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Q1: What is the default DATE field type format??

a None






Q2: Which of the following function sorts an array in reverse order??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c shuffle()

d sort()

e reset()

f rsort()

Q3: Why do we need HTML5 Server-Sent Events??

a None

b None

c Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a recent HTML5 specification in combination with the

EventSource API designed for getting POST and GET request.

d None

e Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a recent HTML5 specification in combination with the

EventSource API designed for streaming updates.

f None

Q4: Which of the following are commonly found in web pages??

a hyperlinks

b None

c None

d internet

e intranet

f all of the above

Q5: #!/bin/bash is commonly called as?

a None

b hashbang

c shebang

d None of the Above

e None

f Script Initialiser

Q6: MySQL supports user defined functions?

a True

b None

c None

d None

e False

f None

Q7: Which key combination can yank a line in vi??

a yc
b yw

c yy

d None

e None

f yl

Q8: Choose the correct HTML element to define important text?

a None

b <important>

c <strong>

d <i>

e <b>

f None

Q9: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a net config

b iwconfig

c networksetup

d None

e None

f ifconfig

Q10: What could be used to program additional authentication logic besides available
authenticator modules??

a Kube Vault

b Kubernetes Role Manager

c None

d None

e Authentication Proxy

f Kube Auth Service

Q11: What is a Child Theme??

a The child theme is an extension of the parent theme

b The child theme is an extension of the sub-child theme

c None

d None

e The child theme is an extension of the super parent theme

f None

Q12: In which programming language WordPress is written??

a Python


c Node

d Javascript

e VueJS

f Java

Q13: Choose the correct usage of ‘cd’ to move into the parent directory.?

a None of the above

b cd

c cd/

d cd .
e cd ..

f cd..

Q14: The /etc/shadow file in Linux is used to store:?

a filesystem information

b None

c root user shell

d command aliases

e None

f various password information

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