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Q1: Using which of the following way can you embed PHP code in an HTML page??

a None

b None

c <?php PHP code goes here ?>

d None

e None

f <?php PHP code goes here php?>

Q2: Which arithmetic operator you can not use??

a All are valid






Q3: How to show the metrics for a given node in Kubernetes??

a kubectl ps node my-node

b kubectl uptime node my-node

c kubectl resources node my-node

d None

e None

f kubectl top node my-node

Q4: How to search for a variable name under all the files in the workspace??
a ctrl + V

The correct Answer is: None

c ctrl + shift + C

The correct Answer is: None

e ctrl + shift + F

f ctrl + F

Q5: Following Docker command: docker commit -m "My first update" container_ID
user_name/repository_name is used to:?

a Access a running container

b Commit changes done in a Docker image

The correct Answer is: None

d Build an image

e Activate default VM machine

The correct Answer is: None

Q6: How can we define a Video Tag in HTML 5??

a None

b <video src "URL"></video>

c <video src="URL"></video>

d <video></video>

e <video src:"URL"></video>

f None

Q7: Which of the following answers refers to a Linux command-line command used for
configuring network interface parameters specific to the wireless communication??

a None
b net config

c None

d ifconfig

e iwconfig

f networksetup

Q8: Which of the following function is used to read the content of a file??

a fopen()

The correct Answer is: None

c fread()

d file_exist()

e filesize()

The correct Answer is: None

Q9: Which command can be used to change file access permission bits??

a chperm

b chmod

c chown

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

f umask

Q10: What command is used to permanently remove a record from a database table??



d None

e None


Q11: What is the full form of HTTP??

a None

b Hyper text transfer package

c Hyper text transfer protocol

d Hyphenation text test program

e None

f none of the above

Q12: Which of the following method of Exception class retrieve the error message when
error occurred??

a getError()

b getFile()

The correct Answer is: None

d getMessage()

e getCode()

f getLine()

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