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Employee Relations and Engagement • Employee welfare • Negotiating terms and conditions of employment

• Employee development • Sharing decision making with employees

Employee Relations
• Employee remuneration, safety, welfare, etc • Engaging in power struggle with trade unions
 Employee relations refers to the interrelationships,
both formal and informal between managers and
Employment Relations and HRM Trade union’s perspective…
those whom they manage.
• HRM and the ‘individualization’ of employment  Collective bargaining about terms and conditions of
 How are we managed? how we would like to be
relations employment
managed? how and why conflicts arise? and how
• Focus on the individual worker and relationship with  Representing individuals in conflict with
these can be resolved at work? These are the basic
management management
concern of employee relations.
• Mainstream HRM – concern with involvement and  Improving the abilities of employees to influence
commitment and relationship to business performance events in the workplace
Why are Employee Relations worth studying?
(Guest et al. 2000)  Regulating relations with trade unions.
• For many people work is central in terms of time,
• Business-model of HR dominant
money, identity, status, social relations
Individual employee’s perspective…
• Most of us experience work as employees – we have
And Now…. • Improve their conditions of employment
an employment relationship – between ourselves and
• Increased concern with both individual and collective • Voice and grievances
those who employ us, and an employment status
aspects of employment • Exchange views and ideas of management
• However, many different interests at work
• Re-focusing on how the employment relationship is • Share in decision making
(‘stakeholders’) – owners, shareholders, managers,
employees, customers – all exert pressure on
• Theoretically, this marks a return to a focus on power Third Parties' perspective…
employment relationship
and authority relations in employment • Creating and maintaining harmony at work
• Creating a framework of rules for fair conduct in
The Employment Relationship
Main Parties Engaged in ER… relationships
 It follows that the ‘employment relationship’ is a
• Establishing a peace making arrangements
central feature of work but it is dynamic.
• Achieving a prosperous society with justice
 It is also complex – has many dimensions and levels –
economic, legal, social, psychological and political
 Shaped by historical experiences
What is Employee Engagement
 Employment relationship now seen as core to the
• An engaged employee is one who is fully involved in,
study of employee relations
and enthusiastic about his work, and thus will act in a
 Many employment relationships, many employee way that furthers his organization’s interests.
relations • Employee engagement is a measurable degree of
employees’ positive or negative emotional attachment
IR to ER Manager’s perspective… to their job, colleagues, and organization which
• Employee relations is more comprehensive and • Creating and maintaining employee motivation profoundly influences their willingness to learn and
includes all aspects of HRM where employees are dealt • Obtaining commitment from the workforce perform at work
with collectively. • Establishing mutually beneficial channels of
• It covers … communication What is Employee Engagement
• Participative management • Achieving high level of efficiency
• Employee engagement is the extent to which • Positive Employee Relations
employee commitment, both emotional and • Retention
intellectual, exists relative to accomplishing the work, Engaged Employees • Productivity/ Quality Enhancement
mission, and vision of the organization. • Emotional – work with passion, feel a profound • Customer Satisfaction
• Schmidt – An employee’s involvement with, connection to their company. • Financial Performance
commitment to, and satisfaction with work. • Involvement – more positive attitudes, trust, • Employer Brand
• David Zinger – Employee engagement is the art and organizational commitment, and intrinsic enjoyment of
science of engaging people in authentic and recognized work. Importance of Employee Engagement
connections to strategy, roles, performance, • Engaged employees are more productive, more • Engaged employees will stay with the company, be an
organization, community, relationships, customers, profitable, more customer focused, safer, and less advocate of the company, and contribute to bottom-
development, energy and happiness to leverage, likely to leave their employer. line business success.
sustain, and transform work into results. • They will normally perform better and are motivated.
Drivers of Engagement • There is a significant link between employee
Role of a Managers • Employee perceptions of job importance • Employee engagement and profitability.
• The workplace Manager and his/ her ability to meet clarity of job expectations • They form an emotional connection with the
a core set of employees’ emotional requirements is the • Career advancement/ improvement opportunities company. This impacts their attitude towards the
most important variable that distinguishes between • Regular feedback and dialogue with Supervisors company’s clients and thereby improves customer
highly productive and unproductive workplaces. • Quality of working relationships with peers, superiors satisfaction and service levels.
• At a level Managers can influence the most basic and subordinates • It builds passion, commitment, and alignment with
human needs – to be recognized as individuals and to • Perceptions of the ethos and values of the the organization’s strategies and goals.
contribute. organization • Increases employees’ trust in the organization.
• Effective internal employee communication • Creates a sense of loyalty in a competitive
Paradigm Shift • Reward to engage environment.
 In many countries today, the employer needs the • Provides a high-energy working environment.
employees more than the other way around. As Employee Engagement Index • Boosts business growth.
the world shifts from an industrial to a knowledge- • I understand overall mission of my company • Makes the employees effective brand ambassadors
based economy – and as the employees are • My Company asks for my feedback and acts upon my of the company.
increasingly valued for what they know as much as inputs
what they produce – the employer’s power has • My Company provides me with the training and the Employee Engagement is not a stand-alone activity. It is
diminished or evaporated tools that I need to be successful an integral part of business strategy and a long-term
Employee Engagement Strategy
 Why
 How
 What

Benefits – Direct and Indirect

• Culture Building
• Employee Satisfaction

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