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Page No.:

AL Ansuer these questions.

Descibe the princes. How did she reach the

Hns= She Lasa Rossian rincess, nd
had drjven olthe
Lay rorn o Finland ina Sledge draun by
Six raindeers.So pale Laas she bat as she
drove thugh he stroets oll -the peaple vondered.
She is like a whibe rosel' they Chied
Gnd they thre
dovn loiers on fer trom te balconies

Draud a character sletch of the Kewarlable Rocetr

Page No.:

AB Think as anser. 2A1e

. Who message is the author r y r g to Convey
in the stary ?
Ansz The
lhe hessageConVeyed by the author is weshaulk
nat beselt centered Gnd egolstic

2. h Was te ocet truy rencrkable _Sopoorjar

OVSLuek Lith the exaaplefr the stary.

Ansz Yes, The oclcet in ane ay Con be said thahe

is remarkable and Tnus/papuar family oracket
cs he himse Says thatt he was a very remarkode
Rocket and Coeot reMarkable Parertk
Page No.:

In the bookPiarates are presented Luith a black spát
otficially pronounce verdict t guit orjidgement
tCaynSists d a circular peiee piece paper a
Card Lith one side blackened hilethe sther síde
bears a messageand phceal in the hand ot accaseo.
tuas c Soutce of wch fear because ik eant
the pirate Laas be deposea as leader, by torce i necesS=
aYyor else killed ouknig I breasore Tcland Bill
Bones is 1uch nightene t bur pesahd remain
desermined te outi his ei eame eneies hauleve
he Suffers a stvoke Caused by he overconsumpbion_o
liguar cnl js lilled yte blihdbeggar[ftu).Later Long
John Silver recieves tihe Spat, but kis_calm enaugh
to notice thah the paper beaxing the Spot has been on
out hrom a Bible, and Liane_his aso.ciattes o

Dhe bad luck this Luill bring_upoh them.

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