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Jocko Discipline Affirmations

Clean, hard, discipline. Unmitigated daily discipline in

all things. I know what I have

to do, so I make myself do it. I do that with clean, hard

discipline. I dig in. I hold the

line. I put in the work. I make it happen. I embrace

discipline's cold and relentless

power. I become the discipline. I grind it out. The grind

sharpens the axe. I put in

the effort. I put in maximum effort. I prioritize and

execute. I commit myself completely to

accomplishing my tasks. I work hard. I train hard. I

maintain the routine. I maintain the

discipline. I apply discipline absolutely in everything I

do, in all aspects of life.

Discipline begets more discipline. Will propagates more

will. I choose to be successful. I choose

to do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals. I will

overcome anything. I choose to make

my self. I choose to become who I want to become. I

decide to take on the challenges

and lead. I get up and go, full force, every time. I fire up

my determination and resolve,

and I succeed. I will crush anything I set my mind to. I

take the necessary steps. I

take action. I start here and now. I get the ball rolling

and keep my momentum going. I

stop thinking and start doing. I don't question or

rationalize, I simply do the things to

make myself better. I control my mind. I control my

body. I am a machine, and when things are

hard, I push even harder. If I don't feel like it, if

conditions aren't right, I have

a unique opportunity for a spectacular training event. I

make myself go anyway. I don't think,

I don't waver, I simply do. Deep from within, I call on

my reserves and push through. And

when I've overcome resistance and successfully finished,

I enjoy the sweetest victory. The

victory of determination and discipline and will. I

achieve victory because I do not stop.

I stay on the righteous path, the disciplined path, I stay

on the war path. Every day. It

begins in the darkness. When the alarm sounds. It. Is.

Time. Quickly and without thought,

I make myself get up and execute. I do not reason with

weakness, I crush it into submission

through force of will. I am proactive and ruthlessly

aggressive. I push and pull and

fight against gravity. I make myself stronger, and faster,

and better. I keep pressing. I

let the body know that I am the one in control, and it

will do what I want it to do. I work

hard; I train hard. I am constantly progressing. I am

always moving forward. I am relentless.

I am a force of will. I hold the line across the line. I am

achieving greatness with every

act of discipline. I will not tolerate anything but

fortitude, strength, consistency, and

acceleration. I am making things happen. I am creating

my own success. I choose to apply

absolute discipline. I decide to step it up and earn my

victory every single day. I maintain

my self-discipline without compromise— I maintain my

self-discipline. Discipline in

all things. Self. Discipline. Discipline


the self, from

the self. Discipline comes from within. Discipline is

control. Discipline is power. Discipline

makes me free.

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