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Q1: What is the output of the command ‘umask –S’??

a None

b Shows mask value using symbolic notion.

c None

d Removes the current mask value.

e Shows mask value using octal values.

f Sets new mask value.

Q2: Which command will you use to test the connectivity to the host from the master server
and make sure that it actually works??

a ansible your_host_name_here -m try

b ansible your_host_name_here -m connect

c ansible your_host_name_here -m pong

d None

e ansible your_host_name_here -m ping

f None

Q3: What is the login name of the administrator in Linux??

a All of the mentioned

b None of the mentioned

c root

The correct Answer is: None

e admin

f administrator

Q4: How are objects in PHP passed by??

a None

b Objects are passed by value.

c Objects are passed by reference.

d None

e None

f Neither of the mentioned

Q5: Once you’ve worked with an image, how do you push it to docker hub??

a $ docker --push <username image name>

b $ docker push <username/image name>

c None

d None

e $ docker push <username image name>

f None

Q6: What is the most common type of container runtime used in Kubernetes??

a lxd

b rkt

The correct Answer is: None

d Docker

The correct Answer is: None

f containerd

Q7: The default location of the ansible.cfg file is:?

a None

b None
c /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

d /home/ansible/ansible.cfg

e /etc/ansible.cfg

f /etc/ansible/ansible.conf

Q8: If you wish to have something mounted when the server is booted in which file would
you need to add it:?

The correct Answer is: None

b /etc/boot

c /etc/grub.conf

The correct Answer is: None

e /etc/boot.conf

f /etc/fstab

Q9: What could be used to program additional authentication logic besides available
authenticator modules??

a Kube Vault

b Kube Auth Service

c Kubernetes Role Manager

d None

e Authentication Proxy

f None

Q10: Which of the following is correct about geolocation api in HTML5??

a All of these

b HTML5 Geolocation API lets you share your location with your favorite web sites.

c Today most of the browsers and mobile devices support Geolocation API.
d A Javascript can capture your latitude and longitude and can be sent to backend
web server and do fancy location-aware things like finding local businesses or showing your
location on a map.

e None

f None

Q11: Which artisan command would you use to create a new Laravel Migration??

a php artisan create:migrations create_users_table

b php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

c php artisan make:migration create_users_table

d None

e php artisan make:migrations create_users_table

f None

Q12: What is the correct HTML for making a drop-down list??

a <list>

b None

c <input type="dropdown">

d None

e <select>

f <input type="list">

Q13: How do we escape data before storing it in the database??

a None

b The addslashes function enables us to escape data before storage into the

c None
d The addstring function enables us to escape data before storage into the database.

e None

f None

Q14: Which of the following is true about HTML 5??

a None

b HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).

c None

d All of These

e HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML standard superseding HTML 4.01,
XHTML 1.0, and XHTML 1.1.

f HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide

Q15: What is the maximum size of a row in a MyISAM table??

a None

b No limit

c 65534

d 2’147’483’648

e 128

f OS specific

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