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Q1: Gif and Jpg are the two main types of what ??

a Animated Effects

b None Of The Above

c Videos

d None

e Images

f None

Q2: What is the function to parse a configuration file??

a parse_ini()

b parse_ini_file()

c parseini_file()

d None

e None

f None

Q3: PHP is a ________________________?

a None

b Client typed language

c None

d Tightly typed language

e Loosely typed language

f Server typed language

Q4: How to copy a file from a docker container to the local system.?
a $ sudo docker cp

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d $ sudo docker copy

The correct Answer is: None

f $ sudo docker cut

Q5: Which of the following is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker

a None

b Docker Hub

c Docker Swarn

d Docker Cloud

e Docker Hub

f None

Q6: What is the full form of HTTP??

a none of the above

b None

c None

d Hyper text transfer package

e Hyphenation text test program

f Hyper text transfer protocol

Q7: If you wish to use a base image and make modifications or personalize it, how do you do

a docker --pull <image_name>

b docker <image_name>

c None

d None

e None

f docker pull <image_name>

Q8: In Linux, the priority of a running process can be changed using which command??

a passwd

b None

c renice

d None

e priority

f ps -A

Q9: Which of the following SQL statements is correct??

a SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders

b SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders GROUP BY cname

c None

d None

e None

f SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders ORDER BY cname

Q10: What does GNU stands for??

a General Unix

b Geek Needed Unix

c Global Unix
d None

e None

f Gnu’s not Unix

Q11: Which of the following aligns media objects??

a Mediobject

b Medibody

c Media

d Medilist

e None

f None

Q12: Which of the functions is used to sort an array in descending order??

a None

b rsort()

c sort()

d dsort()

e None

f asort()

Q13: How can you add a comment in a JavaScript??

a <!--This is a comment-->

b None

c //This is a comment

d None

e 'This is a comment
f None

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