You are on page 1of 16

9IDZ; ueze55uy unqey esog e fuepg uep

uegedepuog ueae55uy ueunsnXuog uetuopag 5ueguay

9$QQ unqei 9p ~omog ndtuog pedng ueangeaag
n~oa NmVarmmr HmZVa n.rma
'.Scop SUSXuoy y I pg
unqeJ, 9 JouxoM Suepug-Suspug useuesxfsfog usJn>SJog
Sus>uog @fop unqsJ g y J ouxoM qs> ULtouxog US J n>SJod
ueSuop qs q n Jtp q e foX eueulteSsqoe SBQG SUBXU~ pf pg
unqeJ, 9 JoUloM Suspug-Suapug UBSUBB3fsfog UsJllg'SJod
Su~u~ Q$ 0 + u n g s J g + Jo u x o M q e l u t J QUKod USJnXBJQ»f
Suelua> y I og unqaJ, g g Jo t xloM S u epug-Suspug
'.Scop SU8XUQ
> yIOZ unqeJ, 9 JouroM Suspug-Suepug
.SJSSQMussJaqepuoq Jog
S~uog Q007 unqa J, 'f Joulog S u e p u g-Suapug
'.Ssog USSuenoZ
SUSXuog g oop u nqeJ, gI Jou l o M Su a p u g - Szrapug , .Z
' f»» nt JouxoLr eteouonut @prendre ~t e rai ~
USJeqtuof UeqsquleJ, M I J o u xoM QQ6I UnqeJ s t soubPUI
xftfqndog BJ B SQM us J e qux~) Jn u x t J, BJ BSSUQJ,SsnM
usp >SJsg SJSSSUQJ,esnM 'II88 I y sxfSUIJ, qeJosp-qsJoag
qadi'aft~ t xlefsp I f XsxfSUIJ, qeJQep-qsJQag uaxftguoqutog
Sueyuoy gg6 I un g e J, 69 JotuoM S u e p u g - Suapug
'9I OQ UBJ'BSSUV unqsJ, eeo a efuepg
u'ep uwgadepuog USJSSSUVusunsnffuod ueuxopod SUSXUQX
ttsdn a USJnXSJog Uexfdetououx nfJod s a i s l p e g n J n q
B UBUIIBSeqos UBSu e q u x txJod
UBXJf esepJoq S Mq eq
Bsog Bf'uefo~ u e p u e x s d e puog UB JSSSUV ue u n s aL uog
ueulopod u m f n f Jodtp s c o p ef ' Usfo
a u e p u e xedepuog
USJSSSuV Ue u n s nX uod e x f SusJ u r e f ep ' s c o p SUB XUQ>
unqeJ, 9 JouloM Suapug-Suepug u s euesxfefod
USJnlsJod SU SXUQX+I 0$ u n q sJ, g + J o uxoM qSXULIotxlod
USJn xsJod UsqSXfnJod QIOQ UnqsJ, /Q JottxoM qexutJQuxod
UBJnXSJQd us n Ju o g og USXf B UBBXfsfotxt Q nXun e i M f a q
V SZa Vr Mme MVa MYJ.VdVaMSd ~ VO O M V
~oGHcN usd&OLrad txep ueutwMLlad
LLIBFp s e a p ueq e t u rJomad q a ( o ~u ee~ t t p u sp rusm o p adrp
BnJeq Suck uelfeftqaq qoqod-qoqod tpqaps gaQ8~ U e u ng ~u ~ ue u x opad
scop ~ sJ o d Lue
rep ~der~rp
~Os 'Qd a Uep scop ~ U L I o mad qoto emstLIoq mlhlasrp uep Bsqeqrp
Suet esap UBLleltmamod ueuntret UBSusnog sueouoJ ~B ~oo~ c v~
>eJtSursrp aELqnfuetos SueE eeoQ sfue~oa ue p U e ledspuog UBJBSSuy
.nduroQ uogednqeg rp speJoq SUBX BBOG UBLfmurJauxog BJBSSuotakuad
Jnsun reSeqoe eeoQ ymplueJ~ Lt8p BBOQ
eted~ tp g t ps esoQ qelutJomag
Uttlmpustr Jaq SUBX ssop ~8 Ltetepe
QJ8 UBSUap'jlNtSulsrp eALtlnf~ a s SUBX eeoQ ~ s J BAL8XsnmJod UBpea 9
stsauopu~ ~qndag UsvLtseag BJBSOMueqslurJamad
moysts urelep p s u lJottrp Ue p ~ tp SueE i e d m o>ae pepper gepe
—. — t I1-T w f l A% % TTs z w f o o w l f 5 c l ' 1Vw t f T f Mt Vs oV 11
t V SP W
& t t t t t s Slae+e<s nr t n sc e ~ r rM ~» ~ w ~ o
1 P P g + » + + '+ + V Q 4 W W Q O l l k l l D l k e l g
Uep JtgsSUom mefsp esoQ ~ e JBWRAsnmJog uepeg Uep eeoG LIttruLIOLuag
Malo ueqeruLtomod UesnJtl UBBJBSSuopguad qepyps BeoG ueqeturJaurag
sleouopu~ ~qndap
UBTQesag BJBSOM ~U Lxa m a g m+Bls UrspFp treulJoqtp uep rtgpgpSusg
redrLlatas |spegsl / cp s u e p pM n - IBBB LltotJBBBpJoq 'gedmagae I~J B j j gerrr
U BSupuodoq s n J nSuom ue p ~B Suam ~ u n Sue u o auaq S U BX
LteXstrm seteq-Bttteq aLrtrmam SUBL m~n q gmpuBJhem uergeeaq qepeps
'esop ynqasrp sk~nhvqos 'upq emeu UBSuop >nqoerp SueX nttlsesaG
qe Josp UsqeluLramod BJ835uo/aaii~
Jnsun reSsqaS Ltsxoep 183pueJod UBp +edna qefeps LIBJoep qeturJomog
.nduroG Uo~scinq~ q s teps qeJaeg
ndmoG tledng qsteps@edna
:UBSUop pnslpfmtp SUBX ILtr ttedn a UBJtgeJOQ ms +G
9l OC 5Ar 8YOOMV MflHYL V83G
Y f'MVT38 MYG M V L VdVQM3d M V H V O OM V M V M M A A M 3 d
MVNOQ3 d O MV L M 3 L A dN O G L LVdAB M V 8 A L V83 d . UB fd~ouaN
'.BeoG usunSueqmog ueeropag Suelua~
ygpg Llntleg yg g JoKTog rJoSog LrletBG rJo/UON UBJD4BJocl
'.BsoG UBSuenay ueeloloSU~ Smguo>
Q f 0$ Lrnrfe+ Q$ [ JOUIOM LIOSOMrxfefsQ Lla)uoN UBJt+BJOJ 8
.~ M e r ~ i a a uep
Usrsdspuag UBJBSSuy tJBp JoqrrxnBJaq SUBX BeoG BuBG
Smqua> g~og unqeg p g J omog ~ ur J o urog usJtgsJ~
uBSrxap qeqrrJrp @era>BuemrBSBqaB BJBSOMBfmqa8 uep
Lreredepuag ueJBSSuY lJBp JaqumaJOB SUBE BBOG BueG
SLIBIUO'I p$ Op U n r l e g O 9 Jo r l r o g ~U IJOr x lag U B JTQBJOJ
I 8%6KflS SR' '
Q f 0$ g~ .' f888UBX BPBcf
nduxoQ fp UBXfeuepunlQ
ndtxxog u~e dn q~ qem B Q ~ p e g c xxef8p~MUYx8 BduxaUM mS uop Yu: -,,edn a
UBJtgeJscf UBSUBpunIUBcf U83p~uYJQUYQux BXulnqltiosuoux SUBJOde@os JBSy
9TOE UBJ83ftuy UnqeL lpgUYl MfefJQq YUl@edn a UBJY1$8JQcf
u euxOp~ Stnqav~ g y og unqeg 6g Jouiog @edna UBJnji JogUBp
+$0$ Unqeg g $ g USspusuxlscf UBJld~ uxef e p ~ U BoJ ; 4$ Bueuxlemeq38
feuxJGJ uwfB~ UQ U Y U83fBUes~fYP soQ
ady UB3uenQ3f ueeqesn BieuQJ
.YUY@edn a UBJtgeJQcfff UBJYdu1~
uxefBP Utniue ~ BUB UxP888cfss 9$0$ UBJ831uy UnqBJ, sQQady J ng~ s
lul tiedn a UKKQBJ~
U BJtdul8q YUBtep u xn>UBDJ0> ] $ peAB s pe d p ns ~ lp BUBU YYBSeqos
9 f {j~ UBJ833uy u n q e g S B Q g d y ueun s rukumf Y t u o p x f UBYBJg
ssQgcfy UeunstlEUQcf GTefPp utef fBH p
.sQQagfy ueunsQXUQd sllofo J
:SSQHgy ueunsaXUM Um p.I'Yqaqquod-qoqog .q
: Yxndtfoux'9f Op UBJBSSuy un~g saQBgy ueunsnXU~ ueuxo~g
txtgsxfextbfssmaIf Ueeutqutad ' u e u n l u s q u xod Uestxss~ f a d ' t xetpguLxatxxad
UewBSSuafakuad tekstqmom Ifnrun a m p u nStp ue p u apsdnqsy
tfexasG sfusfaa usp Qsrsdkpuag QBIBSSUY tnfefam Iajsusxpp SUBX scop
1Ssq mapftgunxadtp Susk BIBSaN efusfaa uep Qersdepuad UBIBSSUYusp
Iaqmnaraq Suel suep tfefeps GG >nqastp BXxgnfusfas Suef ssoG BuBG
Bnent of tsexfoiy BUBG
tSwt~ t p z fefaros ssoG tfofo smLxartp Susk ndmoG uarednq~ qs x a sG
sfusfaa uep mrsdspu~ usxeSSUY usp zaqmnsaaq Susk QBSusqmuad
suep q s feps G G y p n q astp s k i n f u efas Suefi s ea G s u s G t s s rfofy
tfsqmaq IBEsqmam Ifnrun Qsqtfs~aq
Bpy educ ssap ssxf aq rfnsem Sued Susn tfefeps scop uersdspuad
8$ (txIBUa)
9 apolIad Id un scop QssueauaJad Uomtofop tfefsps soG+f'dH glBfSutstp
BXmnfuefas S UB' se a G tr s S Uauoyt m d l u s p tr e u n SUsquxad e u s o u aH
Unqsr (nrss) $ apotIad inrun Umfsuss~f1p
Uexfe Such QerstSaxf uep meISoId Sueruai ssap >mfsxekssm tfeIs~sfisnm
ftssq tfsfeps (ssaG~ ) se a G U s u nSUsqmag sfxag s usauaH >nqastp
sfitgnfusfas SUBX (usuntfer) papuan p uef Usqmad susouaH
u e u nS
'saGady 488UBsgs fad
s xfSQB~ mefep ss o p Q BSUenaq Q t ufqeaaef-SunSSusrIadmauz u s p
utofmXBqtxxatxx 't m f e t f e s n s r e t xaux 'tmfso>aXuam ' u s d anLUaax 'etxxuauatxx
qnrun seaG sfed~ qafo IfnPItgtp Sued scop rsxfSUBIad tfefeps sxmfspua8
8$8tfBPQa a
UBP BtEofaL BQ883fefag seaG BtxsrLDPQ tf e P fJ KPZagtfsfePB
>nqastp skurnfuefasSusk ssaG QBSUsnag UsefofaSQ~ 8;mfoL Buss~fog
.Bsop QBSUenaq uesfofaSQad ueqrunfasaq
uwfsse88uafokuom UB SUsuaxttaIftekund ma m BXumrsqsf s u a xelf S QBX
ssaG Bfeday tfsfsps ssaG UBSusnag ussfofaSuad ussssrofay SQBSamag
'Bsap UBIlgMad UBSUap U83fdsrartp UBp 'BsaG
U BIBIexxtsXsnmacf u s p s a Usp ssap tfermxamad qafo Btrxsataq tnfn>aetp
usp ssqsqtp StreeBBap usqeruuamad ueunqer UBSusnaq sueauax qefspe
saGacfy 3MfSutstp Bhttrnfusfae 'ssaG s fu efa8 u e p U e rsdspuag UBIBSSUY
BBap UBSusnaxf UseewsSuad usp Usqmaef
-StxnSSUBIIad 'usaodsfad 'usstfssnmeuad 'QBIBSSUBSuad 'Useusvuaaad
tgndqam SQBX usrslSÃf UstfILIn/asap xfsfsps BsaG QBSUBnap UssfofaSUad
fnqasAar Bsap UeqtfskiaXf UBP gsg
UBSUap QBSunqntpaq SUB' uss5%6fag 3p+uaq sfBSas BXumsfsplp xfnsstxLlag
Suen UBSUap teftutp >sds p S u s k s s a p u e t f e ruu amad UBBIBSSuafaXuad
sqSmu ~ p Ueqt femeusp opetf snuxas qsfsps s saG UBSUBnaq
: SusruaL
9tor - - . ~ - ~ D ' - fsSSUBL
9 f 05 Untfs ~ g : Iomog
exeoss 8 ass 8SIeq feIm
UmItrrn>ueoustu ~ estop sW qeutft trep essp ueemuou~ (a
.4lMI8I8Eseur Q%0PMsqursm
WpA m88 'ekutmmn
eped ssQVd uetfQISurusd uep ueeIoIaSQsd ekedn tueIeg (q
'estop sf' qeufft
e~ ~ Uen fuo u o d Uep Ueet885fgIsd QreIep 1ggusnsntpI
J ffQIIA U f i ue P u n - S Q8PUYlrsd Q E I t g e ggd Q e n f u ~ ~
~u u rnIsqss UntIfff s ~QVd Qeetfrtiou& i s e s t tear u eP 9 I
ops QetInq~
m~ -Q n t Itff e p ecl t p eCxo> Suck u e fu touch(azsd
~b urg sdt u s t u ~ s~ g >~ z~ ~ u szstu t t r eI80
: 4fUIUsq f88eqos
IetI-Ieq ~ et I~ s d m sur ~ ' ssn V A Q e efofslusd eXedn ,nnnng (~
.'estop NfnSund QndrIsm 'estop rIseQefedepusd QfeI-u~
1 %%la t e l ve ev ung gt % vn l 'n w % v v a nQ e~ e ra~ Z 4 r
•s g l J u v i l v 4 uu v + v u u g } j $+ QQ [$ +g g gg g p f gg $
'.twas-UteI uep tse'StIt UeSQLreg 'Qrntun
p~~ ~ ~ e dur~ 'estop ~ e d ' n qeIsd Uetectuna '~os@ ffseH (~
-RKGNfl8 IfsetI ueP
~sp sW tI e ~ U88I o I sSusd
jekl08 IfsmI ftndfIgtu 'eqesg I r s eH
: ffndfIotu es~ f ( s V~ ede p u s d
(sa(pfg) esQQ tlsV uekedepusd godufoIsg
~ lnee 4 e ya®g
: )fo(UQQf eSeqss qeIepe espy Ueegefqtusd Qep ~ e fue I~ s~ ~
Qffedepu+d Q88tfsp XferIsA gg og QemSSQV Qnqeg s~~ Q e u n s~ usd ~
Q qe tm I+tusd t m cfetILQQ gedepustu n p s d S u e+ ~ Qg g g
'U8~ 8 u e u n t I f ft fQes
8 ~ ~ ~ & el~ eu e p ~ I» ~ s~ 8
5 reuepuaur etmS utQIqtsts~ Sue/ c u s p t I 8 Iepe U88ue ~ 8~ <
'g8s Suede 8ÃuufeI yyqaIe n~e UeSQepun Suepmrsd
>eqPIe nete Qeffue~ g e q pI8 teSeqas
ueSuop teIpIfp fe dep S ue t estop t Ietucrytfrsd ~ t I n f f t e (Qep estop
m~ ebs~ mAmtp qtr e~ S~XS q I mr q Ppemsa S~ n k f ZI
Qe >potrsd foes eureI~s
uep u e etrrUOusd tsestIesJ tpqgI t I tsfIss tI8Iepe
VcF7 g l ~ u ts t p e f t g n IQeIM S u e / u e r e SSUV U8SQfg+Jsd qtq~ e s f g
u m~ u e Qn ~ -u f t t I e t eped Q n d n eu r u e t ~ u ea r a q S u e X u a r eSSue
u ntIef eped ~ q ' tIe q m a q e m u ' >t p ~ Su ck ues e n I>SQM n m e / u e p
tueof ~Xeqfp nod Suck treeurtrousd entre qeIepe estop Ueekerqursg 'gI
~p e I 'QeIsq uep
ipQQep ~ e d e p u s d 8 I e f tf s Bue&l3f tItstIM t(8Iepe estopUtoeSSQV ftsgsQ
~P e f 'uePq
uep estop mqedepaad e~u e t I r qsI qrsfIm tIeIepeestopuexeSSUV snId~ng
'rfequrWf QLIBgp
estq ~pa Suck esep serIuep mngq Suck Suen tI8Iepe estop efueI~
qes Suefi esop Uexedepuocf txtel ~ (
xfept4 Uep ties SUBX BSgoxf xfetltd tJBP UBSUeqmns u ep t f e q tH ( l
: gndqoux 'utel-utel uexedepuod xf0dm0log
utel-utel uexedepuod xfodmoloy
'BSJB+ UMftgf Uep BSSueroL,tx~f Jg u o sul
Qep. Bsog mgeJeaaeXsnmJocf uepeg leuotseJodp uep UBSUefu~
'esoa q e l urJomocf feuorseJodO 'Bsog >exfSQBJocf uep Bsog
lt t t t f l 5 9 t t t ts t t o f t f t t t f tt ttt t lt t t < t ss n ce t 4 t e t « t « t ea l r r a ca es A e eaa e a A
«< + v + « v g e v i f% « CF C X g t ll+ «L L $ Q w & w lk g t t r t tQ
BStr) poop xfekueq Stxtfed uep esog gexfeJefsem txeegepJoqmod
uep 'esoa uelmfeJBXsemoq ueeulqmod 'Bsog ueunSueqmod
Ueetxes~focf 'esse ue~ urJo m o g UBB J BSSuoloXuod
reuepuom xfnrun ( uosJod t f n f n d tfn f r g ) Oj,
o g g oppos
Sutled UeeunSSuod u e n suoxoxf lxxelep Ut tmcjeJo~tp ~n rdtt t o t
e soQQgpf melep elOloxftp snsMgf QBJts Joq QBSuenog Uetgaeg ( 9
'.AdmOQ Uoxednq~ Qgdy UBSuen~ Uenxueq (g
.|RSPQ BJBSSuoJ, esng tsMA0JcfQgcfy UBSueno + t xetgueg ( y
'.(ggy) esog cue@ tstufoiy (g
.'qeJoeg rsnqrJrog Qep tleJoeg ~ fed lrseH ISBN cue@
'. Bsop cue@ (l
JoJstxeJt x f0dmnfoq . q
ge peseXmm rsedrstIJecf/ekepeaas
~n q txx e le p tJt p u osJO$ f~eolp Sue t l 3pg u oq Joq
xfepp Suck iexftuakseax tsedtstrJBd uep BXepems uexfSUepos
Bsog~y m e fe p ~ ede p uod tpefuom S uen e d nxoq
SQBX SUGXOJ SU0'x08 Uep g exfe JBXsem lsecftspJed ' BXBPBALg ( r
esop UBSUeuo~oxf Jenl rp nrxre/uep
esoQ UBJAXBJOQ mefep Jn xelp Xfepp SUB' SUBXUexnSQnmod
txmletxes~om ~ p p u o xstsuoq BJeoosJBSBesog tfexurJomog (tl
'.>BxfeJBXsem uendmemoq uep rmouoxfo UexfnetlJodmoux
e~os 'utUfrJoqtp SUBX UBUBXelod Beef ueSuop uexftensosrp
JBSB BAUUtel eso a ttexedepuocf Sutxruog Bsoo QBJ~BJocf 'Epos
BXUtxtel Bs~ U B BXexfoxf uep es~ x f r ftm UBSUtouemocf gedmo>
~ og ~ n q e s oo ~ ~ ~ q uem o d esog m~ ~ / r ~ oJ
xfokqo 'Bsog 8 0 ~ / es o a J e s ed r J Bp e s og u e r e depuog
Suetuo'X BsoQ UB JnrBJocfmelep Jr JBXU BJesoq U ed ~o u o cf ( 8
'.B~oXUod xfeqrd UBSuop Bsog Bl ed' tfof0
U BQYQfeltp esop s~ t le t xeX sAMos depeqJox BAlos QerfuefJocf ( $
.'Utxxftxeq Joel
stroll Uesefe t l e nooxf q e q nt p g e de p x f eptx S m uoxfoJ
J0QXOU U ep Bsop t f e rutJoUxod BUIBQ see SutuoXfoJ mefep
o xf umfxfnsemrp esop sexi q euex Suelol/ueeaaaktxod ltseH ( o
U wp.* SUBX e s o a s ~ qetxex Suelol/ eicos J e sep BS JBq
'rsexfel depeqJog gag epedoq uenftgosJod Wurmom tqntfep
tpqolJog B8OQ Bfedog ' e s o p s e x f t f e u er c fepetlJox Uetmtlex
Suelol je~ um l e u e s ~ l t p M t qoqos mfem 'esog uexedepuod
J oqutns-Joqmns d e p e qJo> Q eseweSuod e xfSUBJ m efeO ( p
(s~Mos Jad Lfntnd >edmaj op~p x(epueq Surted ueSuap
.edmes (qetdtu ~nf Ltn'fQd emrI sTgeJ eSg) 00 000 000 Ogp
e~ u e Qpg f punSrp esog ge + uexa~ u e p
esK[ eIedag d%ag uetrseqSuad/re~e8ag efueIaq
nqm~) OO'000 000.006 -dZ ~ S uap
mes (rterdrlx~n f s t gex qnfW) 00'000.000'OOL dg rxep
V qal qetmn>aq Suck QGy umpedepuom Sue/ ~ ~
~~ a q reSeqas 'uetnq di a s u eSuefunr uep dexo> uepseqSuad
ur~Xeqmad uexerSaq 'esag uetpgurxamag ueemSSuataLuag
~m a ~aq m e p ep ~ z~ rp Sueà esag y ap I ron
uep esag etedoy dexog uepseqSuag ~ u n r e w eSad eCuefag {T
: gndrtom 'esaG ueq~nqoq
ueSuap rsnsas mrlerSax{ uretep Cheqrp >nqaaxW efuetaq qodmo~ay
~~ uep m Jnuasur (p
.es a f l T IN Q f o AAD k t l t t t f o gt lI At s
I J ty t ev n t e t r n e aa r & a •ah~ o ~
y w
4 50
W O l ull
Q [ V QV I QQ 4 e v g J rJ
'.esoG ~u rxamod ~uorsexadp (q
xexfSrxexod uep esoG etedog ueSuefun> uep dxrra> uetrseqSuog (e
:~>un ri p e unSrp esaG efue)ag
uexeSSuy qepanf rxep {smexasxad qn~nd eSg] y,~ ~ h u e q Surteg
moos ueS~ u r t uep rxxe~ eXep zaqmns ~eetuemag (p
.'~a[ nxrouoqo r suoyod ueSuequroSuog { a
'.esap euexesexd uep ei xe s ueunluequxod (q
'.amep ueqrgnq~ ueqnuamag (e
; gndqam 'ueup(srmaq ueSueln88ueuad ~as ersnueux
dnprq sexqe~ uep esoG >~ x eXseux usa >qefosaq uexpmPuruam
n xreX esoG u e u n Suequxod u e n f n > redeorxaux sexuoud u eS u o p
esaG >mpusLseyg ueeXepxaqmop ue p ' e sa g u r r leapasefisemag
ueeurqmad 'esag ueunSrxeqmag ueeues~o d ' e e l u e q e xuuamag
ueexeISuaIokuag reuepuam ~ un wnpsunSrp esaG ' efueI~
uexe88uy qepanf rxep (sruexasxad qn~d ref~) VoOl. >PPpas Surly (
: >n~aq reSeqas teuo~sxodoad exeaas ~ n x tetrp esop efue~ag
eSnp~ag ~g efue~ag
vep .esaQ 'x~xeÃse + UeeÃeplaqma+
'.esog uer ~ xe X s e mo~ rrseuiqrxx~
'.esoG ueunSueqmag ueeuempq~ iF
'.esoG ueqrrxurxomag ueezeSSuo~aÃuag {t
Susplg C V4TldttoUI 'sskp TX8$lLBUQMQQHBS~SSUofoÃuQCi rsMSpUQU1 Mpu'83
rxxe{sp ump:unSxadrp 'esap qato rteqmoq eXuumskequxad qopuodrp use
y eprx Suck uexe88ue un~ ( t i e s ) yunstep esop ueqrCenaaq mnpxfrLraux
Suck esap Suruaqaz rxep uexenpSuad enuxas gndqam esap efue,ag
uspgsqSuag UBSuap Usx(IB@r<ulto(stp Tfs(O3oe ssoo s fue(OG
usxiSSuy I83II3ixsp (sn3sxaaxw~e. BS13) ~g, pg lqiqa~aux qa~oq
Jptpl3 uen3UO3ag UBSUap 'Qd8 UBp ( Buoteszado Uep UBSusfQllj, ( Q
~ g/ ~ JI3uasu~ 83xae Qg8 peuolssxod o
Uep UBSusfueg, 'ssaQ 3m(Susxad/seoQ Bpxlag UBSusfurq,
usp d s3OJ, UepesqSU~ U BSuap U MpsspluxtopLgx qe(axas
mere sfsnnoa eeeesSSgy Yextel txep fsn1sxasxod qnInd B SI3) o/n
pj tqijoIaui qoIoq x(spt3 uen3ua3O4 usSUop 'UIB(-Uts( ueP ssuip
UBUB~Qad Usp gsulp UeggIsd 3sdsx Ueulnutm uep Ueue~ux
g®U83f U838(8Jad Uep usdsx(SUopad BAlaB usepuBSSuad /x(83O>
'ssap 3oss Uss x s qqauxad 'Bod
gqn3 3~ t 3ndqaux 'ssap qs3utxouxad Ieuotssxodo Sun'(npuatxx
~u n usx ( s u nSxadqx 'ssoQ q e 3 ulgauxad Fuotssxo 0
8 m fsd 3 nS ~ m nr SB S n3adsf' ~ &
roan sean U B Suenaxt u s n d u xetxxag UBSuop u m p s n s asrp
'ssoQ 3sx(SUBJOIN pRsxoq uexp1q S UB X usu n S UBH
Usp mxn8 x(sf' 3nSund nxnpISsq uxnmuouoH uaxssa8
sxsqspua8 sfxax( Usqaq uep ssap usSuenaq usndunxuxaxI
m 8fuap Uexfrensastp UBSuenoy txssrug s ped Je t t x e p
psssxoq Suck BBOQ BJBqepua8 ISsq ulnusxouoH usxesa8 ( o
.'BOQH~ qspunf Ixsp (sn3sxaatad
qn(nd BSI3) ohio pg x(sfiusq Su@ed uesunSSuod uen3UO3av
UIBIBP xgllssuxxo3 lx8P ' BSOQB~ U B P Jo q u x nsaq BBOQ
3~ xx a g uepBBOQsprday ISsq gMG ruled usxsksquxad
x(n3un us38qoeox( UBSixefun3 usp UBLtssqluad ~ fury , ( p
'BBOQq83utxatuag (euoissxado Usp
~g j ~ JI3U OBUI 'Qgg ~u o t e exodo u sp U B Sustun3
UBSUap UexpseplUXTDfmp qefa3OB saQ8ggf ~0 3 T xsp
(Bn3sxosxod qnInd BSI3)y, ~ I q t q apux qa(oq x(spt3
BsoQ 38+uszag uep ssaQ B(ed' de3O3 uspseqSuag .(y)
.BBoQ BIsdog UepseqSuad Lxsp (sn3sxaRxod
quid Buxq) o@ gg x s eaqog q e(sps s t Uou . (g)
Bkuupq ssop 3sx(Susxad dsxa3 UspssqSuod uaxesag
BBOQepsd~ uspssqSuad
Ixsp (sn3BXOBxod qn(nd qn fn3) of~ pj„ xssaqoB qBTBps
Sgg txou BBOQsuslaxx(as dexa3 uepseqSlxod uemea8 (g)
'(qstdtu 83nf BSI3) 'ppp'ppp p 'dg BXUISSut3 ISSUI3oB
Uep (qeldtu 83nf enp) -"ppp'ppp g d g e fiuqspuax
-qspuaxas BBOQ8(e d' d s 3O 3 usIIssqluad usxsso8 (~ )
: xnxluaq teSB+OBqep.'ps BBIBIp 3nqosxo3 (q UBP (8 Jnxnq
sped' d83o3
(g 3ulod mnsae BBOQ 38$(SUBJOIN
uep BsoQ
U BIIBeqSuag UesunSSuad UBISsquxad SU83ua3 Usn3uo3og ( ~
'. (snxsaas
qnlnd BS I3) ~fopg x (s~usq S u l p sd U BSuap
(qsdtU 83nf @nkvd Uxeuo Bn3BX BSO) Op"pppOpppM
dg BXS3 U B Uex(SunSIp BSOQ 3lN @ U B JOd usp
BsoQ B +dag d s l aJ, MspesqStxod/IBAlBSod BCUP(aq
'fqsldtu Bxnf snxsx uepquxas) pp'ppp.ppp.pp6 -dg Ixsp
qrqa( qspunQoq SUBÃ Qgy u ex(3sdspuotxx Susfi BBOQISBH (q
'.Ueqrre(sd ueqee (6i
'UBSepug-Suepunx~ zn>exes/users ueqea
'.Sculp ueueiBQ~ (g y
UBSUed~ elrog uetexgeg (9 i
' .tgua~W rxeq-ueq snsntOi aeter(ed (gy
".8XUXnqrxre Uep seutp tretexi~ (yy
'.nurer tunumr uep uexp.yg (gy
.'Ueredbq mnurax Uep uexfe~ (Zy
'.ledex mnmm uep umieyg (I y
Ueefx~Wsd Suefunusd Uereirrxsde std ( O i
'.Sunpog 8Irrss (6O
,xvjrreg rrede+ QQrAsd UBp Uexeiexsd em~ (gO
• uodsioJ, UBp 5fL+sPf 'st QO
'.UBBPUBSSUsd / ~ s g / & ~ o rog ( 9 O
do>dsq/zsrndmoy rreexeqqsmsg (gO
'.SeurQ JoloiIIi UeexeqgQQ4IJ
.'redeem/ueqerx fgO
-'sod epusa(KO
'.xrrrxmg s~ pep' (y p
:utei e~ue 'ueinq (sepq enp) gg rxep
S~ ef ir r reetuem te)tu SUBX Suexeq ueepeSusd/ueqoqaxsd
Uexer'ijsSrx& ~ i u r l La~ r xP ~ e sef' Ue p S ~ Bfueisg
esei uep Suexea efueioa
UBSrxef~ i e u o tsexado uep UBSUBE~ e r xss essg qerurxsmsd
feuotstrxsdo ~ ~ >exi Smusd/esag e f s ~ UBS u e f~
Uep deXQ J uep set ISLA U BSQQP t reritseinmnxierp q rrf®QR
esog efueis8 u ~ uy ir r ror rxep fsxg%klssxsd qnPld estr) o/o
Og tqlqoiom qgoq xfepg uefguo30+ UBSusp 'N5 UBP L5 Wussui
Bsop GBSuensg
txendtrxemzxi lenses ueqnxnqsq utei-utei Brxss meSexss
rxep yedex tsmnsuo3f 'U txexierso
Qedex Uenax8f 'xoxuexi sqnr xeie gndrpm QQQ Quotse
gg8 enyo' UBSUB~
rxep (snxexoaxad qnfrld ~ ) % 09
e roSSuy Sursem-Rnsem Uereqef ueSuefu~ (W
'Qd8 Bnr>X
(ST@8$~Wf Z P l g l d U e d e / OP
) ohio OQ
temrsxfem Ggg m angy ante~ uereqef ueSuef~ ( g g
. (qetdnx nqrx
gnxex emq) -'OOO OOg dg f s m tsxiem UBSUQP redares
(qetdru nqtx qnind emq snrex enp) -'OOOOcp dg
xessqss a da en t o ' Uereqef UBS u e f~
: gtU(LIQq reSeqss
uenxuvrvv UBSusp a da eroSSUB uep ueutdmtd UBSuefu~ (8
: ~un U83purlSx&1p
' ,@g/~ jiju s sui u ep eso g qrrxUUQmog Teuorsexsdo
'esca >8+urusd/e ssa e f edoy u eSuefurq, u e p der ~ g
( t9)
soQadV utsfeP QItgusRKQI
. Sued tspu tJep (sn/8JQsJQd snp) % g ptutts~ (~ dLd ) s s>Q
~sm m ~~ u s~o~~su~d st~~q sues~Iod ~n~ o uoq slue~~
ssutQ usmqsI'Jog
8<st8 S~ Q>4 9TOK MAHVL/GVNddQ/lO/006 JoutoN ndutoQ
nw f v sn
++> ~ < l Q
r>n We sL Vs sl L~rl ea g
a v eQa e i T n'l kW
s n kvn w A v~ s
V p fla l
~ ~a v r~ r ~ •
Q%tu + Oottp 4 P Q O l I O d g 6 )lP
+ sf )V
Sued qeJosp any usp QIspsp ssutp ueuepsIJodBXstq J ets
GGG 9 I ~s t G8QQQq eXBILa UI8(eg g '
000'Gl 000'S? ~semper qeg~ g gsppQ I
000'OI 000 ST ~s u t s ooy qsX~ QIB I B Q
I 000'OT 000'ST
eivL0$ Usga
000 Ot 000 M UP48GIBQQQqeXEfMK QIefsQ
) oooo' 000'Qt
,' egg moSSey I
flNfSls®10 J
( Cg j Racy maxesag
: wvftJ~ teSeqM ~e t p Q ga usp ssgQ UsqegutJyUIgg
Jn>BJsdV ~ un ss utp Q s u e p .IJ& 8Xs t q U B Jes~ Q n d s p y
qstPBH ( as
Ssm qodQIO~Oq,
/ ls ~ J BAssux epsdoq QeqqBJostp Susk SU8Jsq UstJoqmyg (gZ
.QeqtSJQq03f Qsqsq QBP $8Pf (9$
'.QeqtIepd tsnqtxtuoq 8Xstg (gg
'-8S~QNfl a
~V / Q V Q s s qesoSQod 83fSQBJmsfsp s QIJBIou BXst a (fZ;
.'UPUIBQBI $1qt a
'. ~s t S~q aves& n ~ Sue y (5r,
QIntJBJouoH (~c
'.BQaq qedg (OC
( z9)
'tn=ol&st «P Sue.~ Bs~p tree~~~q Qelen fund LtseH (o
u ep QBSUep%Q etxeQ uinteou~ ( q
'e~mtxnPq~ u n t lex (pg'it@) uexeSS~ UBSUntppgggtq~ esty
:Uwp Lrtpx+ ueeXetq~ Qe e u xtxou~ (g
'Qeeketqtaog uexenloSQ~ q
u ep '.QeeLetquxog ueetmxou~ . e
:pep txtpIQ4 QBBXetqtu~ (y
untleX-Qn~ epe d u t tc i n 'Bux tAgYu( Sueg uegeSSue
ux~ euxtxo>tp KA6p SUBL mten[QSusd n~e/ u ep tlequxpq
JeÃeqtp n p o d S u e t Ue e t xxtx@usden u xos rx n d trQUI esQct tIMtg e1A~ng~
'gedna uestqnc4g ireSuop uexldejeXtp q Jnxnq
pns>pmxtp eueuxteSeqss esetq Ienl ue p yeIYUep ueep~ (o
euaxesard uep Buenos txexlesnIoq 'pnsos 'txxele
e tnrdtr~ t r ~ e u s~ uxel SJi ~ t x e ' ~ s sp u Q ur nerve/uep
Suepusq r i l dex e rpp ~ p g neXe eselq ~ p Y t ek a geJrs
Suck Qeepem~ t mpednx~ux ~ n e r ve/trep >exnxep ueepe~ (q
ekutxexeSSue erpasIe> txnqsq
S ueE et'uepq uex(Yt~lotu Zedep esse t p g tm ~mod '( 8 ~ )
eseta xenix txeepe~ nerve/uep >eIYUep ueepe~ uxep.*g {8
'eSnprsg ~
ef u e l oa
'.eXuutel pqn~ et'mqoa {6g
Io a ursa~ (ey
'.IosoIdtxxoy (gy
uep& u sq>>d 481V (51
Sunde Qexm Sue 1m (t,r
'.IogotxxxQQ Sunde TF+YofSue gepf
'.p epos Iogotttxse ueexepuog (Z;y
'.Stxareg >Yo(Soy zo®txxx~ txeexepu~y (I y
".Suedtxxnuog ItrXoutx~ uempuog
'.g epos scut@ ueexepuoy (6O
'.SungtH ursa'/ I oge~leg ( g o
'.esture)f (g o
' oq~s~m (90
'.ttrogsfg punog (go
'.tsxng / eIDpg (yo
'.smf8ueze (gO
chal /Ioyndttxoy (yO
eIetue ' estopueSuetxam~q ueexeSSuol&u&
ex(Sum urelep Qelnq (s@~ e n p j „ g U e p q r qol e f w e eJuetu
tepu SQBX u e unSueq n ~ e Su e ~ tleep e SQ& / txeq~uxM
m r8uez ~ p uem nl e Suod ~ un ~ euaS t p p . pohcy eiuepa
:4YU+Ioq TBSeqoa Btuxfog fatf-fetf Uexfgeqg~u l o zxl Tzigod
Gd8 UBP ssoG mu TJoMod '9f OE UBJBSSuy Qntfeg soQ~ Q n s n fiuoM zrxsfsQ
. (tfatdnx
lllTlL1 \f a (ape (Zf JnJntf (g XulOd
Dgnl t fnfnu t$ IAl1p 000 000 OQ ug fatxx
pnsxfsuxtp BUBMTBSsqos Bapmng fspoyg uaepoEUod Taftu Jsso a
' esoQ sfsda)f ~ s q s f
assM Jttpfe Qntprt t q t+ofoM ~ T t UBSuspao auep UBJBSSQBStxog
SuruoXfoJ s p e d Gwps a M + T p U85 u e p so sUp p zm tn ' X ~ M od
uexf JsespJaq snsntpf BJsoos uexpgu~tp q s f ~ s g u u s sunSSUad
S uel QB B M TJouad T J s p tfs t u o x f 'ssoQ u s s m tJouad s ~ s
ueqasaauau ~ a y J a q UsaaBJOq|auep us a u e p a a cu s p us + TZXllaqzxxad (Of
UBSuepso cusp
Qsatxarrxfsfod UBJBSSUBuntfel (o Uap '.UBSuspeo susp JoqMns (p
snJetf Susk QBSQspso cusp Qsun~ Usto utJ usp UBJesoq (o
'.UBSuspeo cusp txep leXstqtp mafs Suck UtgstSoxf uap MBJSOJd (q
'.TIBSuepso suap mnpquotfMod uenftg Usdtrlouod (s
: JsnMoM guftpos Suzfsd
Baop UBJtgsJod UBSQop Usxfd~®tp QBSUepso cusp mapguoqMog
.UBJBSSUBuntfsX mse Msfep Uexfusqoqtp BXuqnuodoe/snSzfsxfoe
>Bdsp mp h BX u e ue p u e e rpoLQod Sinter UstsiSoxf Teuepuom
xfnrun QBSUapso s us p x f n tuoqMoM ysdep c eo Q ~U TJ oMog
scop S~n ~ ~m Mod (o
soQygga fepoyq UsstJofiuog (q
Uap 'UBSQep~ BUBQ QsxftguoqMad (e
: txsp TJzpxo> UBBXBtqMod UBJenfoSQod
SUB' Bsop U B B XBqoxf Qsfanfuod pQBSSQod tmf JBSSQBSUoux
xfngun UexfsunSlp UaxftfestdTp SUB' ssop QBBXsxfog UafstlfUod ftseH
'Ueauo+Joq UBJBSSQB UTltfarTxxlFfepBsoQ ssxf SutuaxfoJ
QBSUspso cusp SUIQogoJ TJsp QBSQspso BUep QBJTeouod
UexfJBSSUBSUoM xfn tu n t x s xfsunStp U BSUepso a u e p UBJ taouod
txaxfrasofoBTp UInfoq UBJBSSQB
zxntfer Jtzpfe ueSuop tsdtxrss SUBÃ BXQQTsfu sqtfa~oxf tsuapuout ( o
uep .'Ustnfuef UexatSoxf Qssussxfefod Tauapuoux (q
'.Bfuefoq trraszfsoJ sped TJsp ftoaxf
zftqof UexecispUQ4$ TSBSTfaoJ Bflqeda UBJBSSQBQtsgop zdnrnuotxl ('B
:xftgun zrsxfeunStp Suet tlseXstqzxxod UBBMTJouod trexfadnJaM ydfz s
QeratSoxf cusp sets Qep 'Bfusfoq zxsxBMozf8uod 'efuefoq dapsqJo>
zxaradapuod UseurzJouod UansdMsfod BXusps BuoJBxf tpefJa> yeats
'esoQ UBSueno+ ueefofoSuog
nmropOd S~ u o x 9 705 UnqeL 6g Jouxog @edna uexnreJog aep
t fOK unqeL C I f J o m oN LI0S0MGxefeQ IJ+uo~ u e n g e J og UBSuop
IBYlsos esop lseJXstuttrxpenxfnq-tafnq U e epeSuod IxexfJBSSUBSuom
esoQ qexuuourod ' lserlstuttxtpe q p m p exfSUBJ
tp uetuxouoxfoJod UexfxfeJ0SSuom ndlxxetxx lhfILIIIpfe eped Sue/ ydqtg
fpo/Jodmour gedep BSSutqos 'UBJBSSUB deJos
'.QexfeJBXsMx1 UlNfeLBPJoqutotrrge@BP
Suck uexeISog uep GXBJSoJddepeqJW snsnrpf uepeqJod uexfIJoqmom
UBSuop j e x f eJ858%KU US Stxt
ruodoxf IS e q Stx n g k t gf g' g eJIxeGXJoq
Suexnxf SUBX Uereth f u e p uxe J SoJd t f equzog ueexeuod Ixturmtetoyg g
.'fttJJe}xfm BLusnsntpf Ifexoep uetuxouoxfoxod Suefunuom ndmeax
a I c~a ~T~ a ~ o ~ pu a u v u a aau e qmav gSuooJOdulOm Uep ) B ~ E Q LGXOUO)fo
ueekepJoqmod efiedn sped snsnrpf UetretfJod maftxoqmom IXBSuop
utxfSunur JrxqoJoos uep uotsoso BJeoos ueJeSSue Isexfofe uxelmsodmo~ e
Utef BJ83ue IfmfSuef
Ue&nJfefotu JB SB Q/ O F UB JBSSUB Unqe r eped esoQ Ifextmomog ' f
:|YofIJoq YBSeqos Utef feq-ferf UBJ@eqJoduxoUI
BSnf ' soQ8~ Ueu n s A EUod st u x fo J U B p Uexfeftqoxf ~e qJ o dmoux
utefos '@I' U B JBSSuy unqeg soQ a dIII UnsnEuom tuefep esoQ ~ t m o axod
.'Bsop lp qmpuelseux UBBJwqefosoxfUep mnmn ueuekefod
IxerexfSutuod 8Ãedn m e fe p e s o p u e p q e J oep ' f e uotseu rue JSoJd
qnxnfos uenpedJoroq pnfma IxexfednJom soQ8~ B S Sutqos 'soQad~
uep (esoQ ~ j e s o Q qtrrmxotxlocf efxoy eueouop UBSuop (Q~ ) q e JoeQ
lhpguIJomocf efJog e u e o uog B J e tu e I s e stuoxxfuts n fgod I xo)em BJ 8308
'soQ8~ s opJod UBp 'Qda UBYlfnloLlod 'Qg a eped03f UetedQx8Xuod
'ueunsnkuod lxep Iefnux 'soQagy GeunsnEuod sosoJd fempef tqnuoaxoax
~ eso Q I f exutxomod epecfoxf exulmtp '>nq~ feq m S u o pu efef~
f OQ Uenas Irefnq geqmef Sutfsd
tgleA 'n'xxfem l eds exeoos 9fOQ UBJBSSUBUnqex soQQ4pg UBXfdexououx
GBp Gnstb(uoux BsoQ q e XUIJouxod JBSB '$85pUBXsem UBBJorqefosog
ump~ tu o u x ~ un Ife x u u otuod qexhef SunSSm~ pn frua IeSeqos
fstxxgdo If tgo f 'P~ ~ » f e x f e J 84%8IU ueu PXefod IxmfIJoqm o trx %9fSIXBJ GlefeQ
BsoQ UBSUenog Gee fofoSuod
U emopod Stxeruor g f Og untfeg 6p JourO ndmoQ Ixedng UBJnteJog q
'850Q Stxl+Uog Qf Op Ixntf8+ 9 Joutog Stxepuff-Suepug Uee ~ f od
~B Jod S u t r uog Q'JOAN Untfeg gQ Ifelutxoaxod IJBJn|BJod'depetfJor
Jttpfexog ueqeqnJod gf O Q Gnrfeg, g,Q Jomog tpgtrtxouxod UBJIQBJog '8
Uaptsaxd t ~ stxf me p 8p U N peulNIIetp ~~ + euemt88eqos ts'CQMQ
Gestxfuexoqmad U e t e d oaJad m e 3 80$d t s e x uotuafdm f B xf8txM UA ? fey
IUfepaq 8GBX ue8uepun-8uepUl1lod GBSntexod
rqtgetxxom uep feuc~ut uetfepua8uad mmes sextfenxf u m p exf8utuatxt
>edep e un 8 u e x fnpodtp 8 u e k t f e xf8uef-qexf8uef u t afnxfefom gedep
xfn|un esaQ efedog exed epedoXf umfdexetftp 'esap UB8uenoxf txeefofa8uad
~ ree r ~ vw s~ S~ l~ r a r f C.T~ W l lW l~ utuad etedn UB8GOD UeeuaxfSOA '9
•~nxf8uesxaq 8uel BSOQefedog mqeqef eseux ests
ue8uop emes mnmtsgfem tsetetfqx B J(uutxeuesxfefad Uep t m t >48GB8uad
~ ~ e sem Ge p ' Q d g U e p es o a
tnf~~ V ~ p s ~ q nt q p V qa f ~ ~ f a% ~ U I ofo S uod ~ nf~ ~
'(axeoXgpLm) ta e 8 8ue
r= M cl I A k~ mes~ vms ve ~T Tt ~ ~ ~
(Q~eml esaQ iwfexeXSBW uee<BWWmad»PW Uexfteqtfom GB8GOP
~ papa~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bsaa rvo~ ~ ~ m a d ~ P xBPU'd
oxam qtfem esaQ mfettx 'esop Ueetepuod Getqsadoxf~ u p 'g
-esap xexue emes efxoq
efod mpqaux mnet8og uep mex8cud unsxbfuam gedhp esop tfexuuamad
'Gateau Gep J~ OJO q tqaf m o o s >exfmehseut Bpedaq Getxekefad
~e x f8uxuad xfnxun esop edexoqaq uexpeqqom 8ueX mgmfexeÃsemoq uep
GeunSueqmod ' ~ utxa u xod ueare88uofoXuad mefep esap euxesefxay
.nxfef~ 8 u ek ts ~ u~
mph,g G B8uop tensos mdfuenaxf uezodef UetfeEtxod uep ~ ~ red o >
exeoos txe8uenoxf uexodef ueunsnEuad tnfefam SOQg~ ir i e i i e s~
ueqRtSBSun88UBXJod tstmxedsURQ Ue p 8 %gqtq%QUfofe UBXexf8utuod
.'BSOQepedoXf tpexoeQ ~utxotxxocf qafo uexfeuesxfeftp
Gexe88ue ue e u esxfefod u eqexhe(8txn88mqxad u e p UXUB88ue
Ge~ n x o d 'Gt~~ ue u e u n snLuad depeqzwtsenfeha ~ 8 uu o z tuoyq p
.'Bsop GB8uenaq Umqofa8uad 8ueptqtp Getftfeoq aftftuxoux
Suck >Bxf8mxod (uamX~ o x ) x m s t8uad uexfefedn8uaux *tsetxLtojut
d4fotnfox uedexouad 'stuxfag ue8utqmtq/ueqpefad ue y t s estfetsos
' tsestue8Jo ~ euo d t n f e fam esap u e8uenoxf efD fo8uad ~ e x e d e
etsnUPQs BX~ x o t f m n s u e p GB B 8etfmo/oxf se+sedexf U txtmf8utuod 0
't 405
un~ 9 o g esag 8uepun-8uepug gg fesed txxefep 8uenuoy 8uefi
tensos (Qfg) BsaQ tsetxIxotuf uep tse+stutmpp txxogstg t@+uauxo/duxt
UBSGBqma8uad uexfetpaXGam qtfe~ esoQ tpqutxamod "xmftueÃseux
sped' faqexutofe uep tsuesedsue< 8GBX tme88GB ueeun88uod
txtDfGSetoaux txep Bsop Getsextstutttxpe8uad Gxefep BSOQ tfetutxamad
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