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Q1: What is Hypervisor??

a A hypervisor is a hardware that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

b None

c A hypervisor is a software that makes optimization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

d None

e None

f A hypervisor is a software that makes virtualization possible. It is also called

Virtual Machine Monitor.

Q2: How do you find the number with the highest value of x and y??

a None

b Math.ceil(x, y)

c ceil(x, y)

d Math.max(x, y)

e None

f top(x, y)

Q3: How to change the priority of a swap file/partition to 10?

a swapon +10 /path/to/swapfile

b swapon -P 10 /path/to/swapfile

The correct Answer is: None

d We can't change the priority of swap partions

The correct Answer is: None

f swapon -p 10 /path/to/swapfile
Q4: Which of the following PHP functions accepts any number of parameters??

a func_get_args()

b func_get_argv()

c get_argv()

d get_argc()

e None

f None

Q5: Why wouldn't you see Docker in Plesk installer's list of components??

The correct Answer is: None

b Docker is available as an extension and you can only install it from the extensions

c The server does not satisfy Docker system requirements

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f Your Plesk license doesn't have a Docker add-on

Q6: How to check for Docker Client and Docker Server version??

a None

b docker -v

c None

d None

e docker version

f udo docker -p

Q7: Which command would you use to gather facts with Ansible??
a None

b ansible your_server -m fact

c None

d ansible your_server -m gather

e ansible your_server -m setup

f ansible your_server -m info

Q8: What does PVC stand for??

The correct Answer is: None

b Persistent Volume Container

c Persistent Volume Claim

d Pod Volume Claim

e Pod Volume Container

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: Which of the following is not a SQL operator??

a In

b Between .. and ..

c All of the above are valid SQL operators

d Not in

e Like

f Is null

Q10: What is the login name of the administrator in Linux??

a All of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

c root

d administrator

e admin

f None of the mentioned

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