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Summary of colour:

- What’s most important: conjugated systems

o At least 7 double bonds will give color to a molecule
o Color deepens as number of double bonds increase -> lower wavelengths? Or more
- Eye response:
o Rods and cones
o Rods: have a low activation energy, distinguish between light intensity
o Cones: have a higher activation energy, can distinguish between blue-green-yellow-
red light
o Cones and rods together send light recognition to the brain.

Planning morgen na tentamen:

- Klavecimbel studeren. Prelude in C klein kopiëren en 2x doorspelen, fuga in C groot eerste

bladzijde tot de zestienden in basinzet studeren en vingerzettingen erbij schrijven (ook
kopiëren dus)
- Compositie voor maandag verder schrijven, macrostructuur met slagwerk en het eerste
(langzame canon thema) ook alvast iets voor de 32/64 noten bedenken
- Widerstehe doch, 3e deel doorspelen en goed aantekenen
- Presentatie canons voorbereiden
- Harmonieblad reductie maken
- Les wisselen voor maandag
- Mozart quartet deel 2 voorbereiden – 19.45 repetitie in utr!
- Nieuwe lading etudes printen – vooral sevcik rh
- Inschrijven voor vak p6 wageningen
- Mail sturen koor studiepunten
- Kring voorbereiden, stellingen sturen
- Thuis muziek printen voor di middag

Sensory study:
- Physical & chemical properties
- Sensory properties
Different kinds of tests:
1. Triangle test
a. Difference between two products
b. Two identical samples
c. P=1/3
2. 2/5 test
a. Variant of the triangle test
b. Difference between testing persons
c. P=1/10
3. Pair-wise comparison
a. Specific difference between 2 products
b. P=1/2
4. Multiple standard test
a. Difference between several products
b. Deviation number of samples, no identical samples
5. Order test
a. You have to put things in order
6. Scale test
a. Quantifyable difference between several products
b. Extent/ intensity is rated on a scale
7. Profile teest
a. Description of the sensory properties of a product
Perceived concentration in a category correlates linearly with the log concentration Law of Fechner

Intensity=k∗log (c)
But this does not have a fixed zero point

log intensity=n∗log (c )+ log k

 This is the law of Stevens
that indicates that an equal change in the relation of the concentrations corresponds with an equal
change in the relation of the intensities of the sensation

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