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Q1: What should be the first tag in any HTML Document??

a <head>

b <html>

c None

d None

e <!doctype html>

f <title>

Q2: The UNION command is used to combine result sets from more than one query into a
single result set?

a None

b False

c True

d None

e None

f None

Q3: What does HPA stand for in Kubernetes??

The correct Answer is: None

b Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

c Hyper Pod Autoscaler

The correct Answer is: None

e Horizontal Production Autoscaler

The correct Answer is: None

Q4: What is the purpose of a ReplicaSet??

The correct Answer is: None

b To maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time

c To create and maintain volumes

d To prevent clones from invading other clusters

The correct Answer is: None

f To monitor and respond to environmental latency

Q5: Which operator can be used to throw a process into background??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None


d ||

e &&


Q6: How do you create a cookie in PHP??

a None

b makecookie()

c getcookie()

d setcookie()

e createcookie

f None

Q7: What is the best advantage of InnoDB over MyISAM??

a All of the above

b None of the above

c InnoDB provides FULLTEXT indexes

d InnoDB is thread safe

e InnoDB provides a transaction safe environment

f InnoDB can handle table with more than 1000 columns

Q8: TCL is used for _______??

a Defining database schema

b Managing the changes made by DML statements

c None of the mentioned

d None

e Control access to data stored in a database

f None

Q9: What is the use of SQL??

a None

b Retrieving data in database

c Storing data in database

d Manipulating data in database

e Managing queries

f Displaying images

Q10: How to logout from dockerhub.?

a None

b None

c $ docker exit

d $ docker logout
e $ docker log-out

f None

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