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Q1: What command is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters

contained in a file??

a None

b None

c wc

d count p

e wcount

f countw

Q2: How to save a new docker image with container id mentioned in the command on the
local system.?

a $ docker commit 109ca6efc quizapi/httpd_image

The correct Answer is: None

c $ docker save 109ca6efc quizapi/httpd_image

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f $ docker --save 109ca6efc quizapi/httpd_image

Q3: What will be the output of the query SELECT * FROM `members` LIMIT 1, 2;?

a the query will return the first 2 records

b the query will return all records from the members table

c None

d None

e the query will return skip the first record then return the following 2 records only

f the query will generate an error

Q4: Which of the following is correct about constants??

The correct Answer is: None

b None of the mentioned answers.

c Both of the mentioned answers.

The correct Answer is: None

e To retrieve the value of a constant, you have to simply specify its name.

f To define a constant you have to use define() function.

Q5: Which command will you use to display the first user??

a kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[*].name}'

b kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.usersname[]}'

c kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.users[].name}'

d None

e kubectl config view user 1

f None

Q6: Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML??

a <input type="checkbox">

b None

c <input checkbox>

d <checkbox>

e <input=checkbox>

f None

Q7: Which of the following function opens a file??

a None
b fopen()

c file_exist()

d filesize()

e None

f fread()

Q8: To use MySQL on your computer, you'll need?

a FTP And Telnet

b None

c Perl, PHP Or Java

d None

e A Browser

f Some Sort Of Client Program To Access The Databases

Q9: Which of the following attribute triggers an event when media data is loaded??

a onload

b None

c None

d onloadeddata

e oninpu

f onhaschange

Q10: What kind of replication is supported by the MySQL Server??

a Master To Slave Replication

b None

c Master to Master Replication

d Single File Based Clustering

e Multiple-master Replication

f MySQL Doesn't Support Replication

Q11: How to copy a file from a docker container to the local system.?

The correct Answer is: None

b $ sudo docker cut

The correct Answer is: None

d $ sudo docker copy

e $ sudo docker cp

The correct Answer is: None

Q12: If you wish to have something mounted when the server is booted in which file would
you need to add it:?

a /etc/grub.conf

b /etc/fstab

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

e /etc/boot

f /etc/boot.conf

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