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Q1: Which doctype is correct for HTML5??

a None

b <HTML5>


d <!DOCTYPE html>

e None


Q2: What will be the effect of the query SELECT TOP (100) FROM customers when executed
against MySQL database.?

a None

b The query will return 100 records from the database table sorted in descending

c The query will generate an error

d None

e The query will return 100 records from the database table sorted in ascending

f The query will return all records from the database table

Q3: When looking for all the processes running on a Linux system, what command should
you use??

a ps

b oterm

c None

d service

e None

f xrun
Q4: What is the correct HTML for inserting an image??

a None

b None

c <img href="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

d <img alt="MyImage">image.gif</img>

e <img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

f <image src="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

Q5: What is the default priority of the swap partition?


b -1

c 10

d There are no priorities for swap


f 100

Q6: Which of the following is not true??

a PHP can not be embedded into html.

b PHP makes a website dynamic

c None

d None

e PHP applications can not be compiled

f PHP can be used to develop web applications.

Q7: What does the FROM instruction do in a Dockerfile??

a FROM adds files from your Docker client’s current directory

b FROM specifies the creator of the image

c FROM creates a layer from a base Docker image.

d None

e FROM is an invalid instruction

f None

Q8: Which one is true for Minikube??

The correct Answer is: None

b Minikube is a GUI for Kubernetes

The correct Answer is: None

d None of the above

e Minikube is an all-in-One Kubernetes cluster on our workstation

f Minikube multi-node cluster

Q9: Which command can give first found difference between two file after comparing??

a None

b cmp

c Common

d diff

e None

f stat

Q10: How can you make a numbered list??

a <dl>

b None
c <ul>

d <ol>

e None

f <list>

Q11: What are meta-tags??

a None

b Meta-tags are special tages and function used to display website or page

c Meta-tags are keywords and description used to display website or page


d None

e None

f Meta-tags are codes and scripts used to display website or page information.

Q12: Where are the online repositories configured on a Debian/Ubuntu Machine?

a /etc/apt/sources.list

The correct Answer is: None

c /etc/apt/repos

The correct Answer is: None

e /etc/apt/yum.repos

f /etc/fstab

Q13: Which html attribute is used to provide an advisory text about an element or Its

a Dir

b None
c None

d None of the above

e Title

f Tooltip

Q14: Why do we need HTML5 Server-Sent Events??

a None

b None

c Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a recent HTML5 specification in combination with the

EventSource API designed for getting POST and GET request.

d None

e None

f Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a recent HTML5 specification in combination with the

EventSource API designed for streaming updates.

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