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INTRODUCTION The quality of education largely determines the quality of life and creates

opportunities for the full realisation of the capacities of each citizen. Education is a national
priority and a key factor in the sustainable development of a knowledge-based society. The most
important stage is education from first to fourth grade, where children acquire the basic
knowledge and skills necessary for further intellectual development. In the dynamics of school
training, from the point of view of the optimal educational development of children
corresponding to the age, the initial stage is extremely important, during which, at the same time
with the intense formation of the students’ cognitive skills, the process of linguistic,
mathematical, plastic knowledge, as well as of nature, environment, process associated with
physical education, through work and moral-spiritual education takes place. Moreover, at this
age, stable positive skills for knowledge and self-expression of children are formed, which, being
properly developed, are thoroughly memorised for the whole life, thus forming a persevering
character. Regular practice of field tennis can help develop coordination by improving motor
skills and increasing agility. During the game, you must be able to move quickly and accurately,
adjust your position according to the direction of the ball, and coordinate the movements of your
arms and legs to hit the ball properly. Through regular practice of field tennis, these skills can be
improved and better coordination will develop.

MATERIALS AND METHODS The participants in this study were 9 people, 6 boys and 3
girls aged 7 to 10 years, who offered to be the subjects of the study. Experimental method: The
study took place between October and April 2022-2023, one hour per week, at the gymnasium
“Alexandru Ceușianu” in Reghin. Before the start of the experiment, a meeting was organised to
familiarise the subjects with this type of training.

The Research Hypothesis: The use of specific means of tennis and bilateral play (mini tennis)
will lead to the complex manifestation of motor skills: Speed and skill.

CONCLUSION In conclusion, playing tennis can be a fun and effective way to encourage
children to be active and develop their motor skills. The benefits for physical and mental health
can be numerous and the game can be a great way to spend your free time in a healthy and fun

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