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Практичне заняття 49. I’ll go for that.

1. Warm up
Look at the images and discuss the following questions.
1. If you go out to eat, what type of restaurant do you like to go to?
I adore cooking, this is my hobby and I like to cook something special. It is a lot of
fun because I can be creative, and I like to learn new recipes and dishes. But also,
it depends on my mood. I like to cook for my family and whenever I have the
chance I do it. But if I go to some restaurant, I usually order dishes from Italian or
French cuisine.
2. How often each month do you eat food made by a restaurant, take away or
delivery service?
Once or twice a month we order delivery service. Mainly we order pizza or sushi.
But nowadays fast food and delivery service is becoming more popular because of
lack of time. It is easier to eat out fast food or order food rather than cook at
home. But people that are trying to eat healthy food tend to cook at home.
3. Do you consider the calories in your food when you are eating? Why/Why
I don’t go very often to restaurants because I like to cook and prefer eating at
home. I prefer healthy food, but I don’t consider the calories. But from time to
time, I go to restaurant or to bar to relax and to spend nice evening with friends or
with my mother and I can order food rich for calories. So next day I do extra sport
in order to get rid of calories.
2. Focus on vocabulary.
Part A: Match the vocabulary to the definitions.
1. Fattening (adj.) – a) likely to make you gain weight.
2. Appetite (n) – c) your desire for food.
3. Low-carb (adj.) – g) containing few elements such as sugar or starch which
give the body energy.
4. Cholesterol (n) – h) a fat-like substance found in the body which can cause
heart problems and other issues.
5. Nutritional (adj.) – d) giving the vitamins and energy needed to live
6. Digest (v) – f) - o change what you eat from a type of food to energy
for your body.
7. Fibre (n) – b) - the element within some foods which helps you process
food and keep your body working healthily.
8. Filling (adj.) – e) making you feel satisfied and your stomach full.

Part B: Now put the vocabulary from Part A into the correct gaps in the
following sentences.

1. I tried to just eat salad during the day, but it just wasn’t very filling, so I kept
snacking on chocolate which ruined my diet.
2. I always have a good breakfast as I wake up with a huge appetite, but I never
really feel hungry in the evening.
3. I used to eat a bacon sandwich every morning before I went to work. I still love
them, but I had to stop because they contain too much cholesterol.
4. I find it really helps to buy low-carb foods like wholewheat bread and wild or
brown rice as they really fill you up and are much healthier.
5. I used to drink beer all the time when I was younger, but around the age of 25 I
stopped because I suddenly realised how fattening it is.
6. I don’t have rich foods like cheese or ice-cream in the evening anymore as I find
it really hard to digest and I always wake up sweating in the night.
7. I’m quite careful about what I eat and always read the nutritional information
on the packet before I buy anything.
8. My doctor said I needed more fibre in my diet, so I started eating a lot more
raw vegetables and bran.
3. Discuss the following questions in a written form.
1. Which foods do you know of that are fattening but you still love to eat? How
often do you eat them? – I know that pizza is fattening but I still love to eat it and
order pizza once a month.
2. What foods do you eat for their nutritional value? – For my breakfast I prefer to
eat eggs because of its nutritional value.
3. How long after a meal does it usually take for you to digest your food? Do you
do anything to help your digestion? After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours
for food to pass through your stomach.
4. Do you think you have a large appetite or not? Why? – Everything depends on
situation. Sometimes I have a large appetite and ready to eat a lot. But normally I
don’t have a large appetite.
5. Which foods do you regularly eat because they are filling? I like to eat nuts a lot,
they are very filling and useful for my health.
6. Do you, or anyone you know, have problems with cholesterol? What did
you/they do to improve the situation? I don’t have such friends, but I think that
people who have problems with cholesterol should eat heart-healthy foods. A few
changes in a diet can reduce cholesterol and improve heart health.

4. Listening
Listen to three people talking about putting calories information on restaurant
menus. Complete the following table with ticks in the correct box.

Who… Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3

a. was consuming
more calories than
they thought?

b. is concerned about
a member of their
c. regularly exercises?

d. has had problems

with digestion?

e. is a vegetarian?

f. rarely eats out?

g. unexpectedly
gained weight?

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