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The creature, either in addition to, or instead

of the normal damage caused (specified on
their character sheet), drains a number of Hit
Points from the victim equal to the force roll
of the power (armor does not protect them).
For example, the Blood Sucking (2DV) of a
creature with DV 6 causes the loss of 2d6 Hit

1/52 DDE
Some creatures have the ability to cast curses.

The victim opposes a Ratio roll against the
force of the curse. If the roll fails, they suffer
the Cursed condition plus any other conse-
quences specified on the monster’s character

2/52 DDE
The touch or the wounds inflicted by certain

creatures may give rise to rare and dangerous
diseases. The victim opposes a Vig­or, or more
rarely Ratio, roll (specified on the monster’s
sheet) against the force of the disease.

If the roll is a failure, within the next 8 hours

the character suffers the Sick condition (see
page 128 of the Core Rulebook), plus any
additional effects specified on the creature’s
sheet. In case of success, the character does
not get sick.

3/52 DDE
Ratio roll against the force of the enchantment.

Depending on the Degree of Success ob­tained
by the creature, the following effects are applied:

w Degree I: the victim is confused, and

can only defend themself if physically
w Degree II: the victim is enchanted. They
follow the will and actions of the en-
chanter, trying to stop their comrades
if they engage in hostile actions against
the enchanter (without harming them).
w Degree III or higher: the victim is hyp-
notized. The en­chanter does what they
like with the victim, who is no longer
endowed with free will.
For additional information, see page 141 of the Core
4/52 DDE
The creature, if not engaged by a number

of adversaries equal to at least its addition-
al arms, adds 1DV to its De Bello and De
Corpore rolls.

The monster’s additional arms are indicated

in brackets after the name of the power; for
example, Extra Arms (2).

5/52 DDE
Certain fantastical creatures and human

NPCs benefit from the Fate Roll, thanks to
their consecration to a tutelary deity or in-
trinsic magic qualities.

It works in much the same way as for the


6/52 DDE
This power can be used by the crea­ture a maximum
of 3 times per day; the first time it causes 3DV

damage, the second 2DV and third 1DV. The first
attack can strike up to three victims, the second
two, and the third one. In combat, the creature
can use this power before or after the normal De
Bello roll against engaged or disengaged enemies,
provided they are within Medium distance (if the
monster is Size 5) or Close distance (if the monster
is Size 4 or smaller).

Coordinatio roll (DT 9) to halve the damage in-

flicted or completely avoid them by obtaining a III
Degree of Success. If they are holding a shield, they
add its Parry value directly to the Co­ordinatio roll.
Those who fail the roll are engulfed by the flames.

For additional information, see page 141 of the Core

7/52 DDE
Some creatures or substances extracted from
them may have more or less powerful ther-

apeutic or healing properties. The quantity
and type of wounds that can be healed by
each creature is indicated on the relative char-
acter sheets.

In any case, based on contingent needs, the

Demiurge is free to change these values or
attribute healing powers to other beings, spe-
cial plants, or places.

8/52 DDE
Certain fantastical creatures or human NPCs

may provoke false visions to deceive the Cus-
todes. The victim opposes an Ingeni­um roll
against the force of the illusion. In general, if
a character is successful in the Ingenium roll,
they no longer need to roll to oppose addi-
tional Illusion attempts by the same creature
(automatic success).

For additional information, see page 142 of the Core


9/52 DDE
Thanks to their divine origin, some creatures

are practically immortal; the relative charac-
ter sheets nonetheless specify how to succeed
in defeating them, at least temporarily.

10/52 DDE
Some creatures are invulnerable to certain

types of damage: for example if the blow in-
flicted on them doesn’t deal damage equal to
at least the creature’s DV, or if the blows are
not inflicted with certain weapons or sources
of damage.

Weapons, sources of damage and details on

the type of Invulner­abilities are specified on
the relative creatures’ character sheets.

11/52 DDE
The majority of creatures endowed with this

power are able to transform into a more dan-
gerous or deceitful being.

A Metamorphosis is always automatically

successful (the Demi­ urge therefore doesn’t
need to verify its success).

12/52 DDE
In close combat, a number of opponents

equal to the creature’s additional heads are
denied the advantages of fighting in supe­rior
numbers, in order starting from the first at-
tack that would benefit from the advantage.
The monster’s additional heads are indicated
in brackets after the name of the power.

In addition, the creature is considered always

alert, because it can make one of the heads
rest while keeping the others awake, or watch
in all directions simultaneously: the difficulty
of am­bushing it is increased by 1 level.

13/52 DDE
Ratio roll against the force of the paralysis.

Depending on the Degree of Success ob­tained
by the creature, the following effects are applied:

w Degree I: the victim suffers partial pa-

ralysis. Their Coordinatio, De Corpore,
and De Bello scores are halved.
w Degree II: the victim suffers physical pa-
ralysis. They are no longer able to per-
form any physical action (if attacjed,
they are always considered Surprised).
w Degree III or higher: the victim suffers
total paralysis. They fall to the ground

For additional information, see page 143 of the Core


14/52 DDE
Some creatures, rather than deal normal

damage, inflict wounds that cannot be healed
with conventional systems. The victims are
not allowed to make any resistance rolls.

Permanent wounds are marked in the Hit

Points table with an asterisk (*), always start-
ing from the top, even in the presence of
other normal wounds (which are therefore
“pushed” forward). When a character heals
their normal wounds in any way, they cannot
cancel the wounds marked with the asterisk,
which re­main until they are properly treated
(normally specified on the creature’s charac-
ter sheet).

15/52 DDE
This power is very similar to Paralysis, with

the difference that with a III Degree of Suc-
cess in the roll it causes the petrification of
the victim.

In this case, the victim cannot make any Ra-

tio rolls to recover during the tempus and the
petrification doesn’t disappear at the end of
the fight or the scene.

A petrified victim has a Protection value equal

to 20 (regard­less of their equipment), and
their body no longer needs to eat, drink, or
breathe and becomes immune to any effects
unable to influence stone (for all intents and
purposes, they become an inanimate statue).

16/52 DDE
Some creatures’ breath can be poisonous

instead of fiery. The same rules apply as for
Fiery Breath, with the substantial difference
that this power does not damage the target
with flames, but rather causes the Poisoned

The force of the poison is equal to 3DV the

first time the power is used, 2DV the second
and 1DV the third; the poison cannot be
extracted and starts acting immediately. If a
victim succeeds in a Coordinatio roll (DT
9), they completely avoid the effects of the
poisonous breath.

17/52 DDE
The victim opposes a Ratio roll against the force

of the Possession. If the creature is successful in the
opposed roll, they ‘enter’ the victim’s body. As long
as the victim is possessed, they are at the creature’s
mercy. The victim is no longer endowed with free
will and loses many of their characteristics: the
creature’s scores (reported on their character sheet)
in fact replace those of the victim, except for Vig-
or, Coordinatio, De Corpore, any innate Damage
score (thus not derived from the use of a weapon)
and Hit Points; for the De Bello value, the highest
of the two (the victim’s and the creature’s) will be
used. During possession, the creature can still use
all their magic powers and gains all the special abil-
ities of the victim.

For additional information, see page 143 of the Core


18/52 DDE
Some creatures have the gift of prophecy.

This power shouldn’t be used to the advan-
tage of the creatures themselves, but rather
to favor the Custodes in their missions. The
prophecy should be as cryptic as possible and
offered to the players at a high price (sacrific-
es, acts of heroism, etc.).

19/52 DDE
Creatures endowed with this power are able

to heal any wounds suffered: at the end of
each tempus, they recover a number of Hit
Points equal to the value specified on their
character sheets (expressed in DV). Some
forms of Regeneration can be cancelled by
inflicting special types of damage, such as fire
or consecrated weapons (these too are speci-
fied on the sheet).

20/52 DDE
The creature, either in addition to, or instead

of the normal damage inflicted (specified on
their character sheet), drains an amount of
Pietas from the victim equal to the force roll
of the power. For example, the Soul Sucking
(2DV) of a creature with DV6 causes the loss
of 2d6 Pietas points.

For each point of Pietas drained in this way,

the creature recovers 1 Hit Point (up to their
maximum of course). If the character’s Pie-
tas is reduced to 0 by this power, the creature
possesses the victim’s soul, who can no longer
recover any Pietas until the creature is killed.
Any additional consequences of Soul Sucking
are specified on the creature’s character sheet.

21/52 DDE
Ratio roll against the force of the terror. Depend-
ing on the Degree of Success obtained by the crea-
ture, the following effects are applied:

w Degree I: the victim is shaken, and can only
defend themself if physically attacked.
w Degree II: the victim is scared. They try
and get away from the source of the
terror as quickly as possible. If they
are disengaged, they run and hide in a
corner. If they are engaged, they try to
escape to be disengaged and then hide.
w Degree III or higher: the victim is terro-
rized. The effect is the same as degree
II, except the victim goes into a total
panic: they drop their weapon and
anything else they’re holding and cower
on the ground, even if engaged (they
are considered Surprised if they are at-
tacked, then immediately recover).

22/52 DDE
A creature endowed with this power is in-

credibly fast: it is not possible shoot volleys
against them unless they are Surprised, and
the difficulty of all Ranged attacks to hit
them increases by 1 level.

They can escape from combat automatically

(without making any rolls).

23/52 DDE
A Blinded Custos automatically reduces by 2
the Degree of Success of every action based
on sight (transforming a success of I or II into

a failure). In combat, a Blinded character is
also considered Surprised (see below), unless
Sensibilitas (DT 9) is successfully rolled at
the start of each tempus.

24/52 DDE
When making a roll in any Peritia, a Cursed
Custos can never roll a total number of Dice
Points greater than their current Pietas. If

their current Pietas fall below 3, the Custos
can nonetheless roll 1d3.

25/52 DDE
A Debilitated Custos cannot recover Hit
Points in any way, not even if the Treated box
has been checked, until the cause of the con-

dition has been eliminated. In the majority of
cases, to free themself of this condition a Cus-
tos must rest in a comfortable place. When
an already Debilitated Custos assumes the
same condition again, they suffer 1d3 dam-
age (armor does not protect them).

26/52 DDE
A Custos suffers this condition when box 1 of
their Hit Points is crossed out due to a newly
inflicted wound. A Dying Custos falls to the

ground unconscious, or in any case unable to
perform any type of action; if they don’t get
treatment, they can die.

27/52 DDE
When any Peritia is rolled, a Fatigued Custos
can never roll a total number of Dice Points
greater than their current Hit Points. If the

current Hit Points drop below 3, the Custos
can still roll 1d3. Moreover, for a Fatigued
Custos, all movement actions have the DT
increased by 1 level (the majority of De Cor-
pore and De Natura actions are considered
movement actions, but also others that the
Demiurge considers as such according to the

28/52 DDE
A Poisoned Custos immediately makes a Vig-
or roll against the force of the poison (spec-
ified in the NPC sheet or in the description

of the poison itself ). If the character has the
upper hand, the poison is absorbed without
any consequences. If they get the worst of it,
the Custos loses a number of HP equal to
the difference between the rolls; moreover,
the roll will be repeated every 8 hours until
the character dies, their body reacts (higher
Vigor roll), or the Custos is healed. Once per
day, the Custos can in fact be healed (a De
Scientia or De Natura roll against the force
of the poison): a success will cease the effects
of the poison.

29/52 DDE
A Sick Custos is considered both Debilitat-
ed and Fatigued and their maximum HP are
considered halved. Every 8 hours, they must

make a Vigor roll against the force of the dis-
ease: if the character has the upper hand, the
disease is defeated; otherwise, the condition
persists and may worsen, causing additional
effects and conditions depending on the dis-

30/52 DDE
If a character is no longer able to breathe for
any reason (they are drowning, they have in-
haled smoke from a fire, somebody is stran-

gling them or due to a magic power), at the
start of each tempus they must roll Vigor
(with DT 6; or based on the situation or force
of the magic power). If the roll is a success,
there are no consequences. If it is a failure,
the character is inflicted with a damage (ar-
mor does not protect them) equal to the dif-
ference between the DT and the result of the
Vigor roll. Regardless of the damage suffered,
if a character remains completely exposed to
the source of suffocation for a prolonged pe-
riod (a few minutes), they die.

31/52 DDE
A Surprised Custos or NPC does not fight
and cannot make any die roll; any close com-
bat attacks made against them have a set DT

of 0.

This condition normally ends after the char-

acter has been attacked (regardless of whether
or not the attack was a success).

32/52 DDE
The character falls to the floor, senseless or
in any case unable to perform any type of

An Unconscious character’s life is not at risk
due to the condition itself, but rather be-
cause they are at the complete mercy of those
around them.

33/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included)
failed a roll to perform an action (not
of combat), turn over this tablet to
transform the failure into a success.
Never, by oblivion, slip into
a wave of misery...

34/52 DDE

If any Custos (including yourself )
succeeds in a roll to perform an action
(not of combat), reveal this tablet to
transform the success into a failure.
Our shell that floats away...

35/52 DDE

If any Custos (including yourself )
succeeds in a roll to perform an action
(not of combat), reveal this tablet to
transform the success into a failure.
The vehemence of matter...

36/52 DDE

Reveal this tablet to force the Demiurge to
confirm or deny the authenticity of a rumor.
The initiators are united by constraints...

37/52 DDE

Pass this tablet to the Demiurge.
Before the end of the session you will
receive a premonitory dream.
... and not leaping beyond the threshold.

38/52 DDE

Pass this tablet to the Demiurge.
Before the end of the session you
will witness a portentous event.
... invoking like so, you will see
a fire that flickers toward the
whirlwind of air, just like a child.

39/52 DDE

If the Explorer has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
The mortal cannot restrain the god...

40/52 DDE

If the Augur has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
The evidence is in the depths...

41/52 DDE

If the Fighter has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
... that without form takes form.

42/52 DDE

If the Diplomat has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
From the ether that flows you evoke me,
with constrictions that dominate the gods.

43/52 DDE

If the Scholar has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
Give life to others, more than to yourself...

44/52 DDE

If the Assassin has just been attacked (but
before having rolled for damage), reveal this
tablet to transform the attack into a miss.
... and do not bend down: there is an abyss, which
drags below the threshold of the seven ways.

45/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Bello roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1 (it
cannot transform a failure into a success).
... struck by Mars, more pure are those souls
that leave the body by way of violence.

46/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Corpore roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1 (it
cannot transform a failure into a success).
Listen to me, even if I do not wish to speak,
because you chained me against my will.

47/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Magia roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1 (it
cannot transform a failure into a success).
And you shall not leave the dregs
of matter to the abyss...

48/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Natura roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1 (it
cannot transform a failure into a success).
If you tell me more than once, everything
will appear in the form of a lion...

49/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Scientia roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1 (it
cannot transform a failure into a success).
That which Intellect expresses,
it expresses with intuition.

50/52 DDE

If any Custos (yourself included) has just
made a De Societate roll, reveal this tablet
to increase the Degree of Success by 1.
For no other reason does god divert
man, and with his living power
lead him toward new ways...

51/52 DDE

Maintain your silence, man!

52/52 DDE

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