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Nelson ::: ENGL 1301

Essay 1 Project Management Worksheet | Envision the Desired Outcome(s) and Plan Backwards

Instructions: Use the syllabus (hint: Course Schedule section) and Essay 1 assignment prompt to help you
answer the questions in each section.

Section 1: Determining Logistics

1. When is the Final Draft due for Essay 1? _29th of September 2023
 What is the penalty for failing to submit the Final Draft by the deadline? Will receive a 0 grade
 How and where will you submit the Final Draft for assessment? We TurnItOn on blackboard
 What are the minimum requirements for a passing grade for Essay 1?
Submitted on Time Peer reviewed in workshop
MLA format Preceded by the submission of Draft 1
Cohesive and Organized around Idea Reveal something about the genre that is not
obvious to your audience
Nearly free of comma splices, fragments and Have a controlling idea (claim) supported by
run-ons. evidence
Meet the word count requirement Include transitions and transitional phrases
2. What writing assignment is due after the Final Draft of Essay 1? When is it due? Reflection Essay 1 on 2nd
of October. –[ WEEK 6
 What is the penalty for failing to submit this assignment by the deadline? Will receive a 0 grade
 How and where will you submit this assignment for assessment? TurnItOn on Blackboard.
3. When is Draft 1 due for Essay 1? The due is September 11. – WEEK 4
 What is the penalty for failing to submit Draft 1 by the deadline? Will receive a 0 grade
How and where will you submit Draft 1 for assessment? Essay 1 Draft 1 will be submitted to the Turnitin
link on Blackboard before your assigned conference.
4. When will we conduct a Peer Review Workshop? September 25
 What is the penalty for not attending Peer Review Workshop? Will receive a 0 grade
 What materials will you need to share to participate in the Peer Feedback Workshop? How and where?
You need to submit the revised version of Essay 1 to the Peer Review Discussion Board on
 What questions do you have about drafts, due dates, and submission details?
For now, I have no any questions regarding any of the above but I will make sure to ask the professor
through mail or meeting in her office hour if I ever have between all these class dates.
Nelson ::: ENGL 1301
Section 2: Determining GAPS

1. What genre of writing will you produce for Essay 1? Written genre. Genre Analysis

2. What are the major features and parts of the genre you will produce for Essay 1?
How and why the community uses that written genre,

Identify the physical, local community that uses this genre,

Analyze how the community uses the genre,

Conclusion about how the community uses the genre to convey its values.

Introduction; Providing controlling idea/ thesis statement at the end.

Body paragraphs: Topic sentence or point that, quote evidence at the top of paragraph. Add upto
thesis statement

Conclusion: Summarize remind the reader the controlling idea. What is meaningful significance,
what can a reader learn from this and take from them

Work site : Where the artifacts are

MLA format Last Name and page on top
12TIMESROMAN no second person no you
No first-place pronouns

3. Who is your audience for Essay 1? My classmates and professor.

4. What is your purpose, or goal, for writing Essay 1?
With specific examples from the physical document I've chosen, I hope to show how and why the
community makes use of the written genre in this article.
5. What formatting and referencing style is required for this paper? A basic introduction, body, and
conclusion format
Nelson ::: ENGL 1301
 What questions do you have about the genre, purpose, and audience for this paper? What information is not
included that you would like to know to better meet the expectations for the paper?
I believe almost every information is included in the paper. But a bit more of example of the essay of
this genre would really help me to find a perfect topic to do the papers.
Nelson ::: ENGL 1301
Section 3: Frontloading the Workload / Determining Tasks

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 5?

Submitting the revised version of the essay.

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 4?

Completing the Draft 1 and submitting it. Collection of any questions and completing and making
changes with the implementation of discussed ideas.

What steps for finishing Essay 1 should be completed in Week 3?

Watch three demo videos and completing the genre analysis outline worksheet along with discussion with
Dr. Nelson.

What steps for working on Essay 1 should be completed in Week 2?

Deciding on the Written Text that I will write about for Essay 1

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