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Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Finite element analysis is a numerical technique used to predict the behavior of

physical systems by dividing them into smaller, manageable elements. To harness the
full potential of FEA, it is crucial to grasp the three fundamental stages that make up
this analysis process: preprocessing, solution, and post-processing. Knowing the three
stages provides students with a solid understanding of how to approach complex
analysis and simulation tasks. For comprehensive learning, students can sign up for a
finite element method course. It will equip students with the ability to break down
complex structures or systems into simpler elements for analysis, a fundamental skill
in engineering and scientific disciplines.
Many industries, including aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, and
biomechanics, rely heavily on FEA for design and analysis. Students who understand
the three stages are better equipped for careers in these industries. In this blog, we
will explain these stages in a detailed manner.

Understanding the Three Stages of Finite Element Analysis

Let us explore the three main stages of FEA in detail:

 Preprocessing
When you enroll in a finite element method course, this is the first step that you will
learn about. Here is what happens in the preprocessing stage:

Geometry & Mesh Generation: In this stage, the physical geometry of the system is
defined by importing a computer-aided design model or developing it directly within
the analysis software. Then, the domain is discretised into a mesh, which is a
collection of small finite elements that approximate the geometry of the system.
Material Properties: During pre-processing, the material properties of the units
within the system are specified. These properties include parameters like density,
thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion, etc. It is essential to
accurately define these properties, as they significantly influence the behavior of the
system under different loading conditions.
Boundary Conditions: Boundary conditions are conditions that are applied to the
system to define how it connects with its external forces or environment. This
includes constraints and loads. Properly defining boundary conditions is critical for
obtaining accurate and meaningful results.
Element Types: The choice of element types is crucial in accurately representing the
geometry and physical behavior of the system. Different types of components can be
used based on the nature of the problem.

 Solution
This is where the mathematical equations governing the behavior of the system are
solved. There are different types of analyses, including:

Equation Assembly: In this stage, the equations that govern the behavior of the
system are assembled based on finite element discretisation. The equations that are
associated with individual elements are then combined to create a global system of
equations that represents the entire system.

Numerical Solution: A lot of numerical techniques are used for solving the system
of equations. This can involve direct solvers or iterative techniques. The numerical
solution yields values for the unknowns within the system, which include stress,
deformation, frequency, etc. These values provide detailed information about how the
system responds to the specified conditions.

Did you know, at Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering, we provide the

best finite element method course to ensure that students are well-prepared for
careers in engineering and related fields? We also offer practical training using
industry-standard software and tools, giving students hands-on experience in FEA.

 Post-processing
After the analysis is complete, the results need to be interpreted and visualized. This
is where the postprocessing stage comes into play.

Visualization: The results obtained from the solution stage are visualized to help in
understanding the behavior of the system. This typically includes generating contour
plots to depict various parameters, animations to show deformations, or maps
illustrating stress distributions.
Quantitative Analysis: Quantities of interest, such as heat fluxes, displacements, or
maximum stresses, are extracted and examined to find out the performance of the
Sensitivity Analysis & Optimization: Post-processing also involves sensitivity
optimization or analysis techniques. These methods help understand the effects of
various design parameters as well as optimize the performance of the system based
on certain objectives. This can lead to improvements in the design and efficiency of
the system.

Final Thoughts

FEA is used in various disciplines beyond traditional engineering fields, such as

medical modeling, geophysics, and environmental science. Knowing the stages of
FEA expands the range of applications students can explore. It also allows students to
focus on the most critical aspects of the analysis, ensuring time and computational
resources are utilized efficiently. So, should you want to learn finite element analysis,
join Niharika Institute of Computational Engineering. We provide the best finite
element method course to help students solve real-world engineering problems by
providing them with a powerful computational tool. To learn more about our courses,
visit or call +91 99162 66179.

Niharika Computational Engineering Solutions

Full Address: Ground Floor, JC Plaza, #35, 42nd Cross, Off 12th Main, 3rd Block,
Rajajinagar, Bangalore. Karnataka - 560010, India

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