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TKT 1: Learning log

Unit name: Speaking Unit: 8

What did I learn in my classes? (Something new)

- Speaking is a productive skill because we produce

language rather than receive it.
- When we speak, we used to do some thinks such us:
use intonation, ask for clarification, use the
appropriate register, use stress, hesitate, etc.
- We don’t used to plan we will say when we are
- Using body language refers to the gestures we make
with the body when speaking, this can be noticed
more security.
- Producing different text types is the way in which we
are going to talk depending on the branch in which
we are.
Which words MUST I remember? Write words and
definitions. At least 5 (per Unit).
- Hesitation: A pause before or while doing or saying
something to find the correct words to say, because
they need more time to think.
- Connected speech: Spoken language in which the
words join to form a connected stream of sounds.
- Function: The reason or purpose for using language.
- Self-correction: When learners correct language
mistakes they have made, perhaps with some help
from the teacher.
- Feature: A feature of something is an interesting or
important part or characteristic of it.
- Convey meaning: To show, express or communicate
- Accuracy: The ability to do something without
making mistakes. Accuracy is the use of correct forms
of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.
- Pace: The speed of the lesson. A teacher can vary the
pace in a lesson by planning different activities to
keep the learners’ attention.

- Making use of grammar, vocabulary, and functions:

It is the knowledge that we have about the target
language and their functions.
- Making use of register to speak appropriately: The
level of formality of our speaking when we are talking,
depending on the target receiver. For example, when
we are talking with a friend, we use an informal level
of speaking.
- Using features of connected speech: We use
intonation, word and sentence stress, accurate
individual sounds, linking and contractions to help
convey our meaning.
- Using body language: Gestures, eye contact, facial
expressions, and movement to put our message
across more strongly and clearly.
- Producing different text types: speaking also
involves being able to deal with different text types,
e.g., taking part in conversations, discussions, or
telephone calls, giving presentations, telling stories.
- Oral fluency: helps ensure that our listener will keep
on listening to us without getting bored or irritated by
too many hesitations or too slow a pace of speaking.
- Using interactive strategies: Ways of keeping people
interested and involved in what we are saying.

Unit name: Motivation Unit: 9

What did I learn in my classes? (Something new)

- Motivations is that feeling that make us continuing do
- What is influenced by motivation is why people
decide to do something, the timing, and the work
that it takes us to do.
- Something important that increase our motivation is
our interest in the target language.
- It is important to know about the culture of the target
language in order to increase the motivation of our
Motivation strategies examples:
- The classroom atmosphere: As a teachers we have
the responsibility of creating a good environment in
where students can laugh, smile, share ideas and
express emotions.
- Rapport: We have to understand that each student is
a completely different world, and everyone learns of
their own way, so we have to treat them individually
to ensure their development.
- Interest: Currently, we have access to a lot of
information, materials, and tools that we can use in
order to create dynamic activities y look for the best
material to use in class to get the attention of the
students and maintain their interest in learning.
- Culture: We have to involve our students in the
culture of the target language in order to teach them
in real contexts and make them learn about a new

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