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Q1: How to delete an image from the local storage system??

a None

b $ docker rmin <imageid>

c $ docker rmi <image-id>

d None

e None

f $ docker --rmi <image-id>

Q2: How is a constant defined in a PHP script??

a None

b None

c define (CONSTANT, 123);

d define ("ACONSTANT", 123);

e define ("ACONSTANT" 123)

f None

Q3: Which of the answers listed below refers to a package management system most often
used on Debian and Debian-based Linux distributions??

a yum

b rpm

c apt

d None

e kde

f None

Q4: Which of the following is not a Superglobal in PHP??

a None

b $_ENV


d None

e $_PUT


Q5: How do you write the contents of 3 files into a single file??

a cat file1 file2 file3 > file

b cat file1 > file || cat file2 > file || cat file3 > file

c cat file1 >> file; cat file2 >> file; cat file3 >> file

d cat file1 > file; cat file2 > file; cat file3 > file

e cat file1 > file && cat file2 > file && cat file3 > file

f cat file1 > file && cat file2 >> file && cat file3 >> file

Q6: In the context of Kubernetes, what is a container??

a A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its
dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment
to another

b A unit that stores data on a computer's memory drive

c A large metal box that is used to hold or transport something

The correct Answer is: None

e An application which requires dedicated hardware to run on

The correct Answer is: None

Q7: What is the Ping of Death??

a The Ping of Death can be set in wordpress under admin settings.

b None

c The Ping of Death is an occurrence when sending packets are reassembled, are too
large for the system to understand.

d The Ping of Death is capturing and deciphering traffic on a network.

e None

f None

Q8: What is the correct HTML for inserting an image??

a <img href="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

b <image src="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

c <img src="image.gif" alt="MyImage">

d None

e <img alt="MyImage">image.gif</img>

f None

Q9: What do the initials of PHP stand for??

a Hyperloop Preprocessor.

b Hypertext Preprocessor.

c Hypertext Parser.

d None

e None

f None

Q10: Which HTML element defines the title of a document??

a <title>

b <head>

c <start>
d <meta>

e None

f None

Q11: Words ORDER BY in the SQL operator?

a None

b eliminates all repeated rows from the result set

c None

d allows you to combine the results of individual queries across multiple tables into
a single result table

e changes the order of output rows

f converts the value of a column or function to a different type

Q12: How to dump the whole MySQL database to a file??

a None



c mysql -e "select * from table" database > dumpfile.txt

d None of the above

e None

f mysql -e "select * from table" -u user -pxxxxxxx database > dumpfile.txt

Q13: Tick all the rules which need to be followed while developing a WordPress Plugin??

a Create a sub-folder for PHP files, translations, and assets.

b Create and install script.

c Create the main plug-in file and fill up the header information.

d Create the folder of Plugin.

e None

f Create a unique name.

Q14: What does the unset() function do??

a The unset() function is dedicated for variable management. It will make a variable

b None

c None

d None

e None

f The unset() function is not dedicated for variable management. It will make a
variable defined.

Q15: How do you get the number of containers running, paused and stopped??

a docker info

b None

c None

d docker --info

e None

f sudo --docker info

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