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Q1: The wildcard in a WHERE clause is useful when??

a An exact match is necessary in a CREATE statement.

b None

c None

d An exact match is not possible in a CREATE statement.

e An exact match is not possible in a SELECT statement.

f An exact match is necessary in a SELECT statement.

Q2: Outlook Express is a _________?

a E-Mail Client

b Browser

c None

d SearchEngine

e None of the above

f None

Q3: Which statement is true for Replica set??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Replica set is considered as a substitute to the replication controller. The prime

function of replica set is to assure the number of pod replicas running.

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Replica set is considered as the legacy replication controller. The prime function of
replica set is to remove the number of pod replicas running.

Q4: Where is Linux user list stored??

a /usr/local/users

b By running the command show users

c None

d None

e None of the above.

f /etc/users

Q5: How do you create a new Docker image and store it on the local system??

a docker --commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

b docker commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

c None

d docker add <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

e None

f None

Q6: What type of join is needed when you wish to return rows that have matching values??

a Equi-join

b None of the mentioned.

c Outer join

d All of the mentioned.

e None

f Natural join

Q7: What does the Ansible setup module do??

a None
b It helps you install Ansible on all of your servers

c None

d It helps you setup Ansible on the master server

e It sets up the connection between the master and the worker nodes

f It shows you the information that the Ansible master server has about a host

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