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Nano - one billionth


Nano technology is branch of Science which deals with study of

fundamental principle of molecule & structure of particle at least one

*The term Nanotechology was first described Prof. Norio Taniguchi (Tokyo
Science University)

*National State United Foundation also define Nano-science



3) Building Block properties

* Optical properties -

-Infraction of light with matter

When an matter is exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Various changes of

properties of material can be exhibit

I)Semiconducting Nanoparticles

II) Metallic Nanoparticle

I)Semiconducting Nanoparticles –

In Semiconductor their are two types of band i.e. Valence band &
Conduction band.

- Valence band & conduction band are separated definite energy gap.

- Electron from Valence band having insufficient energy to overcome energy

To overcome these gap when electron is posses from VB to CB hole is left

behind & electron.

- hole pair is formed.

- These electron hole pair is called Exciton level.

- Exciton is boundary between VB & CB

-The Frankel exciton

-The Energy of such exciton is less than Energy gap (Eg)

*The Mott-Wannier exciton is given as,

Pe - momentum of electron

Ph - momentum of hole

Me - Mass of electron

Mh - mass of hole

dielecsical Const

(re-rh) - Dist bet. electron & hole

Then Bohr’s exciton is given as,

using eq. 1 and wave function exciton energy (∆E) is given as

Characteristics :

When an photon is incident on Semiconducting, material, the minimum

energy is sufficient to exitation of electron.

When an energy gap is increased then photon should have higher


this fact show in below,

II) Metallic Nano particles -

• Coloured glass which was used old purposes like Window glass.

• The Coloured glass is prepared by mixing small amount of metal like gold,
silver, Cobalt, Iron, Nickel etc.

• Depending upon color metallic particles are mixed.

• Metallic nanoparticle was first introduced by Michael Faraday in 1857.

• According to Mie theory,

When an electromagnetic radiation is incident on a Spherical particle,

A part of light may be absorbed, a part of light transmitted & some part of
light Scattered

If Io =Intensity of incident radiation

x= thickness of medium


intensity of transmited radiation is,


𝜇 - Extinction Coefficient

𝜇 = . Cext


N - No of particle & V - volume of particle

Cext = Cabs + Cscatt /

Synthetic Route of Nano-material

There are two general approaches for synthesis of material

1) Top-down


1)Top-down approach :

- In these approach breaking down bulk material into nano-scale material.

- It is also called as fabrication


a) They have high production yield.

b) These method are cost effective.

c) They are easy.


a) Un uniform size distribution.

b) shape of particle are different.

c) High amount of impusities.

d) defective Nanostrcture

20Bottom-up approach :

These approache involved build up of Nonomaterial from bottom

i.e. atom by atom and molecule by molecule .

-It involved following method

• Chemical vapour deposition

• Sol-Gel method

• Electrodeposition, etc.

- These tech is based on chemical properties

Synthesis of Nanoparticle.

1) Sol- gel method :

- These method is useful to manufacturing of 3-D material.

Sol - Dispersed solid phase is mixed with liquid.

gel - Liquid phase

Step-1 Synthesis of colloid

- alkoxysilane (tetra-methoxy or tetra ethoxy) silane which is used to form

- Alkoxide such as aluminate, tinanet, borate are mixed to alkoxysilane to

form colloid.

Step-involved in reaction

Step-1 : (Hydrolysis of reaction)

Here -OR is substituted with -OH group

- Hydrolysis reaction occurs without catalyst

Step-II : (Condensation & polymerization)

In these step growth of particle takes place.

The growth of particle depend on pH & temp

condensation & polymerization is a complex process.

Step-IV : (Agglomerization)

In these step network of particle start to form the liquid medium.

mainly sol-gel method is generally silica-gel.

2) Chemical Reduction method :

In this method metal precursor solution is treated with suitable reducing

agent & stabilizing agent

Example- preparation of silver nano-particle

Silver nitrate solution is taken in metal precursor

Hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent


- Sodium doacyl sulphate & citrate of sodium is used as stabilizing agent.

- These reaction is carried out at room temp.

- In these method colourless solution is converted to pale yellow colour and

pale red color.

3)Electrochemical method :

In these method using current to coat an conductivity object with thin layer
of metal.

Working –

•In these method electrolyte solution is taken in beaker.

•Platinum electrode are placed in it which is act as anode.

• Thin layer metal plate is used as Cathod

•In electrolyte cell Anode carries +ve charge while Cathod is carries -ve
charge. • Now the small quantity of current is passes in it metal ion's in
solution deposited on the negative charged Cathode plate of metal.

• The thickness of layer is depands current density and time of flow current.

4) Precipitation method :

- One of the oldest method for the synthesis of Nanomaterial is precipitation


- In these method metal precursor is dissolved in solvent like H 2O.

- Here precipitaining agent is added to form insoluble solid.

- In these method large quantiy of particle can be obtained.

- These method is highly used to synthesized Ni-No-0, Zinc oxide (ZnO)

Nanomaterial etc.

- Example

aqueous sol of Zinc Nitrate [Zn (NO3)2 6 H2O] is taken & solution of KOH
is added slowly into upper zinc solution with stirring white ppt. is formed

5) Chemical Vapour Deposition method :

- CVD is a hybrid method in which chemical in vapour phase is deposited

on the Surface to inorganic organic material.

- In these method precursor is heated with High temp. then these vapours is
introduced into reaction chamber.

- These gases are adsorbed on heated surface to form thin layer on


- In these method reactant temp. kept as High temp which is crack the
reactant into product which diffused on surface.

- Here by-product transfer back to gaseous phase

Step-involved in these process is

a) Mass transport of reactant gases

b) Diffusion of reactant species.
c) Adsorption of reactant species
d) Surface migration, chemical reaction & coating
e) desorption of by-product

*Depending upon the properties CVD can be classified as,

I) Atmospheric pressure

II) low pressure

III) Ultra High vaccum. etc.

6) Hydrothermal method:

- These is most common method used for preparation of Nano-material.

- In Hydrothermal method formation of Nanomaterial can be takes place in
wide range of temp.

- These reaction is carried out in aqueous solution with High temp.

- Suppose organic solvent is used then it is called Solvo- thermal method.

- In these method High special type of strong vessel is used they are made
up from steel material.

- The vessel contain High temp and pressure.

- In these method nanomaterial is Synthesised by such as Fe2O3 ,BaTiO3,

Pb TiO3, etc.


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