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Q1: What command is used to permanently remove a record from a database table??



c None


e None


Q2: Which of the following adds a checkmark Icon inside an Input??

a Has-warning

b None

c Help-block

d Has-success

e None

f Has-feedback

Q3: Which of the following is for title of the modal??

a None

b Modal-open

c None

d Modal-title

e Modal-sm

f Modal-lg

Q4: Which of the following are template tags in WordPress??

a None

b plugin_description()

c wp_enqueue_script()

d post_sidebar()

e None

f wp_get_title()

Q5: Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from:?

a None

b docker.json

c docker.yaml

d Dockerfile

e None

f docker.config

Q6: In HTML, which attribute is used to specify that an input field must be filled out??

a required

b placeholder

c formvalidate

d validate

e None

f None

Q7: How to build a Dockerfile??

a $ docker build <path to docker file>

b None
c None

d $ docker build to <path to docker file>

e $ docker build in <path to docker file>

f None

Q8: Crontab gives administrators the ability to do what??

a None

b Call up a list of open files

c View the status of Linux kernel modules

d Identify users on the system

e Set up scheduled tasks on a system

f None

Q9: Suppose you have an application that has many dependant services. Will docker
compose wait for the current container to be ready to move to the running of the next

The correct Answer is: None

b True

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f False

Q10: Which is not a domain name extension?

a None

b .mil

c .org
d None

e .int

f .com

Q11: Choose the odd one out.?

a None

b Kernel

c None

d bsh

e ksh

f csh

Q12: __________ is the XML equivalent to strict HTML 4.01.?

a None

b None Of The Mentioned

c XHTML 1.0 Frameset

d XHTML 1.0 Strict

e XHTML 1.0 Transitional

f None

Q13: What are the three classes of errors that can occur in PHP??

a None

b fatal errors

c None

d warnings

e All of the mentioned

f notices

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