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Work is not serially done For example: Air Standard Cycles topics , You have solved question
1 and then suddenly instead of doing question-2, you did question-4 in a brief manner.
2. Some of the area of your works looks different hand writing. I assumed that all of these
works are yours instead of getting done by others. Try to maintain same writing flow in all
over the work.
3. In entropy topics, out of 6 problem, you have solved only 4 it means this topics is
4. Few problems, unit was not correctly written. For example: Ideal cycle Question number-3c;
the unit of specific fuel oil consumption is not clearly written. It looks ltr/hr which is
incorrect. You need to write down the unit clearly in your MCA exam.
5. Step jumping in the calculation is another issue I noticed. In MCA exam, Must write down
the full calculation process.
6. In heat Transfer topics: problem-3, 5, 6,9,10,11,12,13 are missing. This topics is incomplete.
7. In Working fluid topics: Problem number: 1,2,3,4, are missing. This topics is incomplete.
8. Where is the solution of your Nozzles and Steam Turbines topics?
9. Turbine blading Solution of Question-4 is missing
10. Combustion topics: Question 8,9,10 did not solve .
11. TMA-III: Question-2 is incomplete. Question 9 solutions are missing
12. TMA-5: Out of 9 question, you solved only question number-6; 8 questions are remaining.
13. TMA-I : Single stage air compressor : Question 6 did not solve.

220 page review complete. Need to do upto 269 page

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