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ThS. HOANG NGUYEN (TniNG ANH CHUYEN Dé TIENG ANH DUNG TRONG LINH VUC THUYET TRINH English for Presentations NHA XUAT BAN DAIHOC SU PHAM TP. HCM Bi NOI DAU “Tiéng Anh ding irong link vic thuyét trinh” la quyén sdch duge bién soan danh cho cde ban hoc sinh - sinh vién va tat cd nhiing ai quan tam dén linh vue thuyét trinh, nhét 1A nhiing ngudi gitt cdc chic vy gidm déc, truéng phong, hay quan ly cde cong ty nude ngoai, thudng xuyén sit dung tiéng Anh dé thuyét trinh truée ban gidm déc, to&n thé nhan vién, khdch hang than thiét hay khdéch hang tiém nang. Sach duge bé cuc thanh 6 bai, huéng d4n ti bude déu tian Jén ké hoach dé chuén bi cho buéi thuyét trinh bang tiéng Anh cho dén khi két thuc. Tat ca nhiing ky nang vé thuyét trinh sé duge trinh bay, bao gém chao dén khan gid, ty gidi thiéu ban than, gidi thiéu vé chi dé thuyét trinh, si dung ngon ngit co thé dé dién dat, tao nhing hinh anh minh hoa tryc quan, mé ta va gidi thich vé nhitng biéu dé ma ban dua ra, két thic buéi thuyét trinh bing mét két ludn mang tinh thuyét phue, va trén hét 1a chién luge gidi dép bat ky thdc m&c nao cia khén gid vé- bai thuyét trinh. Hy vong véi noi dung néu trén cing sy bO cue cht ché, sch sé 14 m6t tai ligu tham khdo hit ich cho qui ban doc trong linh vuc thuyét trinh bang tiéng Anh, mét ngdn ngit quée té rat thong dung hién nay trén toan thé gidi. Chiic ban thanh cong. Tac gia Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao LET'S GET STARTED HAY BAT PAU NAO Qh STARTER Work with a partner. Ask the questions below anc make a note of the answers. Then tell the group what you found out and discuss. Thue hanh vdi mét ban hoc. Héi nhiing cau hdi dui déy va ghi lai cée cdu tréd lei. Sau dé ndi véi ed nhém diéu ma ban phat hién ra va thdo lu@n. 4 How often do you give presentations in your job? Ban thuyét trinh thuong xuyén nhu thé ndo trong cong viée eta ban? 2 Who do you'normally present to? (Colleagues, customers, other firms, etc.) Ban thudng thuyét trinh cho ai? (Déng nghiép, khdch hang, ede céng ty khdc, v.v.) 3 When was the last time you gave a présentation in English? Was it a success? If yes, why? If not, why not? Explain your answer. Lén gén nhét ban thuyét trinh bang tiéng Anh la khi nao? Né 6 thanh cong khong? Néu c6, tai sao? Néu khéng, tai sao khéng? Gidi thich cdu tré loi cia ban. 4 How do you feel about presenting in a foreign language? Ban cam thy thé nao vé viée thuyét trinh bang tiéng nude ngoai? UTS 5 Think of an excellent (or terrible) presentation that you have attended. What made it good (or bad)? Hay nghi vé cita mét bai thuyét trink tuy6t voi (hode té hai) ma ban da tham dy. Diéu gi lam cho n6 hay (hode t¢)? 1 Listen to the opening sentences of the three pre- sentations and complete the table. Nghe cau mé dau ctia ba bai thuyét trinh va hoan thanh bang. Presentation » Presentation 2 Presentation 3 Presenter’s name Presenter’s position/function Topic of presentation Who is the presentation for? Which presentations are formal and which less formal? Bai thuyét trinh nao la trang trong va bai nado it trang trong? 2 Listen to the openings again and complete the * sentences. Nghe lai cdc céu mé dau va hoan thanh cau. Presentation 1 1 , let me thank you all for being here today. 2 Let me myself. My name is ... 3 I'm here today to ing system. 4 My talk is relevant to those of you who for the different parts we supply. our new semi-automatic shelv- a8 Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao. Presentation 2 5 I'm happy that so many of you could short —-.-.___ today at such 6 As you can see on the _, our today is project docu- mentation. 7 This is extremely __ __.. for all of us who are directly in SEES EEE international project management, right? Presentation 3 8 I'm______s that you all have very tight _ __, sol appreciate you taking the time to come here today. 9 As you __ know, my name is ... . I'm the new manager here at Weston Ltd. 10 Today's topic will be very important for youas oe since your help to evaluate and select candidates for training. 3 Put the sentences from above in the correct category (a-d). Dat cdc cau 6 trén vao hang muc dung. (a-d). saying what the topic is: oO oO welcoming the audience: (] O) (1 saying who you.are; O saying why the topic is relevant for the audience: oo Oo aoc mM Now put a-d in the order you would use to start a presentation. Bay gid dat a-d theo thi ty ban sé sti dung dé bat dau mot bai thuyét trinh. OHoOoo 9B Hay bat da 4 Match these less formal phrases with the more formal phrases in the table. Két hop nhdng cum td it trang trong vdi cdc cum td trang trong hon trong bang. [ik =| I's good to see you all here. Today I'm going to talk about ... In my talk I'll tell you about ... More formal Less formal Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Today | would like to ... Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is ... It's a pleasure to welcome you today. 1 2 3 4 In my presentation | would like lo report on ... 5 6 7 8 The topic of today's presentation is ... | suggest that we begin now. I'm aware that you all have wery tight schedules .., 5 Now practise the opening of a presentation. Use phrases from the box and follow the WISE flow chart. Bay gid thyc hanh phan mé dau cda mét bai thuyét trinh. SG dung cdc cum ti trong khung va thuc hién theo so dé WISE. Welcome Introduce Say what the | Explain why audience audience yourself topic is will be interested ¥.10 % OPENING A PRESENTATION Weicoming the audience Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, Hello/Hi everyone First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today. I'm happy/delighted that so many of you could make it today. Introducing yourself Let me introduce myself. I'm Dave Elwood from ... For those of you who don't know me, my name's ... As you probably know. I'm the new HR manager. I'm head of logistics here at Air Spares. I'm here in my function as the Head of Controlling. Saying what your topic is As you can'see on the screen. our topic today is ... Today's topic is ... What I'd like to present to you today is ... The subject of my presentation is ... Explaining why your topic is relevant for your audience My talk is particularly relevant to those of you/us who ... Today's topic is of particular interest to. those of you/us who ... My/The topic is very important for you because ... By the end of this talk you will be familiar with ... | 11s Bai 1: Hay bat déu nao eee Most formal - and many informal - presentations have three main parts and follow this simple formula: STRUCTURING A PRESENTATION (1) 1 Tell the audience what you are going to say! = Introduction 2 Say it! = Main part 3 Tell them what you said! a Sonclusion There are several ways you can tell the audience what you are going to say. would like + infinitive Today I'd like to tell you about our new plans. This morning I'd like te bring you up to date on our department. going to + infinitive I'm going to talk to you today about new developments in the R & D Department. This afternoon I'm going to be reporting on the new division. will + infinitive Pit begin by exploining the function. ll start off by reviewing our progress. After that, ll’ move to my next point. will be + verb -ing I'll be talking about our guidelines for Internet use. During the next hour we'll be looking at the advantages of this system. 12.4 ai 1: Hay bat dau nao [ cA&u TROC CUA MOT BAI THUYET TRINA (1) Hau hét cdc bai thuyét trinh trang trong va nhiéu bai thuyét trinh than mét ¢6 ba phdn chinh va theo céng thite don gién nay: 1 Cho ngubi nghe biét nhiing gi ban sé néi_ = Gidi thigu 2 Trinh bay nb = Phdn chinh 3 Cho ho biét nhang gi ban da noi = Két lugn C6 mét 36 cach ban cé thé nédi vdi ngudi nghe nhiing gi ban sé ndi. would like + infinitive Today I'd like to tell you about our new plans. This morning I'd like to bring you up to date on our department. going to + infinitive I'm going to talk to you today about new developments in the R & D. Department. This afternoon I'm going to be reporting on the new division. will + infinitive PI begin by exploining the function. Ill start off by reviewing our progress. After that, I'll move to my. next point. will be + verb -ing I'll be talking about our guidelines for Internet use. During the next hour we'll be looking at the advantages of this system. 13S Bai 1: Hay bat déu na 6 Complete sentences 1-8 with the correct form of the verb and a sentence ending from below. Hoan thanh cac cau 1-8 vdi hinh thiic ding cia d6ng ti va mé6t phan két thie cau ty bén dudi. you on the proposed training project ¢ you up to date on SEKO's investment plans » you how the database works « yeu-an-over- view-of-ourprosent market-pesition « at business opportunities in Asia ° on our financial targets for the division « by telling you about what lane's group is working on e about EU tax reform 1 give Today I'd like to give _you_an overview of our present show "be showing 0 talk During the next two hours we'll be eal bring Vd like to ee report This afternoon I'm going to update Today I'd like to look This morning we'll be begin Today I'll ON OAR OD STRUCTURING A PRESENTATION (2) The purpose of the introduction is not only to tell the audience who you are, what the talk is about, and why it is relevant to them; you also want to tell the audience (briefly) how the talk is struc- tured. Here are some useful phrases to talk about the structure. I've divided my presentation into three (main) parts: x, y, and z. In my presentation I'll focus on three major issues. First (of all), I'll be looking at ..., second wand third... I'll begin/start off by explaining ... Then/Next/After that, I'll go on to... Finally, I'll offer some solutions. X14g Bai 1: Hay bat ddu nao cA&u TROC CUA MOT BAI TRUYET TRINH (2) Muc dich eila vie gidi thiéu khong chi dé noi v6i ngubi nghe ban la ai, cugc ndi chuyén vé viéc gi, vd tai sao né cé lién quan dén ho, ban cting muén néi (t6m tét) v6i ngudi nghe bai noi chuyen cé edu tric thé nao. Dubi day la mot sé cum tt hitu ich dé noi vé cdu tric. ve divided my presentation into three (main) parts: x, y, and z, In my presentation Pil focus on three major issues. First (of all), I'll be looking at .... second ..., and thire VH begin/start off by explaining ... Then/Next/After that, !’ll go on to ... Finally, {ll offer some solutions. 7 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Hoan thanh cau véi cdc ti trong khung. after e all e areas © divided « finally © start « then e third 4 I'll be talking to you today about the after-sales service plans we offer. I'll ‘ by describing the various packages in de- fall oie 2 I'll go on to show you some case studies. 3, I'l. discuss: how-you:can choose the best plan to meet your customers’ needs. 2 I've * my talk into three main parts. First of ———__-___5, I'll tell you something about the history of our com- pany. ____* that I'll describe how the company is struc- tured and finally, I'll give you some details about our range of prod- ucts and services. 815% ''d like to update you on what we've been working on over the last year. I'll focus on three main ________”: first, our joint venture in Asia; second, the new plant in Charleston and __ 8 Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. Hoan thanh cau véi cdc gidi te’ trong khung. [ about e at © for e into re of © on @ to e with | Thank you _... coming all this way. 2 I've divided my presentation three parts, 3 First of all, I'll give you an overview our financial situation, 4 First, we'll be looking the company's sales in the last two quarters. 5 In the first part of my presentation I'll focus ____ __. the current project status. 6 Point one deals APG's new regulations for Internet use. 7 Secondly, I'll talk our investment in office technology. 8 After that I'll move on _ the next point. 9 The project manager of a construction company is giving presentation to his colleagues. Put the sentences in the right order. Then listen and check. Ngudi quan ly diy 4n cla mét cong ty xay dung dang thuyét trinh vdi cdc déng nghiép ca minh, Bat cdc cau theo thi ty dung. Sau dé nghe va kiém tra. Oo a This morning I'd like to update you on the current status of work at the construction site. The information | give you to- day should help you with planning your next steps. 16% Bai 1: Hay bat du nao oO For those of you who don't know me, my name is Gordon Selfridge. Let me just write that down for you. OK. I'm the project manager in charge of the Bak Tower building project in Dubai c I've divided my presentation into three parts. Hello, everyone. e Then I'll move on to the problems we're facing with our lo- cal suppliers. Oo bao f First of all, let me thank you for coming here today. I'm aware that you're all busy preparing for the annual meeting this week, So | really appreciate you taking the time to be here. I'll start off by showing you some photos of the building site and discussing the progress we've made since January. My talk should take about 30 minutes. Please feel free to interrupt me at any time with questions. o a CI i. titend with some ideas for reducing labour costs that we've been looking into. j Oh, and don't wony about taking notes. I'll be handing out copies of the Power Point slides. Now put these points in the order in which Gordon men- tions them. Bay gid x6p cdc y theo tht ty ma Gordon dé cap dén ching. P seducing tabonn cast P update an current PF prabtenns with teat Py states “suppliers 7 Fe inmaducth © hand Fr utes dit " welcome & introduction laut aftée questions during presentation’ ye presentation OK F 30 mi y ei ; inites for progress made sinte- . Presentation yr Jansiary adi ¥ 17S Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao 10 Look again at the setences from the presentation and re- place the highlighted words with words or phrases from the box. Xem lai nhding céu nay ti? bai thuyét trinh va thay thé cdc ti dugc danh dau vi cdc tt? hoadc cum tt trong khung. responsible for « sections © turn after © that © begin « I'm e realize « 1 ll start off by showing you .. 2 I've divided my presentation into three parts. ae 3 For those of you who don't know me, my name is Gordon Smith. ORGANIZATION The final part of the introduction deals with the organization of the talk: how long it will last, whether there will be handouts, and how questions will be handled. Timing My presentation will take about 20 minutes. It should take about 30 minutes to cover these issues. 018 Bai 1: Hay bat ddu nao Handouts Does everybody have a handout/brochure/repofl? Please take one, and pass them on. Don't worry about taking notes. I’ve put all the important statistics on a handout for you. I'l be handing out copies of the Powerpoint slides at the end of my talk. I'll emaii the Powerpoint presentation to you. Questions There will be time for questions after my presentation. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me at any time. Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk. BO cUC Phén cuéi cing ctia phan gidi thiéu lien quan téi bé cue cia bai noi chuyén: no sé kéo dai bao lau, liéu sé c6 tai ligu phat cho moi ngudi khéng, va cde cau hédi sé duge xit ly thé ndo. Thoi gian Phén trinh bay ctia tdi sé mat khodng 20 phiit. Né6 sé mat khodng 30 phut dé bao quat hét cde van dé nay. Handouts Tét cd moi ngudi.cé mét tai ligu béo cdo chua? Xin vui long léy mé6t ban, va chuyén di. Diing lo léng vé vide ghi chi. Toi da dua tat ed cde sé ligu thing ké quan trong vao tai ligu cho ede ban. T6i s® phan phdt ede ban sao cita cde slide PowerPoint vao cudi budi noi chuyén cua téi. Toi s@ bai thuyét trinh PowerPoint cho cde ban. 19g Céu héi Sé cé thdi gian cho cde edu héi sau phén trinh bay ctia t6i. Néu cdc ban 6 bat hy edu héi nao, ett ngdt loi toi bat cut hic nao. Hay ddt cau héi bat cit hic néo trong budi ndi chuyén ctia t6i. 11 Match the two parts to make typical sentences from the introduction. Két hop hai phan dé tao ra cdc cau dién hinh trong phan gidi thiéu. 1 For those of you who don't a to take notes. Everything is on know me. the handout. 2 Feel free to b about 10 minutes. 3 This won't take more c I'm Bob Kay in charge of the software division, 4 I'll be passing out d ask questions at any time. 5 This part of the ¢ for questions after my talk. presentation will take 6 I'll start off by giving you f an overview of our product range. 7 There's no need g handouts in a few minutes. 8 There will be time h than 20 minutes of your time. t 12 Listen to the beginnings of four presentations. Which one starts with: Lang nghe phan mé dau cua bén bai thuyét trinh. Bai nao bat dau véi: a rhetorical question? an interesting fact? a b © an anecdote? d_ a problem to think about? & 20% . Listen again and complete the sentences. Nghe lai va hoan thanh céc cau. 1 Bai 1: Hay bat dau na , | was sitting in the waiting room at the dentist's the other day when | _ teresting in one of the _ something very in- that was lying there. ________ you worked in a small to medium-sized company and were ___ ___ for making people in your company aware of health and safety issues. How would you that the number of possible ways of playing the first four moves per side in a game of chess is ... ? So, let me start by SS: Why should we introduce a double quality check here at Auto Spares & Parts ... ? Well. I'm here today to _ GETTING THE AUDIENCE’S ATTENTION Experts say that the first few minutes of a presentation is the most important. If you are able to get the audience's attention quickly, they will be interested in what you have to say, Here are a few techniques you can use to start your talk. Ask a rhetorical question Is market research important for brand development? Do we really need quality assurance? Start with an interesting fact According to an article | read recently, central banks are now buy- ing euros instead of dollars. Did you know that fast food consumption has increased by 600% in Europe since 2002? Tell them a story or anecdote | remember when | attended a meeting in Paris. ... Ata conferénce in Madrid, | was once asked the following question: ... 218 Give ¢ them a problem to think about Suppose you wanted to set up a new call centre. How would you go about it? Imagine you had to reorganize the sales department. What would be your first step? “THO HOT SU CHU ¥ CUA nevor NGHE Cae chuyen gia noi rdng it phit dau t tién cia mét bai thuyét trinh la quan trong nhdt. Néu ban 6 thé thu huit duge su chi § cia ngudi nghe mét cdéch nhanh chéng, ho sé quan tém dén nhiing gi ban phdi ndi. Dubi day la mét vai kj thuat ma ban c6 thé sit dung dé bdt ddu cuée ndi chuyén ctia ban. Hoi mét céu héi tu te Nghién citu thj trudng quan trong déi vi phat chit trién thuong hiéu chit? Ching ta thue su cén dém bdo chét lugng chit? Bdt déu véi mét thue té tha vi Theo mé6t bai bao ti doc gan day, cde ngdn hang trung uong hién nay dang mua euro thay vi USD. Cac ban c6 biét réing tiew thy thite an nhanh da tang 600% & chau Au hé tie nam 2002? Hay ké cho he m6t edu chuyén hay giai thogi T6i nhé khi tdi tham du mét cude hop é Paris .... Tai mét héi nghi 6 Madrid, t6i dé ting hadi chu hei sau: ... Dua ra cho ho mét vdn dé dé suy nghi Gid si ban muén thiét lap mét téng dai dién thogi mdi. Bon sé lam thé nao? Hay tuéng tugng ban can t6 chite Iai b6 phan ban hang. Diéu gi ban sé lam ‘ddu tien? & 22 & Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao 13 Watch items from the three columns to make attention-grab- bing openings. Két hop céc muc ti” ba cét dé tao ra phan mé dau thu hut duge sy chi y. 1 Did you know that that can'tis a four- Who would you tell first? letter word. 2 readin an article compete with the by eliminating one olive somewhere Chinese? from each salad served in first-class? 3 Imagine American Airlines Of course we can! saved $40.000 in 1987 4 Canwe really you won a million | tend to agree with that! euros. What presentation topics could you use each of the open- ings above for? Choose one of the openings and use It to practise the introduction of a talk. Chd dé thuyét trinh gi ma ban co thé sit dung méi phan md dau 6 trén? Chon méttrong nhding phan mé dau va st’ dung né dé thyc hanh phan gidi thiéu ctia mét bai ndéi chuyén. 14 Put the words in the right order to make sentences with expressions from this unit. Dat cdc te theo thi tu ding dé tao cau véi cdc cum tet trong bai hoc nay. 4 shall OK ‘get we © started 2 my. today subiect presentation of satisfaction is the customer will. presentation thirty my about take minutes issues on three focus I'll by looking of status will the. currerit project we the start at that did know popular. China ‘car is this very in you oak @ 23g Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao 15 Put the notes in the correct order, then prepare. two open- ings of a presentation: a formal one and a less formal one. Use the checklist for introductions below if you need help. Dat cdc ghi chi theo thi w dung, sau dé chudn bi hai.phan mé dau cia m6t bai thuyét trinh: mét bai trang trong va métbai it trang trong hon. Si dung danh sdch kiém tra cho phan gidi thiéu dudi day, néu ban can suv gitip dé, © Mi 8 F . Miller, : product manager, aoe Promotional video FIT-Healthenre € e ‘Good morning, relevant. three parts ladies and gentlemen, staff ote 7 ¥ products Hew wellness products . questions at end welcome; etc. CHECKLIST FoR INTRODUCTIONS Welcome the audience, eo Introduce yourself (name, position /function). ‘State your topic. Explain why your topic is important for the audience, ‘Outline the structure of your talk, “What comes when?” say when yéul be dealing with each point, Let the audience know how youtte onganizing the presentation (handouts, questions, ate). ~owewne 16 Now it's your turn. Think of a talk you have given or would like to give and use the checklist to prepare your introduc- tion. Try to use phrases from this unit. Bay gid’ dén luot ban. Hay nghi vé mét bai ndi chuyén ma ban trinh bay hoac muén trinh bay va si dung danh séch kiém tra dé chuan bi phan gidi thigu cia ban. Cé gang sit dung nhang cum te trong bai nay. 24% Bai 1: Hay bat dau nao Read this article from a website on business communication and discuss the questions which follow. Doc bai viét nay tit mét trang web vé giao tiép trong kinh doanh vd thdo ludn vé nhitng cau héi theo sau. Dealing with nervousness The American author Mark Twoin once pur it like this: There ore hwo types of people: those thet ara ‘narvous and those that are lias.’ So, once you accept that {almost everybody who gives a presen- tation = whether formal or informal, long or short, to srangers or colleagues ~ is nervous, thn you just need to find ways to dea! with nervousness ond even learn how fo use ito your advantage. Lot's first look ot ways to deol with and reduce nervousness. 1 Prepare well. ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’ Preparation isthe key to a successful presentation, Nothing will relax you more than knowing excelly what you want Io oy and hoving practised soying it. Make sure you practise your tolk until you fee! at home with it~ then you can concentrate on othar things. 2. Learn to relax, Doing streiching or breathing exercises before your talk can help you to reduce nervousness, ‘One example: bofore your presentation, si comfortably with your back straight. Breathe in slowly, hold your breath for about five seconds, then slowly exhale, You can relax your focial muscles by opening your eyes and mouth wide, then closing them tightly. 3° Check out the room. Make yourself familior with the place whore you will be speaking. Arrive ‘early, walk around the room, and make sure ‘everything you need for your talk is there. Practise using ony equipment (o.g. microphone, video tae ‘Btojector, OHP) you plan to work with. : 4. Know your audience. If possible, greet your oudience as they arrive and chat with them. twill be easier to speak to poople who are not complete strangers, Concentrate on the message. Try 1o focus on the message and your audience ~ not on your ‘own fears. 6 Visualize success. Imagine yourself speaking to your audiange in o loud and clear voice. Then visualize the audience applauding loudly at the end of your talk as you smile, Use the steps above to reduce nervousness, but also remember that being nervous isn't all bad: Many experienced presenters say that you con alto use your nervousness fo give you Ihat extra energy thot you need to give « good performance. o © 25% Déi pho véi cing thing Tée gid ngusi Mj Mark Twain-e6 ln noi nhu thé nay: "C6 hai logi ngudi: nhitng ngwoi dang lo ldng vé nhiing ngwodi noi addi." Vi vay, mét khi ban chép nhGn réng (gén nhwu) tét ed moi ngudi ma thuyét trinh - trang trong hay khéng trong trong, dai hay ngdn, véi ngudi la hode déng nghiép - thiiy cdng théng, thi ban edn phdi tim céch dé déi phd véi cding thang va tham chi hoe céch sit dung né dé lam lgi thé eda ban. Hay nhin nhitng céch dé déi phd véi va gidm cang thdng truée. 1 Chudin bi tét. "Chudn bi khong tét la chudn bj cho thdt bai.” Chudn bj la chia khoa thuyét trinh thanh cong. Khéng co gi sé giup ban thodi mdi hon khi biét chinh xde nhitng gi ban muén n6i va thuc hanh noi n6. Hay chde chén rang ban thite hanh bai néi chuyén ctia ban cho dén khi ban cdm thdy néi that tu nhién- sau dé ban cé thé tap trung vdo nhiing thit khac. 2 Hoe each thu giadn. Tap cde déng tac, van déng va hit tha truée bai noi chuyén cé thé gitip ban gidm cang thdng. Mét vi du: trudbc khi thuyét trinh, ngéi thing lung thodi mdi. Tw tz hit vdo, git hoi thé cia ban trong khodng ndm gidy, sau dé. tit tw. thd ra, Ban cé thé thu gidn co mat béng cach md mdt va miéng rong, sau dé nhdm chét. 3 Kiém tra phéng. Lam quen véi noi ma ban sé-ndi. Dén sém, di b6 quanh phong, va chde chdn rang tét cd moi thit ban-edn cho bai néi chuyén ciia ban dé cé 6 dé. Thue hanh sit dung bét hy thiét bi ndo (vi du nhu micro, may chiéu video, OHP) ma ban dy dinh ding. 4 Tum hiéu nguéi nghe ban néi. Néu cd thé, chao dén ho khi ho dén vd trd chuyén vdi ho. Sé dé dang hon khi noi chuyén véi nhitng i khéng phdi hoan todn xa la. - & 26S 5 Tép trung vao thong dip. Hay co gdng tap trung vao thong diép va ngudi nghe cita ban - khéng phdi vao ndi sg cita ban. 6 Hinh dung su thinh céng. Hay tudng tugng ban dang néi chuyén vdi ngudi nghe béng mét giong noi to va 76. Sau dé hinh dung ngubi nghe vé tay do do 6 cudi budi ndi chuyén cia ban khi ban mim cudi. Sw dung cdc buéc trén dé lam gidm cang thang, nhung cing nhé rang cdng thdng khéng phdi la hodn todn xdu. Nhiéu dién gid cd kinh nghiém néi réng ban eiing c6 thé siz dung su cdng thing dé cung cdp cho ban nang lugng bé sung ma ban cdn dé trinh bay tot. OVER TO YOU « What other tips can you think of for dealing with nervousness? Meo gi khée ma ban cé thé nghi ra dé d6i ph6 véi cang thdng? « How do you deal with nervousness before or during a presen- tation? Lam thé nao dé ban déi phé véi ceding thang trude hoge trong khi thuyét trinh? «How do you prepare your presentations? Ban chudn bi bai thuyét trinh cla ban thé nao? 274 TODAY'S TOPIC IS... CHU PE CUA HOM NAY LA ... of STARTER Do this quiz about body language. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Lam bai kiém tra nay vé ngén ngit co thé. Doi khi cd thé cé nhiéu hon mot cau tré loi. YOU’RE GIVING A PRESENTATION ... BE ttow strate sou stund? 5 How should you keep eve contact a Arms crossed on chest, with the audience? b Straight but relaxed. 4 Make eye contact with each individual © Knees unlocked. often, bh Choos: some individuals and look at them 2 What shoutd you de with as often as possible, your hands? © Spread utention around the audience. @ Put hands on hips, Put one hand in a pocket. iow tast should you speak? © Keephands by your side, About 20% more slowly than normal, 3 How can you emphasize something? Dd dust asfastasina a Point finger at the audience mal eanversation Mose or lean forward to show that something € Faster than ina normat isimportam, comversition. © Use pointerto draw attention to important facts. 7 How should you express Whur stoutd you do when you fee! ‘enthusinym? nervous’? a By raising voice tevel, 4 Hold a pen or cards in yourhands, b Walk back and forth, © Byrmaking hand or rm ¢ Look at the flip chart or sereen gestures for important {not at the audience), points & 28 Y Bai 2: Chi dé cia hom nay [a ... Discuss your answers with a partner. How much do you think personality and culture influence your body language during a presentation? Théo luan vé céu tra loi cda ban voi mot ban hoc. Ban nghi rang tinh cach va van héa anh hudng ngén nga co thé cia ban trong mét bai thuyét trinh nhiéu nhu thé nao? Listen to these excerpts from four different pre- sentations. Write the number of the presentation next to the topic. May ling nghe nhang doan trich ta b6n bai thuyét trinh khdc nhau. Viét s6 cda bai thuyét trinh ké bén cha dé. short-time work [J insurance market CJ handbooks [1] transport regulations Oo Now decide in which presentation(s) the presenter is: Bay gid quyét dinh ngu@i ndi trinh bay bai thuyét trinh nao: e informing the audience about something: ° suggesting some solutions to a problem: Listen again to how the presenters talk about the purpose of their talks. Complete the sentences. Nghe lai céch ngudi thuyét trinh néi chuyén vé myc dich cua cuéc noi chuyén. Hoan thanh cac cau nay. 5 1 What today is to make some sugges- tions on how we can make our handbooks more user-friendly. 2 The of my tallk is to provide you with information on the in the insurance market in the last few months. 3 What | this morning is to show you how we could reorganize our working hours. i : 4 The is to bring you up to date with the latest changes which will be introduced on January 1. © 29 & Bai 2: Cha dé cia hm nay [a ... 3 Use the notes to write sentences which can be used to state the purpose of a presentation. (Put in prepositions and other words when necessary.) Sd dung céc ghi chi viét cc cau cé thé duge stt dung dé néu muc dich cia i m6t bai thuyét trinh, (Dua vao céc Bidi td va céc ti khac khi can thiét,) ! 1 purpose of talk today / update you / new developments / R&D 4 Anexpertis talking about the Traffic Support Centre (TSC) in her city. Listen to the talk and put the points below in the order she mentions them. M6t chuyén gia dang ndi vé Trung tam hé tro giao théng (TSC) trong thanh phd cda minh. Nghe bai ndi chuyén va xép cdc ¥ dudi day theo thi ty ma cé 4ydé cap dén ching. Oo a what the TSC does (main activities) C1 b how traffic data is collected Oe why the TSC was started Oa how motorists benefit from the system oO & e how traffic information is given to motorists i Bai 2: Cha dé cia hom nay [a ... Now listen to the presentation again and complete the sentences. Bay gid nghe lai bai thuyét trinh va hoan thanh cau. OK _____' the background and the reason we devel- oped the programme. Any questions? OK. So, oe to the next point and take a closer look at the Traffic Support Centre itself. 3, the TSC was set up in 2001 to help traf- fic flow more smoothly, and basically to make the lives of motorists easier. In this part of my presentation __ * you about the centre's activities, how we work exactly and how motorists ben- efit from our services. So, ____'a brief overview of the TSC's activities. Our main activities are to collect, analyse, and communicate traffic infor- mation, After collecting traffic data from a number of different sources, we analyse them and then we inform the media, the police, or other authorities, and - last but not least - the motorists. (...) This now leads us to_____===s How does the TSC collect data? Traffic-monitoring equipment has been installed across the main traffic routes, which helps us gather real-time information on traffic speed and traffic flow. Additionally, we use variable traffic sensors and cam- eras. We also work together with other partners and authorities, for ex- ample the police, traffic officers, and the media. Let me show you a few examples of how this works. (...) 7 collecting data. poe _* to the next issue. How do we communicate in- formation to motorists? We do this in a number of ways: by using electronic road signs, the Internet and radio, and state-of-the-art tele- phone technology. (...) Let me now come back to ®. The TSC wants to make the lives of motorists easier. So, in what ways does the motor- ist benefit? Well, ... first: through real-time information about the traf- fic situation. Second, through better advice about alternative routes, Third, through safer roads and less driver stress. 31 Bai 2: Chi dé cia hom nay 1a ... 5 ‘Signposting' phrases are used to help guide the audience through a presentation. Complete this box of useful phrases with highlighted phrases from the presentation in exercise 4, Cum ti 'signposting' dugc stt dung dé gitip huéng dan ngudi nghe theo déi bai thuyét trinh. Hoan thanh khung caéc cum tt? hau ich vei cdc cum te dugc in dam ti bai thuyét trinh trong bai tap 4. SIGNPasTING ‘Saying what Is coming 1 Inthie part of my presentation, 1d Uke to tell you about 2 | eens ] This leads directly to the next pact of my talk. Bo 4 os Set it ~ Indicating the end of a section ‘This brings me to the end of my second point. 6 7 et ner ne Referting back As | mentioned before, .. 8 Let's go back to what we were discussing earlier. 9 ‘Summarizing’ point ''d like to sum up the main points, Let me briefly summarize what I've sald so far. & 32g 6 Make 'signpost' sentences using elements from each column. Tao cdc cau "bdo hiéu" sit dung cdc yéu té te mdi cét. 1 Before | move on to my next question. next point, 2 This brings 3 This leads 4 letsnowtunto point, which is price. this question later. let me go we were discussing ‘our new sales strategies. to the next before, I'd like to give you us directly to my il be focusing on 7 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Hoan thanh cau véi cac to trong khung. 5 As! mentioned 6 Ud like to 7 Let's go back to what a brie overview of our actvit earlier. ‘through the main Issues once more. 8 Ast said earlier, of customer service. back e covered » discussing « inform « leads e main points « sum up e wanted 1 Let me now summarize the 2 We will be our sales targets today. 3 Inmytalk I'l you about new marketing techniques. 4 Before | move on, let me just what I’ve said so far. 5 | think we have everything for today. 6 OK, that's all|__—=s sto say about time management. 7 This directly to my second point. 8 Letsgo to what | said at the beginning of my pre- sentation. & 33. Y Bai 2: Chi dé ctia hom nay Ia .. t 8 Write the sentences using expressions with as and the infor- ! mation in the notes. Add missing words where necessary. | Viét cdc cau sit dung cdc cum tif voi as va cdc théng tin trong cdc ghi I cha. Thém te’ con thiéu khi can thié : cAc cum TU VG AS As you all know. ... As I've already explained, ... As | mentioned before/eadier, ... As | pointed out in the first section, ... As you can see, ... 1 we /no budget for new software /this year (I mentioned this before) As Lmentioned before, we have no budget for new software this year. 2 Tony Dale / new marketing manager / print media (you all know this already) | 3 can't operate from local airport / because no permission (I said this at the beginning of my talk) 5 sales have increased / 10% since beginning of year (you can see this on the slide) mi & 34 Y 10 Bai 2: Chi dé cia hom nay [a ... A manager is updating her group on some prob- * lems they've been having with one of the company's product lines. Listen to this excerpt from her informal presentation and say whether the follow- ing sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences. Mét ngudi quan ly dang cap nhat cho nhém minh vé mét sé van dé ho gap phdi vdi mét trong nhuing déng san pham ctia céng ty. Nghe doan trich nay tt bai thuyét trinh ft trang wong cia ¢6 Ay va néi ligu cdc cau sau day 1a dting hay sai. Sia cdc cau sai. 1 The company is having problems with their new men's cosmetic products. 2 The problems are in three areas: supply, distribution. and pro- duction. 3 She identifies two problems in the area of supply: the plastic bottle supplier can't deliver the quantity they need and the qual- ity of the bottles is poor. 4 They have had to return around 14% of the bottles. 5 They have to take care of the supply problem soon or they'll have trouble with Father's Day sales. Complete these sentences from the presentation with the correct form of verbs from the box. Then listen again to. check. Hoan thanh céc cau trong bai thuyét trinh vdi cac hinh thc dung cua déng ti trong khung. Sau dé nghe lai dé kiém tra. accept e cope e deal e have « identify ° prevent « run e solve As you probably know, we currently ‘ difficulties with our new men's cosmetic line. I'd like to quickly 2 the problems and then make some suggestions on how we can 8 with the consequences. 35g Bai 2 chu dé cla hém nay la. We've been trying to __‘ with these problems - the delays, the poor quality - all along, but so far we've not been able to find ways to ® them from happening again. It's clear we can no longer continue to _ __* these conditions. (not) our supply problems within the next two __* into serious trouble with respect to our Christ- weeks, we __ mas business. NOI CHUVEN VE CAC VAN BE (KHO KHAN) | think we first need to identify the problem. Of course we'll have to clarify a few points before we start. We will have to deal with the problem of increasing prices. How shall we cope with unfair business practices? The question is: why don't we tackle the distribution problems? It we don't solve this problem now, we'll get into serious trouble soon. We will have to take care of this problem now. | bE CAP BEN CAC VAN DE KHAC \'d like to mention some critical points in connection with/con- cerning payment. There are a few problems regarding the quality. With respect/regard to prices, we need more details. According to the survey, our customers are unhappy with this product, & 36 Y Bai 2: Chi dé cia hom nay [a ... THEM ¥ KIEN in addition to this, |'d like to say that our IT business is going very well. Moreover/Furthermore, there are other interesting facts we should take a look at. 4s well as that, we can offer excellent conditions. Apart from being too expensive, this model is also too big. To increase sales we need a new strategy plus more people. 11 Choose the correct verb to fit the sentence. Chon déng ty ding pha hop voi cau. 1 How are we going to solve/ deal/ tackle with delivery problems? 2 | don't think we can cope / tackle / take care with fewer people. 3 We think it's important to identify / deal / cope the problems now. 4 Who will take care / deal/ tackle of our business clients? 5 We have been trying to cope/ solve/ take care the software problem. 6 Before we go on, let's identify / clarify / solve this question. 12 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Hoan thanh cau v6i cdc tit trong khung. according to apart from concerns moreover regarding with regard lll give you an overview of some figures to car exports. 2 , I'd like to tell you something about the new software. Let's now turn to the next question which customer service. ____afew spelling mistakes, the new brochure is very good. Let me give you some details ________ our Chinese factory. | 6 ____.____ the handbook, the scanner is user-friendly. 37% Bai 2: Chi dé cla hém nay [a ... 13 Put the words in the right order to make sentences with expressions from this unit. Xép cdc t theo th ty ding dé tao thanh céu vdi cdc cum ti trong bai hoc nay. move now to point next let's on the 1 2 all topic as today is you know our globalization 0 inform is to aim about my latest you the developments be additionally figures discussing most will we the important said brief give | you earlier a I'll as overview oar study customers according with this it satisfied to our are 14 It's your turn now. Prepare the main part of a presentation using phrases from this unit, Use the checklist to help. Bay gid tdi lot ban. Chuan bj phan chinh cia mot bai thuyét trinh si dung cdc cum tif trong bai hoc nay. S@ dung danh sach kiém tra dé gidp ban. CHECKLIST FOR THE MAIN PART OF A PRESENTATION | 1 Briety state your topic again, f 5. Signal the end of each par. eS | vf 2 Explain your objectivets). 6 Highlight the main points. ! | (A 3. Signal the beginning of each part. 7 7 Outline the main ideas in bulet-point form. | |Z 4 Tall about your topic, of 8 Tell isteners you've reached the end of \ the main part. OUTPUT Infomedia, a US telecommunications company, expects all employees to give presentations in English. Read this text from the newsletter of an Infomedia subsidiary in Asia and discuss the questions which follow. Infomedia, mét cong ty vién thong Mj, hy vong tdt cd nhdn vién thuyét trinh bang tiéng Anh. Doc bai nay tit ban tin cia mét cong ty con Infomedia & chau A va thdo ludn vé nhitng cau hdi theo sau. & 38 Y wees Re 2 Bai 2: Chu dé cia and simple structure ‘Romomber that your audience will benefit most from a very clear and logical structure, ‘Don't overload the audience and try to use simple tanguage. Your introduction ‘Some exports say this is the most important ‘part of your presentation. In the first few minutes you can get your audience's attention, bulid rapport, and create a positive impression. ‘Topic and objective Cigarly say wha the topio and objective (or purpose) of your talk is, Repeat the topic and objective at some tater time. Signposting Letthe audience know atalltimas what you want todo and how you want to doit. This ‘method is common in the American business world ~so.use it! hom nay 1a our Mom office fo ebyare w fow pe with, us. Repeating new laformation Always repeal new details, This helps your ‘audience to remember them and ensures ‘optimal flow of information. Summarizing points tthe ond of each section summarize the main facts to make sure everybody is following Interaction with the audience ‘American audiences expect direct interaction, ‘So treat them as individuals; show them that you care about thelr individual neds. Prosonter’s role ‘The presenter is offen considered as import- ant as his or her topic, and the presenter's role {sto make sure the presentation ~ even one ‘on ty topic ~ is interesting and entertaining. ‘To achieve this goal American presenters often use their personalities more and tend to ‘be more enthusiastic than people from many ‘other parts ofthe world, Aled’s Presentation Tips Nhu cae ban da biét, Infomedia c6 thé thiét lap m6t sé mdt quan hé kinh doanh méi quan trong véi cdc déi tae & MF ndm nay. Diéu nay ciing cé nghia la nhu edu tiéng Anh trong ede cuéc hop va thuyét trinh ting. Dé la lg do tgi sao ching téi yeu cdu déng nghiép ngudi My Aled Hughes tit van phong Miami cia ching téi chia sé mét vai bi quyét voi ching ta. 39% Bai 2: Chii dé cia hom nay Ia .. Céu trie ré rang va don gian Hay nhé rang ngudi nghe cia ban sé duge hubng loi nhiéu nhdit tit mét edu tric rat ré rang va hgp ly. Diing nhéi nhét ngudi nghe va 06 gdng sit dung ngén ngit don gidn. Phén gidi thigu eta ben M6t 86 chuyén gia cho rang déy la phan quan trong nhdt cia bai thuyét trinh ectia ban. Trong vai phit ddu tién ban c6 thé nhan duge su chit ¥ cla ngudi nghe, xdy dung méi quan hé, va tao ra mét dn tuong tich cue. Chi: dé va mue tiéu Noi ré chit dé va muc tiéu bai noi chuyén ctia ban la gi. Lap lai chit dé va myc tiéu vao mét thoi diém sau dé. Béo hiéu Hay dé cho ngubvi nghe luén luén biét nhiing gi ban muén lam va ban muén lam diéu dé thé ndo. Phuong phdp nay la phé bién trong gidi kink doanh My - vi vay hay sit dung no. Lép lai cde théng tin mdi Luén luén Idp lai cée chi tiét moi. Diéu nay gitip ngusi nghe nhé chiing va. ddm bdo lugng théng tin téi uu: Tong hkét ede $ Cudi méi phan tom tdt ede su kign chinh dé dam bdo tat cd moi ngusi dang theo kip. Tuong tac véi ngudi nghe Ngubi nghe My mong doi sy tuong tde true tiép. Vi vay, déi xt voi ho nhu nhitng cd nhén, cho ho thdy rang ban quan tam dén nhu cau ed nhan cilia ho. & 40.8 Vai tro ja nguwoi thuyét trinh Nguoi thuyét trinh thuéng duge coi la quan trong nhu chit dé cua ho, vd vai trd cla ngudi thuyét trinh la ddm bdo phén trinh bay - tham chi vé mét chil dé khé khan - thi vi va hdp dan. Dé dat duge mue tidu nay ede dién gid M§ thudng sit dung tinh cdch ctia ho hon va e6 xu hudng lac quan hon so véi nhitng ngubdi tit nhiéw noi khde trén thé gid. OVER TO YOU © Which of these tips do you find most useful? Can you add any other tips? Bi quyét nao trén day ban thdy hitu ich nhdt? Ban ¢é thé them bat cit bt quyét nao khde khéng? « Have you ever presented to an American audience? How differ- ent are American audiences from those in your own country? Ban da bao gid thuyét trinh bay cho ngudi nghe la nguoi My chua? Ngudi nghe ngudi My khdc voi ngudi nghe 6 dat nude ctta ban thé nao? oe) STARTER 42.3 Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo cilia toi cho thay ... MY NEXT SLIDE SHOWS ... BAN TRINH CHIEU TIEP THEO CUA TOI CHO THAY . Bee Do you know the English names of the media and tools used in presentations? Ban cé biét tén tiéng Anh ctia ede phuong tign va cae céng cu truyén théng duoc sit dung trong cdc bai thuyét trinh khong? When, if ever, do you use the above media and tools in presentations? Which do you find the most effective? Why? Khi nao ban siz dung cac phuong tién va cc céng cu truyén théng 6 trén, néu cd, trong céc bai thuyét trinh? Ban thay phuong tién nao hiéu qua nhat? Tai sao? Listen to the three extracts from presentations and tick (v) the media used. Nghe ba doan trich ti céc bai thuyét trinh va danh dau (4) phuong Uén truyén théng dugc su dung. 1 2 3 el flip chart whiteboard PowerPoint slide | 2 Now listen to the presentations again and com- plete the sentences, Bay gid nghe lai cc bai thuyét trinh va hoan thanh cau. Presentation 1 1 Take a look at 2 They clearly __. how a combination of two signifi- cant external factors affected our business in the first _ ______ of this year. 3 I'll just write some on the and then we will go on to discuss the next point. Presentation 2 4 OK. Let's now at our new magnetic ski rack Matterhorn which was launched in August. 7 5 On the ___. _. you will see an of the Matterhorn X-15. &43.Y we Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo cia tdi cho thay ... Presentation 3 6 These are the — for Europe for the three quarters of this year. 7 As you _____. here, we've had a very successful year. 8 To highlight our success even further, let's __ the 2003 figures on the previous __ to __.___ to it. S Let me just __ Match the two parts to make sentences used to refer to media. Két hop hai phan dé tao thanh cau ding dé chi phuong tién truyén théng. On the next page a from this picture, the design is absolutely new. My next slide shows b customers have complained about the service. As you can see c how much the market has changed. 4 Let me just show you some d I'll show you our latest poster. 5 To illustrate this e at the figures on the next page. 6 Let's now have a closer look —f_ which shows the market development in 2005. 7 Here we can see how many g interesting details. © | have a ‘slide h you will see a photo of the new XTK model. wag Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo ciia toi cho thay ... Numbers, especially long ones, are often difficult for the audience to understand. Try to say numbers slowly and clearly, and point at them while speaking. am two million 1.6bn one point six billion $2 one-third, three-quarters 235m? two hundred and thirty-five square metres 98% ninety-eight per cent €150,000 one hundred and fifty thousand euro(s) Remember that: 1 we use a comma in English to show thousands and a point to show the decimal place. 2 we say ‘2 million’ or ‘10 billion’ (not 2-mitiensAH0-bittions). 3 we say ‘2 million dollars’, ‘170 pounds’ (not 2-mition-dellar4-70 pound). NOI CAC CON SO Cade con 86, dée biét la nhitng sé dai, thudng rat khé dé ngudi nghe hiéu duge. C6 gdng noi cham va ré6 rang cde con 86, va chi vao ching trong khi noi. 2m two million L6bn one point six billion ed one-third, three-quarters 235m? two hundred and thirty-five square metres 98% ninety-eight per cent €150,000 one hundred and fifty thousand euro(s) 45S Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo cilia tai cho thay ... Nhé rang: 1 Ching ta sit dung mét déu phdy trong tiéng Anh dé chi hang ngan va ddu chém dé chi ede 86 thap phan. 2 Ching ta noi '2 million’ hode ‘10 billion’ (khéng phdi la 2 ills 0-billione). 3 Chiing ta néi ‘2 million dollars’, ‘170 pounds’ (khéng phdi la 2 nuiltion-dollar{170-pound). 4 How do you say these numbers In English? Write « the numbers out in full. Then listen to check your answers. Ban ndi nhding con s6 nay bang tiéng Anh nhu thé nao? Viét day dti cdc con s6. Sau dé ling nghe dé kiém tra cau tra lai cba ban. 1 254 2 7,489 ONO & 046 oy Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tip theo ea tdi cho thay ... 5 Listen to the three presentations and fill in the missing numbers blow. Nghe ba bai thuyét trinh va dién vao cac con s6 con thiéu dudi day. Car sates In 2009, set & and quarter Haw open-plan affce ast quarter 2nd quarter e dimensions: 000 4x16 Germany ‘49.600 area: eu 7 © rath floor Non-€u 17,300 © move on 15 February Hotel rooms ~ International quality uber 2009: Venice €387 » Rome pPatis €226 » New York€ 225, > Milan Fill in the blank slide (4) with same key numbers and present them to a partner. Dién vao ban trinh chiéu tr6ng (4) vdi mét s6 cdc. con s6 quan trong va trinh bay ching cho mét ban hoc. 6 It is often better to use approximate numbers in presenta- tions as they are easier for the audience to understand and remember. Put the following words in the correct column in the table. Théng thudng tot hon 1a si’ dung cdc con s6 gan dung trong cdc bai thuyét trinh vi ngudi nghe dé dang hiéu va ghi nhé hon. B3t nhang ti sau day vao cét dung trong bang. alittle less than e about-e almost ¢ approximately « around e justover e justunder * nearly e roughly e well over 247 BY Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo clia tdi cho thay ... (less) +/-(about the same) +(more) Rewrite the sentences replacing the exact numbers with ap- proximate ones using words from the table. Give at least two alternatives for each. Viét lai cdc cau thay thé cdc con sé chinh xéc bang nhing s6 gan dung, sd dung nhing t trong bang. Dua ra it nhat hai Iya chon thay thé cho mdi cau. 1 Last year we sold 90,083 mobile phones in Italy. Last. year we sold a little more than/ just over 90,000 mobile Phones_in Italy, iy 14.8% of the people asked said they were unhappy with the new. design, a = 2 3 a " 2. © N s zg 3 2 © S 8 = o s 3 Cs The new office is 389m?. & 48S Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo clia tdi cho thay ... | 7% Look at this short excerpt from a presentation and the two i examples of PowerPoint slides on the next page. Which slide is more effective? Why? \ Xem doan trich ngan nay tt’ mét bai thuyét trinh va hai vi du ca cdc ban chiéu PowerPoint é trang tiép theo. Ban chiéu nao hiéu qua hon? Tai sao? Let's look at the biggest car manufacturer in China, SAIC. The next slide shows some figures for 2007. SAIC manages @ network of 55 subsidiaries and 63 joint ventures for cors and parts. The group employs more than 60,000 people and produced 800,000 vehicles in 2007, generating sales of about $12 billion. SAIC Group 2007 2007-Car Production of SAIC > subsidiaries: {n.China 2 joint ventures: + has $5 subsidiaries and 63 joint ventures + employs more than 60,000 people * produces about 800,000 vehicles. ‘+ generates sules of $12 billion | | THE RULE OF Six When presenting text on overheads or PowerPoint slides, it is a good idea to use the rule of six-which means: * a maximum of six lines per’slide e° a maximum of six words per:line i if you stick to this rule, you won't risk overloading your bullet charts with too much information. & 49% Bai 3: Ban trinh chi ti€p theo cila tdi cho thay... guy TAC 86 6 Khi trinh chiéu van ban trén cdc ban chiéu powerpoint, ¥ hay la sit dung quy tde s6 6 nghia la: ° (6i da la 6 dong trén méi bdn chiéu © téi da la 6 tit trén mdi dong Néu bam vao quy tde nay, ban sé khong chita qué nhiéu thong tin trén mét ban chiéu. 8 Listen to the two short excerpts from presenta- tions. Complete the slides and find headlines. Nghe hai doan trich ngdn ta cdc bai thuyét trinh. Hoan thanh cac ban chiéu va tim tiéu dé. more customers can change colours °_____% ‘wait and see’ * colours to choose eo. % never from ° % yes, immediately » circular shelving © cn eeeinnnsinin, GOSIEN, Now listen again and complete the sentences below. Bay gid: nghe lai va hoan thanh cac cau dudi day. 1. Let's now , which is ... 2 to design features. tae is that customers can change the colour panels ... 4 What ? Well, | think you'll agree that the results are EMPHASIZING IMPORTANT POINTS Using a verb (stress, emphasize, etc.) I'd like to stress the following point. I'd like to draw your attention to the latest figures. I'd like to emphasize that our market position is excellent. Using what What is really important is how much we are prepared to invest. What we should do is talk about intercultural problems. Rhetorical questions So, just how good are the results? So, where do we go from here? Why do | say that? Because ... Adverb + adjective construction It would be completely wrong to change our strategy at this point. We compared the two offers and found the first one totally unac- ceptable. | think this fact is extremely important. NHAN MANH NHONG ¥ CHINH Sw dung mét déng ti (stress, emphasize, ...) I'd like to stress the following point. Id like to draw your attention to the latest figures. I'd like to emphasize that our market position is excellent. Sw dung what What is really important is how much we are prepared to invest. What we should do is talk about intercultural problems. & 51% Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo ctia ti cho thay ... Cau héi tu tv So, just how good are the results? So, where do we go from here? Why do I say that? Because ... Céu trae Trang ti + tinh ti It would be completely wrong to change our strategy at this point We compared the two offers and found the first one totally unac- ceptable. I think this fact is extremely important. important advertising is for us. this model is selling quite well in turnover last year was excellent. is discuss the latest sales figures. is the quality of these programs? 9 Match the two parts to make sentences. Két hop hai phan dé tao thanh cau. 4 What I'd like to do a 2 I'd like to highlight the b for our success? 3 So, what are the reasons c the US. 4 I'd like to point out how d 5 It's interesting to note that e 6 | should repeat that our f 7 What we can't do is g main problem areas. 8 So, just how good h 10 Complete the sentences with the correct adverb-adjective construction from the box. increase our budget. Hoan thanh cau voi cau tric trang td’ - tinh te ding trong khung. extremely dangerous e absolutely safe « inctredibly cheap © highly interesting » absolutely necessary ¢ surprisingly good completely useless W524 Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo ctia tdi cho thay = B g S ® g ° = 5 o 3 oD 3 & g a > 2 z & 2 $ 3a 3 5 S z 3 8 @ g 8 a ____. to improve the quality of our prod- ucts if we want to win new customers. o This is a point. » You will be pleased to hear that our turnover last month was 5 Ciaioataten we found that some of the test results are 6 I'm pleased to say that the crash test shows that this system is ~ Right now this item ae costs $1.50 - | think that's 11 First complete this excerpt from a presentation with words from the box. Then listen and check. Trude tién hoan thanh doan trich tr mét bai thuyét trinh voi cdc td trong khung. Sau dé nghe va kiém tra. I'd now like to ‘to the regions where poverty has been reduced. If you look at the bar chart on the left, less than $1 a day has dropped. 3 in South Asia the proportion of extremely poor people has been reduced from 41 to 31%. _. __..._...' how much progress has been made by China, *, poverty has increased in many parts of Africa. Latin America, and Eastern Europe. How el this uneven development? To answer this question, we'll 053 B Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép 42 Are these words and expressions used to make contrasts or describe results? Put them into the correct category. Nhding te’ va cum ti nay dug si dung tao sy tong phan hay mo ta két qua? Dat ching vao hang muc dung. on the other hand © thus e although © consequently © however ° therefore * whereas e asaresult © while e nevertheless » despite Making contrasts Describing results Now choose the correct word to fit the sentences. Bay gio chon ti ding pha hgp voi cdc cau. 4 Online banking is mainly used by our younger customers. Many of our older customers consequently / however / therefore find it difficult to handle modern computer technology. 2 Howewer/ Whereas / Although the euro is quite strong, we man- aged to increase our exports to the US. 3. Whereas / Therefore / Despite we made a profit of $240,000 last year, this year's profit is only $110.000. 4. On the other hand / Despite / Although the growing demand. we didn't sell more cars than the year before: 5 We have to pay more for oil and gas. Consequently / However / Despite our products have become more expensive. 6 Poster campaigns are extremely important. Thus / on the other hand / As a result we also need advertisements in daily newspa- pers. & 54 Bai 3: Ban trinh chiéu tiép theo ctia tdi cho thay ... 13 Put the words in the right order to make sentences with expressions from this unit. Dat cdc tit theo thif tu ding dé tao thanh cau véi cdc cum ti trong bai hoc nay. 1 at closer table let's look this a have 2 graph you next see quarter first figures can on sales for the the 3 almost European sell 30% countries we products other to of our 4 attention draw your facts like I'd to to following the 5 surprisingly able we good despite were achieve to software results problems 6 stress change is important I'd how to like this 14 It's your turn now. Prepare bullet charts based on your own data (or take information from the first three of the following ‘Summing up' texts on the next page). Find an effective head- line for each bullet chart and present them to a partner. Bay gid dén lugt ban. Chuan bj bang biéu co céc dau cham tron dya trén da liéu cia riéng ban (hoac lay thong tin tu ba ban 'Téng hop' dau tién sau day & trang ké tip). Tim mot tiéu dé hiéu qua cho méi bang biéu va trinh bay chting cho mét ban hoc. CHECKLIST FOR VISUALS 1 Prepare each visual carefully and separately. 2 Check whether the visual really shows what you are saying. 3 Make suse your audience can read the visual (font size and colours). 4 Find effective headlines. 5. Keep design and content simple. 6 Use bullet charts for text. 7 Reduce text to a minimum. 8 Always prepare audience for visuals. 9 Present information clearly and logically. Remember the rule of six. VNRNRRRRNSS & 55 Y Bai 3: Ban t trinh chiéi tiép theo cia t t61 cho thay ... OUTPUT What is important when presenting visuals? Which opinion(s) do you agree with? Diéu gi quan trong khi trinh bay hinh énh? Ban déng vdi ¥ kin nao? Karen Hamilton, Marketing Manager | think to be effective a good visual must focus on only a few points. It's important not to have too much information on one slide or transparency. Slide overload is bad because people will then spend time reading the slide rather than listening to the presenter. | normally use bullet points to structure information - | never write complete sentences. Headlines are important too. Karen Hamilton, Gidm dée marketing T6i nghi rang dé dat hiéu qué mét hinh dnh tét phdi tap trung vdo chi mé6t vai diém. Diéu quan trong la. khéng chita qua nhiéu théng tin trén mét ban chiéu hode dnh chiéu. Ban chiéu qué tdi that t@ bdi vi nhiing ngubi nghe lic dé sé danh thoi gian doc ban chiéu thay vi nghe ngudi thuyét trinh. Téi thudng sit dung cée ddu chdm ddu dong dé cdu tric théng tin - Toi khéng bao gid viet cau hoan chinh. Tiéu dé eting quan trong. Keith Sallis, Real Estate Manager In my opinion the presenter is the focus of the pre- sentation - not the visuals. The key purpose for using a visual aid is to help the audience under- stand the topic better. So the visuals should only. be used to support the presenter’s message. A pro- cess-flowchart slide, for example, helps. people understand visually what you are describing verbally. if a visual dis- tracts the audience's attention from what you're saying, it's useless. & 56 Bai 3: Ban trinh chidu tip theo cia t6i cho thay... Keith Sallis, Gidm dée Bat déng sén Theo ¥ kién ctia t6i ngubi la trong tam ctia bai thuyét trinh - khéng phdi la hinh dnh. Myce dich chinh dé sit dung hinh anh tro giup la gilip nguoi nghe hiéu chi: dé t6t hon. Vi vay, cde hinh dnh chi duge sit dung dé hé tro thong digp ciia ngubi thuyét trinh. Vi du, mét ban chiéu so dé qua trinh, gitip moi ngudi hiéu true quan nhing gi ban mé td bang loi noi. Néu mét hinh dnh lam xao lang su chi ¥ cia nguvi nghe vdi nhitng gi ban dang néi thi nd v6 dung. Susan Liu, Export Manager Above all, a slide or an overhead must be read- able. If the audience can't read the slide, they will soon give up. That's why font size is very impor- tant. It should be as large as possible, I'd say at least 24. And sometimes it's also a good idea to use different colours to highlight some points. Us- ing many different colours can be confusing though. Susan Liu, Gidm déc xudt khdu Trén tét cd, m6t ban chiéu phdi dé doc. Néu ngudi nghe khéng thé doc dugc bdn chiéu, ho sé sém bé cudc. Dé la ly. do tai sao cd chit la rdt quan trong. N6 phdi cang lén cang tét. Tdi mudn noi tt nhdt la 24, Va d6i khi nd cing la mét 9 tudng t6t khi sit dung mau sde khde nhau dé lam néi bat mét 86 diém. Mac da sit dung nhiéu mau sic khdc nhau e6 thé gay nhdm lan. Barbara James, Market Researcher What you say and what you show should always go together 100%. So when you're not talking about the slide, it shouldn't be visible. | always switch off the display when I'm talking about some- thing that has nothing to do with the slide. If people Bai 3: Ban trinh chigu ti€p theo ciia tdi cho thay . are busy looking at the slide, they aren't listening to what you're say- ing. It's better to use the B-key to return to a black screen or replace the slide with some form of ‘wallpaper’ such as a company logo. Barbara James, Nghién cvtu thi trudng Nhaing gi ban néi va nhitng gi ban trinh chiéu nén luén lu6n di déi vdi nhau 100%. Vi vay, khi ban dang khong noi vé ban chiéu, né khéng nén duoc trinh chiéu. T6i luén luén tdét man hinh khi toi dang néi vé mét cdi gi dé ma khéng lien quan téi ban chiéu. Néw moi nguei dang ban nhin vao ban chiéu, ho khéng ldng nghe nhing gi ban dang noi. Tét hon la sit dung phim B dé tré vé man hinh mau den hode thay thé ban chiéu bing mét dang hinh "nén" nhu biéu tuong cong ty. Javier Sanchez, Financial Analyst For me it's very important that the presenter speaks to the audience and doesn't read to them! The speaker must make eye-contact and not watch the monitor or screen while he or she is talking. | think it's extremely boring when someone just reads slides word for word as if it were an essay or something. Javier Sane, Chuyén vién phan tich tdi chinh D6i véi t6i rat quan trong la ngudi thuyét trinh noi chuyén vdi ngudi nghe chit khéng doc cho ho! Nguti néi phdi cd tuong tée bang mdt va khéng nhin man hinh trong khi ho dang noi. Téi nghi rang v6 cing nham ehdn khi mét ngudi nao dé chi doc ban chiéu ting chit nhu thé nd lat mOt bai lu@n hode mét edi gi db. & 58 B Tony Benetti, Media Consultant It's called 'Death by PowerPoint’ when people use so many sound effects and animations that the audience's ‘ attention is completely taken away from the delivery of the message. | think PowerPoint is a fantastic tool, but just because it has so many effects you don't have to use them all. Overuse is overkill here. Tony Benetti, Tw van Truyén thong Né duge goi la "Chét vi PowerPoint” khi ngubi ta sit dung rét nhiéu hiéu ung Gm thanh va hinh anh déng ma sy chit ¥ cia ngudi nghe hoan toan xa rdi thong diép duoc truyén tdi. T6i nghi rang PowerPoint la mét céng cy tuyét voi, nhung chi vi nd cé rat nhiéu higu ting ma ban khong can phdi sit dung tdt cd. O déy khéng edn thiét phdi lam dung no. OVER TO YOU ° What kinds of tools and visuals do you normally use in your presentations? Nhiing logi cong cu va hinh anh nao ban thubng sit dung trong cde bai thuyét trinh cia ban? What tips can you think of for using visuals effectively? Nhiing bi quyét nao ban 6 thé nghi dén dé sit dung hinh dnh cd hidu qua? Pee So ade eta . 59D Bai 4: Nhu ban o6 thé thay tu bi dé nay... AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THIS GRAPH ce NHU BAN, CO THE THAY TU BIEU PO NAY... Qf STARTER What are these visuals called in English? Match the numbers to the descriptions. Nhitng hinh dnh nay duge goi la gi trong tiéng Anh? Néi céic con 86 vdi phdn mé ta. bar chart C1) flow chart CJ pie chart table 0) map C1 organizational charVorganigram C1 technical drawing FI} (line) graph CI Bai 4: Nhu ban cé ‘y tu biéu dé nay... Which of these visuals would you use to describe: Hinh anh nao trong s6 nhang hinh anh nay ban sé si? dung dé mo ta: a your company's market share? b the steps to be followed from order placement to delivery of a product? c your company's new organizational structure? Listen to excerpts from three presentations and ~ say what visuals are used. Nghe cac doan trich ti ba bai thuyét trinh va néi nhitng hinh anh nao dugc si dung. Presentation 1: Presentation 2: Presentation 3: Now listen again and complete the sentences. Bay gid’ nghe lai va hoan thanh:cau. Presentation 1 1 The next_ shows the by age in our company. 2 You can see that the biggest 0 uw (...) indicates the of employees in the age group 30 to? Presentation 2 3 Let'snow________at the sales figures. over the past five years. 4 The key in the bottom ____=_=_=_—Ss corner shows you which colour which area. 5 OK, so I'd like to first your attention to the sales figures for France - that's the blue line here. 614 Bai 4: Nhu ban co thé thay tu biéu dé nay... Presentation 3 6 Now I'd like you to _ at this next shows how the cost of living developed in Europe between 2003 and 2007. 7 7 If you look at the on the _.. you will see that the highest increase was in 2001 with a rise of 2 TALKING ABOUT VISUALS The first rule of preparing effective visuals is that they should be clear and easy for the audience to follow. However, sometimes it is necessary to explain a more complicated visual and it is always necessary to point out the most important information. Explaining a visual Let's now look at the next slide which shows ... First, let me quickly explain the graph. You can see that different colours have been used to indicate ... The key in the bottom left-hand corner shows you ... Highlighting information I'd like to start by drawing your attention to ... What I'd like to point out here is, ... | think you'll be surprised to see ... I'd like you to focus your attention on ... Let's look more closely at ... NOI VE Hin ANH Nguyén tde ddu tién cita viée chun bi hinh dnh hiéu qué la ching phdi ré rang va dé dang cho ngubi nghe theo kip. Tuy nhién, doi khi can gidi thich m6t hink anh phite tap hon va chi ra nhitng théng tin quan trong nhdt luén la ludn edn thiét. & 62 B

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