te ?'ir k t l.e
e.o .: of Augu s t.
I 8 11 v :-y an :,us t t :tl. . <''f !' •! t . Y•·" cl.r
Jwi n t cn t . r 1 ~ ~e.cev:l-e .
: se Tclnga se~z
t . b ., ~ i nt ;:r-., tty : ~ 1- Lr "' t i.u bum·,n s ice
down t r. tr -, :: ..:: I t.:.l n.C. ·.,~ d, ~o l ! o " t ·.s.: f e r
bc tt .. :· duvcl v. c~:lt o r > • r r -1n 1r ·.ab... t:
ab1l: t y t ~ ,,.,.~ t t , . · . :- . . b •• ,,·. .s t l :.ey
a r e ~b. •,;ing . I t nin . :;- t. r ... c t. t ... r t ;. ..: r.
Tt.t; .• ttll is t ·· in~ t c r-~ .. u-t 111 lll l ~ in,s t l.e
CI.S t t .:> h~CJ~.;tend ~ l· s "' t.!lin 1.::-. u lr 1.nco111es ,
s o all t 1•• . r· ~ec ts 1,, k t w Ill<! 111\.c h • vr ,
b Ci•t. f t.l t c-r t .O<! fL<ture.

I~ YvU Ar e tvioe: t<- b~; 1n ".':a:.)'. 1n,; t ...n, I • il l

bo: t .- t:.e . ·. th, 11nu Ll .> t, and '!l!ter t i".e'"=
. ? t b st. ayJe ~ ~rk . tran~L ~D c ay b e ~ t
~y ;: e P!!.:-a a t t .. J ~ t b<! t . , I bo ,,., , but I
e ; ;.ect .. ure ly t o be t :.ere .
I •

""""' \
.' '
~!f"97 MADl,.,....A\Io;N UI(""
( ,I

\ ·• / . - NI!W if"ORK
At:GU!1 t 1<. ,
~ - ! /
!l.y d e ar iJrs . Hooseve l t :
Many tl,an!<s fo r your
lette r of Au.:;us t 9 t h . l.:y dau[;h t er h quit e
all r l <;ht no·11 and I '"" r e tt:rnlng to Et: :-o!)e en
t l-.e ;;e r engar~a on t!:e 16th.

I am delich ted to kno" that

.you a:-e h aV i:'l& such a nlee tLe- u!) a t Eastport
because you certa inly deserve the rest .
I am &l&d to lmow that you
agreed with .,.,; I ·.r o t e Rexfo r d Tugwttll because
1t will do n o ~;ood h e lping people unles s they
can h elp t hemselves , Placing people i n h ome s
or in circumstances in which t h ey co:mot c arry
on , would be t rag edy. The b l arr.e woulci rest
entir ely upon our s houlders. The t i s one
thin); I fear i n c onnection with ma ny of the
t hings we a re trying to do f or peopl e - that
the y may b e l e tt in circumstances wh ere we nave
not h elped tr.em bu t have hur t them. However,
1f o·~r t:ear ts a r e in the r ight plac e end we
use our heads, I am sure eve r yt hing can be
worked ou t .
On my return from Europe,
r;e wlll fo regath er and see if we can make a
comb1r.at1on of heeds end hearts t hot wil l h e lp
t hose people wh o are no t so fo r t unate ly situ ated .
Pleas e g1 ve the Presiden t
my affecti onate rega rds and a~ c ept for y ourself
my most c ordial good wishe s .
Sincerely your3 ,

Mrs . l"ranl<l i n D. Roosevelt ,

Ens tpor t,
J.:a t ne .

\ ,,
Septe mber 26 , 1935

Mr dear Mr. Baru ch:

I want ed so much to s ee rou befo r e I
went away 1 becau ae I felt t hot you woul d like
some kind of a repo rt on our join t educ at i onal
and heal th vent ure i n Reed svill e befo re the
new s c hool year bega n 1 but 1 P. S we are leav ing
t Qday 1 and I unde rstoo d you have only just ·
retur ned 1 I know t here is no chan ce of my
seein g you unti l I ~~t back . Howe ver. I will
be in New York t or a tew days the week r:L
Octo ber 15, end r.oul d be so happ y it you
could lunc h or di ne with me some time that
week . Word sent to me here at t he White Hous e
befo re I get beok on Ootob er 6 us to the da te
you prete r will give me time to make ~ plan s
end t o tele phon e you when I get in Hew York .
In t he mean time - tt.e sobo ol year havin g
begu n - rdo rou reel that you coul d send your
cont ribu ti on dire ot to the Frie nds SerY ice
Comm ittee in the way that you di d lest year ?
They have e regul ar ac bool bu1l dinf: this year
end I have sent my j6 1 000 tor Mise Clap p's
salar ,r and en adde d amount tor cert ain thing s
that t he Gove rnme nt did not reel it could do. -
With t he extr a money that rou gave us lest
year 1 we did some real ly rema rkab le heal th
work . Thre e women who the ~ootor thou ght
woul d die with in the year ore appa rentl y goin g
to be .,are d to tho1 r t11111liea 1 and a n\lllb er ot
child ren have had vorio ua esse ntia l thing
·whic h 1 I hope 1 will moen rutu re heal th ands done
atren 3th. ~is work wea neoe aaery baoa uae or
ocad 1tion a unde r wh ich they lived tor a numb er
ot year s ao I think wo can look upon it aa a
real reha bilit atio n phya icall y.

- 2-

I wUl have a report ror ;you v;hen we

meet. I hope you had u ve r y plcusan t tri p
th1 s t1111e.
Si noer~l y,

Kr. Bernard Baruch

IIIXKats•..xax.... 10~~ Fitth £venue
Hew York, New York
' ,, ( 597 MAD ISO N AVEN UE
Sept~ mber 30 , 19Z;
/ ' '\ ,~'' .

?r: y d ear r.:rs . Roosevel t:

I f you will indicate t h e
you v1ill ·:.: e in iie·11 Yorok City, I wi 11 set
aside \~h atev e r time you woul d l i ke to
have .
am g oing to ge t in
touch with Lo uis very soon .
I would have got t en in touch
with you before but I knew how busy every-
body was in getting the Pre s ident ready for
h i s holiday.
As always ,
Your ve r y good fr i end,·

Mrs . Fr anldin D. Rooseve lt,
The '.'. hl t e House ,
Washingt on, D. C.

ootoo or 16 , 1935 .

!/y deer :.'r. Bal"Uch:

! '~-opl') 1 t r.ill t·e i'IOSOillle for

on :1etober 3lst ~ t ll: 30 ft. :-1 ., n t the


Mr. Bernard t~ . B~r\\Ch

120 Broadr1ay
New Yor!:
New York
tr{ (J

' ';
!;xecutive Deportment
.. (j c l '
J ,..,_;. ·"'·
f I ,

I I oil'

"'-- ~
Miss M. Thompson Scheider, \ ,~ • I
Secretary to Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, '·'
The Toh1 ta House,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Miss Scheider:-
So pleased to learn thru your favor of Octob
that Mrs. Roosevelt and you will be rltb us, even if onl:
few hours on Friday, November 1st, and a sui table sui ta
placed at your disposal with our compliments .
Looking forward with great pleasure to your 1
we are
· You:·s very truly,

Resident Manager.


T hi• h a f1.1 1l•r:atc:
Tdc,{am o r Cable-
OL-D• Lmu
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~r2m unltss lu de· ( 06 ) NL•N
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dkated by a •uiu.bk ""'"
COE • Code Cahk
1ymbol above or pre• - lC • Dd''"""' C.lak
ceding the addrus.
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NlT • C.W. Nlabc Lcau

•n,. IIUl'IC 1ime alloo-l:n tiM d&tt IIDt 011 cdetcnru atilt~ iflW. laSTA%" OAROTIM&at point or Olifl-n. ' ~ Ia S"l'ANDARD T U.Sf; a t poi;a.t o1 d•in•tJcn
Received at 234 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y,
..v 1935 NOV 3 PM I 08

I-NE1 32 21=NEV/ YORI< NY 3 125 5P M1Nln'£S IN n..\NSrT


HYDE PAR I< NY= _._'tf:_ I



,r i .. I \"'l:"
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De~ Mr. Bl\ruch: I


I h"ve just luo.d a long talk wt tb l'r.he Tug..-e ll

anj for the fi rs t t i me 1 feel t hat te"d real ly
ha• the whol e orob l el'l of the ho·~oe are "r~aoh­
clea rl y i n bla. mir.d and th~t they
in; POmP defi ni t e eolu~ ton.
I think be •·oul d be Yery gl 'l.d to talk to you
nn: to set ~ ll hla plan s out befo re you.
I am encl oa ing a l ette r frot.'l b1a t o you with

sinc e b r ~rot e it, I hi\Ve b~d tbia t alk

hi ll!.
They propo s e t o set up a hous ing auth ority
which will hAYe the po•e r t o sell aint m oder-
Bt e price s . They wil l make c erta arran ge-
·:enta for "'!IM.geme nt • 1 th the Rese ttlem ent
Div is i on. They are ala? aeC! nng up coop~ra­
tiYea auch n e t hey can set u~ unde r the r.eet
Vtrgtnt ~ l awa and t hey hope th ~t
i n a year •
from now t o haYe t hings i n auoh a hape that
the p eopl e say b e able to BU?port thePres mael Yee.
This 1~ pred icate d, ho~e•eri on the iden t
daYla t ng a way by whic h at east ihe inte rest
on the enti re orig inal i nYee t~ent mnyetee be
wipe d out . ThiR i • ror all the hou.e
at arte d in the old way ,

1 feel very .uob enco ura ged a na when t bemuch

Prea iden t gets back 1 shou ld l ike Yery
to beYe you come 4own agai n for a night . ~nd
haYe l'r, fuor ell he re a t. tlle •~ time ,
Ve ry cord ia lly you~• .

-• ,__

.. ,_ ·- ... --·-·' ~ "• •"- -4- •• -·

• . .. .,1 ., "«'•~
.. •• <,;
'\ "'"• ..,t:#>o. ...

. :
... ~- \.

...,...,·~~-·')-. ..• •

- • 0 ..,_;. .. tor·.-·· • .


30WU, ~25- m4~ ~4u~ ~5£

4:00 p .m.~nslyington
(C \J

Nb. New York, N, Y., December 12, 1935

Mrs . Faanklin D. Roosevelt .
A~s. Baruch and I regret exceedingly we will be unable to
accept your charming invitation to stay with you the night of
the Diplomatic Reception as we have already made engagements
that will keep us in the South, Ltr son and daughter also
unfortunatel y will be unable to come as they have already
accepted an invitation to dine and spend the night with some
or their friends in Washington. I shall be coming thr ough
before then or shortly thereafter and will then check up with
you on the school matter. I understand yesterday's meeting was
general ly favorable • . Please do not hesitate ~to call upon me at
any time on any of the/ mat ters that are or · such deep concern to
~u. '
B. M. Baruch. ' ·
December l.3, l9.3S
Dear .ilr. Barucha
It wa s ltind ol' you t o send us
the ~uaU, :;.nd ~e have enjoyed them
3 0 much.

:'.'i th o~y t!1~:; >.'.Jr y:mr tho~ght­

!\tL&es3 1 I a.c

VerJ stncerely , yours,

Kr. Bernard Baruch

lOS5 Fifth Ave.

.. .


J :wu<-ry 4 , 1·1:!6

Do~r Wr. Baruch:

I Wll sorry th:tt IJr a . B:.r\Jch won • t
be wl th you on the 9th, but r:.U! happy tha t
yon will be able to come. Aec. use t! w t
i s tho night or tl:e J udicial Pece.1t1on
we diue Itt seven o • .~lock . '!'h c::'6 ·~ 111 !Je
n-> other guests for d i nn er, no that you
lllld t i•e Pr·esldent C:L1 . ::. ve n ch:u1ce to
t a lk.

!'o·.. ever, if you cure t o cou; e to the

ilac e.•tion we will Le tlel i ght ..:d t a ll:. ve
you . T:tt. t , of course, will oeun wh ite tie.
If you p r a t er ..ot going downst .. i rs i'or the
Peception, 1t will uot be ncces:~r:. ry !'or
yuu t o u:·css forl!la lly.

I Wi .l :;.-·c t n 11t yot. .:e t off 1'1 t h e

rt.Ol'll iug :. t :my tilllc you wisl ••

Vert cordially yours, .

s 0
Wr. Bernard Baruch
lOSS Fifth Avenue


1\ ; .
' .t BER NAR D M . B A RUC H
~97 MADI SON AVE. HUE ~'".\ ' /
•' NE.W YOR K \ 1\ .
... r.•

( {./ Jan u:.r )' 9, 103 6.

''..,\ .

:•rs . J. IJ, Hel r:>,

T!Te Vlh ite Hou se,
\'laa h1n gton , D. C.
~y dea r L:rs . Hel.Jn :
Pl eas e do not GO to the tro ubl
e of hav ing
me met at the tra in , os I hav
o som e npp oin tme nts nt
the hot el Wld sha ll talc e an ear But I
ly tra in .
sha ll b e the re for din ner prom
, tly at sev en o 'cl ock .
Als o p lea se do not lll&lce o.ny arr
ru~c ements ror me to
s tny o vel' ni(l ht a t tho •;,h1 te
Uou ae, ns my trn in
pul lo out of the sta t! on o.t 2
: 30 JI . J,J , , nnd I 9 an
bon rO i t •a ny t1n•o a fte r the r
re 31d ent o.nd t:rs . Tto oso -
vel t hav o _k1 n1s hed wit h me .
Th1 s 1':111 malce tho
m1n1!11um or o.nnoyo.nco! C ~ -
I hop e I sha ll hav e t he ple asu
re of see ing
you .

Sincerely~ ~ ~~
J ,.nu&ry 29, 1936

D~ur ~r. Baruch\

I h&<.l ::. .a.ost i n t ero•st1ng tri p t o
Ar t hurdale oa. \lot~duy, ~.<nd t '•cre ia n r <Jpor t
to be wri tten by an 1nduat l'1ul en 1;1ueor on
tt.e .vhole occupation situ a tion down th er e .
I t h i nk we are 11ett1ng down t o fr.c~n~ f :.cts.
I hO!Je so.
I woul d like · to tell yon ''bout it tho
t'ir J t ct:ur.ce we get, :mu I i n t he cou rse
of t he next t-..o weelts t hey "''·Y !."vo so~ae eu:-
ploym.·nt plH:med. '!hey hO!lO to eet the f :.ctor y
sta rted by l!:. rc!t lst.
':r. !'i cltett lilld !oiLs Cl u11P ;.re to1ng
bet'o r ,, the General Educ,.t 1ou Bourd - hold, I
!:ope, nr. Rt. i ney - ;,rounu t ho 7tb o f Febr ury. se011 t o be n:o vi,.,: :~~owly t. ~ usual
but, I hope , to s oce better eud. I aw keeping
your l etter f or use wl th Frnnkl1n uua Rex, :.s
I ltroow t hat we will not h:.vo wuch chnnce to
lower the rent s until they &•t out the pr (JS nt
pllou, but 1f they get into trouble they w~o y
&et s oMe reductions.
'!he next t1:ne you nre loore do me
a l ittle t1•e. 1/an says you w e !'tl so very
helpful when wbe talked to you :.bout t he
Woaen• a D1rt s i on finances. I nm .:oing to try
to talk to Louis ~ 11tt1e bit toanr row,
Wi tb -r constant gratitude , I am
Sincerely yours, so


Januot•y 27, 1936 .

My dear ~rs . Roosevelt :

I om returning the •documents which I
have read most carefully. , You will note I have made
some notations . The report of tho lolana~;ement DiVision
Commi t tee gi ves a very clear pi cture o! the whole subject,
The only question left i s - whet to do in the c1rcumstences?
I believe that if we face the facts and
profit by our experience, we may be helpful to thane people
but it would be a crying shame to oont1nuolly hold out
hope, a hope which can never be realized ,
We now know thot the price of the home-
steeds i s too high. I doubt whether a rental of $100.
per year can be paid by the tenants. We should fece
that end let those people have the housos at what they can
pay and not for what they think they con pay.
We know now that Reedsville should not
be built any larger unless we con ge t another factory.
We lmow now that tho soil was not
properly chosen.
1'/e also know t ha t when the ne w houses
'- are allbuilt,
thoro will not be enough work for all the peoplo
the housos are occupied,
It seems to me aft•r reading the report
very carefully, that it is going to be 1mpoaaible to carry
out these projects as planned ori ginally, As Lou Howe
aaid, the difficulti es are due to the fact when the men
who had the good ideas were g{van the money to enable t hem
to carry out the 1deae, they did not know how to spend
the money and carry the idea t hrough.
I con repea t only what I told you after
my second visi t, and which I suspected on my first visit,
that t he homes t eaders cannot pay wha t haa been aaked or
them ond I aea no reason why they should have to pay for
experimentation or mistakes . I do not wont to be a black
- 2-
Mrs . Frankll.n D. Rooseve lt January 27 , 1936.

crow but I do wont to avoid disappointment to tha so people

who already have had a very hard time of life ond should
not be chasing something et the end of a rainbow however
br ight t hat 1oay a ppe ar . Aftar reading thi s report we
all will be guilty unlee s we become very practical and
give these people a real break.
The one bright spot in tiis is MiSs
Clapp 's school . It has cost somewhat more than we had
expected but I do not .regret that a s f ar as I am concerned.
I t is the one t hing the government had nothing to do wi th,
and is the one bright shining spo t . This is duo more to
you than anyone else. However , .some arrangements will
have to be made for its further continuance, and even
then it wi ll not be of vol ue unless Arthurda l e, or some
ploce nearby, will have the pupi ls to send to it.
I am waiting with much interes t to see
what will now be done i n view of this very i nteresting
and i lluminating report. There are seve ral t hi ngs that
are vary i mportant -
1. Above all, theae people should no t be dis -
2. That the people who ore doing t hese thing s
shall not continue to make mis ta l<ea and
expect someone else to shoulder t h e burden
of the attacks and explanat ions. These
attooks will be only too well justified
if we continue as we are doing and we shell
be responsible for shat t ering the hopes of
t hese homesteaders .
Please tell me Whot,1 f anything .further,
you wish me to do in the circumstonces.
·\ Sincerel y yours,

. ~~~
H............,~~ zt7:c. ~ -(... -· / .
-"( -.. .&...-- :z....;. ~ ~ ~ __:: -' ' I:, ~ -"""--1
Airs . Frankl! o. Roosevelt, ~~~
The Wh1 te House,
Washington, o. C.
February 4,-1936

Dea r llr.Bnruch:
I :.Ya s • e ry ~.auch 1,e d
ui your ColD!IIent3. th..>u&ht t'tle:i4 very
good n11d Tery sa ti stactory.
I was glad to s ee ~r · Le·d s •
lett er an/1 I uuderstnnd that it is 110'-'
-.·;or ked out.
Very cordially youraJ


J \..,.
!· ./
. (
•• ..
\ l

I '
'. I

' \

31; 1936,


... ..'
J ( I .
• I
v I
Doo r Mrn . Roos evelt : '
.! • .
I Jl.J •
The oncloaed ~111 Sl tOYI you \
tha t I nm followinG up tho Reodsvil i e m• ttel' \

as you requested ,
( \
Perhaps my comments upon
the report you sent me "ere not ent1l'ely ''
ao t1sfoctory but I shall olwoyo bo fran!: and
tell you exactly hoYI I ceo thtn r•s . If the
vorlouo honosteads we re not pl oce d correctly,
tho motter should bo COl'l'Octed . Thorc i s one
certain \7oy and that 1 s to let tho bon:e s teaders
huve t hell' places ot a pl'!ce low en ough to
allow them to live even in the clrcurnst onces
ln which they find t homselveo ,
I cannot understand how
tho rnletake VIO o modo in soloatlng place~
where a oil needed cure and attention befol'e 1 t
could bo us ed, However, oo I enid before ,
it ls not a question of crltlc1zlng bu t l'bther
whot con be done 1n tho pr ooent c1rcumotances,
The important thing 1s tl~t we do no t disappoin t
the~e homesteaders or place t hem 1n the pos i tion
where they cannot ~eke r.ood .
Ple ase ret urn the enclosure
when you have finished With it.

loire . Ft•onklln D. Roosevelt,

The \'lhl te House ,
l'lashlngton, D. C.
QIUf.IUJ.. •J.1C1'1UC auu,,OilfO
!UO UUC.OoiO'l'OH .t.Ya, .t.T .snt ST.,MIC'W YOMW

.J, W, l,.JCWI&
"''!"'"'' fO '"'" ~"U O&ooll
J'AIIIIAl'Y 29, 19:!6 .

'""· B. :J. B.utiJCR,

697 JJ.adison Avo. ,
1:ew Yor k C1t:J'.

l>etu· . B.u.ruch t

l hopo you will pe.rdon tho de)u,y in aatt in6 thO informot !on
to a.nawer yow- 1thl\1.1ry or lust Friday atout the Reedsv ille project.
1 hGVe> Just eu.ecetd.ed. 1n getting in t.ouch •lth John Tu.teur ,..lrepre- the ~lectrtc Vacu\U1 Cle&a.ner Co., Wlo 11 r~~.m1Uar -.1th thil
tlLtHltlon •

• . 'i'ute"'.lr \ells me toat at the preJent t 1a.e there two
poln.ts whleh. the l:!lectric .v...cutte Cleaner Co . c1es1r fo'l to clear up
kef ore teginnina opof't lana at Reedovi llo .

The firu t rebtu to <he leg•llty of the ruotory , a s it !a

under s tood by the Eleotric Cleaner Co. thD.t tM Co:nptro llor
O.noral haO deC)Ilrtd th!JI Jll'ft of tho proJeCt i lltg&l,
'!'he aecon1 QUiet ion ~with regsrd to tbe le"sa itself. In
Janwoey 19~ tho :Elootrlc Vacu,., Cleaner Co. &grotd t o sign a lout
whlc!l had loon dram up 1n )934 . On Januaey l51.b " new lout waa
ree:elved which h&e aeveral ne..- teatu.rea not Col ly accepta'tl e.

~en 'he leca.l co:apl1cations a re atra1ghtenec1 ou.t lt 'Yill r e-

q,u. 1re stout 1ixty ~~ 't4!1tore operations wLll t.e ot.. rt.ttd. when ltOot
rort y nomeotoadero would h employed for a period or not leiS than
t n lrty weeks 1n " year, w1th a total po.y r oll or pernapo ~24 000 .

l.!r . Tutour wlll h 1n to"'' all do,y tomorrow and , lf you. <lesiro
aey fur ther lntorlll~Uon , 1 shall to glad to arra'll• on appointment
tor ,him to ••• you lt 10u. will have your aecretar;y c&.ll me .

J o'flt B
Dear llr. Banaehc
I won • t be in 1'!1...Jhin gtou
until tne 2d,
'!be Oenenl &luc utiou Dot.rd
ia conaidering tile hilb Jchool p~ rt or
tl·,e wh6le ecbool down at ArthurdAle,
aa they thouaJlt tafiJ'e n• ll better
chance b7 doing that thac i t they con-
sidered the whole acllool. l!liu Clapp
baa an appoilltaaot ou !larch 2d with
IOJ:Ie<me " t the Rosenwald tund to
conatdcr th~ prt.ary part or the edu-
c~at1ou ,

Kr, Howe aeema to be pretty

Very cord1nLL¥-Yours, 7.$0

llr . Bernard Baruch

Oeor getownl--t ""
South Caro_\7


·· ············-··--·· --------- ------ --·- ·············i· ------------- -----------·-·--· ------·

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l&to. RA. 1e- l: <lo

New York , N. Y., March

p .m

Mre. Jraoltliu D. Rooae~ lt,

~e. 19~e C\jd~.Ou_li~~<· ~
~ r· ~-
...,,.,· ~·
IN weeb1Jl6ton all hi
apeak to me about aeytb
Carlton Hotel , in oaae you want to
K1n4eat regards .
B. U:. Baruob, ( {.•
(• ~I
(., ''

- \ (/~ (\ ,..
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1t> ~ L~ ,.,...~ ~~./:. 4~
rk-rr~t ~ .-{;-C/ ;(.. _ · - l"f r . /


/,pr1l 2 , 1936

I ""' a ecd i r.g y->u tbio lettor to aho10

you • hilt "' haYo trie d t o do "itb t he l"ounda t lone.

Jliao Cla ~p t f lla r .e ~Ill- 1a oak1na ycou to

go dotlll on tho 6th uod 7th , but I hnr<!ly d ~ re
bopa t but you COb do lt. or c .>urse , I r~uld be
moe t happy if you co uld.

I ..., aluo a nnning you a report fi"'OIl

tho: Dupartrou"t o r Com::teroo Coatnittee ~bich 1
took c1o•11 to ;,rthurddo , 1 t hi nk it Ia e n-
c.> uraatq oDd they •••M to t nel a o".nthiroe wi ll
be done • I II•> oUll nthr the t'uouttl.r.r~nt
people OD th~ J'6ductiOD or rents wh ich dooa
not • .,.,., to ~~~~"' throueh , •.nd ~olo 11 on the t1 nal
atgniog ot the laue ot t ho r reaunt ructory.
They ll:oep t olling tt.o thoao two th1oga will bo
dor.A aftry day but ao tar ttrey h·.ve bOt actually
&COO 1Jlli8hfl4 t hO•I•

Vt1 ry eln coruly )'our• •

Kr. Bern&r.s Ba rucb t

1197 Madtaoo Ava. , N.Y.c . S:DD
Dl'}' Letter
ld r. Jler na rd Bnru ch
597 Madison Avenu e
New York N. Y. t.pril 9 , 1936
Sorry yon c o11ldu ' t get to Ar':!111rrt::le . t•:ul :1o~· be
Washin~ton S:o turday SUnda y or ~!o:.dr,y? 1.!1.:;; Cl ;q>p
will be h ere thouG)lt you might be i .l tcJ• e st;cd
t o vis1 t w1 t il us
Eleanor Rooseve l t



I -

N I!:W YORK Georgetown, So. Car.
April 3, 1936.

. l

.. , ,.'I l ~ dear Mrs . Roosevelt:

If it is poss i ble for me to
do so, it is my i ntention to leave Washingt on,
Monday night, and spend the n ext day in
Arthurdale, returning to Wash ington again
that night . This is a result of a very
nice let t er from Miss Clapp in which she
says that in all probability you and some
others will be there .
Will you please leave word
• at the Carlton Hotel, ·where I shall arrive
Monday morning, as to your wishes in the
matter and I ehall try to ad jus t myself
I have a l so promi sed to
see Lou on llonday afternoon and I do wan t
to keep t hat engagem ent. ·
Sincerely yours,

llrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt ,

The White House,
\Yaahington, D. c.
Apr il ,ll , 1936

in ro~·" . . ._.
llr. Bernard U, Baruch
I b
~ 7r, ei?_ o <..- I

Dal11!hted to have you from 2 :00 t o 4130 Sunday . Hope

you oan atay ' tor supper

IUeWlOI' Roosevel t


I ' ~~
I t
vY & x,. ~
wu (rl "V ' . ~/
•"' 17 .ru 2a t· tv~' \
)'v~ l,.''.Y fr' ,
J ·,rUt-'~~\')
New York, April ll , 1936.

~"" ~'' \' (lo-Cl-

Mrs. F. D. R0089velt:
Y"L.t 1 I"
I ce.n be 1n Wash ington from two to tour thirtyv or even
later Sunday 1'1111 that be convenient to you Please anewer to
ten fifty f!Ye 71th Avenu~ .

B. w. Baruch .


April 18, 1936

lty de.-r !.!r. B:.rudl;

W:rs .•Rooscvelt hn~ nsKod 1110

to oond you tlle enposed cop1eo or

·-0 · t~ge ther
letter s tro~ ~~Jo r . WAlk~r • 1th

a copy ot hor reply to h1o.

Very sincerely ;ours,

~olv ino T. Scheider

Seoretery to
llrs. Roo :Jevel t

11r. Bernard a . Bnruch

597 llod1oon Awenue
N•• York

.·' (. I

THO: WHIT & Hous e
w·r •• ''*

p,._ cho ~of­

Mn. Scbc iokr

~/) 7 ~
• ~ tf;-/' . ~ .,_..' ~./
<-"''' ,/' I"

(\' .. . . ·ri ,
l• I '(.I('J
• I{.. ( f
t. 11 ol <t< I t•
,.1. ,, r,
1 " tu l · '"
,., r //; _'fr;t
April 6 , 1936 . , I J t· t (I
.• (; ~ (I/), I (:_!:3. ..
U¥ ' ..It 1/ -
dear~ •• Roooevolt:
f j {· I I ! l . \ ) /
f '
It bed been t'\Y in tention t.o lea•• ~taebtngton tonight
t o r :tee4sville. but l t i nd t het the ?esat ot the Paaaovca- starts
thla eTentng . I nevt1r strictly observed any ot tho Holy days, but
duri ns fi'IY &.~other• s 11 t o 1 apon1. most ot ther1 Tf1 th hur . Since then
out ot respect r or her mo~ry. I have never dono anyth ing on those
days . I a~ quite sure you understand .
I wan ted eo o.uolt to be e.t Reedav1llo tanorrow boeauae
ot tOO o the r s presont j ani nbove all becuuso otIf\)' i n t e rest in t he
venture and to do ey ahare 1n hal pi'nt; t o ~altze aoc10 of ttte
high hopos we have tor it. I hav& oever forgotten the look on the
racea ot those cen and women as you addreaaed tt:am o n our first
Ylo It.

Here were t.h e q ueattons I intended t.o aak . !'. bit has
boon the result ot the tirat settlers o~ bo•eateodora from an
agricu ltural standpoint? Did they raise any oro pa? llero they
able to sell any? How tar were the t~ v~nturoa aelt-auppor tin8 or
pr ofitable? '
Did they pey any rent or l o t e ros t ? And can they in
the proo!on t c l.rownstan co a?

oftlere •re th4

t 1 tlea to t he propo rty no·w occupied?
.n.t ot tt-.o t'Uture, asriculturally and t nduatrially? I!B•a not so:ee
ot the hOC!:e~teaders boa. there loq; enough tor u.a to know Whet can
be <lone with t heir ploto of ground a;;rlc:W.turo.lly? C&n t hey mko
IQOUgb tor thauelvea an1 to aell .to ;ey tor tl.o ho:M~ateado? I
neT~ have believed the latter wea possible on tivo~4ore plots
eo t or from mrkota and on that •o il . '1'118 t Ideo II probcbly ln
the dlaoard now.

can theao ho~o ot eedo be ool d at n prloo low enough

t o g i Ya tho buyero an opportunity to finally ov:n them?

Let ua no t put theae peoplo on their Yeet unless it

11 hu.-.anly poeslble t or them to atand by themaelYoa •hen the hel p
lng hand ia remoyed. . 1.1 •• curt • t do it hero, •o oan In ao~e pl.aeea
nearer m.ri::eta and work t • auro.

The Following Pages Are the Be st

- 2 -

What about the taotory -- u

an eoonom1o unit with coat. ~proximat compet1-

Doeo it not get down to thio? UDleoo there haa been

a great ohange, the homeoteadere cannot pay the $20,00 per month
formerly diaouaeed, I do not belieTe they can attord there in
thoao circumatancee more than ilOO,OO a year. I think 11\00.00 per
year would be nearer the right figure in tboee eur roundinge. Nor
do I think that a price obould be oet upon the bomoateada that ·
woulc! require the payment ot more than ~ interest and ~ amort1-
zat1on1 !bat will equal in t he aggregate a aum greater than
flOO,OO a year. Pleaoe remember that all the time I am talking
ot the bomoeteade at ReedeTilla and not at placeo with better eoil
oond1t1on• or nearer work.

WhateTer mtetakeo baTe been mado, all errore ot

omiaeion and oammiaaion and a~erimantation ahould he charged to
the goTernment, not the bomeateadero . It we will learn not to
put people 11hero they a&llliOt earn onough to care tor tllemaelna
whetoTer tho ooot, it will be ohe-»•

J.boTo all, we ohould he oaretul not to make promieee

that c&llliOt be realized or hold out hopu that cannot he tultilled,
It la boner that we ehould outter tor theee miatakea than the home-
oteadero. And when I aay that the hopea cannot be realized, I mean
by the aTeraga man, It would be orual to,plaoe people in better
bomeo with no poaaible uane ot earnl.Dg enough to eupport themaelTea
in t'hair eurroundinga, It would he worH than that to bold out
lBproTed conditione with no poea1b111ty ot their attaining them.
I think we abould be realiltio about the whole matter and it we ·
haTo to, the h~ateadero ohould be permittod to haTe theee bouaea
tor nothing rather than at a prioe, no matter how low, it ~will
not allow tham to make a liTing and enJoy theH bettor aurroundinga ,

Mia a Cl-»P 'a aobool baa been worth all ot the tima and
1110n17 ·~endedon tt. .,
•·o mar4t.u=e~L. 1t


<J C••·• -~
f.,; ~ ........J-. <-(/.........:f.

rL /u....J- ~
a- ~~ nv

~ ~t e.-, LvP'Y\./

~ r" -1 ~



In reply r efer to : tU-JON Project 'SH-IIV- 2



April. 13, 1936

t4rs. Franklin D. Roosovelt,

The White House,
Wa~hington , D. C.

Dear r.lrs. Roosevelt : Silve~~ster was at Arthurdale on the lOth, the day he
prolllisad the hor.~eetesders he would be thore . He repor ts a
very sat~sfactory meeting with the homesteaders, and s t ates
that it will be entirel y possibl e to .sati st'y. most of thair
~ objections. Ha ··~~stsd to t~em the org:llliz~tlon of a
Griev£ll\ce Co:n!! tee, 8lld will ret u.i"n some time next Jieek
t o oeot this committee and to repot•t.. Otl tha arrru\ge!lent s
he has been able to make.
I think on any quest ion regatding l abor relati ons occurring
to Miss Cl app, it "ould be bl!'s t for her t o pass t he;• along
t o co, so they lllAY be turnsd over to !Jr . Evans , as the pol-
icy of t he Labor Relations group is not t o advise those in
chareo 1of their proposed visits 1when dealin~ directl y with
the people . concernsd.
Since "'Y letter to you this morning regardine Arthurdale,
I aa making a further r ecoomondation that the Ho~gnon
houses be rented at a baso rate $2.00 par month less than
t he Wagner houses . I am anxious t o havo this chango ef-
fective as of the firnt of Uoy, but would like to advise
the project oanoger, 80 that the holllesteader• may be &\Tare
of what will happen, as soon as I hoar fr oc you. •
Sincerely )'ours,


J . 0. Walkeri
Management Divisio~ .

In repl y rate r to: IIA-JOII'

Apr il lJ, 1936

Mrs . Frll nkl.i n D. Roo oov clt

The White HOUDe
l!as hiot ton, D. C.
D..r lira . Roo seve lt:

I n disc uas ing llr. Bar uch 's lett

er to you , I tee l that cert aiD
figu res shou ld be cons ider ed in
the beg inni ng, &• they l, in
~ opin ion, have A ~rk
cd bea ring on the even
•hA t disp osit ion sha ll be tUL l dec isio n aa to
ot Arth urda le.
The fi£Ul'&S l18t ed 'bel o" cstl
cod ost: r.ot es onl,y and are exc eed ingl y

(1) Uan.ager $24 00.0 0

Sten ogrn J)ho r 120 0.00
Boo kkee per ~QQ C49 00.0 0
v (2) T<.Xe3 - i40. 00 per hoc esto ul
(3) Road iol&inteniWce and Snow P.emove
l 300 0.00
{4) 11•1Dtcnence Pub lic Bui ldin gs
3000 .00
(5) Hea t
" " 100 0.00
Stat ione ry ond Prin ting C50
Tele pho ne & Tel egra ph )00. 00
Car Ope ratio n 500 .00
(6) Pub lic Power 1000,,!:2 2)00 . 00
100 0.00
(7) Edu cati on
t38 , 400 .00
(1) The se tigu reo nre ne low ou
coul d be reas ono bl¥ expe cted and
are 1111.1cb lese than are bein g iJ4ld
ot the pres ent tl.r..e.
(;;:) If the pro ject is plac ed on
tho pub lic tc>x roll a, this 1a •
Mrs . Roosevelt -2

modes t estilllnto as to the IL>IOunt ench homeotec.det· ,.ould poy ond there
ie no consider ation es t o t=es which ""'Y be levied on pr i vately o~ned
public buildings .

( :;) 1'here eleven roilea of roeds in the t•roj ~ct onu tb.,re is no
evidence t hot ~lest Virginie con be expected to do much maintenance on
- more or l ess priva t e roeds ond 1n Ttint er the Stnte bends nre full in
thei r effort to keep L1aj or ILighwcys cleo.r of sno• . The nornel reason-
eble esti,.,to as t o tho cost of maintaining !l!JlCeciaa: roads is $1,000 o.
mUe; ho~ever, the t ypo of rot.d we in Reedavill o , with the re-
lat ively light traffic coulu pro bably be kept in pnesoble shape y,ith
the amount est~ted.

(~) :.taintenahce of buildings includes the school center nnd buildings

nt the administrnt i va center. !Jost of t hese buildings being of frome
construction, the maintennnce cost ,..111 be rola tively high nnd this
figure is an extremely modest one .

(5) 1'his figure is probobly r easonably accurc.te due t o the low cost
of coD.l in thnt nren.

(6) Public power includes lighting for public buildings and t he

operation of the pumf>ing plru>t for the main lfl'<'UP .

(7) Fducetion a t the present time is costibg about ~:;o,ooo . However,

Mr. Pickett feels that in n final program, it pr obably could be re-
duced to $20, 000 Yli thout affec t ing ita chnr~cter .

The only inco"'e accruing to the colDlllunity will be rents or payments

from hor:1esteaders, as every other activity developoon t in the plttco
Ylill be for t he purpose of E.dding to the homesteLders 1 incooe so t.he
charges may be met. Usine. Mr . BaruchIs sueeested figure of $10 per
1o1onth, this would mean a gross income of ~19 ,800 W1d it is immediately
apparent thet a mJ.nilllu:m difference exists of UB,600. II t he ho!Oe-
ste<ders continued to pay tho present figure per month, sufficient
incoli•c would bo provided to cover the cost 6.8 est itlatod; however,
there would be nothing available for any return to the government
either on individual homesteads or public buildings .
There is e. possibility of'a small amount of i ncor.oe to the collllllU[Jit y
as 8 result of purchasing power at wholesale prices Md r edietributing
it to ho~steaders at retail prices. This income should be sot aside
for the sole purpose of maintaining tho eleetric• l dist ribution syste~
.,ithin the project o.t a high stnto of c>aintenance ond, therefore ,
should not be considered either as & credit on account or tiomeoteaders 1
pe.yDenta or for other budget purposes in its operotioaa.

It is, therefore , apparent we ore confronted with n decision ae to

whether ..a will write of,f tho entire investment t.nd it, in doins so, ·

Mre. Roosevelt -3
u oleo reduce the oontbly payment for hooeetendors, some prcviaion "ill
ha're to be ~:~ade for subsidizing the undertlllcing.
The initieJ. efforts on t11o psrt of hollleete•ders to suppl err.ent their
!!)comes by gro•ing food, etc . on their holoinge, wore extre10ely spotty.
It must be borne in oind, however, thnt most of those families had gone
a long wrq froo agricul ture.l pursuits IUld "ere t in the position
of having to learn a nen trade; the evic!ence 1ndieatea, with proper
&uidance, they will be able to rdse a sufficient u.ount to supple~~:ent
tteir cash incoces, ·

Up to the present time , homesteaders hllve patd $23,000 in rent . It 1e

conte11pl.ated thllt these payments will eventus.l l;y be considered in con-
nection with the final sale or the propert;y. Delin4uencies in pa~ente,
u or the first o! Februar;y, were 4 . 9~% . The !ee~ing exJ.ste tlwt the
amount they are now paying is too high end thoro ie n otrong feeling
e.mong I!WllY that tho amount suggested by Mr. Baruch is wlul t should bo
expected; ho,.ever, it ia ar:t feeling adjustcent of rents should be made
only a!ter final conoioerntion bas been given to the disposition of the
propert;y, "" it 1a deaireble to fix what cay be a pon:~t.ncnt figure

whon the change is made,

The title to ths property at.ill reoaina in the Pederl\1 GovernJ>ent. At

the present time the agricultural possibilities are lugel;y the pro-
vlaion of food for the f1111ily, supplemented b;y such cooperative activ-
ities as ma;y be possible on amnll holdings. E!!ortu are being t~de
to oecure additional farm land in order to strengthen the agricultural
side of the project, but this is greatly complicated due to mineral
riet.t reserves in this region end the present rulings do not
the government to purchase lend ll'here oineral rishts are reserved end
in many cnsee, the acquisition or these rights involves a considernble
execs& expenditure oven though there is no evidence of n possibilit;y
of the oineral depoe! to' be ins developed . Surface risbte only u;y be
purchased with cooperAtive tunds, but this cust be repaid with~

Industrially, the osly activity is the woodworlcina tnd metal ""rking

shop, providing a small a~t or eoployment. The contract for the
operation of tile tactor;y baa been approved both b) Dr, Tugwell and
tho Arthurdale Assooi~tion and has been signed by the Vacu~ Cleaner
Company. We accepted all proposed changes ID8do by the Vacuum Cl eaner
Company and operation will begin ~bout June tiret; however, the mini-
llua rn te proTided in thia plant is lese than that being peid for "orlc
on the project and, therefore, wo u:y experience aor.1e .U.rticultiea
in prortding the nuaber ot eaplo;yeea. The Voeuua Cloal\er Coapan;y may
be 1li1l1ng to increase tl\ia coapenaatioo. The coapen;y guarantees to
pPlo;y boeeoteadeu but -.Ieee no guarantee aa to the nuaber the7 will
.upl07, and the cODtract rune fro• ;yeiU' to )'81U' with a cencallat.iOD
clau.,. prorldine ror tile ~t ot one ;yaar• a rect ahould the;y decide

"rs. Roosevelt -4

to C&l'lCel the lcas'es . There io no indication •.t the present tin:e of

additional plant5 bei ng l ocated at Arthurdale; the rule prevent-
ing our build.i,ng additionul facto ries, if necessary, is o. handicap .

I feel that we hove a reasonable possibility of being able to build

this group up, over n period of five years , to an income, including
subsistence from their farm plots , of t900 to $1,000 per family, and
I think the rentel or purchase figure should te.ko this possi bility
into consideration.

I woulc! be llilling to rocollllllend thot lease arro.ngements be made on a

rising seale basis, stsrtin~ with $10,00 e roontb the f irst year end
increasing this payment by $2.50 a month each successive year until a
roaxi.IIIUlll of $20,00 per month is reached. We could provicle for o. mora-
torium arrangement of sooe kind in case the ineorne did not increase
w1th such rapidity "" to just ify the incrensed nnnuul figure . This
arrangement would hove the advantage of l ightening t he load at the
present t ime and would, ultimately, provi<le sufficient incol!le in tbe
,. proJect by the people themselves to carry the colllliiWlity.

I feel we should definitely set Arthurdale up in i ta final form,

lll"iting off -the eoat'as a social , educational, economic experiment
conducted for tbe purpose of illustrating tho possibility of increas-
ing the wealth, health and beppinese of the people of the State of
illest Vi r ginia.

I should be very glad to have your personal react ion es , to the rent
•uegestion before aubm tting it to Dr . Tugt~ell for his approval.
Mr _,. llr. llu\oolu

I •• plt.aai..Ds to 10 do& to
.lrlbaJ'I.ale OR tbe llf\OJ'R- o r J\ule 16,
aad et ll ,..,uza t o Waahla,"on oa t he
aorolq or t ._ let b. Do ,..,. tbllll< yo"
ooal4 10 tMn'


Mr . Bern~ Baruch
597 l!a41aon Aven1e
N.Y.C . D!l

) ..._ 0 ,.

( ,, . .
f ~ I
!.h·i 16, 19.36

U.;.,;y thauk~ t or t :Hl shllres w~icll

~·ou sent t.l the _}~r:Leud~ lk rvice Co=itte~ .
I want t:> t alk to you about wh:.t
should be done o.l>o:.; t t he scbool tor next
ye,,;r , I f you '·rt,> able to go down wl th 111e on
the 17th of June t hnt would he a good t ime ,
I f not , I can see you her e ,;ometime or wh en
I come on to Ne~1 . York 1 r you hu ve time ,
I think I need h~<rdly tell you
•lult a grand pe:rson I t h i nk y->u ! ... ve been
1n doing so much i n the p::st for me ut
Arthurd.ale , There ara tew :>.eopl e one trusts
without resorvlltion in l i fe and I wu deP- 11ly
zr11te~1l to c~ll you thut kind of a fr i end,

Very cordiall y you rs;. so





Lly door L·ro . lloosevclt :

HG rtl' ~ Howe ond :;: had an o8reeo:11e

morning toccther yeot(:rdoy . I think he in
o fire boy on<l ls r o<ng to be oll r i~;ht . Ee
is t,o~ng to try to live on his ~ol~ry . If
he c onnot got through, he is not to (;O to
mother, but is c om· ng to mo . I think t he toy
h .,olng to mal:c 1;ood . At least he 1~ <l"lng
to try and stand on hla own t[eet. .:>o rr,uch
l for that .

Tho other ti oy I sen t 150 Shores

or a otock Which tho AMe ri can Fr i e nds Ser vl co
Commltt ee wi ll :>o a blo to s oll f o1· abou t
::112, 000 , Tt:!s 1 s the lost o f my gromls a
t o the achoo l e nd nook eo o to t a l of ~i>23 , 7? 5 ,
for thi s yoo r , i t bolng as you know the l ~s t
yoar co vor od by my pr omis e .

It is too bod t ha t the go ve1•nrnent

could no t do as well os you h ove done with
this school . I do not know how ,.,e
con so aheod
whlle tho government ia ma king proml sos and
• holding ou t hope s tho t ca nnot be fulfilled •
If ther~ is anythi ng tur the r ,
ple a oe let me beot· from you .

Sincerely yours ,

J.:r o . Franklin D. ilroscvelt ,

Tne ..l!i to House ,
··'• shtnston , J . c .
. , . Ill , lel le

- · - Mr . Ba no bl
ap • .,.111&
I wrG&e :ro• • tw •~ YU le oa \lie le\ b
to lle eb
\lle t I ll.o pM \e _.
.. . bee-•ot \he ob.. ..
ol 1 -, 'IN \ I f1D.4 pl au \ll et I wU l DG& lie
1a t u . . . . . . .,,
ebl e \o co IID \U \be
Ur e, epellll ln« \ be Ut bly
\b eN , ellll ..-111'1lli
iC 011 \ he 26 \b , I aa
eo :JOG wl U a» \
atS DA
... Sl iiC 7 0 11 \b a lllr on\ o co oa \be 1'1 '\b, .
\ JT \ o • • ~ pla M

'f~ da oe Nl :J yo ura ,


llr . BerDAri Barucb S: DO

~0 7 Yad1 aon ATa .ue
N . T .c.


IOWUC 42 5:15JIIl
em~~ ~~itt ~u 'Y.:~
·. , . .
e . (j,LL
New York, N.Y., 4: 37:FM • .rune/ 3{,.; I93
Mre . Franklin D. Roosevelt,
The Whi to Houa e . 1

Did not answer your letters because I had slight 1ndiapoait1on

which kept me in house tor week. Can arrange to come to Wash-
ineton lltte Thursday and be there l"riday. Please let me know
it you are tree any ot that time.

B. 1.1. Baruch. \


JUa ~. lG36

llr. B - r d II. BeNCh

10111! J1tt h ....... ue
. _ Tori<, • • Tori<
Will be 11l !lew York to4ay !tope you call came to Ro0<1 ae'Nn naU&ht folll'
three thirty ana lladiaon heoue at tow fU'taell If not juat telephone
lillDCJ Cook.


ijfJre ~Jrih ~se
39'1/U. HA. 22- 2 :•o p .m.llfa.e;~ingtmt
Now York, N.Y. , June 16, 1934
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt •
. Arriving late tonight. Lunohing with President tomorrow.
Returning to New York in afternoon. Leave word at Carlton it

• you wish to see ~e .

Beruoh. \
u. t 1~ ..
tj ' - (·'/. ....f.:.. (•... c[;~ - .
. ,. .cL. •.
/ ( •• : J •

/. r

,' 1

' '
IlC... ~
. ,f.
• I
I 0"" .. .

• 0


( '.L
I •


129LIK L! C 35 RADIO
27 ,1936
Mrs . Franklin Roosevelt,
'l'be ',/hi te Holl!le.
I .
Excoedinsly anxious lolow results Reedsville vis i t eleo hope you
understand t~et despite Franklin's expressed opinions will s t and
with you . ::bat tl.!lle and where cen I ' phone Tuesdey or :·:ednesdey?

Berueb .

- - - -- -- --- -------~--~ - --- - -- --
-- - -··-
' -
m4£ ~l)lllpi£ ~tlUS£ I



,)• 6 PO JM 18 122 8pm Ca ble
Ba dg ast ein Ju ly 3, 19 36 .
LC Ur s. Ele an or Ro ose ve lt
\/h i te Ho use , •:lash ing ton ,
DC .
De lig hte d
reg ard s Pre sid en t co ntr ibu te ten as reo ue ste d
end se lf. At tec tio ne te

\B aru ch .

-· .· '

Hyde Park, N.Y. I I\ ,

July l<l, l9:5·J . I •, I

De <>.r •t:~:. B'\rucht

I have be•1n wor:~tnp; ,m1 t e hard ovnr the Arthurda~
eitU'ltion. I went d own there and S A.W !Uos Clapp
~ nd ~h~ tal· me of h~r a6r eement ~ith you on the
• · eaeentials; th~.t thil future oondi t1on n.t Arthur-
dn lP diu not Poem to 3u~ti fy our continui~~ nn
eduo P.tinnal ~ T.P''! r1men t there to the e7.tent of the
!)resent 'l.111ount involveu,
She 1e extrer.wly nnxiou~ to or.rry on the e xperi-
me nt, however ~l P.-Il'~he r'} , if the economic oondi tion
is mo: e st'lbl e, u!l~l s he 11nid you gavo her the hooe
that you mi![ht be wiJ. ling t-o holp, I would , of
course, be v~ry munb 1nt .~ re atecl 1n ~llll irlf; this
· one, but I fe-?.1 t l1·!t m:v firo t tion ts to
carY·y throuJI;h the tr!lno i ti(m !l.t Artl\Urdale a nd those people h:,ve A'<! good a ohnnce as ryoe-
s ibl e under '11lllttevcr P.Conomio oondttione they co.n
~or k out ,

I told :!tse ClflPP that I " auld pe mttoh int r. reet.,d

in any otbqr e xperiment t hFtt could b·~ worked out
and thnt I r.ould 'l'Ork with i t i n ev P.ry '•ay exoap t
a f1nano1 ~tl one until I wne free of any obl1go.t1on
at Arthurdale. Thie seemed ·"'- r1 d louloue th1nv, to
a ny ~hen I h~ve no funds in eight to help ~rthur­
do.l e exoept t"h!'l't you rt1ve me , but I nm still hol'e-
ful "'h i<lhever V'PY the "leotion f.';Oe A Of m.'lking
~omethinv to co~t r1but e J

' ' i ae Cl.3.pp " OUl<i like to tRke har tho nuoleue
of te ~nhere ~ho a re not West Virg inia teachers 11
o.nothc r experiment ia be~un but I f ee l i t i s my
obli gat i on, ~a ~ell a ~ here, to make every effort
to place theee tenohere oomewhere else thie autumn,
co I eat to wet k to m"'.ke planP ne r ap idly as poe-
Bible. •.
I h · •l a men t inv, i n lln.eh1ngton the follo•11ll5 rreek

r:hen llr . 'fur,well returned and n t the meeting were:
Ur. Tugwell , t!.ajnr "''>lker, l!r. Peterson, llr . Kenney,
l'r . Pinkett and l!. iee F<tlll.e.
1 ~old' them of your dec ieion; that lli HI! Clap n n nd
1 concurred and t hat 1 i~'lgined t hey would fee l that
it "'"' ~ a. wi se thing for t he hor.testeadl!r o to become
tie< I i n "i t h the \~est Virg i nia school sys tem . •ro
my surprise , llr . Tugwell. at ono~ m'lde the nt11t ement
t hat t!l~ morale ~t Arthurdale <me! conJ1.tions there
were nintty percent better t!l.:.n in .my oth~r homo-
a ·t ead , entirel y dus to th e school. t'hi" rathe r
took my bree til lt\f:\y as I U."lde ;cntood b• did n •t f eel
this wa y ~tnd I h•t<l bee n told the.t h"l <l t<l no t tell
me hil! axaot feel t ngs because he felt >myth11lt; 1
wished must be c.'\n·ied ottt , I bgflouo~ht theu. all
to be entirely truth!ul and told the m my fe elin;~s
were not 1nvolvetl in aoy " a y . He at111 stood by
this statement antl proc~ ded ~o say tha t he~ ha tea
to have the school ohan~eti in a ny way beoauBe he
f al t the child ren 'lll'are gaining eo 111\tch t hey "ould
1:.·~ aruoh bet te:r .;ble to cone with th~i:r cond 1 tiona
as "they g r e w up, Ho"'eV•i r , I t ol'' h i m tllat th!s
lflld h ,p oeaib\e.

'-'e went oV•!r the aconot11o condi t i ons and. th~y tl.:ltturad
me t h ><t they felt the V!louum cl13an .ir f ectol'Y re,\llY
meant t o g i ve the e xpnr i ,m ent every oh:1nne to 'luc cac·<l.
They then B!<id t hat of oourae , they coul<! not giv ~
a pled tf.a tha t there ~·ould 'be someth inr:; elat> by tha
first o f J a nuary ndxt . '!'hoy a r e work illtJ; ha r d and
I &m enol"s i ng to you the e udy "hich they r;nvo
me which may be o! int e rest to you .
I think all lfe can do i ·a to hopo that for the S'lko
of tha people tllal'e they w1ll be ahl.e to oe.rry
throur~h the i r pluna and bri ng i nto the corunun1ty
the ne•de d i noome ,
I n tb11 meant i !!le, !lias Ol 9.P!J feel11 that the. transi-
tion should not be too uudden and t hat was why .I
asked if you woul..t be wUling , e v en thou~h aho wi ll
not s t a y , to cont r i bute 310! 000 th i D oo1ning year c.t
least. One reason for th a i~ that th~ 1nor eae $

in number• of ohildren ia not as it would be i n a
11et:led community, and a. llut Virginia laws base
the uumber o f teaohere allowed on the average
a t tendance of the year pae t 1 they would have a
woeful laok of t eaohere next year and possi bly
the yftar attar, •o I eugKeated t hat we try to
au~pl ement the numbdr of teachers ann i f poesi ble
oar ry on the health work,
Const · ucUon will s till carry the nurse ' s salary,
but the doo t or '• •alary would have to be paid from
private t..Wuuntil t !ley oarry t he idea thro~hout
t heir ne'ighborhooo of montbl.y eubaor ipt1ons, t hough
the eubecr i nt i one now paiu by the Arthurdale people
only cover tbe needect Dl&dici ne and minor expenses .
The one o thor thing 1 nm anxious to oarry for anot her
year or two is the nure~ohool and tor t hat 1e
i ll probably need ~6 , 6 ra and 1 am go ing to try
to get it from the 0· r na e Foundatron, 1 realize
1 may not be succeonful. 1 n.ay t r y to !Set a nwobe ,·
ot people t o oontributA li l , OOO ea ch, f or I f eel
with th e new f Ami l i es comi ng in, the healtu care
and the nureery echool a re two vital things,
4fter the meeti~~ i n Wnfthington 1 • I went to Arthurda le
and oalled 11. meeiil\f( of the Wen Virg inia Oooruai ttee,
which Unluded the Oounty Su,;orintendont of flchoolo,
We opent t he mo rning laat touether and 1
laid before them the e i t uatton and our raoomm&ndat1onB,
Tb11y wil l haYe to have a meeting to,•e ther with the
etate autbor1t1ee and fi nd out j uet what t hey oan do
and wb~t they th i nk wieeet to oarr y on,
1 t old Yr, Flynn, t he projeot mana~er , all this . 1
d id not , however tell h1• t hat Ur, Tugwell had
pr omieed me a bo tter proj1ot ma~ge r t o holp the
new superintendent of the • obooll Tbie fl111 have
to be a Weet Virui ni a pereon, 1 s tressed the fact
t hat the people he ohoee were vitally lmportant t o
the euooeee ot t he future and that t he nucleus of
Vleet Virginia teachers now there should be kept
there in order to keep the standard up and oontinue
t ne same kind ot education if poa nible,
I met with the homesteaders at three-thirty as work
ie over tor the day at three o'olook. I explained
the entirs oha~~e to them of oour~e, not telling
them t ~~t we doubted their future economic situation
but atreeaing- that it was itapoatant to theta to
carry on ·che work on theiroown regponaibili ty and
to tie theuaeelvea in in every poss ible way with
the et~ te~ the committee and the general ne1ghbor-
hoo1. They are to elect a man and woman to
represent them on the lleet Virginia advis ory com-
mittee and to make their own re eommendr,t ione as to
"hat thtly feel most vi tal for their corarnuni ty to
the West Virginia oornmittee.
We have aent letters explaining th~ entite situa-
tion to our national committee asking them to ooll- thei.r int<l reet in the school 1f they feel
able to do ao for 'anothP.r year nt least to help
the people work out their own salvation.
They will run their own baby clinic , they oan run
their ovn muaio festivals, their athl Atioe nne ~any
of their recreational aoi1vi ties throu~h the Hor~o­
steadere Olub. They will, of oourse, not be ~s
good as with Uiee Olapp and her trained ataff but •
I think they oan with the two years opy>ortunity they
have had, and thu grant whioh you ~re giving them,
do muoh better than they wou~d otherwise,
I etraaaed to them that I waa not in any way l essen-
ing my interest and ~ould be there as often aa I
h3d been in the P'Bt and work oloaely with the Weat
Virginia oo1111111t1iee and their own aohool people if
they lfishell me to do ao.
I hope that you will feel I have aoted w1Aaly and '
have done what you would have done, for 1 value
your good opinion and oooporat~on mora than I oan
tell you.


I gather from your tlrst Yire tha t Fran•cUn ' a II tate-

men\ as to the possi bility of an amendment being
necessar y, <; roublet'. you, but aU"r all thr~t 1e in
no way ~n attack on the Constitution for we have
many amenrun~nta alre~dy ~nd even Mr, Larulon msde
the s~e etatdment, ao please do not be r aally
troubled on th1s point I Franklin fee lll as keen-
ly as you do about the Oonat1tut1on,
1 ae very gl ad that Governor Lehman 13 go i ~ to
run and hop'! that you will be back in this oountry
before lonp, for 1 do fe el the need ot talking to
you very often,
1 8\I.W Dean lluasel 1 and l!r, f.!runne-r llnot 'I'Jour~tday.
They had been to Arthurdale a~l mad e a ~tudy of
the s itua-t ion and a ro both nt111 o xtrotnely anxious
to have a Ji'oundation !ollo•v an experiment auoh aa
U1ea Clapp b as hei!UU at Arthurdale and Bug;,eeted
t hn t 1t the peopl!l oarrifld thet~eelvea \fith your
aid for next year, uy th:1t U me a founoi ~tton lll1r;ht
be willing to ask Uiea Clapp to go back ~o th1nge
might be more et.1bilizod, They oi ir! n<>t h.w e aa
much aruiety frou. tbtlt point of via'l1 but sni d
they would try t o find out immediately ~ne ther
they could rai oe the mon"y for t he nuroory school
new , a a 1 explait•.;d to thew I lllUOh J)r llfenod to
hnve that oarr1ou by a f~undation, They wo re both '
full of prau e f or l:he work that had been done .
W1th warm good wi tlhea and ever;l hope thnt the curo
ie do1nw' you a great deal of good an<1 th't you
wlll reiurn feel1n& grand, Uy kind regar ds to
any of your family ~ho may be with you and ne you
knoY my treae ndoue gr~t1tude and affectio n are
yours al.,.aye,

Sept~ber 22 , 193 6

Dc:.r ::.r, Dar uch a

Ll"ny, a1t.n y tiw n.l is
b:.s ket of flo we rs , You ror the btw u tif ul
wer e •.or e the n
k i nd to t hin k of lilO llnd I
che er ed. '" " lir eu tly

I d i d hav e a diS htr eeH ble t1m

:..u up tod ~y !.CHI reo liu g
e, but
f ll irl y we ll but
t~ ldug .lir e ver y o.,ui
etl y,
I nm con cer ned ~;bout
s ess ut:e Q&, { t)S !.10 fee l you t.youre
, !. l> !il)'-r
I ltbl l hop ou your >Jt:. y in Ger not t:el l ,
pu t you t:nt 1r ely 1)11 you r u:my ··:o;.ld
le t 1118 kno;v hm• you li r e , fee t :. z~o in , Do

Hopin ~ to s e e you be!'or e _l on.,:, . nd

.. 1 t h m:.:n y tht. nk£ uga in, I

V;:ry co r di uU y you r" ,


Kr . Ber nar d M. Bar uch

120 Bro adw ay


. ~{~J!~;;

Oo\ober 11, le3t

' ru.
JCr c.... llomlch:

• c.ndlng yoli a oop)' or pan

I r<~a
or e ,...ool'fe4 troe 111. . Clapp_.
1~\er I
I n -cb aa 1\ partalao t o yoli I \ hou. b\
)'Oii WQiild be l llh...8\ed \ 0 - · l t .

11r. Beraar<S Baruch

11117 liladloOD .lYeDiie
N.Y. C. DO


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a.... -.r '. 11:16

.., 4.-r ..... Bvuo !IJ

~ tb&A b ror )'OUl' tal. .,_

or .• OJlCI"'tlll.aUo• uul . - wt••·
. . . ....,. ldtld or ,.,.. \0 •tN -
atld bo\11
tile l'rwd4 AIA\ ADd I are 4Mpl y poa\. r..l
tor your Yell' pii&I'O IIA aDd · lo,.l a~q>port.

7M rre. u., ,.. '~

llaar t.-4 117 ,,. "'• ot c011fl 4e- he
lNOa ba4 ""'• of oo~~raa, J'&a ll- \hat
, tllla 'fO\a O&J'rl.. a craat
nepo •U•W ':r
wiSII tt.

Mr . Bernar d u . Baruch
59? WOdla on Avenue , N. Y. C.




~Q28 L
WA NEWYORK NY 322P NOV 4 1936 I t /y,







/D 414 P

. )~1

Dear vr. Barueht ::J~ ~ .
The enclosed r let~ s~}··ck
me as a p r cal- ~~
ing t hat I 1\Sked !Irs. \:fiooowsrr d t o l o-..k · into
it and as 7 0u sea, t r.e investig at or ~eem~
to have verified the enti re a t <Jry.
It would be rathe r ditficlllt t or me to lend \
the f 200 3uet a t pre sent and I ~onder it
you lmow or 8ll7 one 1n Fl orida who would be
willing t o do this .
The7 sOWld like people ,.;ho V!ould r e pay.
I 1111 beginning to thillk t hat SOIIO gov~: rnment
ageney which would lend peopl e on t.he b•,s is
or ehara~ter and salary, en ough • oney to
tide ov ur debts contr~tcted in t he depr os s1on
p eriod or t o tide over em.;rg onciea suet' es
this at a r easonable r a t o ot int.Jr e s t - say
three pare ·nt, •1t;h t be one ot thu 110st help-
till thin«• t hat we c ould do t or t ire sel t
respec ting •iddle class people 1n t his ca,mtry .
It 7 ou c an think or n o one who ·... ould be inter -
e sted and able t o do this, will Y• L let .e
know aa I ot course, ean 11anage it.
A1'teet1on~t tely,

' C'~ • •

-..z.r, .. ..

I ' ..
' !

IIIIa\ do JOU lalo-o about

~.L BNb )ft•A•et.. Be le: Yery mioua ~
' "11&.,. aoa. ou tn \be Dopartmcnt or aart-
culturo chen piU"t1cular ebarce or rurol
llta and act tor ranoo:ra tn the •Y \bat
ih'aAOea Park111a ao'• tor labor, Be •r•
tber baYe neYar bee!. adequate repre..ntatton
ad 'II• Dopanamt at Acrlcultura cloq no\
4aal wt\b tb• u b,_n betnsa. l!a 1e 110at
autOGa 'o ••• Ilia plu, wbtcb I .,. -lootna,
OU"rta4 out ill either tbe Depara•t ot
~rtaultlll'e or tn the ICurel Aaaeul-•t.
Be left • tb•• thins• to rMcl, alld, aa I
would Uke to cet nel')"tbillll toceULer tor
rN.IIkllll, I -.uld ba ••rr b.apJ17 to ~ern 1t
JOU laoo• 811iJ\hin(l about ne IDilDo '

Yr. Born~rd Baruch

5Q? Mad1ean Avenue
R. Y.c. .. S:OD
Dt)ar l.!r . !'..ur uch1

I IIIli loo>:in,; for~tarJ t'l h:. v1ni

you dine with me u t my bl•nt·t; t
011 ;.!oud t.y n ight, u<'ld ! ju;; t ·•8llto d
t o rc:~J~in d you t ha t trtcr o ~ore t h ree
fl1th ts of st .•irs t o c limb - • c h .vc
.. ~ cl ov11 t o r , If you ;'eel t !:u t t l·.ts
ITv Uld in auy wt.y tire you I .>h:.l l be
glr.d indee d to I'H. vc y01: di ne lf1. th we
:..ny o the r ,·l .. ce t:. wt you l1~ Y nw:~e ,

vory c:, rdic.l ly your~ ,

Mr. Bern ard Baruc h

Waldo r f Asto ria
New York


. ..
I \
8&7 MADI SON AVEN UE I .: \ /
December 2 , ~3o .~
1'.rs . Fr anklin D.' Roose velt ,
The .,hite Hous e,
Wasltl ngton, D. C.

r:.y doe r lura . Roo!leve lt :

subje ct.
I on ly know about 1-acRoo genet•
hio mooor onduz shows a very int ellige nt r epor t ,.lly
The bes t method of a pproac h is on 1nvost igo -
t1on by intel li gent inven tigato rs of Cos tle Haynes ,
St. Helena , Invero hiel ond Pendo rlea .
A cursor y glance at tho memorandum wL1ch
is do ted Morell 1933, shows tha t
a, tha t good lond wus se l ected - indeed the best
tha t hod come under their obser vation
b. th~ tt he people oolec ted were foreig ners
who hod been accus tomed t o hot•d 1'/ 0l'k -
probably very hortl work .
Aft inveat 1geti on couple
viei t (which I alw ays like to ma ke afte dr with o pe rsona l
t he ' repor t .. ot'
inve stigat ors , in order to see with my ovm eyos) ought
to gi ve a good idea of who t can be dono ,
The memor·cmdum is quite correc t in
sugges ting thot e visit bo made to those col onies whi le
t he Rure l Progra m is being worked out , I quite
that rural l ife a nd the f ormers hove not had the egroe
person al attent ion that hna been given, f or instan ce,
to labor by the Sec retary of Labor . 1'/e have
compla ined of t he monrlor in which the depart munoft stenand
t he Settle ment Admin istrat ion dealt with the settle rs
a a experi ments not wi th human being& but !'athe r having
some intell ectua l thesis in whi ch t he y ore fitti ng t heoo
pooplo .

- 2-

You will notico he says t he

foll owing men h ave I ntimate kn owledge of what !Je has
been d oirg -
Daniel C. Ro pe r
M. L. Vl i lson , Asst . Se c . of Ag ricu l ture
s . H. Hobbs, Jr . , ·
Dean I . o. Schaub , of North Corolin a
. Unj vHrsi ty
David R. Coker , South Cerollna
Dr . Fronk Fritts , Ne•:1 York

Ropor , Wilson, Cokor end F r it t s a re

t he type of men who c ou ld g i ve you some shor t - cut
i n for:na t ion abou t t his ma tter , or do you want me to
fi nd ou t f or you?

Th is rural program' is one of the

t hings I told t he President I was va ry much t nteros te rl
in . It g oe s without saying th!Jt i t wou ld be perfectly
fine t o work it out wit h you .

Sinccrel y yours ,

Deo oabe l' l.O, r

l aa ....lAC JOU a oopy ot a lRh

Wh ich - l'
\0 ao traa th e Wcaall !a nor 14a
• . _ J CMI Mal \be ..,.. .,., a D4 W
elao a cow ot ~
lR hr w her. I cdh er traa her
:rou U4 110t waa• JOI.Ir' - • to a pp..r 1llar tllet
al\b oup I do llOt fee l U quit e tbla
fill ' that I
ehou ld aet t bo or-. llt wball :rou actU
the !f08 8J• Bo •-r , I 11l lln ot tel . llJ aam
ot cou r•, tbat you are tho bea etaoltor he r ,
you d o a ot wlab .. t o .:o eo . 1r


Wr • .Berlllll'd 11. Baruob

~G7 llad1e on A~eDUe
N. Y.C ,
S: lll

';l.y deer• Mr•s , Roosevel t;

do n ot let tho Florido women
know anytlllng about mo . I f she payn bo~l: the
money, you can use it for sorr,e o ther pu!'pose .
I sow Jinunie going down on the train
on r.!: nday . '1/hnt o fine rnon he has g rown to be l
I do n ot know anyone who has c rown !lO much tn avc;ry
way ond he hos such delightf ul and chm·mlng manners ,
The President rondo o fin e s poech
a t the Gr i diron dinner• .

I orn v1a .1 ting to hear f u rther .f rom

1.! 1ss Dickerman . May I soy ono t Mng ? Don 't
you offer to lend on:; monoy. I think the school
ought to s tond on its own , You should hone on
to the ;;;lo, ooo. oo you spoko of ,
I had o l ong talk with Secretory
Wallace on Resettlement work and I think he is &o ing
to do a good job, l .found he hod a good under-
standlng of it and his heoJ•t is in the rl(.\h t plac e.
I think he h as plenty of common sense .

I am lo~ving for Hobcaw tonil<h t to

spond the holidays With my family and hopo you und
yours will h ave a very happy hol ida y season .

offectionata rcgords to all ,

I om

Sincer ely yours ,

!hro . Franklin D\ Rooseve 1 t,
The Whl te House ,
\'lssh1 ngton , D. C.




1CJ lear 1111-. I!A.,..,ba """
'rbl8 18 , . .. to Mppl-\ U.
ro~ lA•liaUoao *lob . . , ..... &OM to
708. 0011 to \aU ,_. \llo\ l bope• tr ,_
- k ben r ... tllo looiJIVSt&oa. :rou •Ill
te.l hM to ••• to \bo lblto 11ooa. . r ... Uo
"llt\lo w o-1 ~-- wltb - t'DIU'-
b....... • • - · o-.J \bat 1 oaa orror :rou o
r- Sa wilSall to - .h :rov b..... I aa oliN
·- - will - - - ...... .....__ \0 -
\bot J'08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. •

U TOI& oro ...r1111 Oil otter Uio

Xae•,.rots-. I - l d lcwo to llo90 :rou • -
to liuer oa \be t-Uetb Ul4 ao to Uo •

...... --....
.......... •lib . . U' :fOil foel J'08 ....14 ll.ll:o
to do 110. Bo-•r• " rill le\ :fOil ao book
to \1111 hotel otter d.._ l t :rou pntor \bot
. .
........ Dlok- \ella - .... JOI&
- .... u r~ror re tile ll•oo oiiii ,I . .
toni~ llltorootol to • • 1111at u.-.

Mr . BtrD&rd Beruob
C97 Mad bon A90., NlO S:a>

.. •

Ynu d•>Hbtl ana '111] l ltnvu

t•or~tJ tvod .A conclUnicnt1on J'rom I.H c:;, Dtch.:r•mon
onnounetn~; the purch''"e or tl.~ iluil<:ll .,;; •'or
alOO , OOO, Enclo3ed you nlll find co,.y
ora tr.Orno rondtun I hav,-. r 1 vcn :.~n 1or ilu,..J:•J,.
for t!lo clos tnu or t!,a tl tlos . ·

The twl) fr-1 u"l J:1 r<: ~c.: l'l"tH1

to thu!'oln, are you end my brother 'N'Io
lnsJ stn upon r".al<ln~ a ~o... t rJhutlon - nnt
& lonn . i~o 19 ~ivlng It as on expro:.:;loh
of tne very high rogurd I.e hAn for t .O:JO ,
lllcc Mise Dlc,cormun snd :'J'Out~solr , w'.o , h~
feels , hove 1:l ven 0 flue d!.roctt011 1.1) tho
lito of htc dtnlf~htcr·.

I e1; ""· earlnt: bofo N t!.~

lilluse 1.1111 tnry Afro l1·s Co'""! t te~ on 'rhut•o'i»,t
mornj nc oncl a hull no r t•oe <ltll•!ng ho n',.>1e
artwrnoon ond avon \Hg ln co:1o you OC'l 1.uo
?roo l dent wl sh t o conuottn let• to ''•1 th 111e . .____.__.-
SI nccJ·oly yout· u,

!..t•'J . Pronklln :>. R•)•jseVe 1 t ,

rile .. hlte !iouao,
Wo:s 1 a1 net on , D. G.

January 26, 1937.
Tho price llflreed upon for 33 F.ast 74th
Street woe $100,000 - $50, 0~0 in c aah and ~0 , 000
i n o purchase money mortgage.
The purchas e ie dependent upon

a - t he poostng, by the propor authorities,
of the bu Ud 1.Jtg a a t1. reproof and
acc eptable ao a school, ,, i t hout ony
1.fa, ands or buts
o- thot t he contractor will unds rtake
t his worlc tor ,.22, 000.
Tho approval ~f the proper deportment
must certainly be had before the purchaae is completed.
Occupancy is t ~ bo had not later than
June lot , preferably that date , with the adjustment
for t ax•• usual i n euch oaee a.
The queAtion of whether the school should
be organized aa a corporation or k&pt in private
ownership is a matter entirely for them to dac ide, but
it should be considered.
I f altera t ions can be mad s for $22, 000.
the total cost will be $122, 000, The funds i n
hand, I underato nd , are securities wor th about
$52, 000. and $15, 000. trom two ot~ r aournes.
$122, 000,
It a purohaae money mort gage !or 50, 000,
were t aken , that would neoeeeitate, in caah,
against which you would have the amount s
72, ooo.
referref to above , i . e . $52, 000. value in
aeouritiea and 15, 000, from two
other source •, t otaling 67, 000.
Thia would leave at1ll to bt obtained, the sum of $ 5, ooo•

January 27, 1937.

Dear llr. llaruohz

I ~ thrill ed that you bave bought t he e obool
for 1100, 000 and I am -ri ting HArry Ko~k~r
at ODOe. I OODII1der 1t IIUOl:i be\te.r t;o ln-
oorporate the acbool au~ bavo the school t;Rke
tlile t o t;be property.
I uoderet&Dd the oaeh to be paid 1• too,ooo,
~Dd , Bo, ooo
in ~ puzob~ee aoner mort, ase.
Tha t 11tane that taa,ooo ror repalro 111\lat bo
ralaed on the outelda and t ha t $~ . 000 ta
aUll needed.
I •ill talk to Kiaa Diokeraan over the weak
end and eea exaotly what &he th lnk~ o&n be
done. 1 gather that your brother does not;
i ntend t o r&ieu a f und but wil l , lvo u p~rt
or tbe 80Dey blmselt. I e be atlll oona1der-
1nt; t.;a t U OM ot bera t o Join • ith l!irn"l
I hope rou IJ1ll dine wHh u11 toarorrotr • 'fhure-
day and nay tor part of the ReoepUou at
At i ection&tllly,


february 10 , 10~7

I j

llalQ' \!lanka t or ,our 101111 hner.

1 •• ao sled you r ..1 aa you do about tile

I a m t brlllecl about t he pottery

u4 wll1 wl\ an:doualy to haer 80ra. l
... &lao atUl aaUl.aa to haer acaethlJII
:r.o..., a bout ·tha
acbool, a ad h'l.alclla h
&allloua to b• r tho raau1h ot your work
al\b t he l a4...\rtallaa.

I abaU be &WJ' troto tho el'hrDOOD

or J'eb .... ry 10 to \be oaorn lAc ot rebruury &!!.
4tteot lonohly,

.llr, Bel'Dar4 11 . Ba:n.c.b

50? Ma4 looa Avenue
~-1 ~~~(/ r·l G 1it' J .u'·,.< :.· .~ ~ ':i..
{- t, ~t !/ . ~' ~· ,I. .
\ t
f.I \- .'
I .l
l J{t •'·JJ
··' '

,I ~
i ~t
I. ·
I I ./1... I

-' I
~fV Mllc<so,~{.vmue , 1 .( n, t
(· -~ •'
! \ •/ </ : ( I
1 ,( I) ~~ 1 (I ,t NIII(I Vo K
1 ,,
,'Fel fruo ry 7 , !1137 . J
\·,_. ' l,''" q"t1)1•'
,J I(.! -~
rfl I l~ /
!.!y deor Mrs. Roos evel t! (.}l 'fi ~ ' _,1f
1 )" /,
So many t hank s fo r your gene rou s rcft renc
to my testi mon y befo re t he Hous e Mili c
. I
I stal l send you a full copy of the tary Affa irs Co:n:1ltte e .
os ,;ood as i t shou ld be as I had to doRtut eMe nt . It In not
of my orrl vt•l in Wash i ngt on, ei eht o'cl 1 t betw een the hnur
my epr eero nce befo re t he Colll!:11tte o . ock i n the morn lng l anrl
obou t one half , but r e!l(> ti tlon wi l l not It con he cond ense o
to the crof tsma nohi p of t ho wr iter , mys do uny borm exr. e pt
Jt will no t only prev en t big prof it s bu elf . As you SUI(C,Cst,
v~ry smal l prof its.
t wil l perm it only

lloth lng woul d gl ve me gr eo ter pleo suro

than to dio cuss ni t h you the ques tion of gove rnz1o nt owne d
tnun ition a plan ts ond gl ve you
he lpfu l to you when talk ing on some root s thot migh t be
t h is subj
pre tt y near ly t·ich t, bu t no t quit e , at ect. You oro
o tond poln t . lou t ft•om J11Y
The re ough t to bo g over nme nt owned rnun1
plan ts men ufeo turJ ng prac tica lly ell t iOnG
~ost gove rnme nts nove theM
leth ol lnst r umen tuli tles .
. They woul d not alon e have
g reat soci o l va lu es bu t if they woul
dies , jigs , plan o and spe oific o tlon s d ,
kee p up th~ noce soor y
by priv ate indu stry ln wor tlmo . ft woul d help expe na1on
wide r cl ose of muni bion s th on the But t he r e l s a much
cove rs ever ythi ng. se . Inde ed mun iti ons

If it had
s it - down strik ou ond t he cont r not been for t ho ~reaon t
ove rsy over t he Supr etr.o
Cou rt's acti on ln rete reno o to rece nt legi cle t lon, I do no t
bel ieve ther o would have been o.ny obje
prop os ed rcor guni zat1 on of tho judi c1erct ion to the !'res iden t 1 s
zr.e ~J sage thre e time s.
y. I hove read his
It is a ver..y i ngen uous ond prac tica l
way of hand li ng the s i tuet ion. a.rUs I
t houg ht be! oro , I wont to reed it ovor hod not give n it ony
befo re ccmi ng to a f inal deci sion , a few more time s
ehoc ked as othe ro do . I do not find mys el f
I shou ld l11<e tc talk with you ond
the Pres iden t abou t it when out or my act
proc esse s I have c ome to o conc lusio n . ive and subcon~cioua

Ther e lo one
up ond I thin k 1t ough t to be cleaques t ion thn t migh t como
red righ t awa y.
pres ent I unde rs tand six judg es con At
the n umbe r or judg es is in oreo sod ' 0 quorte o quor um. It
in orde r' t hu t 1 t will not be char ged t hotum shou ld be stat ed
the cour t •a work

- 2-

will Qe del ayed lnsteod of facilitated because of t ho

necessar y presence of oll fifteen judgeo.
I om working with tho monufoc turera who
huve just presented o child labor low . From what they told
me of 1 t be!'ore, und what I hove ~eon in the newspapern, l t
moy be the solution of the problem.
I am now working with them on the
quention of minimum "0()09 and maxlt•un h ours . I "111
present it to the President if and when I think it Ls oll
right . They hove already mode some proposals whlch I om
not willing to recommend.
I om i n very close t ouch with the Re -
ee ttlemen t Admin is tro t1 on in South Cet•olir,a. You and I
are g oing to try thot pottery business os soon os I get the
righ t per s on to handle i t. I want someone who will give
all her time ond hoo sen~e enough to go obr'Ood to get the
d osl.gns. My dau&}ltor told me of the wonderful things you
con get a brood end so cheap . IJoybe you hove hit upon the
thing that will pull Arthurdale out, ond the nice thing
about it is thot you thousnt of it your~elf .
This afternoon I am seeing Harry ,Hooker
ond !•:iss Dickerman on the question whether v•o con hove a
school i n a restricted srtia. I think you can ge t away
wlth a school like Todhun ter . As o matter of fact , I am
rea lly staying over ln orde r to htiVC this con f o1•ence becouse
t hey seemed rothor disturbed obout the rostr ic t l. ons . They
will doubtless write you the results of it . Don 't you
bother about this, You hove plenty of other thlngs to do .
1'/o will work it out somehow or other .
On my way llorth , 1 will stop over lone
enough to do anything that 1s on your schedule or that tho
President may want to oee me about .
In my opin ion minimum wages and maximum
houro i s sue is going to become o iow of the land . If it lo
not wri tten into the low, public opinion wi ll force it. 1 ·
01n not o bit afroid of go ttlng it through this year ln o
sa t l sf ac tory form. ·
I am sorry this letter had to be so long • . - -
Sincerely you~~
lolra . F . D. Roosevelt,
The Whi to House , ~ ~n~.A-...--· .
Wa shingfon , ) · c•

,/ · "f'o.<. f,.(,. 10 1 rP?
. t < t c t' c;c l
1055 FanH AvEN UE
(r·-t 1r , ·l - f _
"' r-"'- .. ,.(

Jt '!._' c/' i , \ ') , ~.., .. , r·o , -r -t'f_ (.

'hc< '\c(._ , '/ ' • (l<< '"l,' ''"'( .,s.._ f
eI 1-l~r ~ (j ! 7/', d , .. , 1 , • ,r
7 A_ c_ .(.. '- L ( ~ d.,. tL-E:., -

c??c- tr>t c ( , , _ ( ~;(' ' < ....-<, -''<" ...-('(.

tL"'-ttn ti...<.. d n D1q

' I

februery 17, 1G37
ltr. Det'tl&rd II, Bal'UOh
SG? llad1ean AYenue
New York, New York

Mre. Rooaenlt 111 lthaoa wU l not be 111 New York unt1l twenty 18COnd
back 1n llaah1ngton twenty t1tth,

SecretiU')' to
Mra. Rooao"elt •

m~r~ Jilrru ~u
I ' --"

1u· l~
t;, I
.25 ::u JLl 11

r.eo ree to~~ , r . c . Feb . ~a , lU37 .

;.U"A . F.lennor koos evel t :

t:e~t here ly l m1 suit llhirh believ e

::ed!lc!;c:!l y l~indaut.

regnrt!a . fH tcl

Uuruch . '-

TELEGRAM . ~· J--')
.",. v •' './

I' ,,,J ~ ./
21 :;u Jl.l 28 D. L. lO!Ipm
·rrv'' ('"
.,. -/ ,.
Cooreeto~n. s. C. , Peb . 17, 1937 .
JrJ ., " •'
Mre. Eleanor Roosevelt:
In cnoe you heve e.nythine on your mind wi l l be in New York
'l'hurodey e t'ternoon till Seturoey . Will see Mise Dickorme.n !Jy
boa t to you e.nd the 1'1-eSident ,
E. u. n.

I f
Day "'e tter

!Jr. n rn:..r u !)..ruch

Fort Sum t er Hotel
Ch arleston, S.c. l.!a :·ch 4, 1937
Ll!.vi o.; toni ght on l e cture trip to be uone until 26th.
J till tryine to gt't ue1ghbors C011sen t . !li cncd pr ovi s 1ont•l
leuse fo r one yenr vr esellt bulluing. l!:,ve Just sit nod r nd1o
contr..ct ~ which wil l tuke C~.<ro of Arthurdale
pr oblems. Will hope to see Y·>U on ..y r e turn
El<>tmor RoosPvelt

31\':UC 28 D . L. 5 : 37 p .m.

Charleston , S . C. , 3 : 13 p . o . March 3 , 1937 .

Mrs . ~Tanklin D. Roosevelt ,
Th e ',.'h i t e House .

Still here Fort Sumter Ho t el on s uit but think will f i n i sh this

week . Hs a rd noth i ng ebcu t scho ol. Wi l l you be in \lashi n g ton f i rs t
o t n ext week . Re gards . I { :, I t .. (,'/!.'••
..~ /.1- . IJ/

!l . M. Baruch.
V' • l 1 I'-) .~

1. o1 f': .. ~. I
. '•
• •

- •
• I •

/. I ' tr' ' ' ~ ·• I

ilarell 211 • 193'1

!leu llr. llftru oh 1

You llN lil"ll1• ao l<1ll4 and l "'•llr"c:1ute

•Uh kiJideat ro.garda, I e.a

.llr. Bernard 11. Baruch

10~5 71tth Ave.
New York, N. Y.
Deer Kr. Bal'\IOhl

1 ""' wcmdn1Dg 11' 7011 would

oan t o co to Artlw.rdaa oo May u. Tbet
h the 4117 ot u,. mcb 3obool lla:oooeno- nt
end aloo the tomal Ol')ll1JI6 ot tl.- Pb1ll1~­
J'or.u Shirt l'•o~ory. l r H would no\ t lN
7011 too cuct , 1 100uld ~ vary laR>7 1ndae4
t o a~otor you back to '1aat1D4!Wn \hat atter-

1 ... orr tonl&)lt tor SMttla and

will be baot in • • Tort< Cll tba 18th ot 11a7•


Llr. Bern11r<1 lol. Baruch

59? l~ad1son Avenue, NYC S:OO
• Aprll 30, 1937 .

My deAr Mrs. Roosevelt :

I a~ leav ln8 tor Nevada
t onight, f ol l owing the tra i l you Just bla~ed .
I shall return about lOth of May .

I have to speak in
Cleveland on Llay 21st and in Charleston,
on May 29th. I f I can arrange it, nothing
would give me gr eat er pleasure than to spend
a day with you a t t he High School Commencement
and also the for mal opening ot the Philli ps-
Jones Shi rt factory in Arthur dale .
\ 1

, :·

• t

Mrs . Frankl i n D. Roosevelt ,

The White House,
Wa shingt on, D. c .
mqt }lqitt ~St
•. ~·.t Ynt·lc , :s. Y. , '·'' Y ~o . 1037
HI'S . Jt . 'J' . r- ch~ider .

UP.< eo tcle~;rotph me L•1·s . lcooncvlllt ' A c chodu l o ro1· •. rt h •J l'<lel" "~

t'm t.l'yinr. to cho.nFYe miJJP. Otj) rs t.o bt• t.hore on oo':rdt•;· or :'!.1 · 1 fF-ct'""r:t .

1. . !..r ruch .

}I ~·



June 1, 193?.

My dear Mrs. Roosevelt :

Herewith is a report on the matter we dis-
cussed enroute front Arthurdal e ,
1. The Art hurdal e Settl ement is exactly like every
other settlement work - an enonom i c one, If the
famili es which have been transferred there cannot
make a 11 ving, t he settl ement 1s doomed to be a
failure .
As the government has urged people to go to these
places, 1 1t should let them have the houses at such
rates as they can pay and make a l iving . Your
school and the factories have made Arthurdale
outstanding, but unl ess in the t aking over of the
resett lement work by Mr. Wallace the homes are
given to t h e homesteaders at something not exceeding
S50, 00 per year, I do not expect to see any success
there .
I know how careful you want to be not t o disappoint
' those people. I am wonderi ng if in the other
re-set tlements, condi t ions are not worse .
2, Wi t h reference to t he dental work f or the children,
I am sending_you two letters whi ch you can read and
return , The gi st of them i s that Mr. Gu11genheim is
' wi lling to have the Guggenhe i m Dental Foundat ion
send one of its staff there to make a survey and
report pf t he si tuat ion at Arthurdale, with
recommifndat ions as to what would be required in order
to provide the necessary dental care, He would send
t he ass i s t ant di rector of t h e Olinic down there for
a few days, This ass i stant coul d examine the
mouths of quite a few of the chil dren, ~nd in t hat
way get an idea as to t he volume of work that W':!Ul d
have to be done !or them; he could report on the
approximate number of children r equiring dental care
and make reoommendations as to the equipment and
personnel necessary to aecomplish the desired result ,

lira. Roos evelt June 1, 1937.

Mr . Guggenheim would be very glad to d efray the

expense ot such a visit.
He suggests that it would be a good plan to arrange,
if possible, for the services of one or more of the
dentists who have had experience at the Guggenhe im
Dental Clinic and who have acquired the necessary
knowledge and practice to qualify them as specialists
in the treatment ot children ' s t ee th.
It probably could be arranged tha t this man should
have a traveling organization with portable equipment
that could visit different Reoettlemen~ divl~ions to
t~ ~ cnren' s teeth . ~ <Vt"lt.J.. ¥~
3.0 Yis s Jonay telephoned llr, Gordon. She is now
doing some night clu b work in Washington. Gordon
will be glad to see her . There is a prospect or
his giving her a chance in hio Great Waltz t he coming
4, I do not know whether I was to see Harry Hook er
regarding that tax matter, or whether you were
satisfied with i t.
5, I spoke to Freed about electric rates and I think
he is doing all that can be done in the circumstances.
6. You wanted me to spend some time with you before
Wallace decides the manner and method or taking over
the resettlement work . Please communicate with me
when you wish to see me. I am leaving town on the
13th but will return on the 14th and unl ess I am
wanted to help out here, I em going to sail tor
Europe shortly aft er that.

Yrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,

The White House
Washington, D. 6.

. I


Uoy 27, 1937.

Deer Bernie :
J,jy secretary hes informed me of the telephone con....
versst!ons bed with you yosterdey and today in eoonect!on
with the desire of l.!rs. Roosevelt and yourself to provide
faciliti es tor rendering vary nece ssary dental earo to tho
-.... . children in the families living in the Rsesttlo~ont communi-
ty at Ar thurdelo, w. VII . Noodless to soy it would givo mo
a greet deal of pleasure to be ot assi s tance in thi s matter,
it it were possible tor me to do so, but the institution
that . ouggenhei .m and I esteblished hero in New York sever-
a.l years ego could not undertake any e.etual operativo 'ftork.

At our Dental Cl i nic in cast ?2nd street during school

torus we ere rendering free dental care to an avsras e· of approx!-
matsly 275 poor children per dey ~ho ere brought to the Clinic
principally from public school 9--'1i~thc upper East Side or ::anhat-
ten accompanied by teachers in buses provided by the Boord of £du-
cetion, In addition to the director and his assistant, we hove
twenty- f ivo p~id dentists on our staff; including our other
auperviaora, cl erical starr, nurses. bui ld ing maintenance em~
ployoos end girls being educated ea dental hygienists, we have
a Clinic "f8Jilily" of upwards of 100 . Last year, 11 0721
children made a total of 7~.~2 1 viaits to the several depart-
ments of the Clinic , a nd in addition to all the other work dono
tor the~, 46,633 jSrmanent filli ngs wero placed in their teeth .
Thus, you will appreciate the fact thot our ov• tlablc facilltJoe
and organization ere uti liz ed to t he fu l les t possible extent, and
it woul d not be possible tor u3 to take on any outside work.

We could , however, it' ~'l'e, Roosevelt end you wish us

tb undertake it, make a survey and report of the situation et
.ll'thurdalo with recommendations as to whet would be required in
order to provide the oocassary dental care, VIe couH , for ox-
ample, send the ossistant director ot tho Clinic down t here for
a tow days . He could examine tho mouths of quite a tew ot the
children, and in thot wey ge t an idea as to the volurr.e of work
that would have to be done for them; ho could report on t he
approximate number of children requi r ing dental care and make ro-
comrnen6at1ons as to the equipment and peraonnel naceasary to
acc~pl1oh the desired rooult . I woul d bo very glad to defray
the expens~ of such a visit.

It provision could be made for follo, ing biB rooCWll8nda-

tiona, it atrikoa mo th•t it would be a good plan to arrange, 11'
pooa1ble, for the eerv1cea of one or more or the dentists who have
bad oxper1onco at our oontal Clinic, and who ~avo aoqutrod tho
fir . D.l.! . noruch (5/2?/3?) ......... 2

nece ssc.ry kno,.ledgo a nd pr actice t o quoltt'y thOIJ o.s s;>-::c 1a11st&

i n t he t reat L'IdDt of childruJl'S teeth . Ir1 s cpto~..tuit- or each
year ,.-o take oc. a gt-ou p o·r 19 gre.dueto dentists rrom di ffereut
parts of this country end canada who sorvo ror ond yobr at the
Dontal Cl i nic a s salari ed members of our s t art. They ore r e-
placed by other graduate dentists f;l~ t h.:. tlt\d or e. yoa1· • s s&rvt co
beceuae it is o~ destro to educ&tc as many young dentists as
poesible in t he ~m t bods nnd techni que f avored and t oughi by
t he d i rocto:• or tho Clinic .

As a fUr ther t uec.:eation (and a.t,ai n provided tunds

wo~ d be available) I should t hink i t would be a n e x~ollont ar-
rangement to bavo o trevoling or ganization With po1·t e.bla equip-
n:l)n t t hat coul d vial t diff'er ent Reset tleatent eo~~Cun i ties to take
c are c.r the children ' s toe tl1,

I l ahall a wa it fur t her advice or sugGes t i cna troo

you, and shall be glad to eoop8rate to t ho extent 1nd1ceted
above .

\'l ith kindes t per sonal regards, be lieve rr.e t o be

Cordially yours,

~~· - n~_:_

Bernard r..l . Boruch, !tsq . ,

507 Ut;d. it~~on Av&nue,
~~ew Yor k, !'!. Y,
• l

Deal" ..
Ill'. Banlahl
l ·have written for the a\&te•eat you want
and l •ill aand th.. to you aa aoon aa I get
tb... Pleaea 4o not write any latter about it
aa I think it muob -.tter to leave theee thinga
uaanawared untll one ia aotaally atked a quea\lon.
If I am atked I will eay I paid ~ tasea on every
pe1111y of 110ney lbioh I han roco1ved.
rranklin aaya \hero is no obanoe' tbat t here
would be any trouble as DO !r&UlUJ rule baa ever
bean changed fro. one Ad.iniatration to another,
and 1' 1a oleu \bat I bawa DOt aUaapad t o evade
the law on anytb1DC which I have received.
I . . aorry •• kapt you fro. eaillD« for
IUope but I do \billie U 1a 1110)0rtant tbat you
4o ••• tba Preaidaat, aod 1f you oan oo• do1r11
on the 16tlle •• Gall talk 1n the a!Urno on and
you Will bava a ohaaae to talk to rraDiclln in
the eventac, aD4 we oan ee ~t le perhapa definitely
about the prioea on \bo~e bouaee,
You art eattraly rlgbt. If l aa interested
enoucn to 4o &ll)'thiDC for any one I Will go to
you IIJ&&lf aa4 Will DeVer a~k other t o go t o you,
Oooaalonally people ask Me t o do th1nga f or them I
and aak if I will intereet rnu, or give them a
latter to you, If I think anything ie worth
whlla I will apeak to you ab~t 1\, 1 will
oartalaly not put you in a poeit•~ o! having
to take aar oae alee'• word for it.

1 ban 1iall:n lap n. Clllgelllle111 euggeeiloll

tb~ouah »r, Plotett, 1 t~1Dk •• w111 know 1n
a few <1&7• juat wbat oan be clo~~e.
Kop1ng to see 7ou on Tueedar,

B. L

Mr. Bernard Baruoh


NEW YORK June 10~ 193?.

My dea r Mrs. Roosevel t:

I approve of what you say in r egard to
waiting in order to compare tho surveys of the children
needing dental care.
L!iss Jonay saw L!r. Gordon and I think she
is on the r oad to a good engagement.
Had a tal k with Harry Hooke r who seemed to nothing about 1 t, b ut s ai d he woul d look :further
into the mat t er.
Here is t he way your t ax ma t t er li es in
my mind, an'd I have about decided to •:1ri te a le t t er to
the Herald Tribune and to David Lawrence. After all
is said and done, none of this money passed through you,
nor did any of it stick to your fi ng ers. It al l went t o
charity. Your position is exactly what anyone 1 s would
be i f asked to appear on e. program f or any cause whatever .
I do not know whet her it is nece s sary for
you to say anything unless it is put right up t o yo u.
Then you can say s omething l ike t he above . Of course,
I could advise b etter i f I ssw the treasury rul i ng. As
i t has broken, I am not as concerned as I was previous ly
a nd i f I were you, 1 would not let it concern me .
I have t o answer your last two paragraphs
in one. It had been my intention to sail for Europe I
on June 16th, but I am postponing that because I want
to see you and the gent lemen you named so that we cal
make up our mi nds as to exactly what ought to be done~
We should not continue to hold out hopes
and promi ses to those people in Arthurdale , or any oth er
Resettlement, that" are .not based upon a chance to make
a l ivi ng, not by gove r nment help , but by their own efforts .
I t a mistake was made in ge tting those people there, as
I th i nk th ere was, we can rectify that in two ways -
1 - by letting them have the houses wery cheap, or
tor nothin g '



Ur. B. 1.1, 13.lruch

596 ll'di - on- ~.venuo June 1 ~ , •937 ·
!lew York

that )'0\1 cnn COf.'l& d own n the a f'ternoon

'!01")8 Vftt""i r:uch or 'T'ue d •1Y
tl1e 15th di ne o;nd s pend night , "lo•1 ~rd I c .:n t l lt in ·.ttarnoon t will
Nt rrao rro .. 21JO to 5
~nnor Roo•~velt

• ..


sy f /A--..Lc" ;, ,

..• ~ NA-<r
!,, \


. I
June 18 , 1937.

Deer Jlr. BII.Mloh:

I &m enclosing eo•• materi
.,M .rho oarae to eee e e
al about a
yeeterday. I
~ eendlng the eamples o r h1e product
to yoM under separate ooTBr .
Kr. Wll eon, our alnleter here, a~ye he
used th1a product all last winter end
tor t h e tlret t 1ae in h1a lite, Wl\8
entirel y tree trom oelde t>nd that h e
had gained wb1oh 18 a •ery
unutmal th1111; for h1a.
This man, Lu1~i Aaoenzl, 1e nn Am~r-
1cnn oi t1zen , an1 as you will eee has
had hie product tested . He wants
$1500 t o t 1de h1• OTftr. A men in
the villa ge or Hyde P~rk hes given h1m
epooe 1n whloh to work . He hopes to
eell to one or the b1B drua oompaniea
1n order to malce a oontraot eTen thou~
he doee not 111ake a great deal o r eone:r.
He tblnke 1t he le oble to do th1a, that
the .product will sell ttrd- he will be
able then to do better tor hllleelr.
Do you think I ahould taq 11 ohMoe and
lend h1ll the tl OOO, or ,.J'fillalet on belnp;
~Y partner , would you be willing to r1ak
$7!501 It thle proouot does All he olnima,
it should be a boon to mankind, but or
oouree, I have no · Wll)' or deci d i nr: ,.•,e ther
it 1a nood or not .
' Pleaae be peTreotl.y trllllk •
•urect1onately ,
.. ...

June 22, ·1937.

Dear Kr, Bal'llohl

I hllve tolcl the Cod-liv er 011 gentlem an to
•s rlte you for an Appointna!'nt and to. take
all hla materia l with hlll, I think thltt
will be the meet eatiafAotory thing, I
have also told him when he write• tor an
ap!~intment to present nl1. hie informa tion
in writing and to be brief,
I have no intentio n t hat any one ehA11 &RJ I
RIDbi\Ck1ng the gentle~an. All he hlte Raked
tor ie $1~00 which he thinks will give him
a ohnnoe to get a bRoker, I ~o not know
whether he 1e worth tok1ng A ohnnoe on and
it 1e only beoauae it eounde:l. as thongb the
p~ Hot mir;ht be a really go~ thin~;, and
if it should euooeed , it would meM 1101'k tor
the people in the .villsge of Hyde Park, thst
I 11m int ereetfld at all, I shall got somehoc\y
el se to give him the monoy eo I have never
ancr.este d to 1J1m that I could do 1t myee1f,
eo he will nev~r know the real eouroe from
whloh it eminate a.
I om terribly p1eoeed t hat the prioes of the i s settled , end also gla.d thnt they
ere try ing to get a firet rate exeonti ve. I
hope to goodnee a he will be t he kind of man
who will Und out about the backgro und and

~et a real 1dea or what ehout4 ' be doni . ·
I a~ clad to know about ur. t enney becau r e I
thi nk he ahould take the o t her ott er whi ch
has been made to him.
You ore, ao olwnys, a most wonderfUl h~lper •
. I •c
At'teot1onatl!ly 1 •

.. •• ~ I

.' :
.' ! ... , • •! l ~ .•o
J : •

b • .,, ..
~ •• J :• •
' I
• I '

'I•' t'
t,11.1(:"./ ( ,
June 21, 193? f 1I '

Uy dear Urs. Rooseve lt:

Just have your letter of the 16th i n referenc e to the
Cod-liv er Oil bus i ne ss . I will let you know late r. If he can
sell any stuff, he ought to be ab~e to show you the contract s
no t convers ational ones, but r eal ones, wit h the prospec ti ve
buyer. If he gives me the name of it I will f i nd out from the'
prospec tive buyer whether he really means busines s; also he
should show you what the financi al oet up is, So often even
good busin esses are under-fi nanced, and they get in to trouble ,
Thi s man seems to have been around for ten years already ,
You must also be prepare d t hat in cas~ you do take an
interes t in it, that despite all promise s given to the contrary ,

it will be soon whi spered that you are backi ng i t .
So please le t him send me the lnforma tton and I ' ll gi ve
you the answer. ·
I wish to report to you concern ing my talk with the Secreta
of Agricul ture, Messrs. Alexand er and Wil son, the net r e sul t of · ry
wh ich was that Wall ace said that he will make a cut i n the price
of the houses !rom whi ch it won't be nec e s sary to make any further
cute, 1. e . , he will cut it to the bone .
Wr. Alexand er sa14 that they were now engaged i n getting
a first class executiv e wh.o would do the t hings t hat were neces-
sary to do and any yes or no . I don 't think they ar e go1ng to
take' Kenny.
As ever yours, •
Vro. Franklin D. Roo sevelt,
Whit e House ,
Washing t on, D.C.


Sq' n>u 220 1971

liMr Ill'. ll&rualla

1!le -*H4 le\tv b ~a colot.ct
11r1 . . . .oft -
, ..... a ...
t.o rq -'tau.....-.r&l

rr r cbeck ·.,. til• work that a~~. ta c1ou.,

- ucl tS.IId 1\ IDOII, woulcl 7au b• wUlU., to
pq til• rea\ tor a 7 ..77 ICY -
-.,. 1• all

/to-. Bernard u. Boruch ~ 0

- ' ' ' ti'tdieon Avenue

Ootober 13, UI:I'P
·· >t~

De&r Ill'. Baruoh I

I oannot tell JOU how auob pl e~eure

r our b1rthda7 telegr. . ga•• •• · It •e&De
eo auoh t o be reaembere4 b7 oae•e ••rr
good trlend.e and I oount r ou aa one or

I 4o bope I abal l ••• rou before

l ;,og an4 be eure to h t ae lcoow 1t r ou
going to be in Wallh lngt on whu I . . bere.

Atteodollll tel7,

Ba rnaM Baruoh ,
enroc 3 8: 16 Jill
11 , 19 3? .
•. Ji'ew Yo rlt , li. Y. , O ct .
lir e. l" D. R; ,;, en el t,
'I'be Whl te Rouse .

lt4 D, y lla pp y rn ur ns .

Be rn ar d 11. Ba ru ch

'; -- I
NEW YOfltl't
October 13, 1937.

My dear Mrs. Roosevelt:

Mr. Daniel Willard Just
finished talking with me and saying that
he had just visited Arthurdale and I
thought you would be pleased to know that
he spoke particularly well of the school.
I am awaiting your
further advice regarding the Harlem
matter you brought to my attent i on .
Sincerely yours,
r ~ 6.,..,.7]·-·~

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt,

The White House
'Nash1ngton, D. 6.


BJ'Cle Park I.Y.
Oe,o ber 3i, 1837 .

har lr. hPuo hl
Bere u · a OOpJ of the repo r' ot the aut"YeJ
OD the eobool wblob I hope JOU wlll react
aad &l•• a ••rJ freak oplnl on abou t lt.
llae Dlak eraaa la •• anslo ya t o bewe your
oplDlOD U I aa .
I• teeaa t o H aa e!lOI'a Oila fila Of OOIIOJ
and I Ullak OIU' plea abou ld be bsae4 oa
a aaall er aaou nt. It lt dld aot aadd le
»tea Dlolt eraeo wl\b auob a load , I would
ratb1 1r Ulat •• l>orrowed the aone7 &ben
u... ou•
t o go OD a oa~lgn at t be preae nt
Perha pe SblJIC• w111 ao up and
peop le w111 be lDCeroaSed ln tbe ldoee
•blob we ewolwect trOll OIU" lWioh eoc aeot -
1nc aDd 11blob troa -r pola t of •lew , la
the oalJ b,..l l lbel a ...u prln te
aohool .a uob aa oura, baa tor aaklDC the
publ to lt o be tacer eated l o ttl eduo ••ton al
ettor ta •
.JlM J ••1b • b11 bact a Yei'J' lD,er..unc
Uae wl\b JCIII \bla -111 «. . I • aore
\bu an'do ue •o eae JOU, b.c I •• COlD&
ott on a leoh re trlp aad will Do' be
baok lD In Yorll . .ul \be tblrU I\h or
low• .Oer. Perba pa we oould bawe a real
tall IOOD alte r the'•
ureo uoaa tel:r .

*• :z, 19']7

DMr Ill'. llarudaa

I t.bi1uc 70G wiU W 1Akn1t.c1 to

HAd 'thla wlltcb I ba•e '

n cet'fld t:roe

ltra • BouclatoG, o t .&r1hurdale.

llr. Bernard Baruch

597 Uadiaon Avenue


1 •


Deo.!>er 91 1937

Dev .,., S.~clu

I u del.Jibtad til&\ ;you aa4 Ira.

Buucll are ooatac tor
tU Cabin.t lliluler, and
""11• I u 1102'27 that ;rou are not ot&yiug wi til
,.., l IUidvatand ~rtecaq.

P"l'hape )'CU 11111 be here loq eiiO\IIII

dO tUt W 0&11b&ft. lela& t&lko Our li"J'tuNbip
••ed• ,...,.h!JII and t a.ed lli!Yicol

V..-;y oordl.a.l~ 70ura,

llr. Demar<~ Barucll

.I/ I( .;1(

z.......JY u, 1938

I " • ••r.d!ac 1011 • c~py ct ey little

boalc 04 p&&C6lu t ·•• '"'"" tlb t ycu lrlght be
1At.r•o ted h noad l t .

!Jid I '•nd
1'1\1 a 001"/ of :q ""t.o-
1>1- p l v f It not IUI4 you Rre tuteraated, l
ebcn&ld like to sead 1011 oDe .

Al't ecttOD&te)¥,

llr. Bernard U . Baruch
597 lladilon eve •


I am honor ed and privllt!god to te~tify frot• m:; experh:nce on

!.he problcll'\o of tho oeonornic 3yatem u.ndtlr which we liva.

Thi"3 cyGtem hac been good to rne and mine. My fethl)l', a :!Clentiot ,

v1 •s an iftl,'ir;rnnt. and a r,o!ugco from at. tt•.ck:: on freedom in another

country , to find hitnsalf figf. ting againot nh.:lt to rceardQd as oppr&:>cion

of tho Confeder-ucy in thiG coW":tr.:r. My mother 1 o y·~~le had been

horo ninco bc.fo1·e t.he Revolu.tion . Tt:ey wer e both of a r~ce and

r eligion ....-nieh t.ave. not•·~~ 'teen t :tUJ\tl)d liberty and equality of

opportunity in ~ th~r l ando . I r.rn al'l proud of one as of the other .

For both of tOem , and for f'!IY!'!Clf , I feel grateful to the polit i cal .... nd

economic cyote1:. "Khich ho.n n our i:;hcd and honored un, 611d oo confident

or it!) princlpleo , lllllt I cunnot ue with those 1'tilo r.ow aeem to feel beeauoe i t hnc f oltore.d, it. haF> fai led. I do not bol ieve thut ,

1n thooe eoo&n Lio.lrt 1L ahould bo ecndcmned 111 favor of tbo u.n·p tovcd

er;erimento we Gee going on in other &nd le3o libe ral land ~ . From
wh:J,t I knolf of thooo aliun count.r ion nrtd ot thir. , I :regar-d our o·,m
ao the one hope Qf civ-ilizat ion in a. t:rou.bled world. '
I have been among tho fire~ to urge thal. the lag of ou.r

economic and political ny ntemn behind t he d@:\'eloping complrxtt.iOfl

find coc lal nece~n iti eo of modern life. lll'.u;:t be eliminat.ed. 1 think
I wa3 a~ ear ly'ao any to urge economic equality for agriculture , A
floor undor ~agoa and a coiling over houro, fcdornl aGr.umytion of a

ohaxe of the co, t of r eli ef e opeci al~y by kubli c worka , tho oli~ina ~lon

Of unfair trade practi~o:; , the p r 1ne1pleo of t;Oclo.l necurity, and, in

generol , a 'p oint of view beet oxprC3GC-d by woodrO'II 'J'i loon ttany y~·•r:. bto·.

"ln the~e doubtful and a nx1oun duyn , .,•hen nll tho 'lrOrld
1!:1 at W'lt·oot. end, look which wCJY you ;:111 , the rc:..d tthC': d
neamo Jarkoacd by ~t.adowc Tlhich ponl!nd dangerc of many kind: ,
it. is onl,y cdrrJnon rrudenc6 wo Gh uld look ntout u:; nnd
att<m~t to atteGG the causon of diotre&o and the most likaly
~cans of removing them.
'*:'hore muc;t be coree r eal g-round for the unlvet·oal W'lreot
and tortur~atio n . •••
11Thl) Rur:;inn Revolution ....,. \180 due to the "
denial to tho. ~re.a.t 't>od.y oi Ru!ld.nno oi the riF.hLs ond
J:r h ilegeG Y!i:ich all normal oen doni re . ,. ...,.

11 It 1:. t :.t be noted ·ao a leading fact e>f our timo ti'.at
it y,·nn agninftt 1c.np1tnl1rrr: 1 that ~he Ru.!Hli:ll'l lcadora directed
their attu~k . ~ ~~

IIThc•t·e are thougt}t1'u.l and y.•oll-inforn:ed 1n.en all ovo1· the

vrorld 'ffho l:u.l ie\•e , ,,1~ o:ueh apparently cound. :rcCt.con , that
tho abotrfict thing, thn oy=teQ , whdch we co.ll ~apitnli~. 1~
indiopenc~blCI to the i ntiunt.r ial out:port o.nd dcvclofment of
n:.odtrn civilh-a t.ion. *•"'"

" l:i it not , on the contr o.r,'( , too true that ••• me.n,y
fino men •ho were nctuat~d b,y tt.o higher.t pdnciplta tn
evurr other r elo.t.ion:ohip of 11 fe neenu~d to hold ti:at ;;en-
ero:Jity <Uld h1.1mane feeling were nCJt n~tong t.h" trnperatlvo
mandat..OD of ooneeionoe in the cond\i<:t of a banking b-uaineaB ,
o r in the development of an 1nduntria.l Ol' <:Ol'lll~t crcial ento r-
prinef ~

•.A.nd -if theae offcnaeo ngo.inct high morality and true

cttl zenehip havo bdun frequently obc~:~ rvAbla , nre we to "l'i
that the blame for tho ~roc ant dtccontent and turbulence
iG 'Nholly o n tho !ildo of thone who ln r evolt aga1nnt

"C'ught. \'1 0 not, rr..thor, t.o ~eek t1 wa:t to l'(:lt.ov e :\UCh

offcnnoa and make life it nolf' cleu.n !oJ· thoce who will
ahato honorably and cleanly in itt
In other wordG, I agree that our n]ntem needed revision

l-ut I do not belie ve thtft. it needG t-evolution , _pea ceful o r othcr':J i.Gc,

ond I t hink there a re a few £un<Wnontal gener e.l p rinciples <hnt

ohould guide u:-; in e v!Jrything we do.

Since Mr . Wilson wr ote scme fiftee n year& ll60 , •tto have

had an opportunity to s tudy tho workingo of the Ruocian plan to do

away with the p rofit :; ~yatem . We hnve alco aeen the Hn2.l and

Pnccic t oxperimentG . We have obaerved the back- wa:;h oi t hese ideaG

flooding againct the ehor eo of the democracieo -- France ;' Engll.llld

and .America.

What. have ·ue learned from their ntt.et11pto? I t h ink that.

much of tho Nazi and Faocist uphea val c tema f ror.1 tho t:lWlder n o f

tho Treaty of
rf"'A-~ ...;,.
Ver~il le•
a. "'71"'-~• d~,.
11 To avo l d foci~ t;rlm r ealities , burdc;l o

wero p laced upon the vanquished which d i c rog,arded human equat1ona

and sconomic law~ a s immutable aa· tho ffiUlLipliCa~ion t~ble~ . Partly

bccauoe of t hin impossible artificio.l forci~g. both the CO!MoW'Iiot

and Fu~cict ~yatemo al so adopted mCasur ec equallJ inconcin ~~nt

with the g r e1 t natural lo.v..·s of h\l"'1Qn and economic nature . In

wltnt eve r direction .,..e look, tlfA_reGUl t ic not ple£1oing tooboorve,

SO of tho peace and trnde of the world aG ever r ented

on good faith o.nd colcmn "international e.sreements 1o gone.

of the comme~eo ~~ng nationo . wtere not dwindling, iu ot~ntod

by artificial =economic devieen. Peace hangs by a thread, ~nat-

ever hectic activity n18.¥ have been fon::ed vtitbin tho non-democr (.lt ic

nationo , externall y thoy are nearly bankrupt. lloth lntenmti onnl

and pr ivate ~ralo are G~ n low e~b . 1 CM :)Qu vur)' 11. t t lo of thc1 r

eftect. either within or ~ithQut thoir own t-ounda.r1e:; to r cca:::mcnd

their Gy~ tQmft to ua.

ll't~t. then )'I..(Lvo wo ltarned .trcm thl; hl~tory sil'lee it :1

beglnni~g nt Vorcaillecf
Uavo wo not yet learned that wo cannot frao oureelves from

tne ul t hc.ate wcrkinr, of tho natural econoltic force:; or the inevi tab le

huxan oquatior.c which gevorn ~kin4t

I think theoo oxrorlmento chow tho 1\>.nda:r.on t al pr!nclpl~ tb,>.t

nhoulG. 11e at t i\r· " of C\'"'''Yth1ng that HC plntl or do in con.-

batting thio 4opl'On Jion . Evel')• action ahould be deci 6"ed not to

attempt to repea l naturul economic lawc but to aceo~modatc the~ to

our uneo and harneon them to our nooda. Every act i on ~hould

r:onnider nll hwn(ll\ Octuntlono nnd not a.t.ter.'lpt. to terce divergen t

hwr.anlty into tho ri(tid mold of r.omo ••oial or economic theaio.

l'r om tho time mon &PP•arod. from r r11r.ordlol obocurity ao t he

oo~~ding figure among living t hing• , hic cxiotenco hao depcndod

on~'hio ability to accomod.ate nat.ur4l l nwa - to pr evail a&ni n3t

anima.l:a and 1n:aaet a , otarva t.ion and 41neaoe. Ylil' and 1'Nathe1· - -

and above al l -- hio own incredible folly . 7he 1 Ptt:.on that

;hrieka for reco~ ition throu&Rout all hictcry ia that, in

G01V1n& thll prObl. . Of ~10t ftftC8 1 we do not oppoue thele lowe .

Ye a.J>ply th..,, Yo d o not make thea our onemioo but our allicc •

- 5-

blo•<fth •l'·•'\ILI It litztllthn. lt II\ to tJ.~e th\1 wlnd to o.&:a •· ll'-

S.v(.Ce; d. ... ttrOlud. tll.@ • auk ar•d ttw c.god. 'No l~&VI p:-ot:r•,,_,..-1 r.·~to~.~

th,c.t . But, un~otl a rocent. day. ;;OCil.tlfY WClC concerned. lth no moru

thun M.. ro t~irlo to t.he unrort.wlttto. Wo ~vo ,-;roat ct.rldo•

owa;;- fl•om t.hl o •11 ttlo more;; of llltlll". 'lfo ht<:oo: hu a 1ucponct 'bllity

Of OUr' ll:ttl .\o,.l COl.r.rt.nlty for tl.ll ito mtabtrt. ':hl'tO D.I'O ~o·.u 'tltiU

indl~i~l r~ pon~1b111t.; noth~.

tho Kftn•.ctc la• U.nt. tt..., e h a lt.a.-: to u·.. tu~ct'-" • cc:.:a&nlt/

'!''·••• au not. lloite or celfhhnou. ~O.V aro llatta of

nn.hl. •1 \tf!lfcttvenou - 11c1te boyoM which tho lock o:- re po11..

oll!Utl.,y 411110n1 non- producer. plt 5 tht: tu.rd•11 on proctuuro olo••

do1m p toductl••n nnd. mo.kdo t l:.o J·oa.l otL•tu tJf tho wholo ccm--

ta-.Lulty , tnchtdl:\6 l.ho leu !ortuncou , tiNC.h 1110ra1 tlw. H ~~

t -.ptod. too aich too ll to wi,bl u t1wt• na.\.ur-al 11.$1t.c .
- 6-

In t he fiel d of buo:lneas cconol'llioo J r Gometimca HOnddr whothClr

wo 'hilvo &v!;!n atopped to diacov0r what the truo gove rning noturnl luv1

1 3. Wo at·a blunder ing BJLcng three aepnrnt.o and d1 ve t·ae ideas;

{1 ) complete govoerfl!:lent opur,~t.ion of buoin..:-rw a$ il\ tho faocbt :.taten :

(2) n r ecognition that our economy has fo.llcn naturally into great

groupina:G nnd a dtltuurtination tl') uoe them to our moximum JJdvantogd ,

r egulat.intt them to protect the tUblic f r om oxrloitation nnd

vent nbu•es; nnd (3) unlimilod con;potition>;Jhe third lcie •• , u~Ul'\'l vn l

oi tho fitte..;.t 11 r emains hero our law to ttc full extent of the .tWlglo

r ule of tooth and fang. Like an uncient fly in am~\:r , it. 1:. pr\J-

nervad from our el.d er day , in a ll the rert1n('n~ on our Cook~ .

OUr nnti-trust acta are bui lt on a mandate f or f.W·; · leso eo:n._totitton

ao tt.a perfect antidotu for ~he oocial poioon of monopoly . Yet. in

contertq:lation of 40 yea:ro of tho pract ical application of thin

a ttempt to pr e vent concent ration~ of economic :power t:hlch wero a

natut·al ttnd u.navoidablo by-}::l'Oduct of ou.r grent grovtth , 1 t -~Jt:ct'lr: a

!ailur!'. r 1n history has there bocm auch n centripetal phenomenon

a:-: our modern concentr ation of bucineon in a r ow i n ntitutiontl of ov~t·-

wbolming power.

I think that in thia is re v~Jul ed our bo.ekwL~rd.nenn in accoruno-

dating the natural lt\WS which g:'v(lrn un to our d~w.,lopint,; neco:.t~:it.i~r. .

Should we not r eap the full benofit.o o f our natural d&'V tJlOpmento of

rr.aoc-product1on and masa- diotribution and by intdll i gunt r •gulation

pr ovent all abuaea! Wo havo not ado>tod this philocophy. l!o cling

t o t ho doctrine of unlucited competition .

- 7-
rarhora it io an anpoot of another n.a. ural l~tw -- tho prtnelpl e

of t ho l'endul\1111. Up to the end of the 17th Century , th ~r a Yl'r-o .on

ancient and t~o-called "me-reantileu doc trine g r owing out of th~J guil-.1-

n,Yo t e.m oi thu Uiddle .Agen . lt pcnnitled on o form or a.""'ot-ht.•l' of

r cgulntion of n ~arly &very bun ino~a and l abor r ela t ionchip .

With tho r evuloion against regimen tation of ra.ind , body £Lnd spi ri t

thAt came t oward the end of tho lOth Century, thi:; tJeonomic philo3op_hy

of the lt.i ddlo Age3 't>ae aloo l:'roken a nd the pendulum av:ur.g to the other

extr~B of the arc . ThQ doetri no of lai scoz fair e 'fl llG born . Juu a:;

unlimited fre~Jdom of thou@lt tllld politict~ n.et1on v.·a.r:: p reacb~d as th~

Goctal :Jalvation o f mankind , so unlir.:aitod buninetHl compot1t l on ·u~s t o

bo the solo sl')lu,.t ion of the econom i c pr obl .lf ov c ry n,.u;,lon . Tilo

dor.trin(UJ of Dr. ~eGnny and Adam Smith b ocnn:o an economic r eligion .

What 13 unlimited l oi$s&z f alro? Yo it mo r ~ or loA ~ than a

complete ourrende r to -- t ho ancient anLmalistic na~ral law of

ourvi val of l hc fittest? In it a doctrine moro enliehtoned thu~ lP~t

man can ' t adopt the law of tho ~inda in na iling ~h~ sea? I think not

and yet 1 truly bl)lievo tr-at it. wu"O t.ho r.noo" offect.lva. doctr ine in

developine a cou:n.t~f continental extent , of bbu:ndleGn r onnut•ce ,

and unlimited for in~ividual initiat i ve .

But that ~ ended ~t about tho ond of tho l:lth Ccntw·y. In

tho industridl Eas t , nt l e~Gt , individunl init iative had bogun to

oergo into corporate collectiviam •

.A.o the yo.a.ra of tho 20th Century advanced, ou.r n C\'1 ind.untrial
engine beoamo mnrvoloualy &fficiont. The zr.otora of mao.a and

mo.chine production raced merri ly in timtJa of aGccnd1ns activity to

g ivG cmrloyoent and ine r aaoed enjoyment of ito rroducto t o all. But

the engine had nelth(!:r govo1·nor nor fl ,Y-vlh&cl. It. dicgoJ·god ton :;

of output with 11 ttle re~rd to the pov:er of ito humwlpartn -- which

w(lro i~:o only ma.rketr. - to consume it:;. rroduct :'l . When the
ci'..annola of pr oduction clogged wh.h undiges ted nurpl us t.h~:t t1holc

mael'". incry Rtnllod . :ta human coc:. v.nd rntchots hod los L thci:J:

indiv idual celf- ouft'i.ciency. When their j ohn vr\)r o: &Jilo , thoy could

no longer t rek we3tl'l &rd. Not only ht:.d tho old' f r ed 1ias t. vani;h~d ,

)-.ut , in ~ho h· opecial iJ:ution, they hnd lor.t J=OWer to conqu~ r it if

1t had r emain ed .

ll'he peaks of p r onperity became hil;hur and ato~por tut tho

valleya of depresnion grew deeper ond wider . Tho old ~unh ion s for

depresaion - - now h orizon a of free ln.nd wcro t;on~ . But. wo

took little hci.ld o f thia vuot ~~ clung to tho doctrin~

of \U'll C01apetition and i ndiv idual lei:too z-fail·u ~ong aft et·

t.h(l condition':'> to tthich it Y:nc -:mit.ed had . Wo di d not

.. von a ttt>.mpt. to adept tho unde rlying econocic lavr to our new uooc

or our new usoo t.o oconornic lDw• .

Tho c ro.oh o f 1~ 29 and the le-an y oa.r D t.l'.1.1t follO\tCd it. at

last ~horouehl)' aTtnkcncd thi n na~ ion nnd the world t o tho nt-ur:. ..

ing necocoity to temper · the raw doct1· iniJ of 1ni~no z fa iro •;r ltl".

the age- old l eanon of our 1·nce -- thaL nc muo t not lil:l do\·m dumbly

unde r the dea truciivv effect. of nu.t.u1·al lowa . We mu~t ot~d u~

ond, appl y human intolligoneo to thoir udap t aUon n• mankind did

to the glac1o.l ago , to flood , fire , famino and poot1loncu -- to

o torm and dr~t Wld earthqU&ke .

Evoryohere in Te ot~rn eivill:atlon thlo attempt io being made
in evory guiao frca Cota::.u.nism to :raaeiom. kl in 1111 ouch periodo
of diatreoc, the tendency is to go too !Ar and at n pace too headlong.

It iD humon nnturc to do thi~ -- to ruah !rom a fr~~~ing at the lee

of laloeet fa1ru -- 11 rcgulato not.hingll -- to 8 t-urning nt 1.l:a othc~r

fiory oxtro:r;o of - - "regulc.tu e v\!z·yt.h1ng. " In our country , n~ I

hav~ aBid, we neem to be undocided v.hethcr to try to ~reck our loit;

unita ur into nrr..all onea, or to regulate ovorything.

To re&Ulat.e ev~rything in a country of tl'i• ~i·z.e and coz:plcxity

of ouro ic an in!ioite taok for whleh thoro lo little if an1 exper-

ience. Woodrow WH:oon, in giving 1n3trw:t.1onn for an !.z:-...~n:.c

lnduotrlnl regulation under tho atreos ot wnr, laid. d.ow a rulo

\'l hich o.t loo.ct worked -- to leave Slono what itt bo\ng l'~t•ll dc:-w ,

to ndmlnloter that T~h1ch is 111.

I think that to a good. guide . ThAt Dt cmo t.o mo .to accord

rnort.l with natural low. Depre:Jnions otart and grow ftom the too-

gr~ nt oub~~rg~ncu o! p0rt1eular economic GrUAB.

!rom the too-gr~t advance of othvre . Tho ~utm~reence of ono

,.,rea , fluch as agriculture, reducos lta bu¥1n& pow•lr and .;o re-

•tric to tho princ!pol con:umlng mnrket of tno ind.uotrial P""'' of

the maehlne. 'nolo a decline begino whleh enn only end with a
r ontorat ion of bnl~co. -- either by tho ulovat!on of the dopre•ood
part or a c!osrndation o( all olae. Similarly, tho too-grent
ul.ovnt!on of nny oeonom!c area han n proelnoly oqulvnlent effect .
Tho pri~e o! Ita pr odueto geto beyond thu roaoh of ito acr.untomed
~~rketa and·tho only eure io roeocoion until balnnco lo ""tabliohod.o<--

- lC-
~rked rccooc1on naonn" mi~lllry to million~.
Thooe OXIlgg~rut~d dotnrtw·cn both a~OVO nnd l>elor~ •he uvon

tino of n ormal l'o.lonoe , when at ono moment TIC go through th.;, roof
11unoconorn1e ~
and tho next go thr?UCh tho cellar1 I lil:e to cull

crca:J . It is ~o cl~ abu~os of our economic powur und to those

extreoe arOa!"' rot.hur than to our uholt.. bualnca:l ctrueturc that I

think wo •hould apply our efforto.

vent nl'lw:oo of pri vato ocot'\omie pa ..,.;,r and tl'.o r..Jcurrt~nco of thocu

~ide swings -- thepe po~ too hi&h nnd thooe valleyo too deop

can uo be satinflcd to owont lt out undur the nnetont doctrin~ ur:>

la1ao~z-fairo7 Eve ry lear it beecmoa more eertr.1n that w~ e~~ot

lonvo tho mat erl<>l wo lfnre of l3C,OOO ,OCO p~~ple to lhu vnal'ica

of· OVt;ry economic vtind that blovrn .

We producttd. in tilu pAR \. f oul· yuarr. nome fur-r oa.ehin&

]:reGcript.ionu on particular fronta but htwo """ d.onc eo 'rl. ::.illy?

Fow inde~d are tho adaptationo b1 cun of aatural lawc that tavc

::prung into ttcipg 1\J.ll-!lod.Ged f:W MiuLZ :a fnm • k brew o f h au

The akeptlc1::m of med,1c1no to•1a rd ony n Jw noatrum ClllY , at tlmc>,

)',.uvc bben too eono ervt\1.1vc bu.t the aeiont.1n t. a 1 n.ppr i:'l nu i·~Jly

~o t ter than th• witch daotor ' o,

Juat ao I believe tha~ it 1o bettor to nddroos only tho to b!to and. thon ftmOld it nc:o.rer to t i.e heart 1c d.os1ro,

- 11-

ao al~o do I think tr~t we might tako ld1aon~ rrom th~ pQtlcn~

~tud¥ of tho ocientlct , and fewer fr~ the mlr~cl~: or the ~ctan .

I Lhlnk that we could Lako 11 lo:oon !rom t~•• Brlthb

r:z·ac t.lee or publ-ic h~,..a.ringa: beforo non-polit.l~al mlxed comrli:"l:oiono

addt·<cned to n oingle r.ubjoot boforo dovl oing unrth- obaldn~: chung"o


tn our economic: and p-oliti~nl oy:atomo . It. t-..o.:'\ 1 t;" d i!"adva ntat;a::'l .

amon& thc·o being delay , but it aeCQ:\ proft rablo t.o \.tlu pre:. en to.-

tlon to Con&reQ~ of r~ll- fa~hioned , fnr-r uach1ng Qtatutory inno-


1 do not undertake ~r. tni~ op~nln« ~tat~cnt to talk about

3paclt1c afpllcatlonc of th~~~ gonernllzod concl~::ion~ .
pr~fer to leave detaJ l~ to cuch que~tlono An ¥~U C8ru to a~k, but

l do wnnt to ernphn:l zo one t;en"ral guiding principle Y7hlch all

that I h{tvo ould before wc.o lntondod to develop .

The movi ng fo:rcea of mankind aro acqul a1 L 1 v,•Qc~a , Lhe

urse to function ao nn individual , a ycarnt na for fro~dom in ~1nd

and bod.,y , and above all tho C6nctant quoot. Qf opportunit-y to
advcnco. The:'lo are the at.tributon of 1nd1v1dual1cm. Difficult.

•~ it may oo~, 1 think that the only Fropor eulutton of our

IIIAJl¥ pro'bl0100 In one which ndmita Wid adart• t our needs thlo
inhor~nt h~ Coree.

1nc~.n~1voa of the worker s among 130 ,0CO , COO reoplo Al''' thtl n.otoro
that run our economic ma~hine .
In oor r octina tltmoconoMic" a oan
and pol1e1ng vnot conoentrutlon• of economi c powor fo r maximum

public oorvlco o.nd minimum nbuso wo n:u.o t. prll0~1·vo , t o t.he utmost.

-- -1~

individ:u.o.l 1nitia.t1ve , 1nd.i vldun.l f t oedom, and in thil lor;.ct pos~i"olo

dfl&r co , restrict opportuni t y fo r individuul tldva:teemont . Thos.J

hovo ever bPen , lUld o v\lr Hil l t"l:m.o .in , C.hll dynamon of ,.,11 our pt' O()TOc~ .

Roeontly we have taken too llttlo onre for thir. princ1plo.

For whn.t is thu ~ ~~ tornntl'Ju to t.h~ in~entiv~ of tho ht)pe

of individual gain und adv£> :u;:.em~J.nt . Clear ly it io tht> fct:J' of

puni::;}!Jllent -- c ompulcion by tho n t .., te. Po r hnpr: thee. et-.n m.c.!-;<J mon

v;oi·k grudgingly to aharo n pt-entom of equality , but lt can nuv\,.r

make th~ ~o rk v ithout s tint or limi t in tho hop e of e~ttine ~~~~d

in llf• .

ortd production l.l'>.at we rnust. htwo to kt.'!cp l,llivo O\IJ' bo d;{ eco(..o•:~ic ,

~on i nl and p'll i\.ical .

To .:werJ abi lity, e vert in v or.~::•cnt , c vf!ry uffort , e c.:,..;l

nu:r , 1tY&s 1 y JU. can go nh~nd a.i":'.; do .:rour b ... t~t t.o t•nrn but tho

:Jtate by l' , r-c~;t r lot.ion , adminiatrn~ion o r tl!Xnt.1on , i:l

geing to tuko t.ho fruit oi your labora to givo to otht•r ::: rtho

thr ough whatever -- \Te11knoaa , c loth o r - -have

not ea1·ncd ao "

There ie1 an abroud t.hat thia t n. a Ylli.Y to · hare

our weo.lth, but I oo.y it 1c oho.ring ou,r povl!r ty , boo.,uco it. rotnovos

Lhe ~tcllltl from our &nt;;inu· of 'J>l'Oduo t lon -- t.htt hop ... ·lf d . \

wo have . done tho.t, thor·u v:lll bu lo:oD effo r t and ho.ncc teou .

There will bo loan to go round. Th() poor -.,ill be poorer nnd thr.

r ich lona rich. I ~ol i~ve our wholo ~yat.~m wil l collupo~ in

political r evolut ion and econo:nio ruin bocnuco \ltJ Gh:;Ul have

- 13-

dt':ltroyed 1 tn dynamo th.roll&h ft~.i.lure to reeo~i ze thd (1Conom1c und

hwnan law~ that. govern t t .

To activat-.l our economy , tte can 1·ely "in th •. pr•)fit~ ~ys t.c:m

a nd the ho}:e of gnin , or o·t & cnn try tho neor, E\l.rL>pt1DJ\ lden~ of , t.,.t"'
r ago.lntion a.nd the f e ar of puni!'it'Jnont . We can try eith..:-r l:ut w~

cu.n 1 t. try both at l.hv (t.QmC tirne.

fr eedom from political dosllina.tion than is conatGtllnt ··11th any f anr

of punir.hment . Cn tho other hnnd under WlY t;o v~: rnru "H t.Hl :lamina-

tion, ther.., can aevvr b~ cufl'icicnt freedom u.nd hope o f euin to

activat.o the production o.nd t·e-cmplo.)'Tn'"~nt t hat... .. ~ r:tUn t J-.c.vo . Y'lU

ct~-n ~vc oithcr, but not bCith a t t.h o QU:n\J t.iu:u~ ."'dco. l!lU"' t

ch )or,e . 11
If it Cecamo clear tomorrow tl-.nt America. han dofinitt:l/

chosen hor trpditional profita cyntem, forces ·uoul d ·oo r olo.accd

that would rapidly ho.nt.en r eoov1)rJ £Lnd re- ernploymunt .

In at.a.ting thotld principles , I de. not rnenn t o convoy any

ideu thc.t I wn not in oytll)'nthy with moot of tl"." gr•c.t ooci:ll

objectives for which 1 huva mynalf o.r guod fo r mo.ny Y tlL r <J. . I

belif\vo tht}y eon a ll b o attninlld within d .cno pl'incirlcG . I

think, howove1· , that wo .mu.nt cut tho coat to nuit th.; cloth. A~

I o.o.ld dur licr there is o lWt in layinb burdons on o.ny economy

beyond which you g(lt n l ooo r uther thon greetl}l' r e turn ~y r unson

of l hu multiplicity of drnino, It ic cullod. tho lo·• of

d1min1ching r aturnc ,
- 14- '
I reclhe <hot pc.liticcl offlei<~h au~< do <hin,:o !'Olitie; lly ,

I kno~ thr.< !< lo just es cogent for n pulltictun to sey of 3

~uainoc:mw:'l IJhc n~..v~r h;ld to win r,n eloet.lon" 1\G for u bu:;lne~um•tn

tO Oo.t of a poli t icion 11

hu n~vor h.:..d to "'""t u r o;rroll . II But

t.horo ic ourt.t l.Y n corrr.~on ~;round of mut.u.r.l :1.;rmruthy , unddrstu.nding

und compro~nlse if both keup A cl&ar r ucocn1t1on o r ecoen tial

J r1nc1plon f rom thl3 violnt.ionn of r:hich , rn I believe , our V1btJle

frustration ste~o.

In thic eon:t.Jetion , I o:uot !ronkl)' o:t)' thM I do not t~-

llovd thuru huo be~n A prop~r , or ovon o wiso co-9pur· tion, of

end udmi nintor thtl rul~c .;:ov~rnint; thu r"'lntlon~hlpG i n our

capital , labor und egr icul turo .

imont c nhould be fought . But All AJ't:rot.nhoo t o A ool ution ohould
be rnoru O>'JL)lnthetlco.lly consldor od b)' thooe expurlonced. in
buoinean ttho know tl'~t the pr& \1'0rk1ncr; t..nd rusultc woW.d

be . Furthe~ru, induGtry muat help ort..dicu~o its ~ ~ nbu~~~

1n the flold of f!nnnco , public utllltioo , orocul. tlon Lltd

relutlona with ln\ or , n~ tho conoumln« public. H hn• not
done Ito fUll ohnre there. I f !t do•o not h•lp eo- opcr·.tivuly ,
tho Job will hnvc to te dono t y govurnmont olono, nnd fnr leoo
- 15-

ln the d ifficult tttko ~overing our whole notlon~l ~d int. r-

nntion,.l lifo in thin ohnnglng 110rld, our Cont;ronn rerrcnonting ell

tho people , and eXAmining tLe reeommcndutionn o! ltn exeeut i voo , n terrifie un~en~lng t~~k before it .

tppreei,tion of thc.t reo onoibility end oleo of the protlcms of

tu:ineoq would go ~long WoY townrd ~ n lutlon .

Above all , we munt work nnd "ill work to moot the emer4>oncy

ond tt.e needo of our u.icmyloyed , .A.rout 2(" ~ UlloM of dollar>

l..,ve bc.m sfcnt . Y\.\1. 1rnrortont a;J. it iA,

after c.ll it io woelth that cun be re-mnde c.nd rej:lnced.

nink 1Mo insignificance i f we he¥e pre•ervod to our roople tl':e

morale and Tlill to fend t'or them:olvdn , It io th:. t which he:

put ./!lr.orica In tho foreground of the wor ld ~.nd it io thnt , and

t.hnt alon e , thut. eun noH pull Ame1·it"u out of t.hin n~w hlorusn•
.lpl't1 11. 1138

I • 8Doloe1111'! th1a _.._114•

trca Mr. P10118U u4 WOI14af 1t' ,JOU ara
auu 1J>tenate4 1J> 4olns •blrt"lia•• Cl~
1a 1Dhl'e8\e4 lo baYI.QS JOU 4o. It DOt ,
I w1U H YO~ gla4 to tell her dat1D1tel,1
tbat yo u do DOt teel JOU - t to go 1oto
-.,tb1QS 111ce tb1• at preaeot.

Ur. llo rnnrd Boruch

597 t.lodisOU nVenue
Now Y(.lrk, flow York
s :nr

y 310 west 90th Street
Ne'll York Ci ty

~Ay dear Clarence:

Whet I had in mind t he other day VJhe n v:e spoke
together was this:
That the el•!akening consciousness of the need for
a oui ckened social education of rural cnm~un iti es that is
nov1 taking ploce , be given form end dire ction by an ex-
periment which would illustrate E<nd reveal the re'sources a nd
possibilities latent in e region e nd it ~ nemrle, s nd indica te
the conditions url der which these may be u s ed e nd realized -
how t hese people in their regio n can be enco• •raged to s tudy
their s i tuation , make u se of it s potenti al resources end to
develop their own powe rs.
such en enterprise should, i n my jude9llel\t , be under-
taken l'lhere t he need is urgent end, to some extilnt et l eas t.,
r e cogni zed by the peo9le t hemselvos . Where , rl,o , na tural
resources are avai l able e nd mey be devel oped - a characteristi-
cally rural area whose soil, timber , v•ater power , mineral
or clay depo si t s , etc . warrant expended us e, access ihle by
road or river to markets f~r produce e nd products. In co -
oper ation with people still ehle , despit e ha rdships, t o wn r!<' .
I n a n area where social egenci es are either leol<ing or in~
adequate t o meet the needs .
Whatever 'form the enterprise tokes - it i s essenti.elly
and fundamentall y educatio nal - e l earning process. v:hether
it is en ae;ricultur sl lshoratory , A healt h program , a rural
erta center, it is i nescapably an educational venture . A
long st ep is taken b;y a dmitting this ot the outset. It
regularizes the lear' that must snd d"es take pl ac e e nd is
usually coveted by the people themselves . llo other social
agency is es effective as i s a "sc hool " - -potentia lly anyway .
None es natural - a "!lchool" i s pe.rt a l ready of everyone ' s
hebi t and l!xpectat io n. In our American l'lay of life the con-
nection between progress end sc hooling 1 s alrea dy estal'l i~hed -
end rn!lke s it possible and f ea sible for t he communi ty to
identify t heir int erests end advancement with ·the school t hll t
is thelrs. So possession, end par ticipAtio n e.nd extension
become n atural developments. It i~ t he sole S<'ciel agency
already the people ' s - their's to use f or thAir own advancement,
and t herefore t he hest instrum ent of democracy .
The school hoe also the advantage of being an institution
that enduresi thet goes on rognrdless of 'chsnges in
tion , e.nswerlng the continui ng need for learning in suooes s ive
Pl.'f!;e 2 .

The experi ment (grant ed i ts essent i al educe tionel , social -

educa tion cMrec ter) is the discov ery 11 nd ut111Z Pt.ion
of the natura l - economic , hwnan end socirl r asonrc~~ of encl us e
in their ru ral region . e panplA
I t bases i tself on effo1· ts t or livPli -
hood in both the econom ic sense Rnd in the l Preor sense or
llving . It embrac es varied effort s ot oennlo at el l ~ges -
older anc:l younge r , in t'IU'llly end home Bro·Jps , young peonle ,
older mo n nnd wo1nen , chi ldr e n. !t is 1nev1 tehl y i nclusi v e
(whate ver its begi nning ) of earning e livinp ;,
community relati onshi ps ~ nd orpen izetio n, e~ldf ••mllv eFre ,
health And leorni ng, cultur al resour ce s of t•rtl! e nd crareerer fts ,
tion ,
music a nd da nce . It could stllrt et. any one or more of the!lo
effor t s , but I'OUld swiftl y a nd :t,.nev itrhly i nclutle others
soon e~brece ell t hese end nth4rs os th~ develo ping needs and dP.-
monded theln . \'.'1\P.tever t.he ini t i el enterp rise , it should t rom
the beginn ing be seen rnd develo ped e~< prrt of the whole . The
es~ent io l f a"tor in develo pment is o r,ronp
ot nannlo who i<l ant.lfy
thems elves vd th the colll!nuni ty l'nd v•ho • nrk v•i th t 1•Ptr nelghl' or:>
to accom plish shsrod purpo ses. ( Again , the role of tea chers i s
en eccept eble' tunoti on)
Each situnt i on i s uni oue , e n<l pnrtic ulo r needs are
rel evant to it , initia lly • nd lotor. But ~l\•rys nmonr, thoo
11veli hood - for older And younp. people ;
heel th - whi ch is m:gen t&nd involv ed ln 1'.11 o thersf
home condi tione - th~ir tmprov oment;
chi l d cere;
recr eation and expres sion through drrune , music ,
art A And crafts ;
cultur al end intorm ntions l resour ces;
scienc e lAbor atorie s end egriou lt.urbl eroeri nsnt
some organ izatio ns - Auch es co-opa rnt1ve stores statio ns ;
and marke ts , etc .;
community uni t e - menti ngs , etc .
In listin g such needs one comes nuic~ly to n~ng -
home econom ics , teachi ng oentor s;
scienc e labora tory And agricu lture experi ment otatio ns ;
clinic s, health cent ers;
nurser y schoo le;
librar y collec tions - end
e plao e t or learni ng - mRet ings - reoro~t.ion - p:oo<l t.i•~es -
to a commun ity cent er to eooommodAte these things - ond
either to the enterp rise ot co-op eratin g ~th existi ng
echoo le, or more sftoct ive, ot e s tablis hing anothe
acbobl aa part ot the schoo ls ot the region end ther s tate.
Among all the ec:lucetionel groupe enc:l social educa tion groupe ,
there ia a great c:leel ot di scueei on of "community educa tion. "

~ I
Page 3.

It is well-motivated but on the whole no t realistic end not

yet conceived in basic terms or sufficiently incl> lsive. In
my judgment, a fter a yeer of partic i 1>e t ion in t. hese dis-
cussions and some OC CJURintence v:c til concH tioni . tn rural areAs
of e numher of regions i n t he Northeast , Sollt heast Pnd >,• i<ldle-
west , I feel t hAt t his 1 s t he .:ti!~kor r Pn ex:Hn·irn~nt that
v:ould reveal needs, resnurcesi(Bil,~<n:c'!l.l.e 'c ondi t ions f or
mee~i ng the problems of rural r egions.

Experiments such as .Arthurdale heve op<'ned t he wey

fo r this. \"/hat 1 t showed to b e pos s t •h l a must be devel oond .
It is urgently necessary to do t hi s - and to do i t nuickly.
America 's f ate mcy depend fi nelly upon the '." '0plo of i t e co\mtry
eree s - the people who r Al Re its food, who devel o p its natural
re.sources. It i s i mposl!ible not to hAli ~v e , w<; tciling t he
tragedies ebroe d that no time c en he lost if nur r eoplA are ~toing
t o be able intelligently - Etnd eco ,•omi M lly " "cf king al~m - to
choose d emo crac y e nd l i fe ,;upnort e d by t heir o1"n ...ork , t he ir
own life freely l ived in e. land whose unused resources
children learn to conserve e nd to utilize.
These events do not create the i nrpo rts nce of ll'unchi n~t
suc h an enterpri se; that ·1 '> furni s hed by condt tionn i n our
own country , They do , hD•1ever , urge in t ts r. .
Our i:lemocrecy i s a lready being put to t he t est . It will be
a stupidity we connot for(!ive i n ou,.,se l vn s if \"6 f el l t o do now
what is neces se~y to con s erve Hnd develop it .

( s i gned ) El si e Clapp

P.S. - I ,bops you can tnlik this over with 1Jrs. Roosevelt a nd
that she will te. llt 1'11 th :.1r. Boruch. Such en experi-
ment could he his gre,at gift t.o ./>.merica a nd to her: It is
time for us to work toge t'ter egai n and to crea t e an enter-
prt sa which Ylould stimul ate others, as t rthurdAle (end other
experiments) heve done • The stAte of the l"orld makes it
imperatively necessary t o begin to do t his at once.
Mr . Wallace ' s pl an t o train youth for etriculture et
least on a subsistence basis could f orm pert of such en enter-
prise. The Department of Agriculture 's a l ready eXistence system
of f ann agents end home de;•Jon.!ltration ep.ent s a re a n essential
agency reedy f or use.
Rural arts are e.n integral ,p ert or the development of
reeouroea in rural a reas. Alone t hey ere of cours e not 1n-
olue1 ve eno~h.

. . '
Poge 4.

I meant to indiaote that •ttor th~ first or May I

was relnti vely freo through t he sUJ111'ter . The tnatezi ne is not
issued eeai n until October - so I co•1ld f'rren-e to do any ex-
ploratory work ncoded. ( Should any ontorprl se d.,velop I 1:oul.d ,
e.s you lcnow , prefer to serve it 1nste11d of the A<lltor l"o rk.
Nothing seams to be OR important as thi s nrobl ern)
I reel co1\fident tbet t! . L . Wilson 1''0111<1 YlP.lcome eny
euch proposal end would w~nt to co-opera te with it.
If Mr. Earuch is int are Ated I v•nulcl he ,Uo.d to talk 1.1 th
him. He v:ould have VF!lu!\bl e advice on the eronomi " si de , ~nd
a depth of understanding of the v•hole pUl'!lnse . Mrs . RooPAVOlt
should, if shn i s v:U llng , be connc>ct ed \"ltl\ it, wit.hout tno
great s respo nsihil l ty . I woul d like t o t elk to her ehout. lt .

r suggest tbnt you see her RS eonn as you CAn, end thllt
she see Hr. Baruch; thlot I see them both cfto'M ~ rds; and thPt
you end she and I telk together . All this ~oon , end berore the
end of !.lay .
I can be reached -
April l4 •..... cnre Pre~ldant ' s Otrlc~
Tuskegee Ins~1Lute, Tuekeree , ft~a .

u l& . ..... Ct\re President ' s Ot 1'ioe

Alt~bP~Ja Coll ege , llont.ovnllo , .H e.

"21-24 •••.•• Rotel Otah

. Salt City , Ut11h
I shall be in Washi ngton April 27- 20 (I Mn s top in
:Philadelphia on my wey) .
In New York April 29 on -
I n between datps gl ven, my soorotary , 111 s~ Rosenthnl ,
310 V/est 90th Street , New York (Sohuylor 4-12&0) can roach me .

E. · R. Clap!)
Did you arrangfl tor me to go to the Rural l'rt s >(ceting
in New Ynrk l!ay 3? Pleoe?
Sorry this bed to be bcndwritten. V'e stopped et
Gainesvill e , Fla. overnight. Going out to Winter Park - Rollins
College - t or April 11.
.&p rU 31. 19)11
llM r Ill"... ... ..

YOU!' lov eJ¥ 1\)'cboaq..

plq t. u.·
acklecl a eq aad abe ertl &l DOt
e te 11iJ •1 t.U ..,
ro.. Will I aa deepJ,y poa tetu l to:r-
upr eN Saa or you r tri. ...s .hlp
tnt . add8d .:~.
I .oJo .r8d .o . . - lDc lda l wt.t
roo •t. ~t. u• aJJ.011 too ~ \SH to ala b JOlt •
-t. bp l pu be t . -

W1t b IIAIU' tlla aka aad all 100'1

wt.abea 0
.lttM UO II& tel¥ )'OI IU0

11r, Ber nar d 11. oar ueh
1055 Fif th Avenue

Aprll 26, 1938

oo (

"'lr . llaruob - l3 tho"" any OrgaJll ht1on tbot

ln.,.atlgatoa and llUllooa loana auob aa tbia?
!.R. "

__Ddy._lOO Polham Rood, Now Roeboll•, N.Y. -Is in dnbt
hus band out or j ob - ahe lias work unci wonts t o bo rrow ;ll500 t o pay. orr bil l s nnd
repay loan at !140 or $50 monthl y.

' . I

My cloar Ill'. llanush:

llra. Rnosove lt Uko "'!'. to thank

you tor whnt you b...,e do•o tor~. t~am_u.
She deeply nrproc l:.~tee your \C'itln~ oa.o one
In her b<ohnlf : ·

Very atnee~ely your•,

X&lTina ?. Scholdor
Sooret ury t o
Jllre. ftoOIH'I'Ol t

llr. Beraar4 .11 . &..ruob

~97 llaclteon AftiDi
• • Tarlr, lfew Tartt

'. ' I
( (

I '
Llay 2, 1938 .
'\ ..

My dear Mrs. Roosevelt:

I have wr itten so~ eone
in San Francisco about Mrs. Madeline
Daggett whose let ter you sent me .
Unfortunately the
problem of unemployment, part i cular l y for
those over thirty-five, cannot be solved
by tsk1ng care of special instances.
It must be done by i mproving the general
economic structure . For your own
informat i on, I do not th1nk we are
moving wisely in this connection.
I hooe to see you
Si noA rely yourg,
~·h.. /l.

Lire . Franklin D. Roosevelt,

The White House ,
Washington, D. c.

De"r llr. B&Ncht

t ... banos "" the 0101'1\lnll or tl,. 26t.b
to ~aotordo"n to !rthurtlltlo nnlo! t ,. 1 l ~....vlnK t.o
.otor bacL «0 aoon s the n crcl ue-s t~e over un
tho ;!7t.b, stop;>ine tn R"""e)" for oiruter 111d aottia&
1t1 bor• 4%'0U.IW lOaOO p • .e.

The 0:-osl d rnt !:1 cctr~g c:lown ">· !r-l io Thu.r8Cl«y

n I Ch t ,n.J T :cno-. he ~ .alu I> o aell rJ>~ed I! you
"'"'t C\1 to r o Jowa Kn..i : w\tn •1• .,.n the t r t lft•
no-.u.VQ:", t h t 'K'Ould .::e,;.n thn t :~ou • ultJ nr· l ve 1D
!t• .. tvrk. ut &. n. th~r '"'h~ hour i a l~le ~rnta.e . to
.,.~,. you J y ~rorcr to ::otor b>lck tu lluoblutcton
ol t.b ce ""~ t.o.l<o ~ Jll.Jni gbt t'ro:s 'll'" lblncton .

llr, Bernard Baruch

597 llld1eon Avonuo
HYC so

May 2p, 1938.

My Mrs. Rooa evel t:

I have your lette r
1n referen c e to the dent al clinic .
I do not want t o atoo
my int er est in Arthur dale and if you ·
think a contri bution toward s the clinic
is the best thing t o do , I shall be
very gl Rd t o mako 1t .
Sinc er ely yours ,
fpyr 1!b

Mrs . Frankl in D. Roose velt,

The White House,
Wa shingto n, D. C.
111 dear Mr. Buzouoh: J..
-1- (' ..l-.
I aaw llr. RotbMI14 t he other dq
ADd I cannot ,_,.n. make up 117 Clind obout hla.
Bo aaya he 1o 1ntereated i n do I ne eaoetblllfl
tO reduce 1110rtali ty Of IIIOtb~rs llrld babi es
b11t tllat 1t rn11at bu done throuph tile OO.o:n-
,..,t and tbet Ilia oootrtbutlon will be to
help to orsan1&1DR the work. The Socid
Sool&t'1ty Ia dol~ a oortaln anou.nt ot tbta
work , but I auegeat...S to bw tt.ut ubout all
any ooe ooW.d do would ba to a•keo Jl'bllo
1o toreat 1n ble ....., OOCIDunlty and tbat would
allloet ba'f8 to be dooe tbl'l.>u~ wolu.nteer
orgen11tat1ou nnanoed prtYately. I do DOt
lmOOI that be agreu ,,ltb ae , aod I c&DDOt
11111te make out wbetboor be j11et wunta a cbanoe
to talk to the hoeldont or wbetber lie really
11111lta to wo:l<.

'fery einoeroly youre,

llr. Bemud Berucll

~97 lludlaon Avonuo I
N'tC nr

June 20, 1938.

My a ea r Mra . Roosevelt:
I have your letter
about Ur . Rot hschild.
I am unable to place
him . I thought at f i rs t it was
L. F. Rothacb ild who i a a f irst-class man
In every respeot . Per haps I will have
more informat i on when I see you on
Sunday .
Let me know when the
booka arri ve.
Sincere ly your~ ,

Ur a . Fra nkl i n D. Roosevelt,

Hyde Par k ,
II ew York. •

Ootob'! r 1:5, 1030

D• a.r llr. naruoh:

You were to tol'!rrnph no
on ny b1rthct(l1 and I lovod h a vl nr;
:r;'lur l"lesaage.
I an nt111 th1nJo::1n(" or ·. tlat a
pleasant even1nt; t¥8 haG t or,Pther and
shall look !:>!".tard t o 9ur n'!xt n'le t1nrr.

14r. Bernard U, Baruch

- '

'<Uq~ ~qiie ~5e
PH Hew Ynrk IIY l:llFlnm Oot ll 1938
... rs !.lcano r 1\ooMv elt
The '.11\l.tP. House

. •my tlfi!"JtlY returns of t!.e c•y oncl 11111:1 you be a!)ared u~tt ny yenr s to

l'Dtll.nte cheer comfort and hn!)p1no&s to t·ll tuo~c •·1ho touch you ·or

your aot 1v1t1es .

Bernard II bAruch .
l~·; ~nt,d

"'-It/ /)-~ \ ~ ;d' t· -' / ,.

....") 1.- / ') "-CI ; , II (_.J.. ('0 ~~ •


.. 0 to
' z J
'. __ , _ /

,. ~~~- .. .-. /r . . . ·-
,I " n't.._.,, -. ' .. ?-

l" ,~,.., l c (_ r / . A. (,.,, 1 ( ,

. / .J't.:,.,. '"'" I I

/ ) !_ , , ' · · · ,..


.Do you lu!o. ot u;:rot~a llbo ooul4 look

1ato thh oaeo ADd u• t1dll " bank the. t 1r0ulo
take 09or tho wbolo loea At a r~aaowabla rat.
of 1ntereet .., that tiM Mll' 4 ·~·• ""1.11:1 not
be 181"1lillboed?

Ot courw 1 t Wuld not be dono ll.!llA.•~

~ t~ l• ~, but i t tboty poria.pi
a little hlep a1ebt bo gi ven, r •ould go on a note
or - t h i q ot U!At l<tnd,


__)__Thurlow J4ac BrhJDP

~8-11 9lst St, Elmhurst L.I. - jun ior sulesman ot tl8 a w eck - lost several
jobs because ofhts creditors ' demands . Has br ought his oebts down from USoo
to t400 and is again about to lose bis job . 1\on ·led und h6ro; ssed - nsks
a dvice. ·

' .-
r wonder it ;you lmow ueyc:m~ who

•i&ll' ch·• ci their thil wollllll or bet· bul bwld a

Ia. Bern&m~~ch
597 Uwdi 3o venue

- hunhand CRt\ fInd no wor k 1n 11Y

She t h1 nl:s she woulll oo well i n
r uaio ur am&t lc wor~ - h~e hAd
some experience and t r ainine
writing scri pts .





December 8 , 1938 .

,\ ~ .t·
\' / I
' /
' I r

Uy dear Mrs. Roosevelt:

Enclosed 1s r eport I
received from the NAtional C1ty Bank on
one of the matters I took up for you.
Are you expecting me?
And , if so, on what date? Or, are we
going to try to meet 1n New York?
Sincerely yours ,
/)Y) 11:.'

Mrs. ?rankl1n D. Roosevel t,

The Wnlte HouRe,
Washington , D. c.
Re Mr. McBrayne - whose lette r was sent to Ur. Baru
by Mrs . Roos evelt . ch

Mr. Townsend ot the NAt ional City Bank calle d and

repo rted the follo wing .
The Nat t onal City Bank
calle d on Mr, McBray ne who was very repre
senta tive
pleas ed but
rathe r surpr i sed at the call . He said that on
hie part the matt er had been more or less
He has arran ged with~local finan ce company forgo
loan . The inter e st rate is very hi gh but the
finan ce company was perfe ctly willi ng to carry him
inde finit ely as long as he pays the inte rest.
He has a posi tion altho
perio d of training~ and the relie f ugh
he is in a
le are taki ng
care of them • He expe cts to star t earn ing some th1g
shor tly. He is in much bette r spir its at the
prese nt time . Thin~a he can work this matt er out
all righ t.
Our repre sent ative told him to get i n
touch with the bank if they could b~ot any help to
him. The relie f peop le told him they would take
care of him. No r eason tor him to worry
such t ime as he gets on an earni ng bas i s. unt il
conc ern with which he is conn ected i s well rngar ded.



Kr. Barnard Ll . llaruoh Docembor ]J) , 19:Je

597 Kadieon Avonuo
Hew York, Hew York

Sorry c&nnot in'l'itation to dino w1 th you, Won 't you dine wtth me?

X!rfre ~frite ~rotS£
?·U. RA, 1~- ~n.slr ingtan
NBN . New York, N. Y., December 1~ , 1938
Mrs. Franklin O, Roosevelt,
Ae the party is larger .would you all like to dine with
B. JJ , Baruch ,
Deur !lr. P.arueba

TlulnlL :yo·J • o much tor cett\oc the tieketa.

,lee.aa let :.e ..:10 it !101r 'JUC~J t o 11e #OU .
I ,_:J; loo:t.Ar~ :: t\)nt~ 1·-.! •1th Jc;; ~ o ~o:,hty

ureetlont. t elo ,

Ur· l!arnard 1.1. Baruell
597 Uadtson Avenue
• •

Dcc~~~r 14 , 19J8
Ur . !?erna~d •.1. Baruch I
S/7 lladison Avenue
New :Corle

llould lovo t0 hnve six t ickets for ...,r

Uon<.A' !.Ve!'liug. M~ n; t hun" s

Eleanor Roo:~ovt lt

~( J

./ .....

lO'.. U,RA, 28- I\ / ,•

Ne w York, II , Y,, l)ocember 14 , ,1938
~ra . ~leanor Roosevelt ,
Have four tickets tor K1 ae the Boya GooObye Monclay e vening nnd

can ge t two mor e 1f you want to enlarge pnrty . Looking forward

¥t1th pleasure to the ~ven1ng ,
ecrnard u. Baruch,

/ I '
1~1• r,:_·- -- -- -=;:-:---
• • <- ft..J _.) '
December 23, 1938. J

Dear llr. B£ruoh 1

l told you the "' • ere two thing• on my .~:~ind
tond I forgot to apeak to you about them the
other night .
One ot them 1e about the Democratic D1geat
whloh ie put out by the wouoen ' a diYlslon or
~~ Deaoor~tio National Commi ttee. 1 know
/ -'-~
I rtl. lioAlieter b&8 Written tO YOU about it.
her really need the aoney ..nd it you c:rn
afford to let thee hAve it, I think it
woulll be a. good thing. Sl:e la dolne; a
grand plewe or work ll.lld the HOltional Coll-
mlttee tella her t hat tba7 haTe no 110ney
and can not giTI her anything until after
the Jackeon Day dinner. I per eon&
ebould bate to aee thie magazine giT~n
up, ao 1 eb..ll be pt reonally grateful lt
you oan clo u abo aelte. 1 hop e abe wlll
~. able to return lt to you.

7he other thing ie whether you woul d ba

willing to eee aome young peo~le in the
Aaerlo~n loutb Oongreae. Th~y want to clo
an organlzlng Job ancl put on a o...paign
Of lduoatlon for liTlng in II. daaooraoy but
they a uat firet put tbea eelve a ln contact
~th rural youth or Anerloa. Thie o~n
only be clone with a certain a.ount or or-
g&nhing. I want th.., to talk to you
about their plane beoaue e 1 do not want
you to do anything if you are pereoaally
no t intereetecl and clid not thlnlt it or
T&lue. 1 oertalDly do not want you to
do anything beoauee I happen to be lnter-

I ....


lt J OU are w1111ng t o aee t he• , 1 w111 a ak

the• to go to ne JOU. !heJ wAnt $6 000
and 1t JOU do not reel JOU can g1Ye lt, but
~h1nlr. what theJ plan haa ..ny valuel p t-rhapa
you oolll4 help the• to go to the r ght
p eople to get 1 t.
1 enJoyed our partJ on ~ond&J n1ght •o r e than
1 oan aaJ, ..nd I hope the next one 11 not too
t :<r ort.
At t e otlonatelJ,

7anunry 20, 193~

IIi' 4ear .llr. Baruob:

I ce a orry to all)' that on aocoun'
ot tile taot that tile eppl"'pr1e.t1on tor 'ha
Jl1r.a Seoul ty •.d:l. l n1etrut1on , unde >· •1'.1ch tile
~~ are l'WI, will DOt be t t.l'OU&II Coll-
ereaa by f obNlU')' 2 , it 80«18 t O CO 1lJ-fldY1M4
t o .-l[e a trtp to Artlllll'Ule. It a1~t Ill -
11011¥ 1ntluence t hu thoue)lt ot tho lef1Glatift
bNMh ot the ao..~. n.-tore, I ban
l!.oolclod t o polrtpone. our V1o1t t o t.oot Vlrslnle.
1111t1l a lete.r 4ete,

I resret t h le ftl7 IIUCh e.lld hOf'O it

will DOt 1DOOilWII1enoo you 1n any ""7•

lloplna to - you aoon, I a


llr. llernarcl IJ. Baruch

:!97 Wad t •oo Ave .
I /
. / I I~/

Kr. Bernard )1, llaNoh

105~ litth AYeoue
New York, New Yon

CaJu>ot be 1D New York oe.xt weekend, .Lo11113 to see you bare Mxt 1'huredq
a t tour and tor ~Mer aD4 reoept1oo.ti' you can) to oa.e, Nothl~ urgent ,



3lwumo ?1 DL 84lpm 'llll T.:: •- ,.f;;~ft

~" vi ~ tr-\ j.
~ll.ll gwu
NRC New York, an.24,1939.
Mre. Eleanor Roosevelt .
\ ,,{ ·q,.~,I"#~~~
Your lUnd 1nv1tat1on for luncheon Thuradny dld not readh me t111 ~ IT ('"_
fol~l ~
, .
noon today, and I have been trying to postpon e or chango engagemen~r·,~
but I canno t . Holfever, 1t you have something urgent then I would~, .\
brenk llnyth1ng to serve you. I :;>lan to leave Thursday n.lght onyrf'
return through Washington about next Thursday. How about some play
last part next week, and, 1! eo, what one? Mreat1onate good Wlohee.
B. l! . Saruoh.

Our ru-J&rucb.a
!lore ce two ~;>le 11ho10 I ruovc h~o :,rd "b<lut
a lnce I talited wi th you. bot.: or t.'lr:~, I ~" oure ,
are not ollly £00<1 aecre t.arie a but wld s t.;;aa ~ •
ot•nocr" ?IMra , • nd I tllouibt you .. t abt like to iU
e1 ther o r both or tbu.

Enc. letter fro!!l IUs a Lape about Hannllh Kahn

-72 Trving Place, N.Y. C.
rrote to be Included about Ul~- Kruger(? )

-----· -·--~--~----
rlarch 6, 19J<)

Wi ll ~ou >loaae •-dd IA1s s lt.rug~r ' s qual1tic,.t1one

to thia correspondence, und then Jcnd t hb • hola thing
t o Llr. B<.ruch?

lil.l v tw. C. T'ao~c>aua


STANOA"D r'OftM HO. 1••


Uo.roh 1, l !l:l!l

/rm BE!liiAI\D U, OA.'lt:Cll


J:RS 1100!J::VELT L~W~3 ·A3Jn::CTo:: SlJ!ID.'.Y ! :ARCH F'IF'l'l!




&d 1obU1'J, t eua

ll ~ rer. 1!1 , 1930.

Dear llr. JleMacb 1 '

1rhen y ou t;,l<l a e UIP. o t day ab,JUt. ,tt1v1a.., bt!lp
I to aoae ot t be Soutb Cnroltna c ol hC9t , ! &oant
t o ~ peak t o yo~ • bqu t thi s io etitut.ioa. I
enclo•• • latter troao t hO! run in cberce.
t n ta •ftD ca.. t o • • • •• 1D l aeb•1lle and I was
au rll 1ar re a£ed •tu. ...,.t b e t ol d ... 1 uo veu •t.
seen tbl a collece but 1 t houc bt tr you ~ere
1n t.e r e• you aicb t 1U:e to ll•·•~ aot~a ooa n e a r
t.Lere tiod ou' about it. I ua o d .) n ot lmow
• :.e t her you are bel~lJI& 1oat1 t•Uoea ou tside
o r Sou tb Carol lila. ln I·>~ tbroucb y .,nneue•,
I tbat ao)'thiD& • h i ct: •~:! help n u d
cODdi t iona w As cer tat nl,y worth while,
I hope )'OU wil l ae~ Fr~okl1n be f or e 1~ . I
t hlllk you will ttnrl h 1a 1n •n ntHMly c :>ope r-
au.. tr• • ot &1Dd. I -.. part1 cu1~ r1y anal cu o
t o ae~ y our plan car r ie~ ou t t ot r etvc•es!
eeltlabl.y ~cau.•e I t hiniL i t t~Ul bel!> 10 ••
. Pll)' ot o•u· lot..roaUooal l,t ,)ble• e . At ~t:e
n•• UM I . . aJU101u t -> ee G \h let buv1oe&c
ha wol r.oae ot t b'.l ret'ltl'tl » 'O'llic r. they th lllll
will llol•• t.bdr d1tf1 cul tt& s , no , loeeau. e I
• c r M bu t beeauae I t h ink t t;er u 1< ..u<·h 111 t~
ll•7•' hol oc1 eal ettee t.
I waat t o ••• ua a alto • driwe f •. r • .,.., t'IM!da-
.ea tal cn&Dc•• in a tt itude •n l t nat I Y~l4
11k t o talk t~ yo~ abou t. 1 ab~lv be back
in Weah1DctoD Jus t before Eaa t.r i f all c.)ea
well eitb Aana.
lttee tiona t.ely •

I bn• ha4 a lett .

troa Helen

ha't'" b/14 " ebnnoe to 868 you .

1 ..,. 110 grntetul to yeu . You

> llr. Bernard Baruch

597 llacUaon Annue '
New York City alt


2445 -l5th Stroo t N.J.
l'uhl agto n, D.C.

N.t.. ~.AJ."-t
How••" 1..••·• ll&reh ? , 1939
H~ J .._ Kc.!Cey, Flodd•
Ytlr- HocLe, .,_._ C¥ot'.Oit.e
Sdw•rd Su.n9, Vf,,,,.~.

llro. 7raD klln D.

!he W'bl te Rout e
l'aoh lncto n, D.C.

Dear Mra. !ooa evelt :

'l'haDk you very 11Ueh for arran ginc the
a.nt conv ereat ton
with l.Cr. Baru ch tor ~te. We bed a -.er7 olea1 d to learn his v1ewa on
yeaterd~ morn ing, and I wna
1nte rette
e are f&etng. He bel
aa=y of the ~roble~• wh1ch youn& ~eopl ho Colln cll of YoUO«
make a contr ibut ion to t
kind ly ogreo d to ~• OJ~In after he hao
Sout hern er• and lo to get 1n touch wi th
aeen Joe Cadde a. tn Ne• York .
I aa very well plea ted by tho pro~oa1 we it 11
to make with our prog ram tbua fer. ot cour se,
been able
cUtt1cul t to eee naul te ia. the ftra t Ita« •• of azJ3 a•• Pf'OKJ"a&.,
youn s peop le te are mee ting I feel
b~t troa the roepo naoa ot tho
be aoY! nr In the r~t direc tion. 1'o b~vo alre& dy
that •• seve ral ot the Sout hern a~tea
eatab llabe 4 atate coGD Jtteea ln
and hope to have forums underw~ in at lea1 t ~ f ew ot tbea ••r.r
obor tly.
for all
Ploa u know that •• are deep ly flratef\11 me thank
en.eo uragu ent you have giTen ua, aDd. let
the help ud
;you "'ain tor intor ootlJ IC llr. B&NCof h 1n tho Younc Sout herno ro.
Hlo ~ontrlhutlon will relie ve much the immediate finan cial
will, I belie ve, a4d stren gth to our reque 1ta for
1tra ia and
tUDda troa othe r eour c••· -

Hele n fulle r,
CD.a l....,.,

,7• •..-~
', .(. .... . (, t' (, /
... -
' ' '"'"-
,&(., tn.A 40

/• ' ..... ' .{.

(;' t , r~.,.

/.. .-.-(. -.... r::. /

117 d.... llr. llluuoh:

I .,. perfootl¥ clellchtocl with tho

bo<*a Whlob '"" ba4 eon~ t o . . ti'Oal tho
. .\loDal Cleopaphto 8oo1ot;r and lrDOit I aball
oDJoy t h• Yary auob 1c4eod.

JlaJ2;r, aaQ1 t hanl:e tor YOW' kJDCI

I.N'eottonetol;r , . !»rnn:"C! !.1. llaruch

~9? Uqdtson Avenue
, ..,


has r-e9uested thet the eooompenym9

ll'ft be sent you with best wishes
NA1'10NAL OltOOilAP'MIC .90C itT'Y

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