How To Change Your Vibrational Frequency - Smiling and Laughing Out Loud

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How to change your vibrational frequency: Smiling and laughing out

People with a high vibrational frequency know the importance of smiles and laughter. It's one of the
best ways to almost instantly raise your vibes.! Try it for yourself right now. Put a smile on your
beautiful face and keep it there for about 5 minutes. Then come back over here and notice the
Smile as much as you can throughout your the time you are awake. Start your day with smiling for a
couple of minutes before you get out of your bed. No matter how grumpy you feel. It works even
when you feel horrible and want to scream and shout at the world.
Laughing out loud for no reason at least 2 to 3 times a day is also a fantastic vibe changer. Please
laugh till your belly hurts and tears roll down your cheeks! Simply start by laughing out loud gently
and then slowly but steadily make it louder.
You can use laughter meditation videos on YouTube if you need some support to get yourself
rolling over the floor. Below is a great one that helped me a lot every time I had a hard time to get
myself into the "ROFL zone". I still use it every now and then, just because I love watching it. It is
so funny and always makes me feel so good! I just know it will have the same effect on you.

Laughing and smiling are amazing and yet such simple tools. They increase your serotonine levels.
Serotonine is a hormone that makes you feel good. So now you know how to produce your own
natural feel good drug. Ain't that awesome? It is so easy to smile and laugh. Don't only read about it
and forget to practice what you've read. No more excuses if you have been procrastinating the act of
smiling/laughing. Go do it right now. Say cheese!
Don't bother about the neighbors and/or your family/roommates, etc hearing your cheerful sounds.
The worst thing that can happen is that your laughter is contagious. It is the best gift you can offer.
All "infected people" will feel better instantly. What a beautiful thing to do for humanity!
Okay, maybe when you feel down you will have to push yourself a little bit. If that is you in this
moment, then will you please smile for me right now... Even when you don't feel like it at all. I
promise you that you will feel a huge difference! It won't hurt. Give it a fair try.
When you feel happy already, you will also enjoy these smiling and laughing habits! Make it your
way of living to smile (almost) all of the time and laugh out loud a lot!

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