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Literary devices

Personification: Yu see as soon as Winston wakes up O brien compares his shape to humanity if he was
the last human. So basically he is trying to say what the human race has become containing traits of
hate, betrayal and jealousy.

Imagery: All the steps done in this extract is explained with great detail. Like what movements Winston
did, his immediate actions after he woke up and the way O brien describes the torturing process of
Winston kind of makes you feel a little sad for Winston. As this quote says “Winston began to dress
himself with slow stiff movements. Until now he had not seemed to notice how thin and
weak he was.”
Purpose: The purpose I don’t really understand as there is no back story. But it is probably for the
audience to know what has happened to Winston and what has been done to him and why There must
some backstory pertaining to it which can maybe explain it a bit more. But this is what I understand. As
Obrien says “This is what you accepted when you set yourself up against the Party” shows
that maybe Winston did some sort of rebellion or some sort of crime or something like that.
The tone the author creates goes both ways. Like he creates this tone that Winston is the poor lad
which the party “(if imagined to be oppressive) has tortured. The author is trying to create a sad
tone for Winston meaning yu feel sorry for him while also bearing in mind O brien speech to him
as sort of a cliffhanger of who is the real antagonist here.

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