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Контрольна робота №2



2.1. consistently above average

2.2. stimulating and challenging environment

2.3. outstanding musical tradition

2.4. a thriving, multicultural community

2.5. excellent modern facilities

2.6. high academic standards


3.1. bought

3.2. sold

3.3. went, found

3.4. gave

3.5. costs

3.6. spent, saw


4.1. I used to walk to school every day when I was young.

4.2. When I was a kid, I never used to go on holiday with my parents, so now
my family holidays are special to me.

4.3. We used to go to North Wales every summer, until I went to university.

4.4. My dad used to go fishing with his friend every morning.

4.5. We used to stay in the same place every year, so we made lots of friends

4.6. I used to swim in the sea every day of the holidays.


5.1. searching
5.2. upload

5.3. cheated/was cheating

5.4. organize

5.5. increased

5.6. mix

5.7. password

5.8. download


“Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain”. - Гроші, витрачені на знання,
ніколи не потрачені дарма.

It is evident that when you pay for knowledge or experience, you make an
investment to your future. To achieve anything you need to train your brain. It is not
always about money, sometimes it is also about time or effort.

“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know”. – Чим більше ми
отримуємо знань, тим стає зрозуміліше, як багато ми ще не знаємо.

I consider that it is impossible to know everything. Life is changing constantly; the

world of yesterday is not the same as of today and there are so many discoveries
every hour. Hence, we should learn all our life.

“The teacher has not taught, until the student has learned”. – Вчитель не навчив,
поки учень не навчився.

To my mind, when a teacher is interested in his students’ results, he or she will teach
with passion, not just giving theoretical material. A good teacher is able to involve.
On the other hand, if a student does no effort, none of brilliant teachers will help.

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