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There was a beautiful kingdom ruled by a prince who took over after his father’s death.

After a few months of ruling, things started testing him. A drought occurred and caused

losses to the farmers, killed many animals, birds, and precious plants in the forest. It was

followed by an unknown disease that killed many people. When things started showing

signs of recovery, an enemy king invaded the kingdom leaving the young king flee the


He went to the neighboring kingdom ruled by his childhood friend and explained him about

the situation. He lamented of losing everything despite being born and bred to be a king

of the most powerful and richest kingdom. After hearing his story, his friend king ordered

his minister to give him a herd of 100 sheep. The young king was surprised as he was

expecting much more than this. Left with no option, he reluctantly took his friend’s offer.

After a few days, while he was grazing his herd, a group of wolves attacked his herd and

killed each one of them. While the wolves were attacking, the king ran away from that

place. He then went to his friend king and asked for help. This time he was given 50

sheep. But once again be failed to protect his herd from the wolves. The 3rd time, he was

given just 25 sheep.

This time young king realised that, if he doesn’t protect his herd from these wolves, he

can’t seek help from his friend anymore. So, he studied his place completely and

understood the wolves’ attacking areas. He added additional fences and guards all

around. He then continued to monitor the places and talked to all people and kept on

learning the tricks of maintaining the herd. Not only was he able to protect his herd but

also grew his herd to more than a 1,000 sheep.

With so much joy he meets his friend and told what he achieved. After hearing him, the

friend king ordered his ministers to give him a troop of a thousand soldiers to help him

regain his kingdom back. He now cleverly strategized his move and attacked the enemy,

gaining back his kingdom.

After a while, his friend king visited the kingdom to see him. During the discussions the

young king asked his friend “Hey my friend, why didn’t you give me the troop when I first

came to you for help? The friend king replied, “First time when you came to me for help,

your mindset was like you were born and bred to be a leader, but I felt you were far from


You might have been born with wealth, pride, and power, but I realised you have never

been properly trained to lead your people. So, I gave you multiple chances to learn how

to lead the team and protect your herd. The time I realized you were ready to lead others,

I gave you the troop.

Moral of the story:

Being born into a powerful family or being a manager in a higher position doesn’t make

one a natural leader. He must posses the qualities to lead the team and to strategize them

to succeed.

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