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Tabag, Frelyn Jade B.


Veronque, Diana Grace Anne BSA 3

The question of sacrificing individual rights in pursuit of the greatest benefit for the greatest number of
people is a nuanced ethical dilemma that often finds its roots in utilitarian philosophy. Utilitarianism
suggests that the morally right action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or well-being.
However, this approach can clash with principles emphasizing the sanctity of individual rights and

A compelling example of this ethical quandary arises in the context of public health emergencies,
particularly concerning mandatory vaccinations. During a widespread disease outbreak, governments
may impose vaccination mandates to achieve herd immunity and protect the broader population. The
logic behind this approach is grounded in the utilitarian principle of promoting the greatest overall good,
as vaccinations not only safeguard individuals but also contribute to the community's well-being by
preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Nevertheless, this practice triggers debates about the delicate balance between public health
imperatives and personal freedoms. The imposition of mandatory vaccinations infringes upon
individuals' autonomy to make choices about their bodies. Critics argue that compelling individuals to
undergo medical interventions against their will violates fundamental rights, such as bodily integrity and
the freedom to make decisions about personal health.

In contrast, proponents of mandatory vaccinations assert that the potential harm caused by
uncontrolled disease outbreaks far outweighs the temporary infringement on individual autonomy. They
argue that sacrificing some individual rights in this context is justified by the broader societal benefit, as
immunization not only protects those who receive the vaccine but also vulnerable populations unable to
get vaccinated, such as individuals with certain medical conditions.

This ethical dilemma underscores the ongoing tension between individual rights and collective well-
being. Striking an appropriate balance requires thoughtful consideration of the specific circumstances,
potential consequences, and the ethical principles at play. As society grapples with evolving challenges,
the debate over when and how much individual rights can be sacrificed for the greater good remains a
complex and unresolved ethical issue.

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