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The Sunderland Conspiracy

An adventure for Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory

Hook - The player characters have been sent to the city of Sunderland on the
paradise world of Primordial Terra, a 1:1
replica of Holy Terra according to the Imperium's records.

Shortly after landing in the city and moving onto the street, the players
witness an explosion above of them, with an
Imperial Enforcer being flung out of a window 2 stories above them. Dying on
the floor, the Enforcer tells them not to
trust anyone on the streets and hands them her (now scorched) notebook
before dying. Soon after, alarms sound and an
announcement is made by the local Enforcer Station that the Far-Western
District is now under lockdown. The notebook,
scorched in the explosion, only contains two notes: "BESIEGHERN" and a
meeting time with an informant that has yet to
happen in Sir Sunder Park.

Points of Interest

- Lewart's Scrumptious Delights, a medium sized bakery that supplies nobles via
mail order and is eaten at by the
common folk of City and is owned by Lewart Withe.

- The Enforcer Station, currently holding the body of Lucian Stefonavic who was
employed at a local wheat supplier,
Lind & Co. and is ran by the uncooperative Enforcer Chief Grant Downes.

- The Informant's Apartment, a place for the players to rest.

- Sir Sunder Park, a standard nature park with some recreational activities being
available and is named after the City's
Governor, Sir Sunder.

Persons of Interest

- Lewart Withe, proprieter of LSD, a generally polite man who is friendly if not

- Stephanie Nevison, cashier of LSD, also generally polite if not probed.

- Jeremy Clarke, baker of LSD who works with Lewart Withe to fufill orders.

- 3 other employees exist at LSD.

- Grant Downes, the generally uncooperative Chief Enforcer of the Far-Western

District of Sunderland.

- Lucian Stefonavic, who has evidence on himself pertaining to a conspiracy afoot

in the District.

- The Salesmen, sells items for wealth, acts like the Resident Evil 4 trader.
- The Informant, a mysterious man who was meant to meet with the Enforcer prior to
her demise.

The Informant's Information


- The note from the Enforcer's notebook tells them to meet in Sir Sunder Park.

- When the players decide to meet the Informant, who he recognises from the street
earlier as being the last ones to talk to
the Enforcer as she was dying.

- He reveals his name is Lee Henderson and provides them a key to his apartment.

- He tells them that there is a conspiracy afoot in Sunderland, with the centre of
it all being in the Far-Western District and
a man called BESIEGHERN.

- He informs them that Lucian Stefonavic, a worker for LSD, was murdered under
mysterious circumstances and that his body
is being held at the Enforcer Station and assumes that he may have evidence
pertaining to the conspiracy.

- He also informs them of a hooded figure he has seen from time to time the night
before the murders happen before suddenly
being shot in the head (the players can see that very hooded figure with a DN 4
Awareness test) and falling to the ground

- The players may shoot at the hooded figure if they see him and fight him,
stopping him from appearing later (use the stat
block for a Chrono Gladiator).

Lucian Stefonavic's Evidence


- Via some means, the players will gain access to Lucian's corpse.
- If via violence, they must fight 6 enforcers and will be hunted for
the rest of the adventure by the law, the
Enforcers are about 20m away from the players when the fight starts.
- If via stealth, they can either enter via the back enterance or sneak
in via the vents on the roof, but must do so after surveiling
the building (DN 5 Awareness Check).
- If via conversation, they must pass a DN 5 Persuasion / Deception
- They can also wait and dig him up after he is buried in the night,
but must fight the hooded figure (use the stat block for a
Chrono Gladiator).

- The evidence turns out to be a note that reads, "Something is wrong with LSD."

The Talons of Tzeentch


- If the players decide to immediately go to Lewart's Scrumptious Delights, then

they are provided the ability to improvise a
way inside.

- If the players decide to rest afterwards, they are wake up tied up inside
Lewart's Scrumptious Delights and can only break
free with a DN 6 Strength Check or a DN 5 Intellect Check.
- If all the players fail to escape the ropes, then the LSD employees and
Grant Downes enter the room.
- Otherwise, it proceeds as if they entered LSD normally

- The players open the door to find the LSD employees and Grant Downes in cultist
attire, necessitating a DN 1 corruption test.

- It is revealed that they were conspiring the entire time to seize control of
Sunderland in the shadows via building support
for the Chaos God Tzeentch by lacing their baked goods with narcotics and
eventually assassainating Sir Sunder.

- Lewart Withe reveals himself to be BESIEGHERN.

- They then fight the players, which surmounts to 1 Cult Leader and 4 Cultists,
with the Cult Leader 14m away from the enterance and
the Cultists being about 8m away.


- A day later, the players are escorted by a team of enforcers to meet Sir Sunder
in Sunderhall Manor, who is proud of what
they achieved and gives them each one wealth and offers them to work for him.

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