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Dungeon Game 2 Design Doc


- Party-based CRPG.
- Grid-based movement.
- XP and levelling up (level up works as getting three 5 point boosts to an
attribute, attributes cap at 95).
- Money and loot + a town.
- An actual magic system.
- D100 system (role under your stat to succeed).
- Conditions that affect rolls (TBD)
- S.E.D.I.C. Attributes (Stength, Endurance, Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma)

COMBAT ROLE IDEA -> roll under (100 - attacker's strength + opponents strength)
divided by 2.

0 = Trap (+1 to any damage dealt that round)
1 = Heal (+3 Health, full round action)
2 = Tome (-15 to intelligence rolls)

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