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Relative Clauses (which/where/whose/who/whom)

Name: Result: __/20 Date: __/__/20__

1. He was one of the most respected members of the household, the chief
mechanician ________ duty it was to test and repair the water-clocks,
balances, measures and other instruments.

2. One of his greatest pleasures was to explore the environs of Paris,

________ he did with a map.

3. We now crossed the hall to the south side, ________ there were two
corresponding rooms.

4. He longed to get on, but only for that purpose, and he remembered that the
man ________ he had determined to punish was educated and had a high

5. To pass her into the enemy's camp, under the influence of the woman
________ had injured him so deeply!

6. A man ________ does not keep his teeth clean does not look like a
gentleman when he shows them.

7. Why spend money on a man ________ had been dead two hundred

8. Her dress, hat, and the way her hair had been done were redolent of the
town, and of that unnameable something which clings to women ________
business it is to attract men.

9. However, he refused the request of the man ________ he had healed.

10. However, he agreed to go in and get a quill, ________ he did, and they
hurried home.

11. It was she ________ had brought him to this pass.

12. And again the king listened to his wishes, and he and his dog were
carried in a ship to the other side of the river, ________ was so broad here it
might almost have been the sea.
13. The conversation was interrupted by the guards ________ duty it was to
conduct the prisoners to their dungeon.

14. I would go to London, ________ there were gardens, and walks in the
park, and parties, and other useful customs.

15. And they ran off, laughing, down a green glade, ________ led to the

16. If building ________ there are dens, either locate within a few feet of the
one that appears best or just off the path that the animal takes in going from
one to the other.

17. A short time afterwards he was glad to avail himself of the services of the
man ________ he had thus been the means of setting at liberty.

18. Yet was it she ________ summoned him?

19. Much of the responsibility thus rests upon the nurse ________ business it
is to administer the diet.

20. She looked not for the unknown, still how great was her vexation at
perceiving the back of a man, certainly he, with his two attendants, as he
turned into a side-path ________ led to the house!

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