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Engineering precision nanoparticles

for drug delivery
Michael J. Mitchell 1,2,3,4,5 ✉, Margaret M. Billingsley1, Rebecca M. Haley 1,
Marissa E. Wechsler6, Nicholas A. Peppas6,7,8,9,10 ✉ and Robert Langer 11 ✉
Abstract | In recent years, the development of nanoparticles has expanded into a broad range
of clinical applications. Nanoparticles have been developed to overcome the limitations of free
therapeutics and navigate biological barriers — systemic, microenvironmental and cellular —
that are heterogeneous across patient populations and diseases. Overcoming this patient
heterogeneity has also been accomplished through precision therapeutics, in which personalized
interventions have enhanced therapeutic efficacy. However, nanoparticle development continues
to focus on optimizing delivery platforms with a one-​size-​fits-​all solution. As lipid-​based,
polymeric and inorganic nanoparticles are engineered in increasingly specified ways, they
can begin to be optimized for drug delivery in a more personalized manner, entering the era
of precision medicine. In this Review, we discuss advanced nanoparticle designs utilized in
both non-​personalized and precision applications that could be applied to improve precision
therapies. We focus on advances in nanoparticle design that overcome heterogeneous barriers
to delivery, arguing that intelligent nanoparticle design can improve efficacy in general delivery
applications while enabling tailored designs for precision applications, thereby ultimately
improving patient outcome overall.

Engineered nanomaterials hold significant promise to a translational gap between animal and human studies4,5.
improve disease diagnosis and treatment specificity. This gap comes from a lack of understanding of the
Nanotechnology could help overcome the limitations differences in physiology and pathology between ani-
of conventional delivery — from large-​s cale issues mal model species and humans, specifically how these
such as biodistribution to smaller-​scale barriers such differences influence the behaviour and functionality
as intracellular trafficking — through cell-​specific of nanomedicines in the body6. The differences across
targeting, molecular transport to specific organelles species are not the only factor that limits clinical trans-
and other approaches. To facilitate the realization and lation. Heterogeneity amongst patients can also limit the
clinical translation of these promising nano-​enabled success of nanomedicines, and there is currently only
technologies, the US National Science and Technology limited research on the interactions between nanomed-
Council (NSTC) launched the National Nanotechnology icines and in stratified patient populations. Thus, of
Initiative (NNI) in 2000 and outlined well-​defined the nanomedicines that are approved, few are recom-
initiatives and grand challenges for the field1. These initi- mended as first-​line treatment options, and many show
atives have supported the recent efforts to investigate and improvements in only a small subset of patients7. This is
improve nanotechnology, of which nanoparticles (NPs) due, in part, to the underexplored heterogeneity both in
constitute a significant portion of reported research and the biological underpinnings of diseases and amongst
advancement. patients, which alters NP efficacy because the growth,
NPs have the potential to improve the stability and structure and physiology of diseased tissue alter NP
solubility of encapsulated cargos, promote transport distribution and functionality.
across membranes and prolong circulation times to Many early NP iterations were unable to overcome
increase safety and efficacy2,3. For these reasons, NP these biological barriers to delivery, but more recent NP
✉e-​mail: mjmitch@
research has been widespread, generating promising designs have utilized advancements in controlled syn-;
results in vitro and in small animal models4. However, thesis strategies to incorporate complex architectures,; despite this extensive research motivated by the NNI, the bio-​responsive moieties and targeting agents to enhance number of nanomedicines available to patients is drasti- delivery8–12. These NPs can therefore be utilized as more
s41573-020-0090-8 cally below projections for the field, partially because of complex systems — including in nanocarrier-​mediated

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Reticuloendothelial system
combination therapies — to alter multiple pathways, specific applications — are of particular importance
A system of specialized cells maximize the therapeutic efficacy against specific as new opportunities arise for the clinical translation
that clear foreign bodies from macro­molecules, target particular phases of the cell cycle of NP-​based precision therapies in cancer medicine,
blood circulation. or overcome mechanisms of drug resistance. immunotherapy and in vivo gene editing (Fig. 1).
This new focus on generating NPs to overcome bio-
Having polyethylene glycol logical barriers specific to patient subsets or disease NP classes
(PEG) polymer chains attached, states can be attributed, in part, to the increasing prev- Lipid-​based NPs
typically to molecules or alence of precision, or personalized, medicine and the Lipid-​based NPs include various subset structures but
creation of the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) in are most typically spherical platforms comprising at
2015 (ref.13). The goal of precision medicine is to uti- least one lipid bilayer surrounding at least one internal
lize patient information — such as genetic profile, envi- aqueous compartment (Fig. 2). As a delivery system,
ronmental exposures or comorbidities — to develop lipid-​based NPs offer many advantages including for-
an individualized treatment plan. The use of precision mulation simplicity, self-​assembly, biocompatibility, high
minimizes the impact of patient heterogeneity and bioavailability, ability to carry large payloads and a range
allows for more accurate patient stratification, improved of physicochemical properties that can be controlled to
drug specificity and optimized dosing or combinatorial modulate their biological characteristics14,15. For these
strategies. However, precision therapies are subject to reasons, lipid-​based NPs are the most common class of
the same biological barriers to delivery as other medi- FDA-​approved nanomedicines7,16 (Table 1).
cines, which limits their clinical potential. As such, new For liposomes — one of the subsets of lipid-​based
NP designs, informed by patient data and engineered NPs that has the most members — the NPs are typically
to overcome particular barriers in a stratified patient composed of phospholipids, which can form unilamellar
population, could greatly improve the delivery of and and multilamellar vesicular structures. This allows the
response to precision medicine therapies. liposome to carry and deliver hydrophilic, hydrophobic
This Review focuses on advances in nanomedicine and lipophilic drugs, and they can even entrap hydro-
that could facilitate clinical translation of precision medi- philic and lipophilic compounds in the same system,
cines and improve patient-​specific therapeutic responses, thereby expanding their use17. Their in vitro and in vivo
with an emphasis on leveraging biomaterials and bio- stability are altered by NP size, surface charge, lipid com-
medical engineering innovations to overcome biological position, number of lamellae and surface modifications
barriers and patient heterogeneity. The Review presents (with ligands or polymers), which can be altered during
the progress made towards goals set forth by the NNI synthesis15,18. Because they can be rapidly taken up by
and the PMI to improve disease treatment for the indi- the reticuloendothelial system, liposomes often include
vidual. Although NPs have been used successfully in pre- surface modifications to extend their circulation and
cision diagnostic applications, this Review focuses on the enhance delivery, which has enabled their clinical use14,19.
delivery of precision medicine therapeutics, as we believe Another notable subset of lipid-​based NPs is com-
that these medicines will greatly influence precision NPs monly referred to as lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) —
in the future. Further, we discuss the biological barriers liposome-​like structures widely used for the delivery
that have limited the widespread success of NP appli- of nucleic acids. They differ from traditional liposomes
cations and critically review rational NP designs that primarily because they form micellar structures within
have aimed to overcome these obstacles. The distribu- the particle core, a morphology that can be altered based
tion and delivery trends from decades of NP research on formulation and synthesis parameters20. LNPs are
are also covered, as the impact of NP characteristics on typically composed of four major components: cationic
therapeutic responses are explored. These emerging or ionizable lipids that complex with negatively charged
topics — as well as advances in engineering NPs for genetic material and aid endosomal escape, phospho-
lipids for particle structure, cholesterol for stability and
Author addresses membrane fusion, and PEGylated lipids to improve sta-
bility and circulation21,22. The efficacy of their nucleic
Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
acid delivery along with their simple synthesis, small size
Abramson Cancer Center, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, USA. and serum stability have made LNPs particularly impor-
Institute for Immunology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, tant in personalized genetic therapy applications12,23.
Philadelphia, PA, USA. Ionizable LNPs are an ideal platform for the delivery of
Cardiovascular Institute, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, these nucleic acid therapies as they have a near-​neutral
Philadelphia, PA, USA. charge at physiological pH but become charged in
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of acidic endosomal compartments, promoting endosomal
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. escape for intracellular delivery24,25. However, despite
Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA. these advantages, LNP systems can still be limited by
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA. low drug loading and biodistribution that results in high
Department of Pediatrics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA.
uptake to the liver and spleen16.
Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin,
Department of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, The University of Texas at Polymeric NPs
Austin, Austin, TX, USA. Polymeric NPs can be synthesized from natural or syn-
Department of Chemical Engineering and Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer thetic materials, as well as monomers or preformed
Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. polymers — allowing for a wide variety of possible

102 | February 2021 | volume 20


Genome editing

NP delivers
Determining RNP Stratifying patients
pharmacokinetics components based on biomarkers
altered by to the nucleus and genetic
disease states information
Intracellular EGFR


Crossing Navigating
epithelial tumour micro-
Blood barriers environment Antibody-targeted
vessel NP reaches cancer
cell with
NP-based imaging complementary
reveals level of receptor
EPR in a tumour

NPs aid in delivery
to lung epithelium
Blood in cystic fibrosis
Targeting immune cells
Blood layer
NPs flow

NPs deliver
Modulating the mRNA NP generates CAR T cells Cancer Characterizing
immune system vaccines for cancer immunotherapy cell specific barriers
and response to reaching
target tissues
T cell CAR T

Creating autologous cell therapies

Fig. 1 | Biological barriers to precision medicine applications. Overview highlighting some of the biological barriers that
nanoparticles (NPs) can overcome (inner ring) and precision medicine applications that may benefit from NPs (outer ring).
As explored in this Review, intelligent NP designs that improve delivery have the potential to enhance the performance
of precision medicines and, thus, accelerate their clinical translation. CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; EGFR, epidermal
growth factor receptor; EPR, enhanced permeation and retention; gRNA, guide RNA; RNP, ribonucleoprotein.

structures and characteristics (Fig. 2). They can be for- for co-​delivery applications36. By modulating properties
mulated to enable precise control of multiple NP features such as composition, stability, responsivity and surface
and are generally good delivery vehicles because they are charge, the loading efficacies and release kinetics of these
biocompatible and have simple formulation parameters. therapeutics can be precisely controlled37,38.
Polymeric NPs are synthesized using various tech- The most common forms of polymeric NPs are
niques such as emulsification (solvent displacement nanocapsules (cavities surrounded by a polymeric mem-
or diffusion)26, nanoprecipitation27,28, ionic gelation29 brane or shell) and nanospheres (solid matrix systems).
and microfluidics30, which all result in different final Within these two large categories, NPs are divided fur-
products. Polymeric NPs also have variable drug deliv- ther into shapes such as polymersomes, micelles and
ery capabilities. Therapeutics can be encapsulated dendrimers. Polymersomes are artificial vesicles, with
within the NP core, entrapped in the polymer matrix, membranes made using amphiphilic block copolymers.
chemically conjugated to the polymer or bound to the They are comparable to liposomes, and are often locally
NP surface. This enables delivery of various payloads responsive, but are reported to have improved stability
including hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds, and cargo-​retention efficiency39, making them effective
as well as cargos with different molecular weights vehicles for the delivery of therapeutics to the cytosol40,41.
such as small molecules, biological macromolecules, Some polymers which are commonly copolymerized
proteins and vaccines30–35, making polymeric NPs ideal for these applications include poly(ethylene glycol)

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Polymeric Inorganic Lipid-based

Polymersome Dendrimer Silica NP Quantum dot Liposome Lipid NP


Polymer micelle Nanosphere Iron oxide NP Gold NP Emulsion

• Precise control of particle • Unique electrical, magnetic and • Formulation simplicity with
characteristics optical properties a range of physicochemical
• Payload flexibility for hydrophilic • Variability in size, structure properties
and hydrophobic cargo and geometry • High bioavailability
• Easy surface modification • Well suited for theranostic • Payload flexibility
• Possibility for aggregation applications • Low encapsulation
and toxicity • Toxicity and solubility limitations efficiency

Fig. 2 | Classes of NPs. Each class of nanoparticle (NP) features multiple subclasses, with some of the most common
highlighted here. Each class has numerous broad advantages and disadvantages regarding cargo, delivery and patient

(PEG) and poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Polymeric makes them useful in cancer medicine, gene therapy
micelles, which are also typically responsive block and diagnostics. However, disadvantages of polymeric
copolymers, self-​assemble to form nanospheres with a NPs include an increased risk of particle aggregation
hydrophilic core and a hydrophobic coating: this serves and toxicity. Only a small number of polymeric nano-
to protect aqueous drug cargo and improve circulation medicines are currently FDA approved and used in the
times. Polymeric micelles can load various therapeutic clinic (Table 1), but polymeric nanocarriers are currently
types — from small molecules to proteins35 — and have undergoing testing in numerous clinical trials7.
been used for the delivery of cancer therapeutics in
clinical trials42. Inorganic NPs
Dendrimers are hyperbranched polymers with com- Inorganic materials such as gold, iron and silica have
plex three-​dimensional architectures for which the mass, been used to synthesize nanostructured materials for
size, shape and surface chemistry can be highly con- various drug delivery and imaging applications (Fig. 2).
trolled. Active functional groups present on the exterior These inorganic NPs are precisely formulated and can
of dendrimers enable conjugation of biomolecules or be engineered to have a wide variety of sizes, struc-
contrast agents to the surface while drugs can be loaded tures and geometries. Gold NPs (AuNPs), which are
in the interior. Dendrimers can hold many types of cargo, the most well studied, are used in various forms such
but are most commonly investigated for the delivery of as nanospheres, nanorods, nanostars, nanoshells and
nucleic acids and small molecules43,44. For these appli- nanocages50. Additionally, inorganic NPs have unique
cations, charged polymers such as poly(ethylenimine) physical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties, due
(PEI) and poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) are commonly to the properties of the base material itself. For example,
used. Several dendrimer-​based products are currently in AuNPs possess free electrons at their surface that contin-
clinical trials as theranostic agents, transfection agents, ually oscillate at a frequency dependent on their size and
topical gels and contrast agents44–46. Charged poly- shape, giving them photothermal properties51. AuNPs
mers can be used to form non-​dendrimer NPs as well. are also easily functionalized, granting them additional
Polyelectrolytes are one such example: these polymers properties and delivery capabilities50.
have a repeating electrolyte group, giving them charge Iron oxide is another commonly researched material
that varies with pH. Polyelectrolytes have been incorpo- for inorganic NP synthesis, and iron oxide NPs make up
rated in numerous NP formulations to improve prop- the majority of FDA-​approved inorganic nanomedicines52
erties such as bioavailability47 and mucosal transport48. (Table 1) . Magnetic iron oxide NPs — composed of
They are also inherently responsive, and can be useful magnetite (Fe3O4) or maghemite (Fe2O3) — possess
for intracellular delivery. superparamagnetic properties at certain sizes and have
Overall, polymeric NPs are ideal candidates for shown success as contrast agents, drug delivery vehicles
drug delivery because they are biodegradable, water and thermal-​based therapeutics53. Other common inor-
soluble, biocompatible, biomimetic and stable during ganic NPs include calcium phosphate and mesoporous
storage. Their surfaces can be easily modified for addi- silica NPs, which have both been used successfully for gene
tional targeting49 — allowing them to deliver drugs, and drug delivery54,55. Quantum dots — typically made of
proteins and genetic material to targeted tissues, which semiconducting materials such as silicon — are unique

104 | February 2021 | volume 20


NPs used primarily in in vitro imaging applications, but Even though patient stratification has been essential in
they show promise for in vivo diagnostics56,57. the clinical development of several precision medicines
Due to their magnetic, radioactive or plasmonic for cancer, NP-​based clinical trials are currently con-
properties, inorganic NPs are uniquely qualified for ducted in unstratified patient populations61. However,
applications such as diagnostics, imaging and photo- this will likely change in the near future, as the impor-
thermal therapies. Most have good biocompatibility and tance of stratification becomes more apparent and NPs
stability, and fill niche applications that require prop- begin to be developed with specific patient populations
erties unattainable by organic materials. However, they in mind. The progression of NPs through clinical trials
are limited in their clinical application by low solubility may similarly be hastened by the incorporation of strat-
and toxicity concerns, especially in formulations using ified patient populations, as these populations will likely
heavy metals53,58. respond more uniformly to treatment. Furthermore,
NPs are particularly well placed to broaden the potential
NPs in precision medicine patient populations that qualify for precision medicine
Precision medicine pushes for the development of therapies by neutralizing factors, such as comorbidi-
patient-​specific treatments in a clinical setting, to over- ties or heterogeneous biological barriers, that may have
come the many limitations of traditional one-size-​fits- made patients previously unqualified. As NPs overcome
all approaches and improve therapeutic outcomes59. many of the current limitations to delivery — potentially
In oncology, patient stratification through biomark- improving the potency and therapeutic efficacy of pre-
ers and companion diagnostics has become the norm cision medicines — they may allow more patients to
for drug development, as most cancer nanomedicines qualify for clinical trials and benefit from individualized
fail to produce positive results in unstratified studies60. therapies.

Table 1 | FDA-​approved nanomedicines7,16,52,291

Drug Company Application Date of first
Doxil Janssen Kaposi’s sarcoma, ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma 1995
DaunoXome Galen Kaposi’s sarcoma 1996
AmBisome Gilead Sciences Fungal/protozoal infections 1997
Visudyne Bausch and Lomb Wet age-​related macular degeneration, myopia, 2000
ocular histoplasmosis
Marqibo Acrotech Biopharma Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 2012
Onivyde Ipsen Metastatic pancreatic cancer 2015
Vyxeos Jazz Pharmaceuticals Acute myeloid leukaemia 2017
Onpattro Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Transthyretin-​mediated amyloidosis 2018
Oncaspar Servier Pharmaceuticals Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 1994
Copaxone Teva Multiple sclerosis 1996
PegIntron Merck Hepatitis C infection 2001
Eligard Tolmar Prostate cancer 2002
Neulasta Amgen Neutropenia, chemotherapy induced 2002
Abraxane Celgene Lung cancer, metastatic breast cancer, metastatic 2005
pancreatic cancer
Cimiza UCB Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic 2008
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis
Plegridy Biogen Multiple sclerosis 2014
ADYNOVATE Takeda Haemophilia 2015
INFeD Allergan Iron-​deficient anaemia 1992
DexFerrum American Regent Iron-​deficient anaemia 1996
Ferrlecit Sanofi Iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease 1999
Venofer American Regent Iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease 2000
Feraheme AMAG Iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease 2009
Injectafer American Regent Iron-​deficient anaemia 2013

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 105


Since the launch of the PMI in 2015, several appli- are often altered in disease states and can be even more
cations have incorporated nanomaterials in preci- difficult to overcome with a generalized, one-​size-​fits-​all
sion medicine 59. For example, a blood test for the approach3,72–74. Furthermore, these changes in biologi-
early detection of pancreatic cancer analyses the per- cal barriers vary not just across diseases but also on
sonalized biomolecular corona that adsorbs onto a patient-​to-​patient basis, and they can occur at the
graphene oxide nanoflakes 62. The unique property systemic, microenvironmental and cellular levels, mak-
of graphene oxide, which binds low amounts of albumin, ing them hard to isolate and characterize broadly.
allows strong adsorption of proteins that are present in Understanding the biological barriers faced both gener-
the plasma at low levels62. Other studies use magnetic ally and on a patient-​specific level allows for the design
NPs63 or AuNPs64,65, which are simple to use, in biomarker of optimally engineered NP platforms. In this section,
detection assays, thereby saving time and money if com- we discuss strategies used by NPs to overcome biological
pared with existing methods that require substantial barriers on the systemic, local and cellular scale (Fig. 3).
sample processing. In addition to diagnostic screening,
some therapeutic applications of NPs aim to remodel the Systemic delivery and biodistribution
tumour microenvironment to promote particle accumu- The biological barriers that NPs encounter depend
lation and penetration, and thus increase drug efficacy, on the route of administration as well as the patient’s
and/or to sensitize tumours to a particular therapy66–68. disease type and progression3. Although local delivery
For example, tumour-​associated endothelial cells can methods may allow NPs to circumvent some of the
be manipulated by a NP-​delivered microRNA, which obstacles faced by systemic delivery, they often involve
alters the tumour vasculature and thereby sensitizes more invasive procedures and complex techniques that
the tumour to traditional cancer therapies67. Similarly, present other limitations. Furthermore, local delivery
bio-​inspired lipoproteins have been used to remodel may only be useful in diseases where the pathology is
tumours, and can improve NP accessibility to cancer cells restricted to known, accessible sites — such as certain
27-​fold66. The usage of photothermal NPs can improve solid cancers or traumatic injuries — so systemic admin-
the infiltration and activity of chimeric antigen receptor istration is more common in NP applications75. Thus,
(CAR) T cells against solid tumours69. NPs can also be this section explores the most prominent barriers to
used to modulate immune activation or suppression to delivery faced by systemic administration.
sensitize cancer cells to therapeutics, helping to homog-
enize these currently heterogeneous environments in an Circulation, stability and clearance. While in circula-
attempt to increase the number of patients who respond tion, factors such as excretion, blood flow, coronas and
to or qualify for precision treatments40,70. phagocytic cells can reduce NP stability and delivery
In summary, combining NPs and precision medicine (Fig. 3). The specific effects of each of these environ-
has the potential to advance both fields. Because NPs are mental factors is dependent upon the physiochemical
currently screened in unstratified patient populations, properties of the NP platform, which has led to general
the introduction of NPs developed for specific patient design principles aimed to manipulate these charac-
populations could allow for the accelerated clinical teristics to achieve favourable outcomes. In size, for
translation of numerous nanomaterials. Conversely, the example, NPs with a diameter less than 10 nm have
success of precision medicine relies on strictly strati- generally been shown to be rapidly eliminated by the
fied patient populations, and the use of NPs to improve kidneys, whereas NPs larger than 200 nm risk activating
delivery across heterogeneous biological barriers could the complement system, if not otherwise engineered76.
increase the efficacy of precision medicines, allowing for Furthermore, to avoid rapid excretion based on surface
more patients to be included in the stratified population, properties, many NP formulations incorporate PEG as
as well as increasing the likelihood of successful transla- a stealth coating. PEGylation improves the circulation
tion to the clinic. Advances in genome sequencing and time by altering the NP size and solubility while shield-
biomarker detection allow for the appropriate selection ing the NP surface from enzymes and antibodies that
of cargo for the treatment of patient-​specific diseases. may induce degradation, secretion and clearance, but
Although it is not the focus of this Review, there are this physical barrier does not completely prevent recog­
several diagnostic applications that may be improved nition by macrophages or other cells of the immune
by NP technologies. Development of nanobiomaterials system. Additionally, exposure to PEG results in the
for precision medicine is a highly customizable process. production of anti-​PEG antibodies that, when present
This careful design approach enables adjustments of the in high concentrations, can induce the rapid clearance
therapeutics’ pharmacokinetics to match requirements of PEGylated NPs77,78. Clinical studies have also shown
for solubility, administration or biodistribution and has that these anti-​PEG antibodies can be present in humans
seen success in research settings (Table 2). who have been exposed to PEG through means other
than PEGylated medicines, indicating that even the first
Complement system Biological barriers dose of PEGylated NPs would not necessarily circulate
A group of distinct plasma Even under normal physiological conditions, effective for long in all patients79,80.
proteins that induce biodistribution and drug delivery are difficult to achieve Another option for stealth is platelet membrane
inflammation and aid in the as NPs face both physical and biological barriers — cloaking, which reduces cell uptake and comple-
clearance of foreign bodies or
damaged cells by enhancing
including shear forces, protein adsorption and rapid ment activation81. Although this cloaking avoids the
antibody and phagocytic cell clearance — that limit the fraction of administered NPs macrophage-​b ased immune issues associated with
activity. that reach the target therapeutic site71. These barriers PEGylation, the NPs may still be recognized by other

106 | February 2021 | volume 20


Table 2 | NPs investigated for precision medicine as a therapeutic or diagnostic device

NP type Primary design Therapeutic cargo or target Indication or application
advancements for detection
LNPs Charge mRNA Immunotherapies for cancer or autoimmune diseases227
Responsivity Small molecule, photothermal Metastatic breast cancer66
mRNA Retinal disorders25; melanoma, human papillomavirus E7 (ref.174);
anaemic disorders175; acute lymphoblastic leukaemia258
Cyclic dinucleotide Lung metastasis of melanoma and breast cancer248
Responsivity and charge mRNA, protein Diseases of the lung and spleen12
Surface modification siRNA Pulmonary diseases176
Surface modification and pDNA Osteoporosis24
Surface modification and siRNA Hepatocellular carcinoma99
Polymer NPs Shape NA; observed distribution Neurological diseases with inflammation91; cervical cancer163
Responsivity Small molecule Non-​small cell lung cancer212; lung carcinoma219
Protein Diabetes35,38
Protein, small molecule Breast cancer208; immunotherapies for cancer180
Protein, gRNA Monogenetic diseases of the eye173
Protein, ssDNA Vaccination (influenza A H1N1, vaccinia)32
Anti-​sense RNA Mitochondrial disorders183
siRNA Pancreatic adenocarcinomas33; glioblastoma200
siRNA, small molecule Cancer181
Cyclic dinucleotide Metastatic melanoma40
Surface modification Small molecule Head and neck cancer196; TNBC49; systemic lupus erythematosus263;
myocardial ischaemia reperfusion injury27; breast cancer34
mRNA Ovarian cancer, melanoma, glioblastoma238; liver disease100
mRNA, DNA Cystic fibrosis283
Dyes Glioblastoma154
NA; observed distribution Osteoarthritis26; nuclear delivery41
Surface modification and Small molecule Ovarian cancer123; breast cancer198; hepatocellular carcinoma147;
responsivity cancer84
Small molecule, peptide, Colorectal cancer11
siRNA, pDNA Hepatocellular carcinoma54
Antibody, miRNA Colorectal cancer126
Antibody, photosensitizer Metastatic breast cancer205
Inorganic NPs Responsivity Small molecule, imaging agent Breast cancer203
Neoantigen, adjuvant, Colon carcinoma, melanoma55
Surface modification Photosensitizer Oral squamous cell carcinoma102
siRNA Breast cancer122
NA; observed distribution Neurological disorders130, glioblastoma156
Surface modification and Protein, antibody Mitochondrial dysfunctions182
Small molecule TNBC239
Surface modification and NPs for magnetic Breast cancer125
size hyperthermia
Surface modification and Small molecule Non-​small cell lung carcinoma165

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 107


Table 2 (cont.) | NPs investigated for precision medicine as a therapeutic or diagnostic device
NP type Primary design Therapeutic cargo or target Indication or application
advancements for detection
LNPs Surface modification Cu and small molecule; to
Metastatic breast cancer152
detect cells
Polymer NPs Surface modification Fluorescent dyes or 64Cu; to Epidermoid cancer121
detect cells
Inorganic NPs Charge To detect circulating tumour Colorectal cancer292
Surface modification β-​Amyloid peptide Alzheimer disease57
Heat shock protein Tuberculosis293
Blood iron level Anaemia294
Thrombin Cancer64
gRNA, guide RNA; LNP, lipid nanoparticle; miRNA, micro-​RNA; NA, not applicable; NP, nanoparticle; pDNA, plasmid DNA; siRNA, small interfering RNA;
ssDNA, single-​stranded DNA; TNBC, triple-​negative breast cancer.

cell populations82. However, these platelet-​based cell membranes if they lack sufficient binding affinity for
interactions can also help with targeting: platelet endothelial cells88. Thus, the haemodynamics experi-
membrane-​cloaked NPs feature the ligands present enced by systemically administered NPs — which are
on native platelets — including mediators of adhesion often altered in vascular pathologies such as stenoses and
to von Willebrand factor and collagen — allowing the hypertension93,94 — greatly influence NP distribution
wrapped NPs to target injury sites and accumulate and delivery.
around activated platelets83. In addition to their interactions with vessel walls, cir-
Surface modifications and cloaking techniques allow culating NPs come into contact with biomolecules and
NPs to avoid the recognition and clearance systems that cells suspended in blood. The non-​specific adherence of
may lead to rapid NP degradation and instability, and serum proteins and lipids forms a corona on the surface
there are also numerous NP design strategies that specif- of NPs61,95,96. The composition of the corona depends on
ically focus on improving stability. NP stability is greatly the biomolecules present in blood as well as the physico-
affected by how its composition material interacts with chemical characteristics of the NP surface, as this dictates
the environment, and lipid-​based and polymer-​based the adsorption or desorption of proteins from biologi-
NPs are the most susceptible to instability and aggrega- cal fluids61,96. At times, the engineered surface properties
tion both in circulation and in storage. Thus, to improve meant to enhance NP targeting — such as conjugated
the robustness of these softer NPs, excipients such as ligands or modified surface charge — may encourage
helper lipids, cholesterol and PEGylated lipids18,21 can corona formation through charge-​specific interactions97.
be formulated with lipid-​based NPs to increase their Once formed, this corona will dictate the distribution
stability, whereas polymer NPs may utilize cross-​linking of the NP, and can compromise stability of both the NP
techniques84,85. For storage and transport, many NPs are and its cargo61,96,98. Recent investigations have sought to
lyophilized to improve stability, although this does not determine how the specific corona biomolecules alter
affect the NP stability once administered21. However, as NP distribution and tissue-​specific targeting99–101. For
Extravasation NP designs aim to increase stability, the balance between example, coronas containing apolipoprotein E (ApoE)
The movement or leakage stabilization and effective intracellular delivery — act as targeting moieties for low-​density lipoprotein
of something (cells, blood, which typically requires carrier degradation — must be receptors, which leads to NP delivery to hepatocytes
nanoparticles and so on) from
considered. and, in some instances, across the blood–brain barrier
a blood vessel into the tissue
around it. In the bloodstream, NPs experience varying flow (BBB)99,102–104. If the corona contains opsonin or ligands
rates that induce shear stress and may damage the plat- for pattern recognition receptors, it can cause rapid
Aspect ratios forms or their cargo and prevent extravasation86,87. These clearance of the NPs via contact with cells of the innate
Numerical comparisons of fluid forces can strip NPs of their surface coatings immune system98.
a nanoparticle’s height and
and can prevent NPs from localizing to vessel walls to Clearance of NPs from the circulation can be influ-
extravasate — either transcellularly or paracellularly — enced by their physicochemical properties, but often
Blood–brain barrier to reach target tissues3,86–90. Larger (microscale) particles results from interactions with the mononuclear phagocytic
(BBB). A biological filter have a higher probability of localizing to the vessel walls, system (MPS) or reticuloendothelial system3,97 (Fig. 3).
made of endothelial cells that
and non-​spherical particles show better margination89. These systems feature phagocytes (predominantly
restricts the movement of
substances from the body Specifically, ellipsoids, discoid shapes and nanorods with macro­phages), monocytes and dendritic cells, which
to the brain. higher aspect ratios localize to blood vessels better than take up NPs and accumulate in the spleen and liver71,97,98.
spheres do89,91,92. This is caused by flow-​induced rolling This clearance tends to happen more rapidly in stiffer
Mononuclear phagocytic in shapes with high ratios, which results in edge mar- NPs105,106. In terms of surface charge, cationic NPs are
(MPS). The phagocytic cell
gination at a speed proportional to the NP aspect ratio3. generally most rapidly cleared, followed by anionic
population of the immune Even after vessel localization, architecture-​dependent NPs, whereas neutral and slightly negative NPs have
system. drag force from blood flow may rip NPs from cell the longest half-​lives in circulation2,3. To minimize

108 | February 2021 | volume 20


clearance, some NP designs implement surface modifi- they are also thought to contribute to these uncom-
cations — such as PEG, ‘self ’ peptides (including CD47) mon but severe allergic reactions. In all, these immune
or cell membrane coatings — that aim to reduce these responses to NP architecture and surface modifications
interactions with phagocytic cells of the MPS3,76. can induce inflammation and adverse reactions, which
In addition to clearance, interactions with the emphasizes the importance of tailoring NP design to
MPS can cause toxicity, as these cells trigger immune minimize these risks61,82.
responses involving the secretion of tumour necrosis
factors, interleukins and interferons that cause inflam- Barriers to biodistribution. Extravasation is the first
mation or tissue damage98,107. The type and magnitude of step for a NP in circulation to reach the target tissue89,90.
immune response to NPs is greatly affected by NP size, Extravasation can be altered by NP characteristics,
shape and surface properties. For example, in a mouse including size: for example, small NPs generally cross
ovalbumin model, spherical NPs cause a T helper 1 cell- capillary walls more easily than large NPs3,71,98 (Fig. 3).
biased (cell-​mediated) response, micrometre-​length rods Thus, NPs tend to distribute across organs in a size-​
cause a T helper 2 cell-​biased (humoral) response and dependent manner, with the highest accumulation often
spherical NPs induce a stronger immune response in the liver and spleen3,76. However, size-​dependent dis-
overall108. Furthermore, uptake by phagocytic cells tribution can be altered by pathological environments
has been related to the NP curvature and aspect ratio: such as the tumour vasculature, in which larger than
triangular and rod-​shaped NPs show more uptake normal intercellular gaps allow for larger NPs to exit the
than star-​shaped or spherical NPs, and rod-​shaped vessels71. Overall, extravasation leads to non-​specific dis-
NPs induce more inflammation in macrophages109–111. tribution, which presents a translational challenge for
Certain surface properties induce inflammation; some applications that require specific localization3.
PEGylated NPs have caused severe allergic reactions Optimizing the administration route can improve
or anaphylaxis in a small subset of patients in clinical biodistribution. The means of administering any drug
trials112,113. Although the steric effects of PEG on the may alter its fate and efficacy in vivo, and numerous
surface of NPs typically prevent interactions with MPS studies have explored how these routes impact the
cells, anti-​PEG antibodies developed from previous PEG fate of NPs specifically114,115. For example, polymeric
exposure undermine this stealth property and promote (poly(lactic-​co-​glycolic) acid (PLGA)) NPs that are
MPS interactions77,78. At high concentrations, anti-​PEG intravenously injected accumulate primarily in the liver
antibodies most commonly cause rapid clearance, but and spleen, whereas if these NPs are subcutaneously or

Extravasation Clearance

Size – +

>150 nm 20–150 nm <5 nm


Tumours Charge Mucus

– – +
+ –
– –
Coated –

Targeted –

Fig. 3 | NP characteristics impact distribution. Factors such as size, shape, charge and surface coating determine what
happens to nanoparticles (NPs) in the circulation, including clearance, and how the NPs interact with local barriers such
as the tumour microenvironment or mucus layers. A few general trends are highlighted here: spherical and larger NPs
marginate more easily during circulation, whereas rod-​shaped NPs extravasate more readily (top left); and uncoated or
positively charged NPs are cleared more quickly by macrophages (top right). In terms of local distribution, in general,
rod-​shaped, neutral and targeted NPs penetrate tumours more readily (bottom left) whereas positively charged, smaller
and coated NPs more easily traverse mucosal barriers (bottom right).

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 109


First-​pass metabolism intranodally injected, they are more likely to accumulate with high specificity, their conjugation to NPs may
The metabolism of a drug in local lymph nodes116. These alternate administration increase MPS interactions and result in rapid NP
within the liver and enterocytes routes enable NPs to reach the lymphatic system prior to clearance76. Although the selection of less specific tar-
before the drug reaches the systemic circulation, which could be beneficial in certain gets, such as broadly expressed transporters, may reduce
systemic circulation.
immunotherapeutic applications116,117. Another method immunogenicity compared with antibodies, they face
for bypassing extravasation that has been increasingly additional obstacles associated with off-​target delivery2,
explored for NP delivery is pulmonary administration, which occurs if the marker or target is expressed on both
specifically NP inhalation. This route avoids exposure diseased and healthy cells. Off-​target delivery is further
to the systemic circulation prior to lung delivery, thus complicated if the diseased cells are widely distrib-
avoiding hepatic first-​pass metabolism and increasing uted throughout normal tissues, which precludes local
the delivery of dendrimer-​based NPs to the lung and delivery61,73,97,126. Overall, although targeting NPs to dis-
lymph node as compared with intravenous delivery114. ease markers aids in specific delivery, active targeting is
However, despite their improved delivery to lung tissue, not currently an ideal solution.
inhaled NPs face the unique obstacles of mucus and Physical barriers to NP distribution include tight
pulmonary surfactant, which act as physical barriers to junctions among the endothelial and epithelial cells
lung delivery (discussed further in later sections) and of the BBB (in intravenous delivery) and the gastroin-
can vary greatly across patients and pathologies118,119. testinal tract (in oral delivery), respectively. For NPs
Furthermore, a recent comparison of three widely used to reach the central nervous system (CNS), they must
routes of pulmonary administration in mouse models utilize receptor-​mediated endocytosis to be taken up
— intratracheal instillation, intratracheal spraying by endothelial cells of the BBB and exocytosed to the
and intranasal instillation — revealed different rates other side97,98,127. Receptor-​mediated transcytosis is an
of polymeric (PLGA) NP deposition in the lungs and effective way to deliver therapeutics to the brain or to
heterogeneous distributions overall, suggesting the infiltrate tumour tissue128,129. However, this method of
need for validated and consistent delivery methods crossing the BBB is complicated by the heterogene-
when assessing pulmonary administration routes for ity of plasma membrane transporters on endothelial
NPs120. Clinically, approved NP formulations (such as cells2. However, some transporters — such as glucose
ONPATTRO, VYXEOS and NBTXR3) are either intra- transporters — are consistently highly expressed on the
tumourally or intravenously administered, with limited BBB, and some common targets — such as vascular cell
optimization of the administration route7. Although pre- adhesion molecule 1 — can increase NP transport across
clinical work is being done to explore alternate routes, the BBB2,91. These two molecules could be harnessed to
these studies are still ongoing. In all, selecting the opti- deliver NPs. Other targeting routes have been explored,
mal administration route for NPs may allow for more including the transferrin receptor, which has theoretical
desirable distribution, but many current administration advantages over other transporter types but has yet to
routes still, ultimately, result in widespread distribu- see clinical success130. With transferrin receptor systems,
tion of NPs and fail to provide the level of targeting and only approximately 5% of the systemically administered
specificity desired. NP dose reaches the CNS and even less reaches target
To further prevent non-​specific distribution, many cells97,127. However, a recent investigation characteriz-
NP platforms have added targeting moieties to their sur- ing AuNPs that had crossed the BBB revealed that the
face to direct their delivery. Most targeting moieties — composition of the NP corona was altered but stable
including antibodies121, glucose122, transferrin34, folate123, after crossing: investigations to better understand these
transporters2 and integrin ligands124 — use interac- altered coronas could help develop future strategies for
tions with molecules on the target cell’s surface, such CNS targeting96. Overall, the BBB remains a major chal-
as ligand–receptor, enzyme–substrate or antibody– lenge for systemically administered NPs attempting to
antigen-​mediated interactions73. Thus, targeted NPs reach tissues of the CNS. Thus, intranasal administration
must be engineered with a targeting moiety density has been increasingly explored as an option for NP deliv-
that allows for these cell surface interactions, making it ery to the brain as it bypasses the BBB and avoids many
important to understand the ratio of receptors to ligands of the limitations of systemic delivery115,131. However, fac-
and the number of interactions needed to overcome the tors such as a limited dosing volume and variables attrib-
initial energy barrier to NP uptake2,76. Active targeting uted to patient congestion and mucus have presented
may also improve NP distribution within a target tis- notable obstacles to the intranasal route132,133.
sue: binding peptides for collagen type III increased Although oral delivery is the most widely used and
NP accumulation in joints and enabled preferential NP readily accepted form of drug administration, the gastro­
association with osteoarthritic cartilage over healthy intestinal tract presents numerous barriers for NPs72.
tissue26. Additionally, use of the tumour-​targeting pep- For NPs that rely on passive diffusion, crossing the
tide CREKA allowed for enhanced permeation and endothelium is restricted by concentration gradients and
uniform distribution of NPs in a mouse model of breast P-​glycoproteins that excrete drugs from the vasculature
cancer with solid tumours125. However, despite the ben- into the intestinal lumen. However, some NP proper-
efits of active targeting, the process of target selection is ties may encourage transport across the gastrointestinal
limiting. Because disease markers can vary among dis- tract. In a recent screen of inorganic NPs for the oral
eased cells within a patient as well as among patients in a delivery of protein drugs, smaller, negatively charged sil-
population, target selection is a personalized process73,76. ica NPs enhanced intestinal permeation by opening tight
Furthermore, although antibodies can be engineered junctions, thus avoiding the need for cellular uptake for

110 | February 2021 | volume 20


Stenosis transport across the epithelial barrier134. However, for biomaterials74. For example, a comparison of microen-
The narrowing of a bodily platforms that rely on endocytosis and subsequent exo- vironments in colon cancer and colitis, which feature
passage (such as a blood cytosis to cross the gastrointestinal tract, size remains different amine surface group densities on colon tissue,
vessel). an important factor. For example, the large surface area determined that the pathologies resulted in disease-​
of polymeric NPs (as compared with soluble drug) has dependent compatibility with dendrimer/dextran
been beneficial as it increases the number of interactions biomaterials74.
with the gastrointestinal tract following oral delivery135. Numerous diseased microenvironments feature
Overall, the average optimal reported size for NP tran- variations in pH, such as the low pH observed in many
scytosis in gastrointestinal applications seems to be tumours or the fluctuating pH observed across stages
around 100 nm28,48,135–137. This size range allows for both of wound healing90,143. Some pH-​sensitive NP platforms
enterocytes and M cells — which preferentially take up (detailed below) have been developed that allow the
NPs 20–100 nm and 100–500 nm in diameter, respec- release of the drug only in specific pH conditions. Wound
tively — to transport NPs across the gastrointestinal sites are often hyperthermic, so temperature-​responsive
tract47. Rod-​shaped NPs generally outperform spherical systems can react to this local environment and provide
particles, which aligns with trends showing that nano- targeted delivery144. In the case of stenosis and atheroscle-
rods are internalized into epithelial cells more efficiently rosis, narrowed arteries result in elevated shear stresses
than spheres are135,138,139. However, even when NPs are that can be exploited to increase therapeutic release from
internalized by intestinal epithelial cells, only a small NPs that break down under these conditions145.
percentage undergo exocytosis140. Thus, even when uti-
lizing these NP design elements to optimize transport, Local NP distribution. Barriers to local distribution
passive diffusion across the gastrointestinal tract is have been explored in depth in the tumour microenvi-
limited, so active targeting methods have been explored. ronment, as NP penetration and stability are challeng-
The transferrin pathway can be exploited for trans-​ ing in solid tumours107,146. Many characteristics of the
epithelial movement in the intestine, using a transferrin-​ tumour microenvironment — including the vasculature,
coated NP136. This target may be especially useful in interstitial fluid pressure and extracellular matrix (ECM)
the treatment of colon cancer and irritable bowel dis- density — contribute to the limited permeation and pen-
ease, which both cause overexpression of the transfer- etration of NPs3,147–150. Thus, the exact cause of successful
rin receptor in the intestinal mucosa136. However, in NP accumulation in tumours has been highly debated,
addition to the limitations of active targeting described with only a few established trends correlating NP design
above, targeting strategies in the gastrointestinal tract are to tumour delivery. Some of these NP properties that
frustrated by the formation of coronas in gastrointestinal can promote accumulation in tumours (Fig. 3) include
fluids, which vary with diet, and goblet cells that pro- hydrodynamic diameters above 100 nm, rod-​shaped
duce mucus to coat the endothelial surface. Both of these architectures, near-​neutral charges or inorganic material
issues limit the interactions between NPs and the intes- compositions — all of which may be optimal for tumour
tinal walls72,141. These barriers are made heterogeneous accumulation71.
by pathologies, such as inflammatory diseases, that may The tumour microenvironment also plays a key
increase epithelial permeability and alter mucus pro- role in determining NP fate. As the vasculature within
duction, pH and the gastrointestinal microbiome72,142. tumours is heterogeneous and abnormal, NPs can
Thus, the challenges presented by the gastrointestinal accumulate in tumours as the leaky vessels enable NP
tract, and heterogenized by patient pathologies, present extravasation, a phenomenon often referred to as the
substantial barriers to achieving therapeutically desired enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect61.
biodistribution via oral delivery. Reports vary on the role of the EPR effect in NP accu-
mulation in tumours. Up to 10–15% of injected NPs
Microenvironmental barriers accumulate at the tumour site, as compared with 0.1%
Once at the target site, NPs must navigate the local of free drug, and some studies attribute this to the EPR
microenvironment. Here, obstacles may include changes effect61. In contrast, recent work utilizing a combination
in chemical conditions or physical barriers to penetra- of computational analysis and imaging techniques in a
tion. Thus, to successfully engineer NPs that reach the mouse tumour model has determined that only a frac-
desired tissues or cells, a fundamental understanding of tion of NP accumulation in tumours can be attributed to
the microenvironments they will encounter is critical. passive transport, including the EPR effect. Instead, the
work suggests that other mechanisms such as immune
Microenvironment variability. Microenvironments cell interactions, protein coronas and molecular mecha­
often feature conditions that are substantially different nisms may contribute substantially to the enhanced
from those in the circulation, which can greatly alter the tumour accumulation of NPs129. These conclusions seem
physical properties and stability of NPs. For example, to be supported by meta-​analysis: one study reviewed
the gastrointestinal tract includes areas of extreme pH 232 data sets and determined that, on average, only 0.7%
variation and acidity72. These conditions, in addition of injected NP doses reach tumours — a finding that
to the presence of enzymes that induce degradation, greatly de-​emphasized the impact of the EPR effect71.
make the gastrointestinal tract an unstable environ- However, it is important to note the limitations of these
ment for many NPs72,74. Furthermore, the gastrointes- generalized findings, as a recent investigation has high-
tinal microenvironments can be diversely altered by lighted the potentially misleading results from quanti-
disease states, resulting in heterogeneous reactions to fying NP distribution using non-​standard calculations,

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 111


which may have led to biased results151. Thus, while Although mucus behaviour can be generalized within
continuing to explore the broad implications of the EPR each of these physiological environments, there are areas
effect for NP accumulation, future investigations must of disparity within the mucus of an organ system, and
critically evaluate the metrics used to quantify delivery these barriers are dynamic. In the gastrointestinal tract,
and distribution. the thickness of the mucus barrier can range from 40 to
The EPR effect relies on the heterogeneous formation 450 μm in the stomach and from 110 to 160 μm in the
of vasculature throughout tumours that can be altered colon, and factors such as fibre intake affect both mucus
by individual patient factors such as age, genetics, life- thickness and the turnover rate72,119. Additionally, as the
style and even previous antitumour treatments61,98,146. mucosal barrier transitions between the near-​neutral
Thus, to select the appropriate delivery platform for a endothelial cell surfaces and the acidic intestinal lumen,
specific patient, their individual tumour and its vascu- a steep pH gradient is present across its micrometre-​scale
lature should be assessed for EPR effects that alter NP thickness, creating a very unstable environment for NP
accumulation and permeation61,106. This is a promising platforms72,74. Changes to these properties of the mucus
diagnostic application for tagged NPs, which have been in the gastrointestinal tract are also observed in pathol-
used in preliminary studies to quantify the level of the ogies that change glycosylation patterns, pH and the
EPR effect at the tumour site seen in individual patients mucus layer thickness72,142.
in an attempt to identify patient populations that are well Similarly, pathologies of the lungs change mucus
suited for NP-​based therapies152. behaviour in that tissue. Mucus in the lungs — a barrier
The heterogeneity of tumour microenvironments that greatly impacts inhaled NPs — is characterized
generates many obstacles to successful NP delivery, by high concentrations of MUC5AC and MUC5B
including reduced permeation. Within the tumour polymers118,157. However, in cystic fibrosis, increased
environment, cells may overproduce or generate altered MUC5B expression and excessive cross-​linking of poly­
ECM components that result in a dense ECM that phys- mers in the mucus results in decreased pore size and
ically hinders NP delivery147–149. This is especially true low rates of mucus clearance because this mucus has
for cationic NPs as they adhere to the negatively charged higher viscosity, which encourages biofilm formation
tumour ECM, reducing permeation71,153. In addition, by entrapping pathogens and limiting the mobility of
abnormalities in tumour lymphatic vasculature can neutrophils157,158. MUC5B concentrations are also ele-
result in decreased interstitial fluid drainage, which vated in cases of primary ciliary dyskinesia and ciga-
increases intertumoural interstitial pressure and pre- rette smoke-​induced chronic bronchitis; MUC5AC is
vents effective NP perfusion3,107,148,150. These barriers can elevated in asthma158. In all, the properties of mucus
prevent most tumour cells from interacting with NPs; have been found to vary greatly based on patient factors
one study found that antibody-​targeted NPs interacted such as diet, lifestyle and disease, making it a complex
with only 2% of tumour cells — a number far below the environment for inhaled NP delivery.
level required for therapeutic efficacy148.
Limited perfusion is a therapeutic obstacle for NPs Cellular and intracellular barriers
delivered to the brain as well. After crossing the BBB When NPs make contact with their target cells, there
via systemic delivery or local administration, NPs in are still numerous barriers to the uptake and intracellu-
the brain microenvironment often fail to permeate the lar trafficking that determine their functional delivery3.
tissue because of the limited extracellular space and This section explores the barriers NPs must overcome to
non-​specific adherence to the ECM154,155. Thus, advanced achieve cellular uptake and proper internal trafficking
delivery methods such as convection-​enhanced deliv- and discuss how cellular heterogeneity affects these NP
ery, and NP surface modifications, such as dense PEG interactions.
coatings, have been explored. These methods may aid
in more widespread and evenly distributed delivery NP uptake and internalization. The corona, in combina-
across the brain, as well as improved permeation in tion with the NP characteristics it alters, such as hydro-
glioblastomas154–156. philicity and charge, alters cellular uptake in numerous
NPs face additional barriers to local distribution, cell types including macrophages and cancer cells61,159,160.
including biofilms and mucus 72,149. Within mucus This corona-​covered NP interacts with the surface of the
layers, the distances between adjacent polymer links cell, which consists of a negatively charged, selectively
determine the mesh pore size, which can vary from 10 permeable phospholipid bilayer with biomolecules incor-
to 1000 nm, so smaller objects diffuse through whereas porated throughout in a fluid mosaic structure75,160. Cell
larger objects are trapped72,149. In addition to filtering by membranes vary widely and membrane components such
size, mucus may trap objects via non-​specific interac- as lipid rafts and transmembrane proteins are heterogene-
tions that lead to their rapid clearance from epithelial ously distributed; over 400 cell surface transporter types
surfaces72. Although mucus throughout the body shares have been identified in human cells2,75,160. Furthermore,
a similar function, its behaviour varies depending on the exact stiffness of the cell membrane and its compo-
its physiological location because of differences in its sitional fluidity are determined, in part, by the cytoskel-
composition, hydration and viscoelasticity72,119,157. For eton, which can respond to external cues, making these
example, mucus in the gastrointestinal tract acts as an characteristics dynamic161. Thus, NPs interacting with the
adherent, thick layer whereas mucus in the lungs tends to same cell may experience different interactions depend-
be thinner and more mobile, making it a heterogeneous ing on their location on the cell’s membrane or their time
barrier72,119,157 (Fig. 3). of contact. Anionic NPs may struggle to make contact

112 | February 2021 | volume 20


with the cell surface due to repulsive forces, whereas cat- proteolytic enzymes that affect the stability of NPs and
ionic NPs, if too positively charged, may damage the cell their cargo75,160. Materials that change in response to
membrane and even cause cytotoxicity3,76,159,162. Thus, the acidic conditions and have a proton sponge effect have
first contact between a NP and a cell — which varies with been investigated to aid in endosomal escape, enabling
NP and cell properties — may determine the NP fate and, NPs to avoid degradation40,169,173. LNPs, which include
therefore, its therapeutic potential. cationic and ionizable materials, are good examples of
For the next step in delivery — cell uptake — few these intracellularly triggered delivery mechanisms and
definitive trends have been established concerning the are often used to carry nucleic acids into cells3,174–179.
optimal NP shape and size; some models and studies Materials can respond to the acidic endosomal pH, but
indicate that, in non-​phagocytic cells, spherical NPs NPs have also been designed to react to the reductive
have improved uptake over rod-​shaped particles163,164, endosomal environment180,181. As the redox potential
but other studies show the opposite effect165,166. Similarly, of the endosome increases, cleavable linkers incorpo-
many in vitro studies have shown that non-​phagocytic rated into the NP design may allow the NP to degrade,
cells only take up NPs that are 10–60 nm in size, and that disrupt the endosomal membrane and release its cargo
smaller NPs internalize better, whereas other investiga- intracellularly180,181. In addition to responsive NPs, com-
tions indicate that smaller NPs are more likely to cause plex shapes, such as nanostars, have also been shown to
cytotoxicity2,76,167. The process of NP uptake can be bro- improve the intracellular delivery of genetic material as
ken down into passive and active methods75. Because the they can efficiently enter cells and escape endosomes172.
cell membrane is selectively permeable, passive diffusion Once in the cytosol, the cargo may still need to reach
is predominantly limited to small, uncharged molecules certain intracellular environments75,160,161. Because cells
that travel down concentration gradients162. Thus, NPs are highly compartmentalized, reaching these orga-
most commonly rely on active transport to cross the cell nelles may require crossing additional intracellular
membrane3,75. Specifically, NPs tend to utilize endocytic membranes161. For example, the nuclear membrane
pathways, in which the plasma membrane is folded is a barrier for genome editing or DNA delivery75,149.
into vesicles to engulf NPs on the cell surface, and then NPs targeting the mitochondria for specific cancers
release them intracellularly3,75,90,160. The type of endocy- or as neurogenerative or cardiovascular therapies
tosis a NP undergoes can affect its fate within the cell face similar barriers75,182; to overcome this challenge,
and is determined by numerous factors including cell pH-​responsive NP systems could aid in precise delivery
type, NP size and receptor interactions3,90,160. For exam- to the mitochondrial environment183.
ple, in non-​specific cell membrane interactions, smaller
or larger NPs will be taken up by either phagocytosis or Cellular heterogeneity. In addition to the general cellu-
pinocytosis, respectively90. lar barriers described above, cells form heterogeneous
However, more specific interactions — often with populations both within a patient and across a patient
negatively charged NPs — may result in caveolin-​mediated population. Many cellular variations occur based on
or clathrin-​mediated endocytosis162. Caveolin-​mediated the characteristics of an individual. For example, in
endocytosis can occur in molecules smaller than approx- human fibroblast cells from fetal lungs and epithelial
imately 60 nm and utilizes lipid rafts to create specialized cells from fetal colons, younger cells took up more NPs
vesicles after engulfment90. This form of endocytosis is than old cells, and younger cells were less susceptible
more common for nanorods; nanosphere uptake is usually to toxicity184. Additionally, a study found that cell sex
clathrin-​mediated138. Clathrin-​mediated endocytosis — altered the uptake of AuNPs in human amniotic stem
the most common route for NP uptake in non-​specialized cells and fibroblasts isolated from saliva, demonstrating
mammalian cells — relies on receptor-​mediated, hydro- yet another factor to consider in NP delivery185.
phobic or electrostatic interactions between NPs and Drug-​resistant cells contribute to the cellular hetero­
the cell membrane in areas of clathrin expression90,160. The geneity that challenges NP delivery186. For example,
induction of these endocytic pathways is influenced by resistance to platinum (II)-​based drugs, such as oxalip-
NP properties such as stiffness and size. Although results latin and cisplatin, which distort DNA structure to
vary, stiffer NPs are generally more easily taken up, and induce apoptosis, can occur if cancer cells overexpress
both experimental and theoretical analyses indicate that efflux pumps or increase their rate of DNA repair. Thus,
endocytosis of rigid particles requires less energy162,168. smart NP platforms must be engineered to overcome
Additionally, NPs that are too small (<30 nm) may not be these barriers. For example, micelles deliver NPs more
capable of driving membrane wrapping enough to acti- effectively to the nucleus, and thus the cell has fewer
vate endocytic processes76. Multiple studies report good opportunities to acquire drug resistance187,188. Thus,
cellular uptake and intracellular delivery when particles both cell type and acquired phenotypes that lead to a
~50 nm in diameter are used27,76,169–172. Thus, the process hetero­geneous cell population create diverse barriers to
used for NP uptake is determined by numerous factors NP delivery, but new developments in NP design may
including characteristics of the cell membrane as well as help overcome these obstacles.
properties of the NP, which also influence the subsequent
endocytic process (Fig. 4). NPs in precision medicine
During endocytic processes, the vesicles, or endo- To account for the vast heterogeneity of biological barri-
somes, go through different stages that involve changes ers and disease states within and across patient popula-
in their chemical composition and pH until they become tions, methods must be developed to deliver therapeutics
lysosomes, which feature low pH, high ionic strength and in a manner that is highly modular and customizable.

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 113


Caveolin-mediated endocytosis Clathrin-mediated endocytosis Independent endocytosis Pinocytosis

Extracellular Receptor
fluid + +

Caveola Clathrin-
coated pit

Clathrin-coated vesicle

Proton sponge
H2O effect leads to Endosomal
osmotic swelling escape
+ ++
Ionizable + +

Non-responsive Enzyme
NP degradation

Early endosome Late endosome Lysosome

Fig. 4 | Common uptake pathways that ultimately determine NP fate feature various characteristics such as internal or external receptors.
within a cell. a | Upon interaction with the cell surface, nanoparticles To achieve functional delivery, most NPs must escape from these
(NPs) — depending on their surface, size, shape and charge — are taken compartments before they acidify. Thus, responsive NPs — such as ionizable
up by various types of endocytosis or pinocytosis via non-​s pecific NPs that become charged in low-​pH environments — aid in endosomal
interactions, such as membrane wrapping, or specific interactions, such escape and allow for intracellular delivery whereas unresponsive
as with cell surface receptors. b | Once they have entered the cell, NPs NPs often remain trapped and are destroyed by lysosome acidity and
remain trapped within vesicular compartments, or endosomes, that proteolytic enzymes.

This section details the effects of various NP properties chemotherapeutics190–192. However, these therapies and
on delivery, with a focus on how individual NP design others could be more effective if delivery is improved.
choices (such as architecture, material properties, tar- For example, imatinib has also been delivered using
geting and responsiveness; Fig. 5) can overcome barriers a NP system, which enhanced tumour accumulation
specific to individual diseases and patients. and regression in vivo, improving the survival ratio
to 40% after 60 days in a melanoma mouse model193.
NPs for cancer therapy Improvements in delivery could overcome some lim-
Cancer remains the second leading cause of death itations of therapeutics that have failed to make it to
worldwide189. Cancer is heterogeneous, and the devel- the clinic, including small-​molecule drugs with lim-
opment of effective cancer therapies is very challenging ited water solubility or antibodies with low stability194.
partially because of this complexity. However, precision Similarly, many chemotherapeutics have off-​t arget
medicine has emerged as a promising approach, and toxicity and induce adaptive resistance, which limit effi-
targeted chemotherapeutics have been developed that cacy. Furthermore, there are many biological barriers
can treat patients who express specific biomarkers. The associated with cancer, specifically at the tumour site.
first drug of this type, imatinib (Gleevec; Novartis), Improved delivery techniques could offset many of these
is given to patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia concerns. In order to best leverage our knowledge and
who express the BCR–ABL fusion protein from the treatment of individual cancer patients, both therapeu-
Philadelphia chromosome190. FDA approval of imati- tics and their delivery systems can be personalized for a
nib opened the field for many other successful targeted given patient.

114 | February 2021 | volume 20


Adapting to the tumour microenvironment. The tumour which notoriously lack traditional cell surface targets201.
microenvironment heavily influences patient prognosis, Designs like these, as well as the more generalizable
as it affects chemotherapeutic efficacy195. Although the trends for NP size and shape, are being used to improve
EPR effect and FDA approval of early NP systems has the percentage of chemotherapeutic dose that makes it
given hope for NP-​based delivery, these early systems to the solid tumour site.
do not improve overall patient survival, and there is still Within the tumour microenvironment, responsive
significant work to be done using smart NP designs to particles can improve tumour penetration, overcoming
improve cargo delivery or remodel microenvironments the high interstitial pressure and dense ECM that typi-
and thus increase the efficacy of existing therapies69. cally prevent NP permeation150,202. Endogenous triggers
For example, incorporating cell membranes into — such as the acidic and hypoxic environment of the
NPs can improve their accumulation in cancerous tis- tumour — can be used to induce NP degradation and
sue. NPs wrapped with membranes that are harvested drug release147,150,203,204. High enzyme levels of matrix
from a patient’s own cancer cells homotypically adhere metalloproteinases (MMPs) and other extracellular
to patient-​derived cancer cell lines; mismatch between proteases can serve as triggers10,205–207, and the Warburg
the donor and host results in weak targeting196,197. NPs effect, a metabolic shift towards anaerobic glycolysis195,
wrapped with macrophage or leukocyte membranes can be exploited as well208. Exogenous triggers — such as
recognize tumours, and hybrid membranes, such as light, sound waves, radio frequencies and magnetic fields
erythrocyte–cancer cell hybrids, can further increase — can also be used and tightly controlled from outside
specificity197–199. NPs that utilize these membranes show the body206. A non-​invasive existing clinical technique,
a twofold to threefold increase in drug activity over the ultrasound, can trigger local release from a systemically
free drug198. In a similar fashion, material properties administered particle68,209. Near-​infrared light, another
can cause NPs to preferentially distribute to certain exogenous trigger, has low absorption by natural tissues
tissues. For example, a poly(β-​amino-​ester) (PBAE) and therefore good biocompatibility210,211. Regardless of
ter-​polymer/PEG lipid conjugate was optimized for the trigger type, chemotherapeutics delivered locally in
lung localization, achieving efficacy two orders of this responsive fashion have fewer off-​target toxicities
magnitude above the pre-​optimized form both in vitro and other negative systemic effects.
and in vivo179. Other PBAE polymers have been devel- One example of smart NP design, iCluster, is a
oped that preferentially target glioblastoma cells over stimuli-​responsive clustered NP system that breaks
healthy cells in vitro200. Even AuNPs can be optimized down into smaller and smaller pieces as it overcomes
to passively target triple-​negative breast cancer cells, biological barriers in the tumour environment204. The
initial size of ~100 nm favours extended circulation in
the bloodstream and capitalizes on the EPR effect as the
Surface and Targeting NP extravasates through the tumour vasculature204.
material properties At the tumour site, the low pH triggers breakdown of the
system into much smaller (~5 nm) dendrimers, which
(glucose, galactose, have improved tissue penetration and thus deliver more
Self mannose, dextran) of the platinum chemotherapeutic cisplatin to cancer
Antibodies cells204. This system is a vast improvement over the tra-
ditional intravenous administration of free cisplatin:
PEGylation Responsiveness administration of the free drug inhibits tumour growth
Cell surface
Endogenous triggers: receptors by 10%, whereas the iCluster system inhibits growth by
• Acidic/hypoxic up to 95% in in vivo studies204. Additionally, free cisplatin
environment commonly causes irritation and cytotoxicity, especially
Cell • Enzyme levels
coating • Metabolic shifts Vitamins in the kidney. Size-​switching is not a unique property of
(vitamin D,
Exogenous triggers: folate) this system, and has been achieved using various other
• Light triggers and materials10,207,212,213. NP systems such as these
• Sound
Density and • Force (physical Aptamers have great potential to improve therapeutic efficacy;
toughness or magnetic) (peptides) their design is versatile and can be tailored specifically
to the tumour microenvironment.
Architecture Another example of optimally designed delivery is a
poly(acrylamide-​co-​methacrylic acid) nanogel, which
can be modified with bioactive moieties for numerous
Shape applications including local pH response, cell targeting,
transduction of visible light for photothermal therapy
Charge – + or degradation in the intracellular environment11. This
platform was able to maintain the function of multiple
modifications, allowing for each added small mole-
Fig. 5 | Commonly engineered NP surface properties that allow for enhanced
delivery. Surface and material properties, architecture, targeting moieties and cule, peptide or protein to contribute new responsive
responsiveness are all attributes of nanoparticles (NPs) that can be altered in intelligent or recognitive properties11. Nanomaterials that utilize
designs to tailor the platform to a specific application. Different combinations of these a similar, modular approach could be rapidly designed
four properties allows for seemingly endless permutations of NP features and platforms. to deliver multiple therapeutic agents intracellularly or
PEG, poly(ethylene glycol). respond to sequential biological stimuli.

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 115


Active targeting to cancer cells. Existing chemother- these NP systems present the antigen cargo to T cells
apeutics have various mechanisms and sites of action. to prime and activate them. NPs used in these systems
Some disrupt DNA within the nucleus (doxorubicin, can be polymeric (PLGA)226, lipid-​based (liposomes,
platinum drugs), and others work within the cytosol or LNPs)227,228, inorganic (gold, silica)229,230 or biologically
affect organelles such as the mitochondria214. Each drug derived (cell-​membrane vesicles)231,232. NP-​based can-
must be delivered to its site of action at therapeutic lev- cer vaccines are currently being used in clinical trials233.
els in order to work properly, indicating a need for NP Recently, NPs have been extensively explored in vaccines
trafficking to these sites. against SARS-​CoV-2 (which causes COVID-19), with
Antibodies, carbohydrates and other ligands on multiple successful late-​stage clinical trials. Companies
the NP surface can induce specific and efficient NP such as Moderna and BioNTech use LNPs to encapsu-
uptake124. Examples of tumour cell targeting moieties late mRNA that encodes for a COVID-19 antigen. As of
include antibodies121, peptides126, integrin ligands124, 30 November 2020, Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer have
glucose 122, transferrin 34,215 and folic acid 123 (Fig. 5) . met their primary efficacy end points in phase III trials
As these technologies advance, some systems now incor- and have applied for Emergency Use Authorization. As
porate multiple targeting modalities in a single NP195. with other applications, NP architecture, material prop-
Whereas some of these targeting schemes are generaliz- erties and active targeting can affect cellular uptake,
able, such as folic acid (folate receptors are overexpressed antigen presentation and the strength of the immune
on >40% of human cancers)216, most require tumour response234.
profiling to establish receptor or ligand overexpression. Macrophages, B cells and dendritic cells are all APCs
Additionally, not all receptor targeting improves speci- and can be targeted by NPs to improve the specificity
ficity. Some receptors overexpressed in tumour cell lines of immune activation. Passive targeting includes opti-
are also expressed in healthy tissues, limiting efficacy. mizing size, shape ratios and using positively charged
There is also often a trade-​off between residence time particles to interact with the negatively charged
in the circulation and cellular uptake. Recently, NPs have cell membranes235,236. APCs also express numerous
been developed with detachable stealth corona systems carbohydrate-​recognizing lectin receptors for endocyto-
and charge-​reversal systems (negative or neutral charge sis, and these have been exploited for cell-​specific active
for circulation, positive charge for uptake), in an attempt targeting178. Some of these lectin receptors are expressed
to optimize both properties217,218. One such system uti- at high levels in certain APCs, such as the C-​type lec-
lizes an MMP-​degradable linker to attach PEG to the tin receptors lymphocyte antigen 75 (also known as
surface of the NP: in the tumour microenvironment, DEC-205) and C-​type lectin domain family 9 member
the PEG coating is degraded, exposing a cell-​penetrating A (CLEC9A), which can be used to target dendritic
peptide219. In this way, systems can be developed that cells237. Mannose is commonly used to target macro­
change a given property to optimize for the delivery phages and tumour-​associated macrophages238–240, but
barrier they currently face. can target dendritic cells as well241. Particles coated
with galactose, dextran or sialoadhesin can deliver to
NPs for immunotherapy macrophages198,240,242. CD19-​targeting NPs can be used
Although immune checkpoint inhibitors have shown to actively target B cells243, and NPs with lipoprotein
significant promise for cancer treatment220, there are still surfaces can activate the scavenger receptor class B1
challenges with efficacy, patient variability and off-​target (SRB1) receptor on dendritic cells244. More generally,
effects when immunomodulators are used221. Some NP properties can be optimized for accumulation at
immunotherapeutics, such as proteins, have limited tolerogenic organs, such as the liver and spleen, where
delivery potential when administered freely, and thus immunological antigens are naturally produced245.
NPs have the potential to significantly improve delivery Immune-​recruiting systems, such as polymeric hydro-
by protecting immunotherapeutics and enhancing their gels and scaffolds, could also be used to optimize interac-
interaction with immune cells222. tions with APCs. These systems work with APC-​targeted
NPs, allowing them to recruit and reprogramme APCs246.
Immune activation. The immune system is trained to All of these methods aim to increase the likelihood that
eliminate cancerous cells from the body, but certain an antigen will interact with an APC, improving the effi-
genetic traits can allow cancerous cells to evade and cacy of antigen-​based therapies and lowering the dosage
suppress immune cells. To resensitize these cells, cancer needed to reach therapeutic levels.
vaccines aim to train the body to recognize cancerous The stimulator of interferon genes (STING) pathway
cells by using antigens either from the patient or from also leads to immune cell activation and antitumour
allogenic tumour cells. For example, Sipuleucel-​T, an effects, and can be activated by cytosolic double-​stranded
FDA-​approved cancer vaccine (albeit with limited effi- DNA (which typically comes from pathogens). STING
cacy)221, utilizes recombinant antigens specific to the agonists, typically cyclic dinucleotides, show promising
tumour type. Although the drugs are not yet in the clinic, antitumour activity, but are unstable and highly polar,
other groups have also developed synthetic peptides which reduces cellular uptake247. NPs improve the deliv-
and tumour lysates with the ultimate goal of patient ery of STING agonists248–250; a single STING NP dose of
personalization223–225. NPs can protect these antigens one formulation increased survival for at least 80 days
from degradation, improve the likelihood that they are in mice249. Additionally, some NPs with cyclic structures
presented to target immune cells and reduce off-​target (cyclic lipids) that mimic double-​stranded DNA can
effects. Antigen-​presenting cells (APCs) that take up stimulate STING regardless of their cargo174.

116 | February 2021 | volume 20


Other immunotherapy approaches target T cells IL-2 and TGFβ can expand the number of regulatory
directly. Numerous targeting schemes have been used T cells in vivo, suppressing the symptoms of lupus263.
to target NPs to T cells. Examples include NPs target- The active form of vitamin D3 has immunosuppressive
ing PD1 (ref.251), CD3 (ref.134) and THY1 (also known as effects because it modulates dendritic cell function261.
CD90)135. The tLyp1 peptide, typically used for tumour Active vitamin D3 can cause hypercalcaemia when
targeting, has been used to target regulatory T cells, administered systemically, so NP delivery is a promising
an immunosuppressive T cell subtype193. Checkpoint alternate strategy. PLGA NPs have been used extensively
inhibitors, an anticancer immune-​boosting strategy, are to deliver immunomodulators and prevent allograft
typically monoclonal antibodies that target PD1, PDL1 rejection265; PLGA NPs anchored to a hydrogel allow
or CTLA4. As for other applications, the usage of free for local and sustained (28-​day) delivery of tacrolimus,
antibodies is limited by stability concerns. Additionally, a common immunosuppressant266. For more long-​term
less than a third of patients who receive these check- effects, genetic engineering — reprogramming immune
point inhibitors see a robust response249. In an attempt cells at the genomic level — could be effective267.
to improve these therapies by enhancing efficacy and
reducing side effects, NPs have been formulated for NPs for genome editing
mono­clonal antibody (anti-​PD1) delivery252,253, and other Recent advances in CRISPR, transcription activator-​like
NP formulations disrupt immune checkpoints through effector nuclease (TALEN) and zinc-​finger nuclease
the delivery of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs)254. (ZFN) technologies are making it increasingly easy to
Genetically modified T cells have also shown prom- engineer the genome for widespread use in biomedical
ise in the treatment of metastatic and blood cancers. research, drug development and discovery, and gene
These T cells are constructed to express transgenic T cell therapy268. This is important in the context of preci-
receptors (TCRs) or CARs, which allow for T cells to sion medicine, as over 3,000 human genes have been
specifically target and eliminate cancerous cells255. These associated with Mendelian diseases but less than 5%
T cells are extracted from patients before in vitro expan- of rare diseases have effective treatments268. Advances
sion using artificial APCs, and new NP formulations in genome editing are now making it possible to cor-
may allow for translation of this process in vivo255,256. rect many of these rare diseases. However, efficient
Artificial APC design is similar to that of traditional NPs and safe delivery is still needed for genome-​editing
in the sense that their architecture, materials and target- systems to effectively target and enter tissues and cells
ing influence T cell activation257. Alternative methods of interest, while also minimizing toxicity269. Delivery of
of CAR T production could reduce the complexity of genome-​editing systems is challenging because these
antigen delivery to T cells using NPs, including the deliv- systems are multicomponent, hold sensitive cargo and
ery of CAR-​encoding DNA in vivo and the delivery of need to overcome several extracellular and intracellular
CAR-​encoding mRNA to produce transiently modified biological barriers to reach the genome of target cells.
T cells258,259. Lipid-​based and polymer-​based NPs have delivered a
range of nucleic acids in vivo, and are in various stages
Immune suppression. Diseases such as rheumatoid of clinical development24,44,104,183. For example, a LNP
arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus also result siRNA drug termed Onpattro (patisiran) was recently
from incorrect immune regulation: hyperactivation. approved by the FDA for the treatment of amyloidosis270.
In these autoimmune diseases, T cells and B cells are In the context of genome editing, NPs have the poten-
sensitized to self-​antigens260. Autoimmune diseases tial to be less toxic and immunogenic than viral vectors,
are typi­cally treated with general immunosuppressants, which have a history of safety concerns271,272.
which can cause serious side effects. Conditions caused
by immune overactivation could benefit from more Intracellular targeting. Most NP-​based systems for
targeted immunotherapies. genome editing are formulated by electrostatic complex-
Cellular targets for immune suppression include ation of nucleic acids with cationic materials, which are
APCs261, autoreactive T cells and B cells262, and regula- delivered intracellularly through mechanisms includ-
tory T cells and B cells263,264. Antigen-​specific immuno- ing receptor-​mediated endocytosis and phagocytosis273.
therapy aims to reprogramme or reduce reactive cells Cationic materials both complex with nucleic acids
or impart them with tolerance to certain antigens260. and impart responsive properties to NPs that aid in
By targeting a subset of immune cells, antigen-​specific endosomal escape. Charged materials currently used
immunotherapy has potential to modulate the immune for nucleic acid delivery include lipids (lipofectamine,
system without compromising systemic immunity. rationally designed lipids, combinatorial libraries of
Passive and active targeting schemes similar to those used ionizable lipid-​like materials) 21,22,274 and polymers
in immune-​activating therapies are used for immune (polyethylene imine (PEI), jetPEI, poly(amido amine)
inhibition. For example, NPs coated with anti-​CD2/ (PAA), polylysine (PLL), cyclodextrins and poly(β-​
CD4 antibodies target T cells and can be used to increase amino esters))275–278. These systems are responsive to
the number of regulatory T cells in circulation, whereas the intracellular environment, and can be optimized
non-​coated NPs at equivalent doses could not263. Similarly, to incorporate passive and active targeting elements to
sialic acid-​binding immunoglobulin-​like lectins (Siglecs) ensure endocytic uptake.
can be used to target and induce tolerance in B cells262. The final destination of the cargo for RNA interfer-
Immune tolerance can also be induced through the ence is the cytosol214. However, gene editing requires
delivery of immunosuppressant agents. NPs that deliver access to DNA. Strategies for nuclear targeting generally

NaTure RevIewS | Drug DIsCovery volume 20 | February 2021 | 117


fall into two categories: using particles that are small concerns than NP systems do. Although the usage of
enough to pass through the nuclear pore complex, or NPs for this type of delivery is not widespread, there
incorporating functionality that is used after endoso- have been early successes with in utero NP delivery of
mal escape214,279. NP properties can passively influence peptide nucleic acids, resulting in a level of gene editing
intracellular trafficking and the final destination179, but sufficient to alter the disease to manageable levels290.
particles can also be actively targeted to specific intra- Looking to the future, NPs have the potential to
cellular sites and organelles, such as the mitochondria27. improve genome editing by exerting more precise con-
Defects within the mitochondrial DNA can also play a trol and reducing safety concerns. Several companies,
significant role in disease onset. However, success with including CRISPR Therapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics
mitochondrial DNA genetic engineering is currently and Editas Medicine, are currently developing CRISPR–
limited to highly controlled in vitro settings214. Cas9 therapeutics. Intellia Therapeutics is currently
developing LNPs for in vivo delivery to treat several
Applications of genome engineering. Cystic fibrosis liver diseases, including amyloidosis, α1-​antitrypsin
is caused by genetic defects in the gene that encodes deficiency and hepatitis B virus infection. With precision
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator NP design, gene editing holds promise to cure diseases
(CFTR) protein. There is currently no cure for this and significantly improve patient lives.
life-​threatening disorder, but it is a monogenic disor-
der and therefore amenable to gene therapy. In vitro, Conclusions
the CFTR gene can be replaced or precisely repaired280. This Review has discussed numerous NP designs
However, gene therapy for cystic fibrosis has been largely optimized for therapeutic delivery and engineered to
unsuccessful in vivo due to issues with gene expression overcome the heterogeneous biological barriers found
and delivery281,282. However, NPs could aid in overcom- across patient populations and diseases. These barriers
ing these delivery barriers283–285. Multiple inhalable NP to delivery are complicated by patient comorbidities,
formulations have been developed, and some have varying stages of disease progression and unique physi-
shown successful delivery of genetic material such as ologies. This diverse array of needs can be met using NPs
mRNA248,286. designed for different patient populations or patholo-
Cystic fibrosis affects cells that produce mucus, gies, or intersections of the two. NP platforms offer an
making the mucus extra thick. This is the main symp- assortment of modifiable features such as size, shape,
tom of the disease but is also a significant barrier to charge, surface properties and responsiveness that can
delivery. NPs have been developed with improved be selected to optimize delivery for a specific application,
muco-​penetrating properties for use in lung delivery therapeutic and patient population. This customization
for cystic fibrosis and for oral delivery. NPs smaller can be utilized synergistically with precision medicine
than the mucus mesh pores have improved penetration, therapies to improve patient stratification methods when
as do systems with inert hydrophilic coatings (such as screening NP platforms, widen the accessibility of preci-
PEG or polyethylene oxide)283,285. PEGylation has been sion therapeutics by allowing new patients to qualify for
shown to improve penetration through cystic fibrosis existing therapies with newly enhanced delivery mecha­
mucus ex vivo287. However, mucus can be highly varia- nisms and, ultimately, increase the overall therapeutic
ble between patients, and existing murine models may efficacy of both precision medicines and NP delivery
not accurately mimic the thickened airway mucus pro- platforms.
duced by patients with cystic fibrosis283. Other existing Of these NP characteristics, size and shape have been
methods for improving mucosal delivery include the extensively studied across numerous biological states,
incorporation of muco-​penetrating lipoplexes176, muc- and, in some cases, trends have been identified that
olytic proteins149, thiolated hyaluronic acid coatings48 can be used for intelligent NP design. For example, NP
and N-​acetylcysteine137. All of these methods attempt to charge is of particular importance in muco-​penetrating
improve the transversal of mucosal barriers by altering applications and intracellular applications that require
NP surface properties118. endosomal escape, whereas targeting surface markers
Even though it has been estimated that restoration takes precedent in applications where specific cell types
of 10–35% of CFTR protein function would substan- must uptake NPs, as in many cancer and immunother-
tially improve the manifestations of the disease284, a apy applications. However, as the design considerations
higher percentage would be needed for a genuine cure. become more complicated, so do efforts to generalize
For genetic diseases such as these, the fetal stage is the trends across large populations — sacrificing the accu-
most effective time for gene editing, as genetic defects racy of the findings within a small population in the
are present in a small number of cells. However, fetal hope of generating an all-​encompassing principle of
delivery is a challenge. delivery. Therefore, investigations of NP design and the
The biological barriers to in utero delivery are actu- resulting interactions within the human body need to be
ally fewer than may be expected. NP therapies can be more thoroughly analysed to improve the specificity of
injected directly into an umbilical vessel, the amniotic these claims, especially as we move towards stratifying
fluid or specific fetal tissue288. The limitations in fetal patient populations to determine the most suitable NP
delivery come from concerns regarding the interaction platforms for these subgroups. Through the continued
between fetus and mother. Viral vectors have successfully exploration of NP technologies in laboratory settings,
delivered DNA editing machinery in utero in a mouse researchers have the opportunity to collect data and
model289. However, these vectors have more toxicity analyse outcomes to add to the ever-​growing library of

118 | February 2021 | volume 20


known design–function relationship trends in nanomed- NP designs may allow for greater therapeutic efficacy
icine. However, it is imperative that the trends observed compared with NPs developed for broad populations,
in research settings be contextualized before attempting and significant improvements in survival, quality of
to generalize findings broadly, as seemingly minor dif- life and even dosing could justify the higher price point
ferences in NP composition, animal models and pathol- of these precision delivery systems.
ogy may greatly alter the performance of NPs and must As more advanced NP designs are explored, this
be considered when moving NP technology towards research could influence the future rational design of
clinical translation. drug carriers for various therapeutics, both personal-
Current clinical successes with NPs in precision med- ized and generic, thereby benefitting an array of cargos
icine have been largely diagnostic, such as the ability to including small molecules, nucleotides and proteins.
recognize early stages of a disease by specific ligand– Furthermore, the approval of more NP platforms could
receptor interactions or the use of biomarkers to identify ease the path to the clinic for novel applications of these
which therapeutics might be best for a particular patient. NPs for the delivery of previously approved therapeu-
For example, determining the level of the EPR effect that tic cargos. By working to develop more NP platforms
a cancer patient exhibits can inform how effectively a and precision medicines for FDA approval and clinical
NP therapy would accumulate at the solid tumour site152. use, we are taking steps towards more modular patient
However, this Review has focused on potential thera- therapy designs and creating the potential for future pre-
peutic applications of NPs — specifically, their use in scriptions to not just include the optimal therapy but
the precision medicine fields of oncology, immunother- also pair it with the optimized delivery platform. The
apy and genome engineering — as these platforms have concept of offering multiple delivery platforms for a sin-
immense potential to improve efficacy of precision med- gle therapeutic is not new in the clinical marketplace.
icine therapies but have yet to see the clinical progress Commonly prescribed drugs such as those used for birth
achieved by diagnostic applications. This lack of clinical control are already offered in multiple forms (oral pills,
progress is likely because NP platforms are screened for injections and implants) to fit the patient’s lifestyle. The
efficacy in broad populations, in which the vast hetero­ expansion of both precision medicine and advanced NP
geneity of biological barriers in patients could mask the platforms will contribute to the continued clinical pro-
potential for successfully treating slightly smaller sub- gress of personalized medicines, allowing for seemingly
groups. As mentioned previously, the introduction of niche markets to grow.
stratified patient populations may also accelerate clini- In precision medicine-​relevant applications, the
cal progress, as stratified populations will likely respond usage of NPs allows for improved cellular targeting,
more uniformly to NP treatment. However, as ongoing fewer off-​target effects and more tailored therapies such
clinical trials are generally unstratified, we are currently as multidrug treatments. All of this can be achieved by
unable to predict which NP platforms will be most useful engineering NPs for the application at hand, improv-
for precision applications, and more stratified trials are ing accumulation at the site of interest and introducing
necessary. responsivity for on-​demand drug release, to minimize
Of course, moving to screen NPs through a precision unwanted toxicities and enable a new range of dosages or
lens — thus, limiting the number of patients that are eli- combinatorial treatments. By optimizing this specificity
gible to receive a medication — will reduce the potential and local activity of NP delivery systems, the effects of
market size of each NP-​based therapeutic. This reduc- precision medicine therapeutics can be improved as well,
tion may raise concern when considering the high cost widening the populations they benefit and improving
of development for advanced NP designs and, thus, the patient outcome overall. As the work described in this
increased financial risks associated with the potentially Review shows, intelligent NP design can improve pre-
failed clinical translation of a NP formulation. However, cision medicine as a whole and the insight provided by
NP platforms that are found to work well in specific precision medicine — such as patient stratification and
patient populations may have applications in the deliv- genetic profiling — can inform the rational selection of
ery of numerous therapeutics, both precision-​based and a NP platform to, ultimately, generate the ideal NP-​based
generic. Thus, the development of one highly effective precision therapy.
NP platform for a stratified group could lead to multiple
successful clinical applications. Furthermore, precision Published online 4 December 2020

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293. León-​Janampa, N. et al. Synthesis, characterization Research (AACR)–Bayer Innovation and Discovery Grant the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
and bio-​functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles to (Grant Number 18-80-44-​MITC). N.A.P. acknowledges support manuscripts.
improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis. from the UT–Portugal Collaborative Research Program
Nanotechnology 31, 175101 (2020). (CoLAB), the NIH (R01-​EB022025-4 and R01-​EB-00246-21), Competing interests
294. Muhammad, P. et al. SERS-​based nanostrategy for rapid the National Science Foundation (Grant 1033746), the Pratt A list of entities with which R.L. is involved, compensated or
anemia diagnosis. Nanoscale 12, 1948–1957 (2020). Foundation, the Cockrell Family Regents Chair and NSF uncompensated, can be found in the Supplementary informa-
Graduate Research Fellowships. R.M.H. was supported by a tion. M.J.M., M.M.B., R.M.H., M.E.W. and N.A.P. declare no
Acknowledgements National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research competing interests.
M.J.M. acknowledges support from a Burroughs Wellcome Fellowship (DGE 1845298). M.M.B. was supported by an NIH Publisher’s note
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DK123049), an Abramson Cancer Center (ACC)–School of R.M.H. and M.E.W. wrote the initial manuscript draft,
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