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Alternatives to Cyanide as a Leeching Agent in Gold Mining

(Phawat/ Shutterstock, Wikipedia, Pure Gold Mining) )

( Pure Gold Mining)


Shahd Ashmawy

Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Cyanide Use in Gold Mining 3

Leeching Process using Cyanide 3

Cyanide’s Role in Gold Mining 4

Environmental effects of Cyanidation 5

Cyanide as a Toxin 5

Environmental and Health Risks of Cyanide 5

Cyanidation in the Remance Mine 5

Actions Taken to Prevent Gold Mining Environmental Threats 7

Alternatives to Cyanide in Gold Processing 7

CSIRO and its Role 7

Conclusions 7

References 9

Table of Figures
Figure 1 5

Figure 2 6

Figure 3 8

Although gold mining presents a great advantage economically, it may present a
great cost when it comes to the surrounding environment. Cyanide is the most
popular leach agent used by the mining industry due to its low cost and high
availability, that being said, cyanide is a highly toxic chemical to humans if
ingested, as well as a huge producer of waste. There have been multiple incidents
all over the world where cyanide was accidentally released into nearby water
sources which posed a serious health threat to the neighboring cities and other
ecological entities. (Hilson 2006). In a study by Gonzalez-Valoys A.C. et al.,
samples from three tailings surrounding the Remance gold mine in Panama were
examined and tested for renmants of cyanide and other harmful substances that
pose an environmental hazard to the surrounding soil and crop as well as a health
risk to the neighboring civilians through water sources. This was done with the aid
of the Ecological Risk and Pollution Load Indexes (Gonzalez-Valoys 2022).
Researchers have been trying to discover a more benign alternative to cyanide, but
cyanide by far has proved to be the most effective leaching agent compared to the
other possible substitutes, until the reagent known as thiosulphate was discovered.
Clean Mining is a company that introduces a safe process for recovering gold.
After years of testing and experimenting, Clean Mining settled on thiosulfate as a
safer alternative to cyanide. By partnering with a small gold producer, Eco
minerals Research, they were able to put the reagent thiosulfate to the test in a gold
processing plant in Western Australia. This plant proved to be successful in
producing viable gold that is now on sale in the gold market.

Cyanide Use in Gold Mining

Leaching Process using Cyanide

Cyanidation was first discovered by macArthur who was a chemical metallurgist in

1887, and it was the “Process of Obtaining Gold and Silver from Ores” which
proved hugely successful when it was implemented in New Zealand and South
Africa (Hilson and Monhemius 2006). Cyanide is utilized in gold mining because
of its accessibility and cheap cost. It is very effective, having recovered US $14
million worth of gold in the first five years of mining using cyanidation (Hilson
and Monhemius 2006). There are two types of leeching using cyanide, heap

leaching and vat (or tank) leaching. Heap leaching involves the application of
cyanide solution onto extensive piles of crushed ore situated on expansive
collection pads. As the solution permeates through the heap, cyanide effectively
dissolves the gold from the ore, and the metal-impregnated solution is gathered on
a pad. This solution, stripped of gold, is cyclically reapplied to the heap until the
ore is fully exhausted (Earthworks 2022).

In the case of vat (or tank) leaching, the ore is combined with cyanide solution
within sizable tanks. While the risk of spills is diminished due to the controlled
nature of the leaching process, the resultant byproduct, termed tailings, is stored
behind substantial dams known as tailings impoundments. These impoundments
have the potential for catastrophic failures (Earthworks 2022).

Cyanide’s Role in Gold Mining

Cyanide finds extensive use in both the chemical industry and mining operations.
In the chemical sector, it plays a huge role, with over one million metric tons of
cyanide consumed annually, accounting for 80% of the total production. This
versatile compound is essential in the production of various organic chemicals,
including nitrile, nylon, and acrylic plastics.

In the mining industry, cyanide is primarily employed for gold recovery. Of the
remaining 20% of cyanide production, 90% is utilized in mining activities across
the globe, making up 18% of the total cyanide production. Mining operations
typically make use of diluted solutions of sodium cyanide, typically containing
cyanide concentrations in the range of 0.01% to 0.05% (equivalent to 100 to 500
parts per million). These solutions are integral to processes like tank leaching and
heap leaching.

Cyanide ions (CN−) are central to the gold leaching process. They facilitate the
dissolution of gold found in the ore through a complexation process. This
complexation results in the formation of a "pregnant solution" that contains
dissolved gold, which can be subsequently extracted. It's worth noting that the use
of cyanide in mining has been a subject of concern due to its potential
environmental impact. Proper management and disposal of cyanide solutions are
crucial to minimize environmental risks and ensure the safety of workers and local
communities. Furthermore, it's important to be aware that regulations and practices
related to cyanide use in mining operations can vary by region. (Hilson and
Monhemius 2006).

Environmental Effects of Cyanidation

Cyanide as a Toxin

Cyanide is utilized in various industries and can be detected at minimal

concentrations in the air emitted from vehicle exhaust. Despite its widespread use,
cyanide poses a significant threat to human health due to its extreme toxicity.
Prolonged inhalation exposure to cyanide can lead to adverse effects primarily
targeting the central nervous system. Additional impacts on humans encompass
cardiovascular and respiratory effects, enlargement of the thyroid gland, and
irritation to the eyes and skin. Cyanide rapidly absorbs through various routes,
including the respiratory tract, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, and skin.
Symptoms manifest when blood cyanide concentrations reach around 40 mol/L
(Graham and Traylor 2023).

Environmental and Health Risks of Cyanide

Multiple environmental accidents involving cyanide spills have raised global

concern over the years. Cyanide spills occurred mostly by the release of the
chemical into nearby water sources and environmental habitats from mining sites.
An example of this was the cyanide spill in the Euphrates River from a nearby
mining site in Turkey. This causes the pollution of human resources which can lead
to a wide health threat to neighboring cities and ecological entities. Cyanide can be
deadly if consumed in high concentrations.

Figure 1. Cyanide spill into the Euphrates River from the Çöpler Gold Mine operations.
(Internationalist Standpoint, 2022).Cyanide Spill at Mining Site.

Cyanidation in the Remance Mine

The Remance mine located in Panama is a decommissioned mine that was active in
the 1800s, there have been no known efforts made to repair the environmental
effects that this mining project has caused the surrounding habitat. A study by
Gonzalez-Valoys A.C. et al. was conducted to identify cyanide concentrations and
potentially toxic elements in three mine tailings surrounding the Remance mine, to
examine the environmental hazards to the surrounding soil and crop as well as the
health risks to the neighboring civilians through water sources. This was done with
the aid of the Ecological Risk and Pollution Load Indexes (Gonzalez-Valoys et al.

Figure 2. Geographic mine map containing sample locations. (Gonzalez-Valovs et al. 2022)
Figure 2. Geographic Mine Map Containing Sample Locations

Samples from the three tailings were extracted and brought to the lab to undergo
testing (Figure 2). It was concluded that the Remance mine tailings still retain
substantial amounts of Potentially Toxic Elements. When combined with the
sediments from the mine gallery, they present a significant risk as a source of
environmental pollution. This risk is substantiated by elevated concentrations of
Arsenic (As), Copper (Cu), Antimony (Sb), Barium (Ba), Mercury (Hg), and Zinc
(Zn) in these materials, as confirmed by their presence in nearby soils and water
network sediments within the study area. These pollutants are associated with
various health issues: Arsenic can lead to skin, liver, and lung cancers; Copper may
induce abnormalities in the nervous system; Antimony can harm the respiratory
system; Barium has the potential to cause muscle paralysis; Mercury is known for
producing neurological damage; and Zinc has the capability to weaken the immune
system (Gonzalez-Valoys et al. 2022). The overall cyanide content in the studied
area is comparable to that of gold mine tailings at various American sites.
However, the most recently utilized tailings from mining operations exhibited the
highest Total Cyanide (T-CN) concentration. This observation strongly indicates
that this particular pollutant persists for more than two decades following the
cessation of mining activities. The implication is that in the later tailings, cyanide
contents were not subjected to chemical treatment before the closure of mining

Actions Taken to Prevent Gold Mining Environmental

Alternatives to Cyanide in Gold Processing

Various studies have been conducted in hopes of finding an alternative to cyanide

in gold processing, most of them going in vain. Despite substantial research
conducted at the laboratory scale, the majority, if not all, of the identified
alternatives have demonstrated limitations that impede their broad acceptance
within the gold mining industry. Some of the alternatives considered were
thiocyanate, thiosulfate leaching, coal-oil agglomeration, and halides. The most
promising alternative proved to be thiosulfate, although it still had some downsides
(Hilson and Monhemius 2006).

CSIRO and its Mission

CSIRO is a company that presents a safer alternative to gold processing by

cyanidation. CSIRO has developed a process called “Going for Gold” which is a
gold recovery process that is environment friendly as well as cost-effective. Instead
of cyanide, thiosulfate reagent is utilized to dissolve the gold out of ores in a
similar manner to cyanide, but with a much less environmentally taxing maneuver.
This process using thiosulfate has been exposed to rapid testing in the lab to
examine its leaching performance. Based on the results, it was concluded that this
method can be applied to varying ore types. CSIRO provides an opportunity for
investors such as small gold producers to mine low-grade, uneconomic, or stranded
gold deposits as well as gold reserves in areas where cyanide use is prohibited.
This method has been made available in the market for industry partners and
investors as a ready-to-use method for gold mining. Clean Mining Limited is
currently providing this CSIRO method to the public for use.

Figure 3. A commerative gold ingot from the first gold pour using our cyanide-free
recovery method. (CSIRO, 2021).

Action Plan

Individuals in the community can actively support short-term environmental

responsibility in gold mining by incorporating the expertise of institutions like
CSIRO and exploring alternative gold leaching agents. CSIRO's research and
development initiatives can be promoted and encouraged within the community to
advance sustainable mining practices. Individuals can educate themselves and
others about the work being done by CSIRO in developing alternative gold
leaching agents that eliminate the need for environmentally harmful substances
like cyanide. Supporting companies and initiatives that collaborate with CSIRO for
the development and implementation of these alternatives is a concrete step toward
responsible consumption. By spreading awareness about CSIRO's research on
alternative leaching agents, individuals can contribute to a wider understanding of
sustainable practices within the community.

This collective effort can foster a more informed and environmentally conscious
approach to gold mining, aligning with the goal of reducing the ecological impact
associated with traditional extraction methods. Additionally, social media can be a
powerful platform for advocacy, with individuals using their online presence to
share information about sustainable mining practices and encourage informed
consumer choices. Exploring alternative investments, participating in
environmental events, and promoting responsible tourism are additional ways for
individuals to actively contribute to short-term environmental responsibility in gold
mining within their community.

The use of cyanide in gold mining carries grave environmental and human health
risks. Despite extensive laboratory research, identified alternatives have fallen
short, hindering their widespread adoption in the industry. Cyanide poses a
significant threat to ecosystems, as even small amounts can cause aquatic toxicity
and disrupt the delicate balance of aquatic environments. The long-term
persistence of cyanide in the environment exacerbates these risks, persisting for
decades after mining operations cease, and continuing to jeopardize ecosystems
and communities surrounding former mining sites. Studies like the one conducted
on the tailings in the Remance mine in Panama proves this.

Human health is directly jeopardized by cyanide exposure, leading to symptoms

ranging from headaches and dizziness to fatal outcomes. Accidental spills and
leaks, which can occur due to equipment failures or transportation incidents, pose
immediate and severe consequences, resulting in large-scale environmental
disasters. Stricter regulations and responsible mining practices are imperative to
mitigate these dangers. Additionally, research efforts should prioritize the
development of environmentally friendly extraction methods to reduce reliance on
cyanide. Companies like Clean Mining provide that option for us to have an
environmentally friendly extraction method using thiosulfate.


Hilson G., Monhemius A.J. (2006). Alternatives to cyanide in the gold

mining industry: what prospects for the future? Journal of Cleaner
production, 14:12-13.

González-Valoys A.C., Arrocha, J., Monteza-Destro T., Vargas- Lombardo, M.,

Esbrí J.M., García-Ordiales E., Jiménez‐Ballesta R., García-Navarro F.J., &
Higueras, P. (2022). Environmental challenges related to cyanidation in Central
American gold mining; the Remance mine (Panama). Journal of Environmental
Management, 302, 113979-113979. .

Graham J., Traylor J. (2023). Cyanide Toxicity. StatPearls Publishing. .

Earthworks (2022). Cyanide Use in Gold Mining. .

CSIRO (2021). Cyanide-Free Gold Recovery.
processing/going-for-gold .

Clean Mining. .

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