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Emma Case
EN 219
Midterm Story
The Idea of the Fall
There is a reason it isn’t called ‘rising in love’. Within the action itself implies the idea of
the fall- the risk of letting your glass heart fall, giving complete control to the other to either
catch it or let it shatter as you hit the ground, and the most powerful thing you can do is
surrender yourself to their choice. My glass heart continues to fall as I wait to see the choice you
make. And the worst part: you don’t even know that I am falling, Cameron Petera. I have been
falling for the last 23 years.
You came into my life when I was 4. You had come home with my brother, Jamie, after
the first day of 1st grade. I had just started preschool, and I may have only been 4 years old, but I
knew I was going to be in love with you until the day I die, and so far I have been right. Ever
since that very first day, you have been a constant sight in my life. You were there when my dad
left, when Emmy was born, when I graduated high school and college, when I bought my
bookstore cafe, and everything else. You were even there when I started dating Josh. God, you
hated Josh. I didn’t love him, but I needed to try and forget about you. At first, I thought you
hated him because you were jealous, but after some time I realized that Josh was just an ass, and
you were just being a brother. You are always just a brother.
You didn’t like any of my boyfriends, except for Mitch. Everyone loved Mitch,
especially me. For three and a half years I thought I maybe would finally be over you, maybe my
real love for him would conquer the childhood fantasy I couldn’t seem to get over. Then it
ended. Mitch moved to Geneva, and I couldn’t bring myself to move with him, away from you.
The glass in my heart cracked, but it could never completely shatter because you are
unknowingly holding a piece of it.
Now, I am in my bookstore, stacking the new release on the display shelf. "What Will
Never Be”, it’s just a book title, but I can’t help thinking that it will be us- the relationship that
never makes it out of my head. My train of thought quickly snaps back to reality when the bell of
the door rings. In walks Cam and Jamie, laughing uncontrollably.
“Hey, sis. We came to grab some coffee,” Jamie chuckles.
“Ugh, fine, but help me stack these books first, please.”

“Why isn’t your employee doing that,” Cam asks, slowly making his way towards me.
“Because my employee got fired last week for stealing half my week’s danish supply
because he was high and had the munchies.”
“So you’ve been doing everything yourself,” Cam asks.
“Yes, now come over here and help me. I can’t reach the top shelf.” As I am on my very
tip toes trying to reach the top shelf, I slip and a pile of the books fall on top of me as I hit the
“Kat!” Cam rushes to my side as I hold my aching head.
“I’m ok. Can you just stack these books please?”
“Yeah, of course. No problem.” Cam starts to stack the books, and Jamie walks back
laughing holding 3 cups of coffee that he helped himself to from behind my counter.
“Katie, you should really get some help in here. You can’t keep doing it all yourself,”
Jamie says, still laughing at my fall.
“I can’t afford help right now. Business has been a lot slower than usual and I have had to
cut some budgeting.”
“Well you have to do something,” Jamie demands.
“I don’t have a choice right now, Jamie. It really isn’t that bad other than stocking the
“Well, I can come in and help with that,” Cam offers.
“Really? I couldn’t ask you to do that, Cam. You have your own job and I can’t pay you
to be here.”
“It’s fine, Kit-Kat. I’m here almost everyday anyways. I might as well work for the free
coffee you always give me.” I know you are just volunteering out of pity, but the butterflies in
my stomach start to flutter. How pathetic of me.
I blush. “Thank you, Cam. I really appreciate it.”
Cam playfully winks.“Anything for you, Kit-Kat” He doesn’t even realize how his
meaningless jokes make my knees buckle. It isn’t fair.
“Ok, you two love birds. Now that we have that figured out, it is time to close up, Kate.
We have a bar to hit,” Jamie yells.
“Wait, what! When did we decide this?”

“I decided..right now. Come on, you need to get back out there. It has been almost a year
since you and Mitch broke up.”
“So? Maybe I like it on my own.”
“You don’t. Don’t lie to yourself. You’ll never find someone if you never leave your
store,” Jamie continues.
“Come on, Kit-Kat. We will have fun, I promise,” Cam pleads. There my knees go again.
“Ok, fine.” Why can’t I say no to him?
Cam puts the ripped cardboard box down on the carpeted floor. “Perfect! I’ll come by
tomorrow night to finish stocking these books.”
We get into Cam’s car and drive 20 minutes to O’Leery’s, the best bar in White Lake
(basically the only bar in White Lake). The entire time I am sitting in the back seat of his gray
CRV, I just look into his eyes reflecting in the rearview mirror. I know exactly how this night is
going to play out: Cam drinks a diet Pepsi as the designated driver and spends the whole night
babysitting Jamie while I sit there never finishing my first cocktail and pretend to not be in love
with him.
We get inside the doors and head to the bar. Just like I said, Cam orders a diet Pepsi,
Jamie orders the strongest drink they have to offer, and I get my usual mojito. The bar is more
crowded than it has ever been when I’m there, but I’ve never been here on a Wednesday night.
“Ok, come on Kate, we are putting you back on the map,” Jamie yells into the crowd as
he grabs my hand and pulls me along behind him.
“I never thought my brother would be my wingman.” God, this is embarrassing. Cam
stands at the bar chuckling as he watches Jamie drag me through the crowd of people. We walk
up to a group of 4 guys, seemingly close to my age- they are definitely older than 25 but no older
than 30. Jamie starts talking to them, but I don’t even pay attention. I just sip my drink and look
around the bar trying to find an escape route.
“Kate?” I shoot back to look at my brother.
“Yeah? Sorry, I got distracted.” Jamie leans in closer to my ear so that they guys can’t
hear him.
“Give them a chance, they seem really nice,” He whispers and walks away. I watch him
walk away for a minute, making his way back to the bar, probably for another drink. From the

corner of my eye, I can see Cam, but he isn’t alone. He is talking to a girl. My thoughts start
racing as the glass of my heart starts to splinter.
Who is she? Does she know him, or did she just walk up to him? She is absolutely
beautiful, and the complete opposite of me. She has gorgeous wavy blonde hair with highlights.
She is tall, doesn’t need to wear glasses, and has so much confidence. She looks like the main
character of every story I have ever read, while I am just the librarian who stocks them. I start to
drink more than just a couple sips. I don’t want to be sober for this. If someone is going to break
my heart tonight, I won’t let it be Cam. I’m not ready for it to be Cam.
“Hey Kate. How are you?” I turn back to the group of guys I completely forgot about. I
finish the rest of my drink before answering.
“I am great. How are you guys,” I say while catching my breath from downing the rest of
my drink.
“We are pretty good. Can I get you another drink,” The one man asks as he takes the
empty glass from my hand.
“God, yes please.” The one man walks away to refill my drink, leaving me with 3 random
guys I have never met before. We make good conversation, laughing about nothing until he
comes back with drinks. I finish my drink quickly again, and another. Maybe it isn’t the most
responsible thing, but I’m sick of being responsible. Time continues on, Cam continues to talk to
the pretty girl, drinks continue to be consumed, and everything starts to become blurry. Aidan,
the one that originally refilled my drink, continues to stick to my side while his friends spread
out throughout the bar.
“Ha! You are funny, Aidan,” I chuckle, putting my hand on his arm. I already can’t
remember what he said.
“Thank you, haha. I try my best. I can’t remember if I told you this, but you are beautiful,
Kat.” Kat, he called me Kat. My heart cracks again. My face turns bright red.
I stumble to get up quickly. “Umm. I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Wait, was it something I said-” His voice drowns out as a trip over myself as I make my
way to the bathroom not so subtly. I just stand in front of the mirror. God, I am a wreck. My dark
brown hair that was once in a bun is now loosely spread across my shoulders, partially covering
my face, which is bright red. I take my cardigan off to try and cool down, revealing the black
tank-top that was tucked into my short blue skirt. I splash some water on my face, which only

makes my mascara drip down my cheeks. I use a paper towel to fix my makeup and go to open
the door. Cam is waiting right outside the door. I jump back.
I laugh. “Sorry, haha, You scared me.” Cam doesn’t seem very pleased.
“Come on, it’s time to go.” Cam tries to grab my arm, but I pull away, almost slamming
my back into the hallway behind me.
“What? No? I don’t want to go yet. Where is Jamie,” I plead.
“Jamie already left with some girl. Come on, Kat.”
“Don’t call me that.”
He takes a step closer to try and stabilize my balance. “What? Kat? I always call you
that, Kit-Kat.”
“Stop calling me that!” I go to push him away, but I start to fall. He grabs my waist and
holds me up. My legs give out, and he holds almost my entire weight.
“Ok, fine. I’ll stop, but you are way too drunk. I am taking you home.” He holds me up
by my waist and guides me slowly out of O’Leery’s. As we get to the front of his car, I hear a
somewhat familiar voice behind me.
“Kate, do you know this guy?” It’s Aidan.
“Back off, bud. I’ve known Kat her entire life,” Cam says forcefully.
“Well, before you take her away, can I get her number,” Aidan asks sternly, puffing up to
appear confident, but he isn’t half the size of Cam.
Cam doesn’t take his eyes off mine. “She isn’t interested. Have a nice night.” He starts to
open the passenger door. I don’t say a thing, I can’t say a thing.
Aidan makes his way closer, only inches away from us. “But, wait a se-” Before Aidan
can get another word out, Cam lets go of me for a short second and pushes Aidan back. I can’t
hear what he says to him, but Aidan walks away, and I catch a look of disappointment on his
face. What did Cam say? Why did he get so upset? Cam walks back and holds me up again by
my waist. I forgot I was leaning on the hood of his car.
He holds the side of my face with one hand. “Kat, are you okay?” All I can do is nod, too
flustered by what just occurred to even speak. Am I okay? Is he okay is a better question to ask.
With the warmth of his hand still pressed on my waist, he helps me into the passenger
seat of his car and shuts the door. Did he ever say goodbye to that girl? Maybe he got her
number? I hope not. He enters the driver side of the car and starts driving.

“Are you okay? You’ve never drank that much before.” It is so hard to tell if his concern
is loving or brotherly.
“I was fine. I was just putting myself out there like you and Jamie said to,” I argue.
“Hey, that was all Jamie. I never said you should throw yourself at other guys,” He
I sink into my seat. “Well you didn’t try to stop me.”
“Why would I try to stop you, Kat?” My heart cracks again. He has no clue how
absolutely in love with him I am.
“I said to stop calling me that,” I say quickly before a tear falls from my eye.
“Why? I have called you Kat since I first met you when we were kids. I am the only one
that calls you Kat. It is our thing.”
“We don’t have a thing. Not anymore.”
“Did I do something wrong,” Cam asks.
“I just can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much.” Am I finally putting an end to this?
What if I don’t want this to end.
“What do you mean?”
“Can’t you see I am in love with you. I have been in love with you since the day we met,
Cam. I can’t keep pretending I don’t love you. Just being your best friend’s little sister hurts too
much,” I cry. Cam doesn’t look away from me. We just sit at the red light staring at each other,
no words spoken. God, just say something, anything.
“The light’s green,” I mutter. Cam’s focus quickly turns back to the road.
“Oh, ugh, ok.” He hits the pedal and the car jolts forward.
We drive the rest of the way in silence. Cam keeps looking over at me, but doesn’t say
anything. Every minute that goes by, a new crack forms in my heart. I sink further and deeper
into my chair to hide my drunken embarrassment. When we finally arrive at my house, I open
my door and try to get out.
Cam runs around the car to help me stand up.“Kat, wait.”
“No, I’m fine. I need to go.” I need to get out of this situation as fast as heavenly
“Please, let me help.” As much as I don’t want to accept his help, I can barely stand, let
alone walk. He grabs my waist and puts my arm over his shoulder to help me up the stairs of my

apartment building. He uses his spare key to unlock the door, and walks me to my room. Once he
lets me go, I fall directly onto my bed without changing into pajamas. Cam grabs a blanket from
the closet and puts it over me.
“You were never just Jamie’s sister. Good night, Kit-Kat,” He whispers in my ear before
I wake up the next morning to my blaring 5 o’clock alarm. My head is throbbing and I
feel like I am going to throw up everything I have ever eaten. Pushing through, I run a brush
through my hair, brush my teeth, and put on little makeup. Headed to my closet, I throw on a
pink skirt with my favorite off-white sweater. Last night was a blur. I don’t remember much at
all, but I can’t forget what I said, and what he didn’t say. I can’t tell if I really said it or if it was
all in my head, I hope it was all in my head. I don’t remember anything after I said that, I think
my brain is trying to save me from embarrassment.
The second I get to work I make a large pot of coffee. I have been coming to work an
hour later than usual, but no one has been coming to the store before 7 anyways. The day is very
slow. A little over 3 dozen people come in by 7pm. Some were my regular customers who only
come in for coffee, forgetting that this place is half a bookstore, but I can’t complain about
constant business. Others were new faces that wandered around, browsing the small variety I
have stocked at the moment. Cam said he was going to come by and help, but I doubt that is still
At 8pm, I put the closed sign up and throw my headphones on. I am just going to have to
stock the shelves myself. I walk into the back room and grab three boxes. Walking out of the
back, blinded by cardboard, I run into something and a box falls to clear my vision. Cam is
standing right in front of me. I pull one of my headphones out.
“I was trying to get your attention, sorry,” Cam says.
My face turns bright red. “Oh, uhh, it’s all good. Sorry I couldn’t hear anything.”
“No worries. What are you doing?” Cam grabs the box that had fallen.
“I was just about to stock the shelves.”
“I told you I would do that.”
I look down, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. “I didn’t think you were coming.”

“Nonsense, I’ve got it. You do whatever else you have to do,” he says, taking the other
boxes from my hands.
“Thanks, Cam.” I put my other headphone in again, refusing to look him in the eye. I
head behind the counter to start cleaning up. I try not to look at Cam, but my heart keeps forcing
my eyes to glance over. We make eye contact, but I always look away. I can’t bring myself to
talk to him after last night. What is worse than him saying no? No reaction at all, that is what.
Cam seems completely unphased by last night. Has he known this entire time? Does he just not
care? I take my anger and confusion out on the counter as I scrub the day off of it.
An hour goes by. The floors have been swept, counters wiped, coffee-makers cleaned. I
start to stack the chairs of the tables when I hear a knock on the door. I turn to see the pretty
blonde from last night.
“Uhh, Cam?” Cam sticks his head out from one of the shelves.
Cam smiles. “Yeah, Kit-Kat?”
I point to the blonde waving right outside the door. “I think that’s for you.”
“Oh, sorry, one sec.” Cam gets up and runs to the door. He goes outside to talk with her. I
really don’t want to deal with this at my own store. I finish putting up all the chairs and turn off
all the lights. I walk outside and lock the door behind me.
“It’s getting late, I’m going home. I can finish stocking tomorrow,” I say, looking at my
shoes while I fidget with the rings on my finger.
“I can come by tomorrow, it’s alright,” Cam says, taking a step closer. I pull back.
“It’s fine, I’ll do it. You two enjoy your night.” I walk towards my car.
“Kat, wait-” It’s too late. I am already in my car, driving away. I go straight back to my
apartment and make myself some dinner: broccoli and spaghetti for one. I read for an hour, and
then get ready for bed, The entire time I think about Cam. I can’t keep living in my head
anymore, it is preventing me from living my own life. My phone buzzes. Cam is calling, but I
send it to voicemail.
I have put my life on hold for something that doesn’t actually exist. I feed my delusion
instead of snapping myself back to reality. I ended things with Mitch because I thought we
would never stand a chance if I moved away, but now I realize we don’t stand a chance when I
am right here. Mitch, why did I end things with Mitch. I loved him, and unlike Cam, he actually

loved me. Maybe it isn’t too late to give Mitch a chance, to move far away from White Lake and
forget about Cam. I pull out my phone and dial Mitch’s number.
“Hello?” I haven’t heard Mitch’s voice in months, but he still sounds the same.
“Hi, Mitch. How have you been?”
“Hey, Kate. I’ve been okay. Are you alright?”
A tear slowly falls down my face. “To be honest, not really. Is it wrong of me to tell you I
regret staying? I wish I moved with you. I miss you.” There is silence for a moment.
“I miss you too. What happened?”
“Nothing that hasn’t happened before,” I whisper, holding back sobs.
“Well, I am coming back to town this weekend for Gina’s birthday. Could I stop by your
store and take you to dinner,” he asks. I wipe the tears from my eyes. He may not be my undying
love, but he is real. I need something real.
“Yeah, I would really like that, Mitch.”
“Would tomorrow at 8 work?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you then. And Mitch?”
“Yeah, Katie?”
“It was really nice talking to you.”
“Goodnight, Katie.”
“Goodnight, Mitch.” And just like that, I sleep through the night.
I wake up the next morning and get ready for the day. I put on my favorite deep Maroon
dress that falls just above the freckle on my thigh. I put a slight curl in my hair and throw on my
black sweater. I get to my store by 6 am, the earliest I had been there in 2 weeks. The day flies
by. Before I know it, it is 7pm . I hang the closed sign on the door early, a perk of being my own
boss, and start stocking the shelves. 45 minutes later, the bell rings. I run to the end of my shelf,
smiling at the thought of seeing Mitch, but stop in my tracks when I see Cam standing there.
“Sorry, I would have been here sooner. Work ran late.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I am almost done closing up anyways. You don’t have to stay if you want.”
“It’s ok, I can help,” Cam insists. Suddenly there is a new ring at the bell. Mitch walks
through the door, holding scarlet red roses.
“Hey Mitch, ” Cam yells, excited to see his old friend.

“What are you doing here,” Cam asks. He takes a brief moment and sees the flowers in
his hands, then looks at my outfit.
“Ohh, you are here for Kat. I didn’t realize you were back together,” Cam sighs.
“Well, we aren’t. Not yet at least,” Mitch says.
“We just wanted to reconnect and see if anything was still there,” I said. Mitch walks
over and gives me a short hug, handing me the flowers.
“Thank you, let me go put these in a vase really quick.” I slightly jog to the back room
and grab a small vase to fill with water. I put the flowers in and slide it in front of my cash
register before walking back to Mitch and Cam.
“They are perfect, thank you.”
“Carnations are her favorite. Pink carnations,” Cam mumbles under his breath.
“It’s fine. I love them. They sort of match my dress.”
“Kit-Kat, if you give me your key, I can finish up here while you guys go get dinner. I
can drop the key off tomorrow before work.”
“Really? Thank you so much, Cam. I really appreciate it.” I give him a hug and hand him
the key.
“No problem. You guys have fun.” Mitch and I walk out the door. I can’t tell if my heart
is shattering or healing. Maybe it needs to shatter in order to heal, but I still can’t shake the
feeling that this isn’t right.
We drive to Bells, one of the nicest restaurants in town. This is where we had gone on our
two year anniversary. The small talk continued throughout the awkward night, until Mitch finally
breaks the ice.
“Katie, what is going on? Why did you call me last night,” Mitch says before he sips his
“I don’t know, Mitch. I was just thinking about my life, and I feel like I said no to
moving away with you because I was scared of leaving, but I’m not scared anymore.”
“I want this to work, but I don’t want to do this if you are going to get scared again,”
Mitch sighs. He has a fair point.
I grab his hand from across the table. “I want this to work too.”
“What about your store?” Mitch’s thumb runs across the top of my hand.

“I’ll figure something out, I promise. It wasn’t making much revenue anyway.” I sigh.
Dinner continues, this time we are back to our old selves, laughing and joking with each other. I
love Mitch, I just don’t know if I am madly in love with Mitch. I don’t know if that is possible
for anyone except for Cam, but I need to get over him before it’s too late.
When dinner is over, Mitch drops me back off at my store so I can grab my car, but the
lights are still on. I quickly kiss Mitch good night, and as he drives off. I knock on the door. No
one answers. I knock again. I am about to leave, thinking Cam just left the lights on, when I see
Cam finally come out of one of the shelves.
“Hey. Sorry I had music playing,” Cam says as he opens the door.
“You are fine. Thank you for staying so late. You didn’t have to stay this long.”
“Well I figured you had to come back to get your car at some point, and now I am almost
done stocking.”
“Oh, thank you, Cam. I can finish up right now if you want, I’m really not tired.”
“I can help you,” he says, so we walk back to the shelves and start stocking. I take the
lower shelves and Cam takes the top 3 shelves.
Cam looks at me. “So how was your dinner with Mitch? I didn’t realize you two
“Oh um, it was kind of last minute. It was good though. We were talking about moving in
together and picking up where we left off.”
“What?” Cam stops stocking the shelves. “You can’t do that, Kat.”
I stop what I am doing. “Why not?”
He takes a couple steps closer to me. “He lives 5 hours away, it… it just doesn’t make
sense. Your family, your store, everything is here.”
“I just feel like I can’t keep holding myself back. My life has been on pause ever since I
broke up with him, and I can’t keep just pretending to live.”
“Going with Mitch isn’t going to change that. You’ll just be pretending with him.” He
takes another step closer.
“Maybe, but I feel like I need to try.”
“Are you in love with him,” Cam asks, at this point we are standing inches apart.
“I don’t know. I love him,” I say, looking at my shoes.
“If you were in love with him, you would have gone with him the first time.”

“I just feel like I can’t stay here anymore. I have to do something” Cam grabs my face
with both of his hands and forces me to look up at him.
“Please, don’t do this,” He begs.
“Cam-” I’m cut short as Cam pushes his lips against mine. I never thought I’d actually
kiss him. I’ve dreamed about it, but never did I think it would become reality. My legs give out,
but his arms hold me up. The kiss that probably only lasted a couple of seconds, felt like hours of
passion, but then it finally clicks for me, and I pull my lips away, but our arms are still entangled.
“Wait,” I whisper.
“What’s wrong,” Cam asks, playing with my now messy hair.
“You can’t do this. Right when I finally am about to leave, to move on, you can’t just
come and kiss me to get me to stay.”
“It’s not like that, Kat. I’ve been trying to talk to you ever since I took you home on
Wednesday, ever since you told me how you felt, but you won’t talk to me.”
“I don’t know, Cam. This just doesn’t make sense. You didn’t seem to care until I talked
to Mitch again.” I start to pull away, but you don’t let go.
“I am in love with you, Kit-Kat. I have been for years. I tried telling you yesterday, but
you left before I had the chance.”
“But that girl yesterday.”
“That’s Ashley, my coworker. We have a project we are co-heading,” He chuckles a little
bit as my face turns bright red.
“Please, don’t go with Mitch.” This is everything I have wanted to hear him say for the
last 20 years, but now that he is saying it, I don’t know what to do.
“I’m in love with you, Cam. I have been for way too long. I’ve been waiting for you to
say this my entire life. I just need to sleep tonight and make sure this is real.” Cam pulls me close
and kisses my forehead. The butterflies in my stomach are going wild.
“Go get some rest, I’ll finish up here. I’ll see you in the morning.” I finally unwrap my
arms from his, grab my things, and make my way towards the door. By the time I get into my car
and drive away, the redness in my face has gone down. I get back to my apartment and get ready
for bed. When I lay down, I look at my phone for the first time since Mitch first arrived. I have
three texts on my phone.

Mitch: I had a great time at dinner. Sleep well

Cam: I’ll see you tomorrow, Kit-Kat. <3
Jamie: You kissed Cam?! God, finally!
Smiling, I put my phone down and go to sleep.
It was the first real sleep I had gotten in days, so when I wake up I feel refreshed. I get
ready for the morning and head to the store. I hadn’t given much thought to everything that had
happened last night. Is my dream finally coming true? Does Cam actually love me? What
happens if it doesn’t work out? God, what am I supposed to tell Mitch? He came all this way for
me just to say no again? But I can’t go with Mitch anymore, right? I contemplate this throughout
the entire ride to the bookstore, but when I get there, a crowd is forming around the entrance.
I push my way through the crowd, and that is when I remember that Cam still had my key
from last night. I have no way of getting in. It didn’t matter though because when I get to the
front of the crowd, Cam is waiting there for me.
“Cam, what is going on?”
“You’ll see.” He takes my hand and pushes the door to the store open. When we walk
inside, I can’t see a single book on the shelves. Everything is covered in flowers, specifically
pink and white carnations. The entire bookstore smells of spring and joy as the morning light
reflects off of each flower. I turn to Cam in amazement.
“What is this,” I ask. Cam grabs my hand and pulls me close.
“I wanted to show you that you mean more to me than anything else. I am in love with
you, Kit-Kat, and you are the only person I ever want to be with. I’m sorry it took me so long to
finally tell you.” Before he can say anything else, I jump into his arms. Nothing else matters in
this moment.
There is a reason it isn’t called ‘rising in love’. Within the action itself implies the idea of
the fall- the risk of letting your glass heart fall, giving complete control to the other to either
catch it or let it shatter as you hit the ground, and the most powerful thing you can do is
surrender yourself to their choice. My heart has been in a deep dive ever since I met Cam, falling
in limbo. I tried to make that choice for you, and in doing so I almost shattered my own heart,
but you caught it inches before it hit the ground, and we have been flying ever since.

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